
Review: Scorn wraps a jaw-dropping world inside a frustrating game | VGC

From VGC: "Scorn has one of the most beautiful worlds you'll see in a game (if you can see beauty in the grotesque). It's just a shame that world is also home to a frustrating puzzle-heavy adventure filled with aimless wandering."

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Community618d ago
Terry_B618d ago

I guess its awesome for players that care more about the visuals, but rather boring , maybe even frustrating for people that care more about gameplay.

SullysCigar618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

It looked boring and 'trudgy' in the 15 minute gameplay reveal. It still does now. Even IGN couldn't find a way to talk up this one.

What a waste of a fine aesthetic.

Terry_B618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

well, I predicted it would get a lot of 6/10 scores around 2 years ago here in a n4g comment section and got a lot...more downvotes than for this comment here.

darthv72618d ago

@Terry, how many is "a lot", as it seems to be mostly 7's.

617d ago
generic-user-name618d ago

We joke about Xbox exclusives being mediocre Game Pass filler but it keeps being true. Xbox need to get better at identifying bangers in development.

MrVux000618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

I agree (based on my perception of games released since 2013), if there is an absolute banger of a game that drops day one on GamePass or Xbox exclusively in general it will most certainly be an exception to the rule and not the rule itself.

generic-user-name618d ago

Meanwhile, on the rare occasions PS+ has a day 1 release it's a Rocket League or Fall Guys or an Outlast.

Petebloodyonion617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

"Meanwhile, on the rare occasions PS+ has a day 1 release it's a Rocket League or Fall Guys or an Outlast."
or a Bugsnax, or an Oddworld soul world...

Knushwood Butt617d ago

Bugsnax is pretty good and quite funny to boot. Free DLC expansion too.

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Terry_B618d ago

This game gets pretty varied, but mostly positives review scores so far. I doubt it can be seen as a "filler" ..its just not a mainstream game..rather a niche one and for people that care more about this kind of experience, it might be great. But yeah..personally, I will probably never play it.

YodaCracker618d ago

Honesty, these kinds of unique games get me far more excited than the big AAA games that all follow the same formula these days.

CBaoth618d ago

guess we've come along way. I remember the good old days when xbox fans made fun of walking sims, right Yoda?

Terry_B618d ago

@CBaoth I am not a Xbox fan, owned only the first one 20 years ago and have only a PC to play on currently.

Never used a nickname related to yoda or even star wars in general lol

But an interesting game is an interesting game. This one has very interesting visuals at least.

618d ago Replies(2)
Petebloodyonion618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

And what would you consider a good ratio?
Because the way I see it no matter what Gamepass would do ppl would still complain since it's Xbox.
Immortality 88 on Metacritic was released a month ago.
Grounded was released this month (it was in early access before) with an 82 Metacritic score.

Stray on Ps5 83 Metacritic released in July

Personally, the way I see it is ppl associate the quality of a game with how much the media talks about it
For example, Gamespot gave As dusk Falls a 9/10 and that was it
on the same day, Gamespot gave Stray a 9 out 10 but proceed (the same day) to publish tons of articles about guides, cat behaviors, etc.
What game is considered a masterpiece and what game is considered a filler?

Scorn was a hyped game because it had been in development for so long and had a shock value but unfortunately, it suffer the same fate as other similar hyped horror games Agony, Layers of Fear 2, Outlast 2, etc.

Don't be surprised if Calisto's project falls into a similar fate.

617d ago
Petebloodyonion617d ago

I'm glad to know that your contribution to the topics or my point is basically an insult without actually trying to answer the question I asked.

what would you consider a good ratio?

CBaoth617d ago

bloody, I've already discussed this topic on this site. ONCE all the acquisitions start pumping out 1st party games hopefully MS adopts a policy of waiting on indie's reception and then adding the quality ones to GP. Sony just does a better job of identifying games early in development and funding them. Look at Gunk compared to Kena. There are loads of good indies on GP but none marketed the way Scorn, Gunk, Ascent, etc... are. None of these games are complete duds but none are what MS was hoping they'd turn out to be either. We don't have to worry about ratios and what's considered GP filler if it's all good

Shane Kim617d ago

Come on, it's at 71 on open critic, that's not even average, that is a pretty good game.

Lightning77617d ago

"We joke about Xbox exclusives being mediocre Game Pass filler but it keeps being true. "

Let me get this straight. One bad game paints the entire gamepass library as bad? What? What about the other countless games that hit the service like Grounded that scored well. As Dusk Falls Many others. Many others I can't even think of.

That is hilarious amount of reach. Please keep reaching far and wide.

Orchard617d ago

"We joke about Xbox exclusives being mediocre Game Pass filler but it keeps being true."

The highest scoring exclusive game of the last full calendar year is an Xbox exclusive from GamePass.

