
Pentiment Wouldn't Exist If Not For Game Pass, Director Confirms

Josh Sawyer, Game Director for the recently released narrative mystery game, Pentiment, confirmed that the title would likely have never even been made if not for the existence of Xbox's Game Pass service.

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Jin_Sakai618d ago

Yea it’s beginning to really show at this point. {Insert game here} wouldn’t exist if not for Game Pass.

Lifexline617d ago

Lol it really bothers you huh

Maybe that is actually how he feels.

gangsta_red617d ago

Yeah, yeah, we know, any type of statements made in favor of MS and GP is PR talk or paid for...really getting tiring hearing this in every similar article here.

Maybe it's actually true, think about it. You really think a game looking like this from Obsidian would have been made if not for a guaranteed audience to play it?

If Obsidian wasn't owned by MS and released a game that looked like this, all you would hear from the net (especially here on this site) is, "Where's New Vegas!?", "No one asked for this!" "I'm not paying for that!".

But because of game pass, they're able to continue making smaller games that so far have been a hit, Grounded and now this.

617d ago
Godmars290617d ago


The point here is that a 3rd party is utilizing GP versus an in house MS studio.

If I'm wrong on this and it is in house, something MS commissioned, then great. This is a good thing for MS and GP. Otherwise this is just random and you should be asking why MS is backing things like this.

If Mario, Zelda God Of War scores 9s and 10s, Nintendo and Sony had a hand in that. That's them continuing successful franchises.

If some random 3rd party gets a hit and praises GP for it, then that's MS catching a break though no actual effort on their part. May as well be talking about some barely known title on Steam.

Lightning77617d ago

Ragnarok is out go play one of the best games of the year instead of crap posting every Xbox article in sight. Obviously this game would gotten lost in the shuffle with Gow and COD on everyone's minds. Gamepass just gave the game exposure.

I don't care about this game at all personally but this crap posting is getting real bold real fast.

617d ago
agnosticgamer617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

Right. Because you know more than Josh Sawyer. His reasons if you actually read the article are on point. You cannot possibly know more about a game and decisions behind creating the game… Than the director of the game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 617d ago
sparky77618d ago

It's thanks to Game Pass why Xbox has the most diverse line up in the industry.

Sims (flight sim), FPS (Halo), TPS (Gears), 3rd person adventure (Hellblade), WRPGs (Bethesda), 3D platformers (Psychonauts), 2D platformers (Ori), arcade racers (Horizon), sim racers (Motorsports), interactive stories (Pentiment), survival (Grounded), immersive sims (Arkane), RTS (AoE).

No one else comes close.

-Foxtrot617d ago

Funny how the ones not really under Microsoft (before they got bought anyway) are better than the core franchises Microsoft have had for years

Says it all really

Thanks to Gamepass? Or money?

Crows90617d ago

We all know the answer to that. Money gets you stuff..funny though it takes it away from others and this by the guys that claim to want everything accessible to as most people possible.

Petebloodyonion617d ago

And what did MS take away?
Last I checked Bethesda games, Psychonauts, and Helblade are still on other consoles.

lodossrage617d ago


Each of those games were already slated per contract to be on Playstation BEFORE MS bought them.

Is Hellblade 2 going to be on Playstation? is Elder Scroll 6? is Starfield?

GamesAsAService617d ago

Is that not one reason a company buys another? If you have weaknesses, but lots of money, you can pay to become more compelling by purchasing companies that can serve to make your offering more compelling.

What? Is the expectation that Microsoft should just sit on their hands with a lacklustre lineup of games and franchises and then eventually fade into oblivion? Should they sit idly?

Sometimes I am just confused in terms of what you actually expected them to do.

If you play video games, you want there to be more video games that you will enjoy to play. If a company is continually not making games you want to play, then if they start changing their strategy and diversifying what they put out, eventually they might make something you want to play. It's a numbers game.

Petebloodyonion617d ago

Was there a Helblade 2 announced before the acquisition. Was Hellblade a massive franchise?
Ppl always mentioned Starfield but was this an established IP?

should I blame Sony if they make Sunset overdrive2 PlayStation exclusive when the initial was a flop?

lodossrage617d ago


Regardless of whether Hellblade 2 was announced or not, that sure as hell would have been multiplatform, just like the first one was.

And as for Starfield, it doesn't have to be established. It was going to be multiplatform and now it's not since the buyout. Period.

