
Forza Motorsport Won't Have A Native Xbox One Release

Xbox One players get a cloud version instead.

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GotGame818545d ago

At least they get that. It really looks fantastic. I am still waiting to see if it really runs at 4K 60fps with Raytracing, on Series X like Microsoft said. Color me very skeptical!

4Sh0w544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

I have gravitated more to enjoying Forza Horizon series, love the freedom but damm every new racing game whether its GT or Forza sure as hell is beautiful to look at. Freakin car porn.

Aussieguy544d ago

Did they say it will be 4k 60fps with raytracing in gameplay? If so, thats crazy and would love to see that. But I highly doubt it also, specially with the graphics they have shown from the game

GotGame818544d ago

Here you go Mate. Digital Foundry also talks about it.


Obscure_Observer544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

"At least they get that."

It was a promise made by Phil Spencer. A few years back, he said after 2022 they would drop Xbox One and focus only on next gen consoles and PC. No even Hi-Fi Rush has an Xbox One version. He´s delivering on his world.

"I am still waiting to see if it really runs at 4K 60fps with Raytracing, on Series X like Microsoft said. Color me very skeptical!"

Turn 10 has an excellent track record when comes to deliver amazing performance. I remember people been very skeptical about Forza Motorsport 7 running at 4k/60fps on Xbox One X.

Most people bet that only the PC version would be able to achieve such performance. Well...

"Essentially, the Xbox One X looks to be delivering the ultra-high-end experience without compromising performance, and as a result the game looks and feels great to play. It's shaping up to be the real deal - a native 4K60 racing game that features top-end PC quality visuals but on a console."


GotGame818544d ago

Xbox One doesn't have a Hi-Fi Rush version. Forza Motorsport 7 is cloud only on Xbox One, I am well aware of Turn 10s work. I have been playing their games for years.
Here is a link to Xbox. HI-FI is Series and PC only.


DarXyde544d ago

Yes, I agree. I had assumed this was something they would do eventually to comply with the whole forward compatibility thing.

I think they should include Series S in that and just take advantage of X... But that's just me

EvertonFC544d ago

Yep wish GT7 was just ps5 tbh

FlavorLav01544d ago

@ EvertonFC - And I wish Forza was coming to VR like Gran Turismo…which is PS5 and PSVR2 exclusive..

DarXyde544d ago


Nah, I think Gran Turismo takes a ton of time and probably has ungodly budgets as a result. The cross gen for that is probably for the best because it helps recoup the cost, but also the approach is actually a nice thing for them to do since PS4 has no numbered entries otherwise. I expect one more Gran Turismo game for PS5 late in the generation that might be a cross gen launch/ launch window title for PS6.

My point is...Turn 10 has a much faster turnaround time than Polyphony Digital, apparently. Forza started 2 games behind Gran Turismo and has now outnumbered them. For that reason, knowing PS4 almost missed a numbered entry entirely, it was a good move in my opinion.

crazyCoconuts545d ago

Interesting. With more time in development and no ties to last gen, this looks likely to beat GT in visuals

Vits545d ago (Edited 545d ago )

Not that it's particularly difficult. GT has very detailed cars, but the moment you look outside it all falls apart.

crazyCoconuts544d ago

What do you mean, like the track itself or things in the distance? I just skimmed the DF review, they said it looked nice and natural but built on top of the GT Sport tech and environments don't quite look next-gen.

IRetrouk544d ago

Not true at all, I can provide you with plenty of screenshots showing off the track detail, some look better than others, but none make the game fall apart at all.

ApocalypseShadow545d ago (Edited 545d ago )

It's very possible for it to look better not being tied to last Gen. Only question is if that's enough to increase sales of Xbox and Forza? Will it increase game pass subscriptions?

