
'Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake' – Bigger Tensions, Bigger Thrills

Once you've played Metal Gear 2, you crave ever bigger tensions, ever bigger thrills.

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Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake MSX Trophy Guide & Walkthrough

Metal Gear 2 is playable on modern consoles! Our Metal Gear 2 walkthrough will get you through the first sequel of this classic series.

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30 Years of Solid Snake: How the 8-Bit Sequel Defined the Stealth Genre

From Cinelinx:

We celebrate the 30th anniversary of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake with a look back at how the 8-bit sequel set the stage for the entire franchise.

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The Metal Gear Saga is Complete, But Where Do I Start?

So you want to get into Hideo Kojima’s magnum opus of storytelling before being dragged into his newest trip featuring Norman Reedus and a fetus? There’s no other story-driven video game out there like the Metal Gear series and what better way to prepare for Death Stranding then by playing the games that skyrocketed Kojima to fame.

However, though he might be a master of storytelling in video games, understanding Kojima’s complete vision can be overwhelming.

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AnnaDea1877d ago

Play the in the order they were released...?

Gridknac1877d ago

Skip the whole thing entirely. There are better things to waste your life on.

Foxhound9221877d ago

I hope that you don't drive or reproduce because that's a scary thought. Telling other people they can't enjoy something because you don't find it enjoyable is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

Gridknac1876d ago

Foxhound922, telling other people they can't have an opinion just because it doesn't align with yours is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard! At least we don't have to worry about you reproducing, you'll never get a woman down in your moms basement. (Well not legally anyways)

goldwyncq1877d ago

It's not meant to be played chronologically. If you start with 3 you'll miss a lot of references.

Stanjara1877d ago

You can say the same thing about the reference if you start with 1st.

NapalmSanctuary1877d ago (Edited 1877d ago )

You left out Metal Gear 1&2. The proper chronology is MGS3, MGS5, MG1, MG2, MGS, MGS2, MGS4.

Lilrizky1877d ago

Yeah play the order they were released.

Some people suggest chronologically, but the way certain reveals happen in certain games the narrative was purposely written in a way that it makes most sense to play them in release order. There are certain callbacks or references in MGSV to the first metal gear solid for example. So if you played them in chronological order you will have no idea what those references in V are referring to

MTVBG1877d ago

Order of release, no question.

CorndogBurglar1877d ago

Start with Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 from NES. Then play the Metal Solid series in the order they released.

Tross1877d ago

You can actually access the proper versions of Metal Gear 1 and 2 if you have MGS3 in some form on your device, and those are the canon games. I would recommend playing those first, yes, although MGS1 isn’t a bad jumping on point either. However, the NES games are an interesting curiosity, for sure.

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