
10 Modern Games That Would Have Fit Perfectly Into The Arcade Generation

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Silent Hill 2 Will Be a PS5 Exclusive Until Oct. 8, 2025, So Don't Expect an Xbox Version Until Then

Silent Hill 2 remake will be exclusive to the PS5 until October 8, 2025, so don't expect an Xbox port or announcement it expires.

darthv729h ago

why does it feel like we are living in the early 00's again? Sony paying for either full exclusivity or timed was the thing back in the day... and its been 'remastered' for this generation.

raWfodog2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

The original SH2 was PS2-exclusive for only a few months. Remastered version is exclusive for over a year lol.

But both companies played the timed exclusives game for so long so it’s no surprise.

rlow11h ago

Sony is the king of paying for exclusives. Anytime Xbox does it Sony fans go berserk. But when the shoes on the other foot they flop like a fish out of water.

raWfodog26m ago


Stop acting like one camp is better than the other. Both sides have rabid fans that go crazy over silly stuff. Many gamers have common sense and are even-keeled. Which category do you fall into?

Profchaos1h ago

Two fold publishers look at the loss in sales due to exclusivity and given how little Xbox sells in general Sony's generally able to get a greenlight for this behaviour if they fund it.

Microsoft think buying punishers is acceptable but they dug a huge financial hole as a result

Nintendo is just Nintendo and don't care

VersusDMC20m ago

Oh Nintendo didn't pay for timed exclusivity for Monster Hunter Rise, SMTV, octopath, etc...? As usual it's
only a "behaviour" for Sony.

Chevalier53m ago

Yeah it's not like Xbox paid for exclusivity for games like Ark 2, Stalker 2, Warhammer Darktide or anything like that right? Oh wait.....

Einhander19721h ago

Just because that's the announced end doesn't guarantee it will be coming to xbox at that point or ever to be honest.

And even if it does it'll be an inferior version without the haptics and the Tempest audio which I expect will be a huge part in setting the mood in a game like this.

Obscure_Observer2m ago

"Just because that's the announced end doesn't guarantee it will be coming to xbox at that point or ever to be honest."

Whatever makes you sleep at night. Silent Hill will be release on both PC and PS5 and yet Konami made sure and let everyone know that their game is a timed-exclusive to Playstation. The Switch 2 and it´s PS4-level hardware won´t be able to handle it, so yeah, it´s definitely coming to Xbox.

"And even if it does it'll be an inferior version without the haptics and the Tempest audio which I expect will be a huge part in setting the mood in a game like this."

Who cares for Tempest when we have Dolby Atmos? And haptics? Please. There isn´t a single haptics implementation for games that comes near to Astrobot´s.

So yeah, I´m cool getting the best definitive version on Xbox Series X.

shadowT4h ago

enough time to optimize for Xbox Series S

P_Bomb2h ago

Hmm. Just a bit more than the 9 months The Medium was console exclusive.

TheNamelessOne2h ago

No wait on the PC end, so I'm happy.

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The gripping narrative thriller "The Suicide of Rachel Foster" is now available for the PS5

"The Hamburg-based (Germany) indie games publisher Daedalic Entertainment and Rome-based (Italy) indie games developer ONE-O-ONE GAMES, are today super happy and excited to announce that their gripping narrative thriller "The Suicide of Rachel Foster", is now available for the PS5 via PSN." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


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