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Redfall Review - IGN

Plagued with bland missions, boneheaded enemies, and repeated technical problems, Redfall is a bafflingly bad time across the board.

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Community509d ago
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Eonjay509d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil509d ago

The reviews on Steam are being brutal as well. What a disappointment Arkane

Godmars290509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

More like MS. If true they rushed it for Gamepass content. That's well beyond should know better.

ModsDoBetter509d ago

Can’t all be pinned on MS.

Game was in development at Arkane for years, they definitely have a part to play.

The “rushed it for GamePass” take would be more believable as the SOLE reason for the game’s state if the game didn’t suffer numerous delays.

Eonjay509d ago


Yes it can and must be pinned on Microsoft. The idea that Microsoft had no choice but to green-light the release of a broken game is stupid. Of course they did. If the game wasn't ready then don't release it.

What other motivation could they have for releasing it?

-Foxtrot509d ago


Sorry but MS had like two years to oversee the game

They released it in that state

They should have cancelled it and took the loss explaining to the public their reasons, how it wasn’t up to their quality or tell Arkane to reboot development and start from scratch into a single player game.

DOMination-509d ago

I'd love to know the story behind it one day and why somebody like Harvey Smith came to be making a game like this. It's all very strange.

I'd also love to know what state it was in last summer when it was supposed to be released originally.

My theory: The E3 this was revealed at was not long after the Zenimax purchase was completed. I wonder if there was internal pressure to show something to justify it at the time (outside of Starfield which was already announced) and this was the only thing they had? Afterall, we've still not seen anything new from any of those studios still after two years outside of HiFi Rush - Then after revealing it as a "one more thing" no less, they couldn't easily cancel the project.

Honestly, this game looks like it would have been bad even if it had another three years. So whether it had involvement from MS or not is not really relevant, however its really not helping their image of mis-managing studios and projects. Spencer and Booty really should be under severe pressure at this point.

Lightning77508d ago (Edited 508d ago )

According the Jeff Grubb which was back by Jez Cordon at Windows Central. I scour the internet and try and bring the right info at all times it accurate enough anyway. MS had no faith in Redfall when They first got hands on it. The delay, marketing etc was 100% on Arkane. MS left them alone this whole time. In fact there was even talks of Ms intervening and delaying the game more or canceling the game.

Canceling would of obviously would of went down allot worse than the reviews of Redfall. So they left them alone this whole time. There was also no amount of delays that could of saved the game. Not 3 months, 8 months or even a year. Arkane made a game they simply had no buissness making at the end of the day.

gleepot508d ago

That's not actually what happened.

Crows90508d ago


I'm sorry but who owns the studio? Take some responsibility. Or ALA Microsoft and Xbox fan style...just throw them under the bus.

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Sonic1881509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

And Microsoft. One of the worse review score for a AAA game this generation. This game is even worse than Forspoken

SullysCigar509d ago

This part from the review: "Snipers run towards you like an 8 year old on his first trip to Laser Tag, before crouching down IN FRONT of cover, so you can easily dispatch with them" 😂💀

The AI has looked AWFUL in the lead up to launch. Most could see it plain as day, but if you pointed it out you were labelled a hater. Well, now we can all unite and hate this game together. If you're in any doubt, go play it.

If you can't play it, check out the YouTube video by King Thrash where he compares it to a 20 year old X360 game. It's not a good look...

ModsDoBetter509d ago

You know, for all the trash Forspoken got, I picked it up on sale last week and aside from the annoying script for the protagonist, the game is…surprisingly decent. The combat is pretty fun and the soundtrack is 👌

BigBosss509d ago

Should have delayed the game for another year

Eonjay509d ago

They needed the illusion of AAA first party content on GamePass. Does anyone realize they've gone 18 months... now it's gonna be nearly 2 years when Starfield comes out.

PhillyDillyDee509d ago

Really it should’ve just been cancelled and the assets used for something else.

badz149509d ago

what assets? the textures are looking like they were taken straight from Fortnite (the UE4 version)

SullysCigar509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

Undoubtedly! The "you can't pin this on Microsoft" talk is absurd. This has been under MS control for AGES now. They will have dictated it's release schedule and overseen QA and playtesting during the later stages of development.

They just hoped nobody would notice and released it through desperation. And this after PlayStation removed Cyberpunk 2077 from their store until they deemed it ready, no doubt losing millions in revenue in the process, because they didn't want broken crap being released to their consumers.

There's no excuse for this and no amount of belated patches will atone for a move like this.

Sonic1881509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

But they did delay the game back in September and that still didn't help

jznrpg509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

I think this “game” should have been canceled or just a free to play only game after being delayed again for a year or 2 . It’s not worth paying 10$ for but they had 100$ versions . Insane . To me it’s a glorified mode and not a full game

508d ago
DRambo508d ago

I don't think another year could fix this. It's always going to be broken.

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potatoseal509d ago

Was this game always supposed to be a 4-player open sanbox co-op game from it's inception?

Or when MS announced it's desire to purchase Zenimax in 2020, did they have a say in forcing this game to be made with a "good for gamepass" mindset to it's overall mechanics and design?

Did they take all the skills for a single character in a single player game and spread them out over 4 choosable characters in a multiplaer co-op game? I mean MS certainly told the development team to scratch the PS5 version. What else did MS ask them to do?

I have a feeling there is a lot more to this story. Arcane are better than this. Something strange happened imo.

senorfartcushion509d ago

It looks similar to a lot of games as a service titles: industry trends changing over the time of development leading to the game being redeveloped to the point of mundanity.

