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Diablo 4 armor prices are so high they rival MW2 and Overwatch 2

Diablo 4 armor prices are giving Modern Warfare 2 and OW2 competition, so you might want to save up your currency before kitting out your best Diablo 4 classes.

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Community479d ago
SullysCigar479d ago

Seems they learned a lot from Diablo Immoral..

Old McGroin479d ago

They're just cosmetics though, right?

GhostTurtle479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

Yes, theyre 100% cosmetics. The article even contradicts itself:
"However, equipping some of the best Diablo 4 armor sets won’t necessarily be cheap in the Blizzard Entertainment RPG. With the Diablo 4 Season 1 release date approaching, many players are discovering that the game’s cosmetics are as expensive as Modern Warfare 2‘s and Overwatch 2‘s more sought-after skin bundles"

The fuck is this journalism? Armor sets and skins arent the same thing...The saltly down votes are hilarious.

Bobertt478d ago

Every time Blizzard launches a game the Blizzard simps come out and say it's just cosmetics or not pay to win and that they learned from the last microtransaction issue. Then after the launch reviews come out saying there aren't bad microtransactions fooling people into giving them another chance they update the game and add them like they always planned. Activision and Blizzard are trash game companies and run by shit people stop enabling them.

Sonic1881479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

This is what I was concerned about. Activision has been doing this for years. This is one of the reasons why Microsoft wants to buy them. Basically put it on gamepass and let the gamers by microtransactions, Gaas, and paywall for longevity. COD, DIablo, and World of War craft is perfect for that. Activision abused it with Diablo Immoral 🤔 the prices were insane on there and basically pay to win

just_looken479d ago

Saldy we are back to the capacom days were 25% of the game on your disc is locked behind a pay wall.

take a look at how many armors are behind the store front

For those that do not remember or were not born yet here is a 2012 on disc dlc article

Kosic478d ago

If those are the graphics of the cosmetic items in the store. Then they are having a laugh at laziness for a high price tag. They all look like crap.

just_looken478d ago

The image source is from data miners so good chance that is what we will see for sale

gerbintosh478d ago


Or they learnrd it from Fortnite. They have skins in the $20 range, people still buy them and Epic makes billions

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Kaozz1979479d ago

You don't have to buy them. It's cosmetic bullshit with nothing added to the gameplay.

PhillyDillyDee479d ago

A tired argument. Just because they dont affect gameplay doesnt mean they arent an important part of the game experience. Your argument empowers these companies to keep doing crap like this and it brings the experiences we are having down.

If you dont believe me go and play a game that has no MTX and unlockable skins and tell me it isnt awesome to unlock and play with those new cosmetics. Spiderman is one that comes to mind.

NotoriousWhiz479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

Games cost more than ever. And this one will have constant development with regard to new seasons, quests, etc. If they need the extra funds from someone else to support that development then that's fine with me. It also could have been a one and done game with no purchasable cosmetics or post game content and tbh, I would have been fine with that too.

dumahim479d ago

Important? In what way? For those few pixels your character takes up on the screen, these cosmetics are important?

DarXyde479d ago


I think there are ways around increased costs that don't involve MTX.

1. We need to be okay with smaller budget titles being the norm and build up to bigger games periodically throughout a generation. There's a serious financial risk involved when budgets are too big and there are concerns about a game's commercial performance.

2. Execs can stop patting themselves on the back by giving themselves raises. Give the bulk (or all) of it to the workforce and keep them happy and inspired to do bold things.

3. I've said this before, but I think if you beat a game, it would be cool to allow you to tip a developer the way Spotify lets you tip an artist. A lot of a little is eventually a lot. With that, I think a modest price drop on base price is a great way to get people on board early. It's deeply psychological, but if you have a $70 8-hour game that's a 7/10, that same game at $50-$60 might score a bit higher. Thus, the game's critical success can help commercial success and incentive tipping.