Sony's ace to increase PS5 and GT7 sales starting next month is full VR support with PS VR 2. Will gamers who get a taste of increased immersion in VR care for the extra detail of photogrammetry? Will Microsoft get smart and release VR support on PC like Flight Simulator? It would be a huge waste not to add PC VR support.

We're going to find out soon enough what gathers the most attention. The difference of seeing the detail of the cars, the tracks, weather and time of day inside from racing or close up car examination in the garage.

Or seeing pretty graphics, weather, time of day, etc up close but not really being able to see them "up close" no matter what camera Forza gamers use on their televisions.

Orchard544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

“ We're going to find out soon enough what gathers the most attention.”

We already know the answer - about 4% of gamers like to experience the former (VR).

“Normal” racing is way more popular than VR racing.

Petebloodyonion544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

Will Forza help increase sales of Xbox consoles? probably a little if it's bundled but it won't be like a Spider-man game or a Mario Kart.
As for Gamepass, I doubt that MS expects a major increase in new subscriptions since there's already plenty of great racers already available on the service.
Also, Judging by Phil's latest message about a poor 2022, I expect that MS's priority will be to solidify the current player base and portfolio by delivering a strong year of content before expecting lots of newcomers to the service.

Regarding GT7 I doubt that PSVR2 will create a massive spike in sales of the game (maybe in the long run) but I'm sure that it can create some buzz for PS Vr2 Headset amongst current GT7 owners who had no interest prior to the announcement.

Regarding the MS and VR, I think they are still on the fence and have no clues about what they want in the field like something they try stuff like Minecraft on PSVR, Flight sim, or Game Pass for Quest2.
But I agree releasing a VR mode for Forza on PC would be awesome.

Knushwood Butt544d ago

GT7 is already picking up sales in Japan and the price has shot back up. It was going really cheap a few months after launch.

crazyCoconuts544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

Personally I'm more interested in the technology than the sales. Different install bases and game pass alone will make it pointless to try and compare. PSVR2 is what lead me to buy GT recently, but I don't think there's that many of us into VR yet, dunno.
Certainly no reason for MS to put VR into Forza since PCVR is in a big lull since Meta pulled out.

IRetrouk544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

Crazy, send me your psn and I'll add you to a gt7 group who are all buying the headset to race. Gonna be an amazing experiance.

@orchard, it was 5% and they all bought atleast 5 games per headset.....not sure why your always trying to put it down, but it clearly makes money which is why its being supported again, add to the fact that vr and racing games go together better than any other, and make the experiance way better, normal racing may be more popular, but vr racing is better.
If forza or ms supported vr, you would be all over it🤣

@apocalypse, I think forza will deff get some to jump on gamepass, I also know for a fact vr support has sold some people on gt, dont know if either is gonna make a massive difference to numbers, but they should deff help shift a few subs/copies.

Obscure_Observer544d ago


An old gen game vs a current game? Really?

I think you forgot that PSVR2 will cost $599.99 at the top of new games that will be released for it.

Forza will be released on both Xbox Series consoles and PC. Not to mention Gamepass. I think it´s pretty clear which game will be more popular when Forza releases.

Still, whatever helps you sleep at night.

DarXyde544d ago


I don't think that argument holds up, and I think you know that. It may in fact be better or worse, but you cannot assume that people do not want the experience in VR. Consider the personal anecdote of...myself. I didn't jump on VR because I felt the tech was not there.

Now? I'm all in and very much looking forward to the experience. The DualSense is an excellent controller and I can't wait to try VR with that same level of immersion with a much higher level of detail than the preceding hardware.

Interest and market share are not static. Nintendo and Sony continue to show us that. Behave yourself.

darkrider544d ago

Yes, sony will be the only console with a true next step in racing. Vr and with quality. Total immersion in racing. Closer then that it's impossible

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 544d ago
1Victor544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

Crazy “ interesting. With more time in development and no ties to last gen, this looks likely to beat GT in visuals”
It would be a shame if it didn’t considering how old GT will be at forza release time.
By now you should know it’s like phones apple release a well featured phone then a few months later comes a android phone that beat it only to get beaten a few months later with another iOS phone and so forth.

