
I'm Tired Of Bad Spiritual Successors

In the past three months alone, we’ve had The Callisto Protocol, Atomic Heart, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, all of which failed to capture the magic of games that inspired them. Spiritual successors are back in vogue, but playing them is like walking through a funhouse at a carnival and seeing your own reflection distorted in the mirror. It’s familiar, but everything feels off.

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495d ago Replies(1)
bunt-custardly494d ago (Edited 494d ago )

I am lost, Atomic Heart is a spiritual successor to which game? And please don't say Bioshock (Infinite).

Noskypeno494d ago

Haven't played it yet but maybe it uses the abilities or environmental storytelling in a similar way to Bioshock. If we dig deep enough we can say every game is a spiritual successor to every game that came before it.

myfathersbastard494d ago

It clearly takes inspiration from bioshock, but in no way was it a spiritual successor.
In my mind, true spiritual successors are games done by a person/team that worked on the original game, but for one reason or another, can’t make another entry in that franchise.
Whether they are good or bad, is another story.

SurgicalMenace493d ago

Not only Atomic, but Wo Long, Collisto, etc? They were all new IPs so what are they succeeding?

IamTylerDurden1493d ago

Callisto was a direct successor to Deadspace and it lets u know. Wo Long was rumored to have started as Nioh 3 conceptually. Atomic Heart is very Bioshock but imo it distinguishes itself from the IP more than the others.

IamTylerDurden1493d ago

AH takes inspiration from Bioshock but it has enough elements imo to make it unique. Callisto/Wo Long look as if they could actually be games in the Deadspace/Nioh franchises. Certainly AH's opening has Columbia vibes plus shock, frost, telekinesis, and the flying bots harken back to Bioshock. However, it also offers bits of Farcry in terms of open world sections, RE/Evil Within via save rooms, and touches by everything from Prey (also Bioshock inspired) to Wolfenstein to even Fallout in terms of alt history 50's/robots/tech. It's primary inspiration is Bioshock but has many other elements and imo it carves out a fun and at times unique experience. Certainly a flawed game but i fell for the enjoyable combat, deep upgrades/mods, and fantastic setting. Mid way through the game there was an almost Kojima like cutscene involving the ballerina twins creating a weird polymer reaction with a body and i loved. AH is bruting in its convictions, it stumbles at times, but ultimately a game i can get behind and game i enjoy seeing in the market. A nearly self funded AAA (ish) title from a new eastern European dev. And it isn't EA or Ubi it's Focus Home. I support it and encourage anyone who enjoyed Bioshock and Prey to give it a try.

DrDoomer494d ago

None of the games in that pic are bad.

Sgt_Slaughter494d ago

But they're not as good as the games they're trying to emulate, which is the problem. Riding off the coattails of the success of another game yet not putting in the effort to earn it.

Lightning Mr Bubbles494d ago (Edited 494d ago )

Callisto Protocol < Dead Space
Back 4 Blood < Left 4 Dead
Wo Long < Nioh
Atomic Heart < ??????

It's true none of those games are bad, but I agree they aren't as good as the games that inspired them. And metacritic scores also show that to be true. Although Wo Long is still pretty good with a metacritic score of 81 compared to 88 for Nioh and 85 for Nioh 2.

I don't even know what game inspired Atomic Heart.

jambola494d ago

The metacritic scores show subjective opinions
Nothing else
Not even necessarily from people who played both

kingnick493d ago

Not every game has to be as good as the game or franchise that inspired it.

The bigger problem I find is that I get burned out on the game that inspired the later game then I have no desire to play the later game, for example I couldn't stand Back 4 Blood as it just seemed inferior to Left 4 Dead and I can't bring myself to play Left 4 Dead 1 or 2 as I played way too much of both and not even mods make me want to play either again.

SurgicalMenace493d ago

No matter what Metacritic says it is only a consensus of what others "think" about a game. I purchased all of them, all but Elden Ring/B4B did i thoroughly enjoy. After hundreds of hours in Nioh, Wo Long stands out enough from it to earn its own merit in the industry. There is nothing that would lead me to say any of these are bad I don't care what critics say.

NecrumOddBoy494d ago ShowReplies(1)
CrimsonWing69494d ago

Um, those games are better than 70% of the games released.

Also, Wo Long isn’t good now?

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10 "Bad" Games I Actually Enjoyed

TNS: "We're shining a light on a bunch of "bad" games that may've been left wanting when it comes to their critical or audience reception."

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Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Good list I've had similar reactions to some games even ones on the list like the order and Callisto

Also I recently grabbed forspoken for, 5 dollars at a eb games Clarence sale and I am actually enjoying it more than I thought I would

Sometimes you just need to give critically panned games a chance

FTLmaster2d ago

Oh gosh, good shout on Forspoken! Genuinely forgot about that one, and haven't got around to playing it. It's on my to-buy-in-a-sale list!