Magic_Spatula479d ago


That's a tired excuse also. Yeah, sure, games are more expensive to make nowadays, but these AAA developers make mad money year upon year. They can afford to spend the money on making these "expensive" games because the massive sales makes up the money invested. I'm speaking about AAA developers/publishers. They make millions off of the sales of the games alone. CoD, Madden, NBA2K, etc. make these companies millions ever year and yet they shove in these microtransactions and $#1t, they're even $70 now and they're essentially the same game year after year with minor updates and they still charge full price for them. The reason why they push microtransactions is because of the extra revenue which these companies don't even need. It is always and will always be down to greed alone. Didn't Activision make like a few billion off of microtransactions alone last year or something? Or it might have been Epic but that doesn't change the fact that these AAA companies will keep pushing other avenues of making extra money when they don't need it. GTA 5 keeps selling, probably one of the most sold titles ever but they keep pushing those Shark Cards cuz it brings in extra revenue they really don't need. Madden, NBA, and sports game are essentially the same game every year with minor updates and they push the hell out of microtransactions and even in game advertisements now and those sports titles alone sell very well. Microtransactions never needed to be in AAA games. They were added because of how successful they've been in F2P mobile games.

persona4chie479d ago

I agree, I’ve found a shit ton of costumes in totk with lots more to go. And obviously Zelda isn’t the only game to still have in game unlockables/costumes it does make me sad that not many games do anymore. And usually the ones that do, don’t offer many. Literally Spider-Man and Zelda are the only 2 games I can think of that I’ve personally played over the last few years that have had a lot of in game costumes.

Michiel1989479d ago

for me it's really gonna depend on how good the base game + battlepass cosmetics look, I won't be shelling out 10 euros+ for a skin. paying 10 bucks for a battlepass every 3 months is fine, but the armor better looks at least good.

Extermin8or3_478d ago

People commenting on here have bo idea. Just this past year games have technically decreased in cost by about 5-10% in real terms because of inflation. Games approximate value in terms of how much they cost has decreased over the past 25 years. During that time games development costs have ballooned and big budget titles now sit in line with blockbuster movie budgets. Businesses need to make anprofit they aren't charities. Movies have the box office but games don't so unfortunately they need new ways to make money. I personally think they take the piss with the prices of Microtransactions however. I would rather they charge reasonable prices for extra skins and thus more people got them than a minority of people waste such large sums of money on them, but whatever.

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neutralgamer1992479d ago

While I see your point and agree with it too do you also have to understand that not long ago we were getting these things simply by playing the game the way we wanted to

By simply saying nothing, and accepting whatever the greedy publishers, do nothing will ever change.

That is why a company like Ubisoft will go out of their way to make their games more grindy and repetitive so then they can sell us XP boosters in single player games

There was a time we could play the games we wanted the way we wanted and especially in single player games if we wanted do use cheat codes to unlock stuff we could. Now those same things are being sold to us as micro transactions.

I remember back in the day, playing sports games with my friends and they were cheats available to turn the players heads big that was just fun non-something like that is extra

Also, on a serious note, there are way too many people in the world right now who simply say it doesn’t affect me when it comes to everything and one way or another it does affect them

Old McGroin479d ago


" also have to understand that not long ago we were getting these things simply by playing the game the way we wanted to

By simply saying nothing, and accepting whatever the greedy publishers, do nothing will ever change."

I've been seeing people say this since Oblivions horse armour back in 2006. The horse has well and truly bolted by now buddy.

dumahim479d ago

The horse armor is a bargain at this point.

Surt479d ago

So your saying you want to pay the $250 for a game upfront. Its amazing at how many think development costs stayed the same as in the 1990s while keeping prices of that era. Remember Phantasy Star 4? $90 for that game. Batman and Robin for genesis back than was $79 at toys r us.

shinoff2183479d ago

Your first few lines. Remember mortal kombat I think Armageddon for ps2 and Xbox. You played and played got those coins and was able to unlock stuff from the crypt. Extra outfits, even characters oh my

Great times for gaming then it went online. Patches are nice, although a double edged sword but everything else brought with online is rubble

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Omnisonne479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

No but it does give the impression that they cut out content that could've otherwise enriched the base game, and sell it separately instead. Wether that's the case or not we'll never know, but it's not a great move to win over your fanbase.

Chriswynnetbh479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

I mean Kaozz is right. Nobody is required to buy these. If you simply pretend they don't exist, it doesn't change your experience at all. Companies aren't going to all the sudden stop putting mtx in games, especially games that require as much maintenence as an online multi-player experience like diablo. If you don't like it, don't buy it. But for people that wanna throw money at the game for a cool hat, let them because that will fund the updates and dlc that people who don't will still benefit from.

