
Hogwarts Legacy’s First Major Patch Delayed for PS5 Owners

The patch is expected to fix bugs and performance issues and has already been rolled out out PC and Xbox users.

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Jin_Sakai527d ago

It’s only delayed until later this week. No big deal.

Maltaze527d ago

A delay is a delay my man. And on its most important platform, even more so.

Jin_Sakai527d ago

I’m sure everyone will be fine waiting a couple extra days for a QoL update.

Maltaze527d ago

Not on a single player game I'm going to probably play only once. If other platforms have it better and I paid full price for the $80 version, I deserve to have it ASAP.

shinoff2183527d ago

It's obviously delayed for a reason. Maybe ms paid them to delay. I joke to an extent. Either way your making something out of nothing. Instead of complaining or mocking a patch delay on ps5 how about talk about it shouldn't have needed patched from the jump considering it's been in development for what I've heard 6 to 8 years

DarXyde525d ago

"A delay is a delay my man. And on its most important platform, even more so."

A delay is, indeed, a delay. Very obvious assessment. It is also not a bad thing in and of itself. If they play tested the game better on all platforms, this would not be necessary. Persona 5 took forever to come out and it's still on version 1.00, if I recall. Point being, delays for the sake of quality are a good thing. Patches very often mean the game released with problems (which, fair enough, will happen; game development is complex). But it's better to delay the patch if the outcome is a better product, even if it means it does not roll out contemporaneously for all platforms (why delay for everyone if you don't have to?).

"Not on a single player game I'm going to probably play only once. If other platforms have it better and I paid full price for the $80 version, I deserve to have it ASAP."

The funny thing here is that you are going to get it as soon as possible (i.e., as soon as it's ready). It's not ready, therefore you have to wait.

Alternatively, you can trade it in and get the Xbox version if this is that much of a problem.

Just feels like you're making much ado about nothing.

Muigi525d ago

That $80 must really hit your wallet hard huh 🤣

CobraKai525d ago

If they didn’t say anything, held the Xbox and pc updates until the ps5 version was ready, then released them all next week at the same time, then what? Is it still a big deal?

FPS_D3TH525d ago (Edited 525d ago )

It’s also the platform with the least amount of issues and all I hear from my ps5 owning friends when I was having frame rate issues on my pc was how great the game ran. This really isn’t important.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 525d ago
Mr_cheese525d ago

I've give you an upvote for stating information that should be in the description or even title rather than behind clicks

RaiderNation525d ago

Well its friday and no patch, so...

Jin_Sakai524d ago (Edited 524d ago )

They were “targeting” later this week.

Dandalandan117525d ago

I'm about 8 hours in with the game and haven't encountered any major or game breaking bugs.
Only stumbled upon a few graphical glitches here and there so I guess it's alright if it's delayed for a bit.

JL2930525d ago

The entire Hogwarts is filled with flicker.

antikbaka525d ago

u already bought the game and sony doesn't have return policy (basically), so here what devs have to say: "F u"

shinoff2183525d ago

Actually it might be circumstance, but my son when he was a little younger bought a bunch of stuff on plants vs zombies. I noticed then called sony, they refunded me all the money(it wasnt a small amount). At the time I didnt know he could get into stuff like that, i personally didnt play games like that with microtransactions and such. Of course after that whole deal I passworded being able to buy things.

mudakoshaka525d ago

Will it fix the copy and paste castle and world? The floo statues repeating the same 3-4 lines? The lame quests? The useless common room? The many other things that makes this game a shallow bore once the enchantment for the Harry Potter world wears off? No, I didn’t think so. 15 hours in and I cannot continue.

ModsDoBetter525d ago

Global critical acclaim says otherwise.

Some games just aren’t for some people and that’s fine if you don’t enjoy it. Hardly “copy/paste” though - bit of a stretch.

mudakoshaka525d ago

I think all reviewers are my age, 30-40, and are just besotted by the lore since it reminds them of their childhood. I did not want to believe the 3 stars out 5 reviews at first, but they were spot on. I was sold as well for 10 hours…then I started realising what the game is. It is a shallow game with very pretty graphics. People can enjoy the game all they want for the Harry Potter setting, but it is not a good game! If you really think it is a well made game then you are just fooling yourself.

Lighter9525d ago (Edited 525d ago )

I just played a side quest that took me an hour and a half to complete. Suuuure. It was amazing btw.

SeTTriP525d ago

Are we playing the same game?

andy85525d ago

I'm your age too. And never seen HP. And it's a fantastic game. Baffles me how anyone can have the opinion it's not a well made game. You can see all the love that's been put into it

shinoff2183525d ago

Ive never watched hp either just time and interest never aligned but i think the game looks fun , and kinda makes me wanna check the movies out. Im at the very end of the quoted age range

mudakoshaka524d ago

Love in the design, yes. But the world lacks a soul. It really is just a copy paste game. I have 15 hours of playtime and I will give it another chance since so many seem to like it. But I am just disappointed as I have REALLY been waiting for this game and was expecting something in the line of RDR2 alive world.

andy85524d ago

But Hogwarts actually has more to do in its world than RDR2 and I really don't get the world criticism. The castle is outstanding design

shinoff2183525d ago (Edited 525d ago )


Can I have it , Ill trade you elden ring for ps5 with a lil cash. I couldnt really get into that at all. Im being serious, if your interested pm me.

mudakoshaka524d ago

It's digital. Otherwise I'd gladly trade it. Haven't felt this pissed off since I played Watchdogs 3.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 524d ago
Demetrius525d ago

A very small lighting issue I came across like when turning the camera the lighting flickers a bit rarely happens well atleast they are still supporting this gem n won’t pull a rockstars definitive edition or forspoken move lol

rob-GP525d ago

Are you running in High Framerate Mode (120hz) and using an IPS TV/Monitor? If so, it's a known issue with the PS5 itself - the new beta fixes it.

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro38m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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VersusDMC5h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...