Games being established was never the question. The issue was things being taken away. I can't remember the last time Bethesda made a game that was exclusive before the buyout.

Ok, Sony actually helped fund Shenmue 3. It wouldn't have been made otherwise. Are you going to tell me Starfield wasn't going to happen if Microsoft hadn't came along?

And last I remember, Sony isn't making a new Sunset Overdrive. IF they do so, THEN I'll entertain that question.

You're trying to conflate your personal hypothetical with reality

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 617d ago
andy85617d ago

This is a massive reach. PS has all those genres and more apart from a flight sim and that's not really a game

BrainSyphoned617d ago

No one comes closer to having old dead IP like Konami does than Xbox, very astute of you.

617d ago
Aloymetal617d ago

''It's thanks to Game Pass why Xbox has the most diverse line up in the industry.''

tay8701617d ago

lol sony absolutely trounces xbox in game quality, its not even close. yes there are alot of indie type that are getting brought to the forefront thank s to gamepass, but you have to also take into account the decrease in AAA games thanks to ganepass as well.

ChasterMies617d ago

I played the first Hellblade on PS4. No Game Pass needed. I can also play Psychonaughts on PS5. Halo Infinite multiplayer is free on PC and Xbox. No Game Pass needed. Horizon built its fan base pre-Game Pass.

How is this lineup “thanks to Game Pass”?

Terry_B617d ago

Lol, even the Switch has a similar..if not bigger diverse lineup.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 617d ago
Inverno617d ago

So in other words MS is holding back it's developers, and they would never think to make something less risky and less expensive if not for a subscription service. That's sad

gangsta_red617d ago

It just isn't MS, it's the industry. It's why Sony abandoned JRPG's and Japanese niche games , it's why EA continues to put out Battlefields and Maddens, it's why Ubi gives us a new Assassin Creed every other month. There's very little wiggle room to create new IP's in today's market, even less room for developers to make smaller games against well known huge IP's on the market.

Eonjay617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

That's not true. Sony also gave us Astrobot, Dreams, Concrete Genie, entire AAA VR games, Demon Souls, Death Stranding. And took huge risks with their established IP like God of War. New, riskier, and niche experiences and all without needing a subsidized subscription to make it happen. Microsoft isn't in the same league when it comes to risk taking.

andy85617d ago

What the guy above said. And there's plenty of new IPs on the horizon. And I'm not sure what the JRPG comment is about. I think I've played more of them in the last 2 years than I ever have

gangsta_red617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

It's very true, where are all of Sony's JRPGs they used to pump out from their PS/PS2 days? Where are the niche games from Sony Japan Studio? Naming one or two games over many years doesn't invalidate my point.

Entire AAA VR games, from where, Sony? They basically abandoned the PSVR and left it to other companies to make and Sony even closed down a few of their own studios that were dedicated to making them VR games. Huge risk for God of War?? How? By taking an established, extremely popular IP and giving it the same old Sony, over the shoulder, third person, cinematic emotional, single player experience?

Meanwhile Obsidian is making Grounded, Pentiment, Outer World's 2 and Avowed, smaller games and big budget triple A titles and all because they have the comfort of a subsidized service.

"Microsoft isn't in the same league when it comes to risk taking"

MS has taken far more risks compared to Sony. Sony has played it extremely safe, especially this gen so far.

tay8701617d ago

yah Horizon, ghost of tsushima, returnal, death stranding, dayz gone say hello. dony takes quite a few risks asctually.

Chevalier617d ago

Nintendo and Playstation make new IPs regularly and have a regular infusion of new 3rd party IPs too. Just wait till 2024 when new games come out for Xbox then you will one of those hypocrites that goes oh look at all these new IPs by Xbox studios.

Seriously you cherry pick annual titles as examples, but, when it comes to the millionth Forza, Halo or Gears you guys come in about how much 'value' Gamepass has.

But the idea that this game couldn't exist without Gamepass is absolutely ridiculous. Go look at the small new IPs from Bandai, Embracer etc like Little Nightmares, Stray, Sifu, Goat Simulator, Deep Rock Galactic etc. Lots of risky small projects from companies much smaller than Xbox/Microsoft.

gangsta_red617d ago

"Nintendo and Playstation make new IPs regularly..."

Nintendo? I swear you guys are on a script to just automatically bash MS and just include Sony/Nintendo for fun. What new IP's has Nintendo made regularly?