So if 'mediocre GamePass filler' is better than everything that Nintendo and Sony can muster, what does that say about the quality of their output? 🤷

617d ago
617d ago
617d ago
generic-user-name617d ago

A broken clock is right twice a day, or twice in 2 full calendar years in this case.

Orchard617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

That could be true, except they seem to have pulled it off more than two times.

Infact, looking at the top scores for 2021, in the top 10:

Microsoft: 4 entries (all 90+)
PlayStation: 0 entries
Nintendo: 0 entries

You have to go to 17th to find a Nintendo game (SM3D World), and you'll have to go to 28th to find a PlayStation title (Ratchet).

Fast forward to 2022, we're now halfway through October and the only top 10 PS studios game is God of War 2018 on PC... zero entries for PS5 games. The first Xbox console game is down at 15th (Deathloop).

Facts matter, as do stats. 'Gamepass fodder' is apparently better than anything the other big 2 are able to put out 🤷

generic-user-name616d ago

The problem with your argument here is that you're immediately jumping into the console warfare mentality by having to compare MS output to Sony and Nintendo.

My criticism is not targeted on the quality of Xbox's own studios output, there's plenty of other articles for that argument to be had, it's in the value of all these exciting Xbox exclusive "Day 1 on Game Pass" games that are not living up to their hype over and over again.

As a Game Pass subscriber you should be agreeing with me, sending a message that you expect better from this service instead of trying to convince me that GT 7/Horizon FW/TLOUP1 are not quality titles because they were 2 or 3 points off Metacritic's top 10 games of the year.

Orchard616d ago (Edited 616d ago )

“ it's in the value of all these exciting Xbox exclusive "Day 1 on Game Pass" games that are not living up to their hype over and over again. ”

Sorry, what? As I said, the highest rated exclusives were on GamePass day 1 - that more than lives up to the ‘hype’.

“As a Game Pass subscriber you should be agreeing with me, sending a message that you expect better from this service ”

And while I appreciate your concern, I am more than happy with the value I get for $10/mo. Heck, it’s got huge games like Starfield coming up, and sooner or later it’ll have COD… It’s unbeatable - no other service comes close.

If anything we may be underpaying, not that I’m encouraging them to increase the price :p

I’ll take GP games over TLOU1 re-remaster any day. Heck, I’d rather play Scorn - at least it’s new and not a scam lol.

generic-user-name616d ago

"As I said, the highest rated exclusives were on GamePass day 1 - that more than lives up to the ‘hype’."

While this may be true, we'd have to pretend that most GamePass users would be satisfied by a Flight Sim 'game', a race car game, the obscure Psychonauts and whatever the 4th game is (you won't name these mega hit games for some reason). Imagine if Netflix put out 4 good originals in 2 years and 2 of them were documentaries on planes and cars. 4 is not the impressive number you think it is for a service like this.

"Heck, it’s got huge games like Starfield coming up, and sooner or later it’ll have COD"

Next year™ strikes again. At least the insane amount of bugs and issues that Starfield will no doubt launch with will be easier to wave away with the classic "well good thing it's on gamepass" excuse too so you have that to look forward to.

"If anything we may be underpaying"

It's stuff like this and the fact that Xbox fans stuck with Xbox throughout the entirety of last gen that just goes to show that no matter what they do, how anti-consumer they are, how often they fail to deliver on promises, how badly they run Halo into the ground; that their fans will ALWAYS be cheerleading for them.

Orchard616d ago (Edited 616d ago )

Yep, GamePass subscribers are clearly not happy. That is why it's the highest subscriber count in its subscription class and is generating 3bn dollars in revenue. It's also why Sony chose to copy it. Makes perfect sense. /s

Heck, Sony don't even agree with your statements, they stated: "it would take several years – even with substantial investments – to create a rival effective for Game Pass."

Must be good stuff in it if it would take years for them to compete against it.

"how anti-consumer they are"

Are we talking about Sony or MS? MS isn't the one charging $70 for games, bumping consoles by 10% post-launch and refusing to give us day 1 games in their subscription because they love dollars. Not to mention trying to rip people off by charging for what were promised to be free upgrades because they delayed the game.

It's crystal clear who is the most anti-consumer out of the big 3 this generation.

generic-user-name616d ago

"That is why it's the highest subscriber count in its subscription class"

Bro Game Pass is the undeniable number one service that has Game Pass in the title bro, that means it's great bro. Always little caveats and tricky wording when it comes to Xbox.

"It's also why Sony chose to copy it."
"they stated: "it would take several years – even with substantial investments – to create a rival effective for Game Pass."

Which is it? Looks like you've mistaken the PS Now rebranding as an attempt to copy Game Pass, while also telling me Sony themselves are saying they could not copy Game Pass. Xbox fans are always tripping themselves up over their own lies.

