
Pentiment Review - IGN

IGN : Masterpiece. Pentiment is a clever Medieval detective story with a gorgeously-realized world that I can hardly recommend highly enough.

sparky77620d ago

Holy crap I did not see a 10/10 from IGN coming at all, I fully expected 8 at best.

Guess MS's 2022 isn't so bad after all, GOW:R and Elden Ring better watch out since GOTY won't be so easy now lol.

crazyCoconuts620d ago

Yes, Sony and From, redirect all resources to side scrollers immediately!

Petebloodyonion620d ago

Kind of funny that when Microsoft makes a side scroller like ORI it's quickly established as an indy kind of level of game, but when Nintendo makes the exact same kind of game and calls it Metroid Dread then now it's real AAA game worthy of GOTY nomination.

Crows90620d ago

What are you smoking? Ori is incredible...never seen anyone deny that. When the first came out it was definitely my choice for gotyr.

This is a side scroller detective game. Could be fun but for me plague tale is an actual contender. And according to some I'm a huge PlayStation fanboy or some nonsense like that.

I'm using a 15 day gamepads ultimate trial right now so I'm going to be able to see what this game is all about. Playing moonscars right now though.

Army_of_Darkness619d ago

10/10!? Ughhh.. Say what you want, but this game looks leisurely monotonous. I need some type of action in a game, otherwise why not just read a book and avoid eye strain... a plague's tail Requiem looks vastly Superior if they're both going up for Game of the Year.

Lifexline620d ago (Edited 620d ago )

Why would you presume what a game will get before you even played it? But not shocking it’s obsidian they make great games. The great thing is that it’s in game pass so I will check it out. Congrats MS it seems from now on great games will start coming out and the fruit of their acquisitions will bear fruit.

Jin_Sakai620d ago

Meanwhile GameSpot give it a 6/10. It’s one of those games that’s not for everyone.

Crows90620d ago

It's a side scroller detective game. If it's not for you then you shouldn't even attempt a review. It's like if I had to review a dish that contained eggplant..the one ingredient I can't stand. Kinda silly if i tried.

TheColbertinator620d ago (Edited 620d ago )

Goes to show how reviews are based on opinion. My top played games for the last 3 years have been Paradox strategy games which are not enjoyed at all by most casual gamers

Imalwaysright620d ago

A game like this would never be in the running for GOTY not because it doesn't deserve it but because of the type of game that it is but aside from that, this is just another game that shows how truly great Obsidian is as a development studio and I can't wait to see what they'll be doing in the future with MS backing and funding starting with Avowed.

porkChop620d ago

I'm not saying whether Pentiment deserves GOTY or not, but people also said an indie would never be in the running for GOTY. Then came Telltale's The Walking Dead.

TGGJustin620d ago

Unlike Elden Ring and GOW, Pentiment isn't getting universal praise. Yes it got a 10 from IGN but it has an 87 average. That puts it in the same realm as a bunch of other games this year. Not close to the realm of Elden Ring and GOW

Babadook7619d ago (Edited 619d ago )


Just checked.
86 on metacritic. That’s impressive, but for context….
94 for ragnarok
And stray was 83.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 619d ago
RaidenBlack620d ago

... keep faith in Obsidian, atleast.

Petebloodyonion620d ago

It's a small game so it doesn't count as a game.
Unless Nintendo or Sony makes that game, then we could talk about a GOTY potential.

GhostScholar620d ago

I have a switch, series x, and ps5, so I'm not a fan boys, but Sony folks talked like stray was a masterpiece. If pentiment was on ps5 everyone would be singing it's praises.

Flawlessmic620d ago

I dont remember anyone calling stray as masterpiece lol, it was far from it, it was a decent bite sized indie game to keep you occupied for a few hrs.

Pentiment i am looking forward to as its giving me disco Elysium vibes and the reviews are looking pretty good so once im done with GOWR this is next one my list.

Petebloodyonion619d ago

@ Flawlesslogic
Stray has been nominated for the video game of the year award

RedDevils619d ago

We get it you love MS. Don't need to cry about it over this article.

GhostScholar619d ago

I take it you don't read so well, so this will fly over your head too, but I have all 3 consoles and enjoy games on all three. That being said stray was absolutely raved about. It was a good game. However, had it been xb exclusive it would have been a laughing stock.

RedDevils618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

I take it you don't comprehend whom implied to, and I'm sorry. But it not you.

620d ago
Elda620d ago

Though the high score to me the game looks boring.

ManMarmalade620d ago

To each their own. I love these types of games.

crazyCoconuts620d ago

Me too. Great for handheld devices like steam deck or switch imo

Crows90620d ago

Do you have any other recommendations for these types of games you love?

StarkR3ality620d ago

Some people say that about Sony and their 'Movie simulator's and most of their games sharing game design' (I have to be clear I love their games, but that is what some people say.)

We all like different things and that should be celebrated, not looked down on :)

Elda620d ago (Edited 620d ago )

I'm not looking down on it,I know what I like & the game looks boring. As a GP subscriber, I'll bypass this & try Somerville out instead & next week Gungrave Gore.

StarkR3ality620d ago

well you're saying it loos boring.. Is that not looking down on it, just accept people like different things mate, life gets easier that way.

Elda620d ago

You like it good for you. Not everyone will coincide with your opinion or mine about a video game & that should be ok especially knowing all video games are subjective like movies & music.

Crows90620d ago

Why not accept that it looks boring to him then? We get very touchy when someone doesn't say good things about something we like it seems.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 620d ago
Amplitude620d ago

As somebody who loves detective games, sidescrollers, and David Cage Telltale-esque games, I also think it looks really boring.

I'll give it a try for sure but I couldn't get through the trailer.

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Josh Sawyer Reflects on Design Evolution: From Icewind Dale to Pentiment

Josh Sawyer is a name that has been familiar to RPG fans for decades. He's worked on Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and most recently Pentiment. How did he get into game development, how has his design philosophy changed over the years, and why did he decide to do Pentiment a little differently?

thorstein58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Those are some great games. Icewind Dale I & II are underrated.

If Larian made Icewind Dale III, I'd lose my mind.

What a fantastic, thorough interview.


Pentiment (PS5) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "When it’s all said and done, Pentiment is one of the most impressive narrative adventures in recent years. From the words scrawled across the page to impressive background details, there's a distinct appreciation for history coming out of every pore; moreover, it doesn't merely succeed at doing its homework, but also in fashioning unique visual storytelling that harmonizes with its rich narrative & themes. There are some specific design and narrative critiques, but none of them outright smother the abundant successes. For a title so reverent of history, it feels like divine justice that Obsidian's special adventure earns such a high spot in the annals of its own."

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coolbeans123d ago

I'm not surprised to know a scholar would enjoy it. ;)


Pentiment - Review - PSX Brasil

Pentiment demonstrates Obsidian Entertainment's ability to develop excellent games in genres that are currently little explored and Xbox Game Studios' ability to offer these games for new platforms.

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darthv72137d ago

I enjoyed this game. Found it rather relaxing. I hope PS fans find it enjoyable too.

coolbeans123d ago

I get that vibe too. It's funny how it lulls you into that kind of mood until you see someone get angry and hear the harsh quill scratches in someone's speech bubble.