
Missile Command Recharged Review | Gaming Nexus

Joseph writes, "Missile Command: Recharged is the upgrade you didn't think you needed. It's new missions and graphical polish is a very nice touch. I'd dare say this is one of the first tower defense/bullet hell games, and Atari never skimps on delivering the "hell" part of that equation. With snappy controls, and a cool soundtrack, Missile Command: Recharged will keep you on your toes, for as long as it wants to. "

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rlow1557d ago

I remember the original at the arcade and would play it but I was just average skill wise.


Missile Command: Recharged review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG write - "Missile Command: Recharged is a solid re-imaging of the classic title whose name it bears. Missile Command was a great game back in 1980, and this remake is a lot of fun now, too. I will say that I had more fun with small play sessions rather than large ones; it's a simple game at heart, and it can get a bit repetitive in longer stretches. It doesn't help that it's extremely difficult as time goes on, and barely gives you a breather (on Arcade mode). While it's not my favorite of the Recharged titles so far, I definitely enjoy playing it, and I think you will to. Recommended."

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“Missile Command: Recharged” is now available for PC and consoles

"Today, historic retro publisher Atari releases the revamp of their very first Recharged title: “Missile Command: Recharged.” The debut title of the Atari Recharged series, Missile Command: Recharged releases today with a full upgrade and reimagined as a brand new title.

Available on both PC and all major consoles, this re-revamped take on the classic introduces more power-ups, new enemies, updated visuals, a stellar soundtrack, and a suite of challenges that test the skills of even the most capable commanders." - Atari.