"It's crystal clear who is the most anti-consumer out of the big 3 this generation."

And then the classic, latching on to the anti-consumer boogieman because you can't address any of the other issues I raised.

Don't worry about Sony being anti-consumer by...adjusting for inflation. Worry that you're so used to accepting Xbox's output being so poor for the last decade that you think 4 games in 2 years is great output.

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ZwVw618d ago

The game has only been announced for XS and PC. Hence, it's GP shovelware. Once it gets confirmed for PS5, it'll become an overnight GOTY contender (ala The Medium), mainly due to gimmicky dualsense features.

-Foxtrot617d ago

Yeah the Medium is still pretty shit regardless of console

I mean the Duelsense controls are cool and it’s nice they went the extra step but it didn’t help the game

Nitrowolf2618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

Lol The Medium reviewed just about the same as it did on the ps5 as it did on the xbox. 75 for PS5 and 71 for Xbox in Meta. Not that big of a difference and there was no loud majority of people going around saying it was GoTY . Stop making a fake narrative as if a bad game suddenly becomes good because it’s on a more successful platform. When has that ever been the case

SullysCigar618d ago

The funniest part about your comment I'd that The Medium shares many of the same problems as Scorn, nether of which have turned out to be GOTY contenders by any stretch.

Too short, dull, not as scary as had been hoped, slow story, boring puzzles, naff combat, claim to be 'next gen' games. Pretty graphics though, so there's that.

Destiny1080618d ago

its true the PS5 can take a 8/10 game and push it towards a 10/10 game because of the dualsense features and 3D audio, but these xbox games are designed from the ground up to be average in everyway makes it next to impossible

GotGame818618d ago

Xbox Series consoles have Dolby Atmos. That is 3D sound.

Profchaos618d ago

Wait no-one is raving about the medium on ps5 it came and went with a fizzle.
Reviews may have said they liked duelsense and find it weird they dropped ray tracing but a meh with cheese on top is still a meh

Crows90617d ago

No it won't. The medium isn't even talked about by ps fans. Stop spreading false rumors.

tay8701617d ago

lmao trust me most of us platstation fans dont want this game. we certainly wouldnt claim its game of the yr material. playstation actually has studios that put out game of the yr type games on the regular. in fact one of them is releasing in less tyan a month. ;-)

Chriswheeler22617d ago

The opinion on The Medium didn't change at all when it came to PS5. It was like a fart in the wind.

Knightofelemia617d ago

From what I have seen and watched I wouldn't insult my PS5 with this game.

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hiawa23618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

I am loving it so far. To each his or her own, but I like what they did here.

thesoftware730618d ago

SMH, I never once heard anyone make a fuss about this game being great, all I ever heard was people saying hey liked the art style. All the gameplay footage that was shown beforehand had the same majority of people saying, either they didn't know what type of game it was, it looked boring, or taking a wait and see attitude. Somehow people are managing to make this into a MS problem, the same way with 'The Medium', it was made out to be an Xbox problem when MS teams had nothing to do with it, that game is on PS5 now, is it still an MS problem? or just an okay game problem?

Both games had a promise with good graphics, sound, and decent-level design. 'The Medium' even found an audience enough that it is being made into a T.V show. I can bet Scorn will also receive some level of success, if anything being on GP is actually helping these tiles that would have probably been largely ignored or faded into obscurity at normal MSRP.

Flawlessmic618d ago

Your 100% right really but I'd say it get linked to Ms as 1 it's day 1 on GP timed exclusive and 2 ms fans have been slightly hyping it up as a way to combat the whole lack of games narrative this yr which is also true.

For me I always said this game had turd written all over it, but it's on gp so I'll give it go, the alien franchise is one my favourites so to see that art style should give me a kick atleast.

thesoftware730618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

See that is the thing, slightly hyping it up? or just saying they have an interest because at the bare minimum the game has an H.R. Giger art style that automatically makes some people interested? including, you and me.

Again, being on GP had many people saying, they would try it, Who knows 'trying it may lead to liking it and building a fan base. I am not convinced the game is a "Turd", IGN gave it a 7, and this gave it a 2, PC gaming gave it an 8 and another site gave it 10/10....as you said, I will try it myself, something I would not have done if it were not on GP.

RauLeCreuset617d ago

Aren't you the one who has posted the first comment on at least two other reviews that were higher scoring, saying things like "another good review," "let me guess, this review will get ignored, while the 2 from VGC will remain the hot topic," and countering someone who questioned giving a perfect score?

SullysCigar617d ago

I can confirm I saw this too. They also insisting this score is "an outlier" despite other sites reviewing it the same or lower.

Gamerant gave it 2/10. Even xbox-centric sites have gone as low as 4/10.

They can't all be winners.