Gotham Knights, Cyberpunk 2077, Suicide Squad etc

XiNatsuDragnel509d ago

Arkane needs to learn from this.

Eonjay509d ago

It's clearly Microsoft and not Arkane. We have seen their work before.
I can't believe they are out hear trying to put the blame on the devs once again.

senorfartcushion509d ago

Arkane can tell the execs where to stick it. From what I hear the execs were also too powerless to stop the motions. No one is ever that powerless though. If your warnings as a worker aren’t hitting the bigwigs, change them to threats.

Form a bond with your devs and hold your ground as workers and artists.

ModsDoBetter509d ago

IGN are inconsistent at best.

Not defending the Redfall review, it’s deserved.

But they gave Jedi Survivor a 9/10 but then after gamers got their hands on it and noticed the glaring bugs, they released a separate video addressing them. Really should have been mentioned in the initial review.

Welshy509d ago

I think the difference is that Jedi's issues are purely technical, while it shouldn't have launched like that, once it's patched it will be a fantastic game.

Patches will do nothing for Redfall, like Fallout 76, it's problems are too rooted to the core design of the game so even smooth performance can't salvage it fully.

ModsDoBetter509d ago


I see your point but at the same time reviews should be transparent. They should note these issues because it’s not “the game will be good once patched”.

A review is the state of the game at launch,

We need to stop accepting mediocrity because that attitude is the exact reason we end up with games releasing in that state.

By the time games end up fixed, they’re cheaper to buy, so those day one adopters who have been misled by less than transparent reviewers have wasted money as a result.

Flawlessmic509d ago

There's a difference survivors issues well on ps5 quality mode ain't that bad not enough to dock it points, iv loved it so far it's great game game and it's looks great.

If the issues don't detract from the game then I'm ok and from what iv played from survivor they don't just like they didn't with elden ring

Redfall is the opposite, bad game, bad everything really, I mean I could expand on my experience with it but everyone by this stage knows the numerous issues with game

ModsDoBetter509d ago


I disagree, it seems that there’s only a difference because this is an Xbox title.

I’m glad you’re enjoying JS & I was interested in it until I read about the sly DRM alongside the performance issues on every platform, including PS5 which DF did a lengthy video on.

You know there’s a problem when the publisher doesn’t send review codes to DF, they can’t be paid off like some review outlets.

“If the issues don't detract from the game then I'm ok and from what iv played from survivor they don't just like they didn't with elden ring”

I’m sorry but performance issues absolutely detract from a games enjoyment. Case in point: Redfall - just look at all of the uproar over the 30fps cap.

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crazyCoconuts509d ago

Yeah a 4 is really unusual. Didn't IGN get the exclusives from MS for an early look on this game? If anything you'd think they would be biased to give a better review based on that. I guess kudos for not giving into a bias...

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Concord and the Other Biggest Flops of This Generation

Some of the biggest success stories in the history of gaming have happened during this generation of gaming. At the same time, some of the biggest flops in the history of gaming have also happened during this generation of gaming. To this end, a few games particularly stick out as, unfortunately, disastrous flops for those who made the games, sold the games, and ultimately, for many that played the games.

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ChasterMies16d ago

What a strange, short list. There have been many more games that arrived DOA, were never released, didn’t make their budget back, etc. Why cherry pick these games? Is this list based on the size of internet hate boners?

EternalTitan16d ago

These flops have a similarity that you may not be allowed to point out.

16d ago Replies(2)
127maXimus16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Skull and Bones gets my vote, at this point just completely remake AC Black Flag. If the Concord developers had made the game free to play, and toned down the in your face messaging via the mods and design choices, this game could have been serviceable eventually. I never understand why pandering to 5% of your audience and giving the finger to the other 95% seems like a good idea to these people. They never seem to learn. Disney has lost 1/3rd of its value and they keep doubling down on political messaging. I don’t get it.

BlackTar18716d ago

Some of these companies are paid huge amounts of money to do this stuff. They get truck loads of money to give “the message”
By blackrock and vanguards and multiple other venture capitalists even though it’s been proven over and over they fail.

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Redfall's final update, which adds an Offline Mode, is available and it's 16GB in size

Arkane Austin has just released Game Update 4, the final patch for Redfall which is 16GB in size and adds an Offline Mode.

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PassNextquestion116d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv72115d ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood116d ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis007115d ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

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Community134d ago
Profchaos134d ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

darthv72133d ago

their biggest mistake was showcasing it as being a 60fps game only to release it at 30. That really soured the taste so that when the real 60fps mode was released, many still didnt want to give it a taste. i tierd it at 30... it was okay, but playing it at 60 is a much better experience and a better overall game. Its really not that bad once you get past the drama surrounding its initial release and just play it for what it is. It has some pretty decent aspects but nothing groundbreaking. It feels like a typical fps from the ps360 days... of which there were many.

jwillj2k4134d ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

Profchaos134d ago

Pretty much no game in Bethesda stables makes cod numbers instantly even fallout 4 Bethesda's best selling game sold 12 million at launch and over the next 10 years climbed to over 32 which cod would do rapidly

CrimsonWing69134d ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex134d ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Eonjay133d ago

Helldivers 2 realistically has earned about half a billion which is definitely a success considering it probably cost Sony $50 million to make.

However you would still need 140 releases to at least be that successful to break even on a ACT purchase.

This is how you know the goal for Microsoft was to reach those crazy subscribers numbers. Without them the whole plan falls apart.

Exvalos134d ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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