-Foxtrot479d ago

Every time you ignore something and say "You don't have to buy them" you are basically just letting them do what they want until they get so bad they do something that will p*** you off but by then it will be too late

Horse Armour DLC
Cut content
Online Passes
Online Only

So on...

Chriswynnetbh478d ago

No we just live in reality and know that even if 10,000 people choose not to buy it for those reasons, there are still hundreds of thousands of people that don't give a shit that will. In context, many of the things you listed are fine or even preferred for certain types of games. It isn't some never ending slippery slope that will ineitably get worse. All of those things are here to stay and cosmetic mtx that are completely ignorable are hardly the most egregious implementations of any of the above.

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MetroidFREAK21479d ago

I'm getting this game, but avoiding PvP/all battle passes and MTX. Just playing the story/co-op content

Blastoise479d ago

You can buy full games for that much. Humanity and Hi-Fi Rush for example are $29.99. These aren't even microtransactions anymore

Knushwood Butt479d ago

Humanity is excellent, and the user created content is free to play, so potentially endless gaming there for your investment.

MetroidFREAK21478d ago

I wish that game had a physical version so bad

NotoriousWhiz479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

Who cares? I don't go into a store planning on buying the whole store. You can progress all the way to the end of the game without purchasing a single piece of cosmetic armor.

jznrpg479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

Yeah but they make it so it takes much longer than it would have in the past to encourage you to give in and pay for it. Le

Lets see what else I hey add in the near future it may be more than cosmetics

NotoriousWhiz479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

It takes just as long. Buying cosmetic armor doesn't help you progress any faster.

Wait as long as you like. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying a well made and well received game without buying a single piece of cosmetic armor.

shinoff2183479d ago

Soon those cosmetics will have Stat upgrades. Please don't support this shit yall

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Interview: Blizzard on the future of Diablo 4

Blizzard mentions: “The notion that you’ve missed four seasons, the only thing you’ve missed is us continuing to learn and iterate”

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pwnmaster30002d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Agreed. I just put in 50 hours of it because I was told to just push through but I think I’m over it.
A shame because I had so much fun with Diablo 3. I bought it twice. Putting 100 of hours into both.
Diablo 3 on the switch saved me from going crazy on a deployment. Oh well hopefully next Diablo will be better.
As long as I keep my gamepass sub I won’t miss a thing

Michiel19892d ago

diablo 4 is actually a pretty good game now, the launch was just terrible, but honestly it was worse for D3 at launch. Farming inferno for 10 hours just to get a bunch of yellows that weren't for your class or 10 levels lower, combined with the rubberbanding and Hydra getting double the bonusses that it should have and the real money auction house. Hardcore was unplayable in D3, in D4 it was fine for me at least. Combined with not being able to log at launch or just getting kicked out. D3 was definitely way worse than D4 at launch, took them 2.5-3 years to turn it around.

If you played D3 once rifts were out, then there was actually some content, but that was YEARS into the game.

Lionsguard2d ago

Have people just forgotten how terrible D3 was at the start? Real Money Auction House? Absolutely abysmal gear drops with stats that make no sense whatsoever?

Brazz2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Bring back Paladin/Crusader or GTFO. The fans never asked for Spiritborn.

Luc202d ago

Look at BG3. Great story, online co-op, couch co-op no micro transactions, no unnecessary seasons. Once you've finished the game you can play again and make different choices that will change the story. What happened to diablo?

Michiel19891d 10h ago

if you're playing diablo to get branching story paths you're doing something wrong. Completely different game. The replayability in arpgs is the grind for better items and the ultimate chase is the perfect item. Might not be your cup of tea, but millions of people do.

Christopher2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

We wouldn't feel like we're missing anything if you made it so people could go back and play through each season rather than miss out on it entirely. But that's not your goal. You want people to feel like they are missing out on things and force them to play when you want them to, regularly each season, rather than just make a game that is more enjoyable to play and with better content.


Lost Boys Interactive - A Notice on Staff Layoffs

Lost Boys Interactive writes: "Lost Boys Interactive has made the very difficult decision to reduce our overall headcount in accordance with local laws and consultation processes."

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Diablo 4 dev confirms an armory is in the works, potentially allowing you to swap builds quickly

In response to a player’s post asking about a potential armory in-game, Diablo’s senior vice president Rod Fergusson simply said, “Working on it!”

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Kosic20d ago

D4 is a joke. It's taken them a year to copy d3...