
Dragon Quest VIII Deserves a Remaster

Square Enix should pay off the recent success of Dragon Quest with a remaster of Dragon Quest 8, one of the franchise's most iconic titles.

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gold_drake644d ago


i dont know why Square didn tput the Remaster for the 3ds, on the ps4. its like they dont want money haha

Relientk77644d ago

Hell yes! Dragon Quest VIII is sooo damn good!

Terry_B644d ago

Well..just every PS2 era j-rpg should have or get a remaster.

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Amazon discounts up to 63% off A Link Between Worlds and other 3DS games

Amazon has discounted the digital versions of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds to $14.99, Luigi's Mansion to $23.99 and more.

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MadLad1870d ago

Link between worlds is a steal at that price. Would have grabbed DQ as well, but just grabbed at locally for dirt cheap, luckily.

NecrumOddBoy1868d ago

I wish LBW would port to Switch


5 RPGs that need to be Remade That Don

Paul writes: "As much fun as it would be to play A Link To The Past, there is no way that Nintendo would allow that to be remade for Microsoft’s black box, so even though it had a massive effect on me as a younger man, it won't appear in this list. But other than that, here, in no particular order, are the five RPGs that I'd like to see remade that don't include the words "Final" or "Fantasy"."

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Geobros1891d ago

When I read the headlink I was sure about Chrono Trigger....what a game?? Secret of Mana was epic too!! The rest I have not played yet.

ecchiless1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

games i would love a remake and sequel , vagrant story, crono cross, xenogears(fuck xenosaga and xenoblade), legend of dragoon, parasite eve.

edit: and persona 2, eternal and sin, i need that remake so bad

notachance1890d ago

ooo yeah xenogears, back when xeno has dark and serious story and none of that weaboo underage big breasted characters

indysurfn1890d ago

legend of dragoon, parasite eve I liked the first two xenosagas a lot ESPECIALLY the music by Yuki Kajiura!
Thats my girl (DREAMING OF COURSE).

Anyway as far as overall games, legend of dragoon, parasite eve, and skys of Arcadia for the win!

Retroman1890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

Go to Releases.com.
Legend of dragoon is a up coming PS4 title.
I kid you not.
I was hoping to find New ratchet and clank title and
Stubble on Dragoon title.

SilverDemon1891d ago

Secret of Mana already got a remake

I heard it wasn't so good

SegaGamer1891d ago

Dragon Quest VIII does not need to be remade. If anything, I would take a HD remaster of the game, but it doesn't need a remake.

deathtok1891d ago

Exactly. Up-res the PS2 version and include quality of life improvements from the 3DS.

meep3161890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

not up-res, change render resolution and its done. Its a simple config change that can be done easily with an emulator. Heres how it looks at 1080p https://www.youtube.com/wat...

indysurfn1890d ago

LOL yes I would agree. Especially if it is ffVII type of remake.

meep3161890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

Only if they dont insult my intelligence by calling it a "remaster". this is how it looks with render resoltuion changed to 1080p, this is just a config change. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

it could use a little ui work though.

ElementX1891d ago (Edited 1891d ago )

I would like to see Lands of Lore: Throne of Chaos and Stonekeep remade. They were pretty good back in the 90s but I dunno if the game play would hold up today, they would probably have to get rid of the old grid movement system.

Razmiran1890d ago (Edited 1890d ago )

I think theres still a niche place in the market for grid based games
That said, Id kill for a throne of chaos remake
Never played stonekeep, should I?

killswitch801891d ago

I would like to see a complete remake of Grandia II

Zeldafan641890d ago

I believe Grandia I and II are already being remade.

Nebaku1890d ago

Is 2 better than 3? I've only played 3, and LOVED the battle system, but the story and world were as cliche as a ps2 rpg could get.

Lazyeye791891d ago

Arc the Lad was a fun game. Would like to see that remade.

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Dragon Quest XI is Engineered to Try and Woo a Western Audience (Again)

The stage is once again set for Dragon Quest to make a big impression on a fresh Western audience. Will this be the series' breakout moment? Will Square Enix see a massive adoption movement akin to Capcom's recent Western success with Monster Hunter: World? Dragon Quest XI looks great, it sounds good, it's getting a Steam release alongside its console release, and the success of another turn-based RPG—Persona 5—proves North America isn't as allergic to "old fashioned" JRPG systems as some people initially thought. If Dragon Quest is going to shine on these shores, it's now or never.

2311d ago Replies(1)
GaboonViper2311d ago

This is gonna be amazing, i love DQ, i wish Sony would allow DQ8 on PS2 classics.

2311d ago
FallenAngel19842311d ago

It’s hard for this series to catch on big in western markets because of its various very traditional mechanics.

I’m not even talking about it being turn based. Dragon Quest does many things cuz of tradition that wouldn’t set well with any other franchise

2311d ago
PhoenixUp2311d ago

There’s been so many attempts to make Dragon Quest a big name in western markets, I’d be amazed if this game somehow pulled it off

thorstein2310d ago

It's too bad it doesn't because it is such an amazing series. Only half a million people bought DQ VIII on PS2 in NA. I was one of them. Great game even today.

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