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The philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn” is now available for the PS5

"The London-based (the UK) indie games publisher Kepler Interactive  and Belgrade-based (Serbia) indie games developer Ebb Software, are today super thrilled and proud to announce that their philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn”, is now available for the PS5 via PSN." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

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Community262d ago
CappyBlack262d ago

Very lackluster game. Had high hopes for it, but it didn't cut it. Really only for people who appreciate the art of it all. It really doesn't deliver as the Myst title with obscene imagery it was trying to be.

jznrpg262d ago

Some Xbox sites were giving it 10’s

Tacoboto262d ago

The Xbox version's highest review score on Metacritic is an 80.

One review site gave the PC version a 10. One. Not some. One. That same site gave 100s to BG3, Starfield, Horizon Burning Shores, and FFXVI as well.

ModsDoBetter262d ago

Which sites?

As Tacoboto said, only one is showing a 10 and that's for the PC version. I'd also question that publications credibility given they gave Starfield and a dlc a 10 as well.

coolbeans262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

You're a big reason why N4G should add a Community Notes feature.

Tacoboto262d ago

I agree.

The opening puzzle was a little too vague because I missed something super obvious once I realized what it was. The few attempts at combat back at launch were very rough. It gave me one bout of motion sickness in a section of the game was was especially grey and linear.

But when puzzles felt not-too-obscure and you got out of the grey-on-grey corridors, the experience was unique at least.

I didn't have as much fun as something more whimsical and colorful as Call of the Sea, but it wasn't a waste of the 6-8 hours I put into it. A solid 6/10.

TGG_overlord262d ago

Fair enough. Even so, I had a real blast watching the world's most famous e-begger cry over this game though lol.

TGG_overlord262d ago

Imo, it's a very mixed bag of a game...To be fair though, I didn't walk into it with very high expections...

shinoff2183262d ago

To anyone that is interested this does have a physical release coming.

Vits262d ago

This game is great, but it's not for everyone. It doesn't hold your hand nor does it try to be accessible, combat is slow and you are always at a disadvantage so if you do engage you must make your shots count because the penalty for missing is often dying and that can reset a lot of your progress. Puzzles are in my opinion the best part, there are enough of them, they offer a good challenge and are also the best moment to appreciate the art style of the game.

The closest comparison that I can give would be with the original Echo Nights. And just like that game, I feel that you have to approach it with the mindset that it's not an action game and that you will get frustrated if you try to play it as one.

TGG_overlord262d ago

Do you remember old game "Bad Mojo"? That game wasn't for everyone either...This is the same kind of game in that aspect. Besides that, I agree with what you wrote.

Vits262d ago

Oh, Bad Mojo. Completely forgot about it and I definitely agree about it not being for everyone. If I recall correctly I couldn't stomach it for very long and I played it as sort of a challenge.

Concertoine262d ago

I agree, the game has stuck with me in all aspects of presentation: sound and visuals were on point.

crazyCoconuts262d ago

I thought it was pretty good for what it is. Neat how they tell a story without any words. I thought the combat/stealth part was the weakest part of the game. Imo the price should be more like $30 for this one

LordStig262d ago

Tool album cover: the videogame.

TGG_overlord262d ago

The art is on point at least ;)

Elda262d ago

Solely PS5 owners don't bother.

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Fear Fest Horror Game Awards 2023 has just announced its winners

"Feardemic are today very thrilled & proud to announce the winners (yes, "Resident Evil 4 Remake" is on the list) of its Fear Fest Horror Game Awards 2023 event." - Feardemic.

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Community287d ago
roadkillers287d ago

Either REmake4 or Dead Space deserved it.

TGG_overlord287d ago

Well...Life is far from fair...

roadkillers287d ago

Well, REmake4 won so... it was fair today :)


The philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn” is coming to the PS5 on October 3rd, 2023

"This October, PlayStation 5 devotees will at last be able to delve into the unsettling universe of "Scorn", the acclaimed first person horror adventure. Ebb Software in collaboration with Kepler Interactive revealed the Tuesday, October 3rd release date during the Future Games Show at this year’s gamescom." - Ebb Software and Kepler Interactive.

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Community304d ago
Obelisk92304d ago

Glad it comes to PS5, it was a really interesting experience.

Some parts were awfully bad, but it reaches some remarkable peaks. I think I'll replay it someday.

TGG_overlord304d ago

I know right? That is true...The balance actually reminds me of "Bullet Witch", some parts of the game is just pure awesomeness, while other parts of the game is anything but great...And to this very day, I'm still scratching my head over what actually took place during the development process of "Bullet Witch", since the game is so extremly unblanaced.

jznrpg303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

50$ is a crazy asking price. When it hits the 5-10$ bargain bin I may grab it then. I doubt it takes too long

TGG_overlord303d ago

Based on what? Isn't that the standard launch price more or less? In that case, don't hold your breath ;)