"you will one of those hypocrites that goes oh look at all these new IPs by Xbox studios."

I seriously doubt that, because i was never the one who constantly and foolishly complained that MS had no new IP's. But I can guarantee you'll still find some type of asinine complaint to still yell about when MS does release new Ip's.

"Seriously you cherry pick annual titles as examples, but, when it comes to the millionth Forza, Halo or Gears you guys come in about how much 'value' Gamepass has."

Yeah, way to miss the point there, as usual. It's because of the need or reliance of these annual titles that these big publishers and developers can't take many chances on smaller games or new IP's. Let me ask you this, how many small, niche games has Naughty Dog, Insominiac, Santa Monica or Bend Studios released these past few years? You really believe an executive producer with a lead artist could walk into Sony's boardroom and pitch a game like Pentiment and have it greenlit for development?

"But the idea that this game couldn't exist without Gamepass is absolutely ridiculous."

Maybe read the article and get some context before saying absolutely stupid statements like this. It would not exist, for Obsidian. These guys struggled to make both Pillars of Eternity, I even think they had to use GoFund me or something similar, so yes, this game would not have happened or would have been extremely difficult to the point of the dev giving up as stated in the actual article.

"Lots of risky small projects from companies much smaller than Xbox/Microsoft."

Guy accuses me of cherry picking, then proceeds to cherry pick the most successful ones out of the millions that don't get any recognition. too funny

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 617d ago
Lightning77617d ago

Yeah, wrong. In other words they were making this game 9 months before MS even knew about it. This was there little passion project they wanted to make for a while but nobody would of helped publish its because of what kinda game it is.

In this case MS isn't holding anyone back they're letting creators create.

Inverno617d ago

You contradict yourself. MS isn't holding them back, but they were making it in secrecy? Ok.

Lightning77617d ago

You're reaching pretty hard they would of cancelled it if they were holding them back. Grounded wouldn't be a thing either. Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 are being made.

shinoff2183617d ago

Doesn't seem like a game I'm interested in at all.

Crows90617d ago

Its extraordinarily niche. Im all for reading text in games but thats the whole game here pretty much.

porkChop617d ago

You don't enjoy visual novels like Danganronpa or Zero Escape?

blackblades617d ago

@Porkchop Zero Escape prequel was great i think it was that the one on vita. After playing that open my eyes on visual novels. Games like genshin I can't bare reading that long dialog.

Crows90617d ago


I recognize theyre great...but I havent been able to get into them...I played a couple of them though. Pentiment is a little tougher for me to get into though...maybe its the style or lack of early hook..Im still playing it though. Sometimes you gotta push through to the filling in the middle.

franwex617d ago

Hence that’s why it exists due to Game Pass. Otherwise Obsidian would have to make another type of game that is not as niche.

blacktiger617d ago

If it wasn't for gamepass then you couldn't release it? Man that must be a bad game,

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Josh Sawyer Reflects on Design Evolution: From Icewind Dale to Pentiment

Josh Sawyer is a name that has been familiar to RPG fans for decades. He's worked on Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and most recently Pentiment. How did he get into game development, how has his design philosophy changed over the years, and why did he decide to do Pentiment a little differently?

thorstein58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Those are some great games. Icewind Dale I & II are underrated.

If Larian made Icewind Dale III, I'd lose my mind.

What a fantastic, thorough interview.


Pentiment (PS5) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "When it’s all said and done, Pentiment is one of the most impressive narrative adventures in recent years. From the words scrawled across the page to impressive background details, there's a distinct appreciation for history coming out of every pore; moreover, it doesn't merely succeed at doing its homework, but also in fashioning unique visual storytelling that harmonizes with its rich narrative & themes. There are some specific design and narrative critiques, but none of them outright smother the abundant successes. For a title so reverent of history, it feels like divine justice that Obsidian's special adventure earns such a high spot in the annals of its own."

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coolbeans123d ago

I'm not surprised to know a scholar would enjoy it. ;)


Pentiment - Review - PSX Brasil

Pentiment demonstrates Obsidian Entertainment's ability to develop excellent games in genres that are currently little explored and Xbox Game Studios' ability to offer these games for new platforms.

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darthv72137d ago

I enjoyed this game. Found it rather relaxing. I hope PS fans find it enjoyable too.

coolbeans123d ago

I get that vibe too. It's funny how it lulls you into that kind of mood until you see someone get angry and hear the harsh quill scratches in someone's speech bubble.