Cacabunga1d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

Knack was great ! Had a blast with the first one. Haven’t tried the second one though due to backlog

The Fight: Lights Out was also a game i enjoyed very much and highly detailed with great motion control when you understand how they work, which is what pushed people away from this game..

LoveSpuds1d 12h ago

Both The Order and Calisto were harshly treated in my view. I am not saying they are perfect, but the were both really solid games. I personally really liked them despite acknowledging their flaws and coincidentally, got the platinum trophy for both games.

Evil West is another really fun game that's worth checking out for sure.

andy851d 12h ago

Forspoken was great. Never really understood all the criticism. 2nd best traversal in a game after Spiderman

Profchaos1d 6h ago

Yeah gameplay wise I get huge infamous vibes with its combat starting out as low level eventually becoming a unstoppable power spewing killing machine with a wide variety of powers infamous is one of my favourite franchises obviously it's not the same but I love the combat of it so far.

ChasterMies2d ago

I feel like we’re finally starting to see a sea change in how we treat our favorite games. Sure, we all acknowledge that a game can suck and we can still enjoy it. Hopefully this results in meaningful review scores. Personally, I find a lot of bad games are better if you blast through them on the easiest difficulty. Callisto protocol on the image is a good example of this.

LoveSpuds1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

I really liked Calisto, harshly treated for sure and I don't necessarily think it needs to be played on easy to enjoy it. It's not perfect, but it's not the car crash the media portrayed it as either.

I have said it before, but part of the issue is that there is a mind share going on in games coverage, with all the main outfits being personal friends and talking too each other. As such, there is a risk that everyone ends up sharing in the same opinion rather than thinking from themselves. I reckon that's why some games get a universal bashing when consumers actually like the game and equally, games get great reviews across the board and the game doesnt land with consumers.

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Actually, I started liking FO76 after the wastelanders DLC ... it has been my guilty pleasure
other games I can think of Order 1886, Driveclub, Resident Evil 6 (only the Leon part), Alpha Protocol (pretty unique, needs a remake), XIII Remake (after patches), Medal of Honor 2010, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Homefront The Revolution, Enemy Front, Legendary The Box, Faces of War, Conflict: Vietnam, Conflict: Global Storm & Codename: Panzers – Cold War

CosmicTurtle2d ago

Driveclub was genuinely a good game with a poor launch. Alpha Protocol is superb, just a few archaic design choices for the time.

RaidenBlack1d 14h ago

I want past games with interesting setups/mechanics but having some flaws (due to crunch or budget) to be remade so that the gaming community can appreciate and enjoy them as was envisioned and intended by the developers. In contrast to a successful game being remade again just with prettier coat of paint.
Alpha Protocol tops that and I'll include FO:NV as well as an exception (it is popular but features were cut due to limited dev time). And also Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines I, Singularity, KOTOR II and maybe Daikatana.
There might be others which I can't recall atm.

SonyStyled2d ago

I loved Enemy Front. I pre ordered it months prior and remember calling the store to check if it came out that day. The guy never heard of it but confirmed my copy was ready to pick up. Game was simple and basic in a good way. Didn’t have any tacked on extras. A simple mission and objectives in each level. Kind of reminded me of the first Crysis in a way

gold_drake2d ago

The Order was really good. abit short

RiseNShine2d ago

I loved The Order, ridiculous graphics for it's time and a very interesting setting, it was linear but not as bad as people say. Similar thing with Callisto Protocol, i admit that i played it a long time after release so maybe issues were fixed by then, but it was a fantastic Dead Space-like horror game with some of the best graphics i've seen in my life.

LoveSpuds1d 12h ago

Yup, I am afraid to say I waited on Calisto and picked it up for around 30 quid. Once I played it on felt really badly for the devs because the game was really decent.

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Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Has Finally Surpassed 5 Million Players Worldwide

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has now crossed the famed 5 million player threshold globally, as announced by the developers on Twitter.

Elda132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

If it's saying 5 million players, most of those players are most likely playing through Gamepass especially when the game has only sold a little over a million copies.

Inverno132d ago

So this is gaming now? Counting how many people have bothered to start the game?

ThePacemaker132d ago

Just to please the shareholders.

bartfart132d ago

Wo long was pretty lacking after nioh 2.... Here's hoping rise of the Ronin doesn't continue the trend

X-23132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

I have to be honest, I bought Wo Long because Nioh 2 was so good and thought it would be as good as said game. I ended up fairly disappointed in the end, Nioh 2 was much better. Perhaps if they make a sequel they will knock it out of the park though as this was somewhat the story with Nioh 1's progression into 2.

RhinoGamer88131d ago

Interestingly, for streaming metrics, it is not if you started a show/series...what matters most is that finish it.



Trapped In Limbo is one of those strange DLCs that feels too long and short at the same time, it's a fun idea that feels like it belongs in a different game

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