Orchard544d ago

“ It would be a shame if it didn’t considering how old GT will be at forza release time. ”

GT7 isn’t even a year old at this point… you’re talking as if it came out 5 years ago.

dumahim544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

@ Orchard
I know it's hard for you to understand things like this, but GT7 is a PS4 game built upon GT Sport which came out in 2017. Forza is supposed to be built from the ground up for the new generation. Do you think they're meant to be on the same level?

Obscure_Observer544d ago

"It would be a shame if it didn’t considering how old GT will be at forza release time."

Shame? GT7 was released less than an year ago. XD

Try and find another excuse for Sony´s incompetence.

FlavorLav01544d ago

I’m sure Forza will look great in VR, oh wait….

Obscure_Observer544d ago

I´m glad that Phil skipped VR on Xbox.

Let Sony have it.

I rather Xbox Studios to focus on standard games.

glennhkboy544d ago

... because MS's VR/ AR technology is not for gaming, even civilian use (for now). MS is selling its VR/ AR technology to US Pentagon & UK Army. There will not be MS VR/AR commercial product until 2030 (at the earliest).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 544d ago
Petebloodyonion544d ago

Interesting concept for ppl who own an Xbox1 but it should also be a red flag for it could also be a pilot for a streaming-only option.

Orchard544d ago

This isn’t anything new - they already did this for flight sim. It’s their answer to letting last gen people still play next-gen ‘only’ experiences.

Petebloodyonion544d ago

I know but with Flight sim, it felt more like we must put it there because we said that all our games would come to Xbox1 for at least 2 years.

Again I'm not against but also cautious when Nintendo is doing it more and more in Japan.

Burrito26a544d ago

I bought a One X solely for flight Sim because Microsoft said it was releasing for Xbox One. Then the delays came. Then they pulled that streaming crap.

1Victor544d ago

Orchard “GT7 isn’t even a year old at this point… you’re talking as if it came out 5 years ago.”

Sure it makes a difference on the on the visuals remember the last HALO how big the difference in visual a year made or are you going to tell me the year delay didn’t make any difference on the visual of halo infinity.
It’s well stated by Xbox fans that racing games don’t push systems as hard as high action games every time a GT game comes out.

Obscure_Observer544d ago

"a pilot for a streaming-only option"

Phil Spencer already said that gamers who desires high-fidelity performance and image quality, will not get it on XCloud (latency and other internet related issues). That´s why Xbox consoles will continue to exist.

1Victor544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

Obscure “ Try and find another excuse for Sony´s incompetence”
Sure buddy whatever helps you guys sleep at night

Sony is “extremely incompetent” to the point that their flagship titles have to be delayed for a year to fix their shortcomings and some held longer Sony is so incompetent they need to buy publishers to be able to have games on their game service.
I won’t make a list of how incompetent Sony is but I’m sure there’s enough members here to built a wall text of shortcomings

Petebloodyonion544d ago

@ Observer
The article is about how you can experience the game on Xbox 1 console,
Since there's no Xbox1 console version you will only be able to stream it on your Xbox 1.

My concern comes from how Nintendo now operates on Switch with games like Resident Evil7 that can only be streamed but are still sold.

Father__Merrin544d ago

Mainstay Forza is less and less popular than what it used to be

IRetrouk544d ago

Yeah, but one good game is all it takes to start turning it around, forza 7 let itself down with the floaty handling, but they've rebuilt their physics, I'm looking forward to it

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What a joke... wonder how long until FM23 with RTGI is compared with GT7 on PS4, though? Also which game will look better?


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BurritoWarrior168d ago

Beyond repair at this point the people have made up their minds on this game already. You had one chance and ya blew it

execution17168d ago

Should've took what they did with 4s progression and improved on it


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