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The Top Five Most Disappointing Games of 2008

From the article: "There's still a small (and rather unpleasant) step that has to be made now, just to make it easier for everybody to understand that huge budgets and obscene amounts of advertising are not the only things needed for a game to be considered a success. Because, as you will see, we will not talk about unknown, indie or low budget productions - we're talking about products that we, as gamers, considered "smoking hot prospects" when they were announced. But we were proved wrong."

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SONYSLAVE5753d ago (Edited 5753d ago )

I wish i can see the droids faces when after 2009 hits and you will see the 2009 disappointing games hehe

Panthers5753d ago

At least there are PS3 games coming out... cant think of 1 360 game besides Halo Wars that is worth playing.

Keele5753d ago

I don't know how you see it that way because compared to Suckstation 3 games even Too Human is worth playing.

TheMART5753d ago


360 - 130 games on or over 8 out of 10 average, 17 games on or over 9 out of 10 average

PS3 - 84 games on or over 8 out of 10 average, 9 games on or over 9 out of 10 average

I can't think out of any other reason then Little Big Planet to pay 400 Euro and get less, compared to the 360 for 200 Euro and get the better gaming machine, with more great games and the best online service.

It's that simple.

Magic_The_Celt5753d ago

Like LittleBigPlanet

you ALL said it would be a flop

and now? its the highest rated exlusive on Metacritic hahahaha OWNED

Disapointing? dude, MGS4 + LBP how can you call THAT disapointing given how amazing they where

If anything id say 08 was disapointing for the 360

its still 2008 and we can already count off blockbusters on and fill a hand

Pitty the 360 cant say the same.

GiantEnemyLobster5753d ago

#1) HAZE
#2) Lair
#3) LittleBIGflop
#4) Resistance 2
#5) Motorstorm pacific rift

God those games were horrific.

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TheMART5753d ago






















Magic_The_Celt5753d ago

No mart



i thought you learnt this in your special school?

GiantEnemyLobster5753d ago (Edited 5753d ago )

Go back to 1.4 to see how you spelled 'exclusive', 'were', and 'pity'. Good job on owning yourself there buddy.

PimpHandHappy5753d ago























TheMART5753d ago

That one is not mentioned in the article, you should learn to READ


Too Human average review 6.5 out of 10

Haze average review 5.5. out of 10

Don't forget that other great PS3 exclusive, Genji also 5.5 out of 10


Plus, Killzone 1 got rated close to Too Human. Guess thats a bad game also? Which also means if Killzone 2 is great, Too Human 2 could be great also I guess.

Too bad for you

FOTY 2007: Lair

Magic_The_Celt5753d ago

Except MART

Too Human had -WAY- more hype, and was spouted to be this amazing ground shattering RPG for the 360

I mean my god, 10 years, LMFAO TEN YEARS?!?!

thats just embarrassing beyond belief, and i don't recall the developers or Sony trying to say it was AMAZING after it flopped?

HAHA remember Too Human? the developer having a hissy fit and crying about it was awesome and its all our faults for not recognizing its awesomeness

We all know the Flop of Too Human got way more attention than the Flop of Haze

Shane Kim5753d ago (Edited 5753d ago )

lol at the mart. You mean like Two Worlds wich was hyped beyond belief and end up with 5.0 on metacritics? But if it is of any comfort Mart, at least there is a sequel coming up in 09.

And what is even more mind numbing is your logic that if KZ1 and Too Human have a similar score, Too Human will be a great game if KZ2 get high reviews. I mean WTF?! I fail to see any logic in that sentence at all.

Then we have other Flops as: Bomberman 34 on Meta
Last Remnant 66 on Meta
Ninety-Nine Nights 61 om Meta
Lost Odyssey 79 on Meta

The list could go on but I've made my point. Xbox 360 has more flops than it has RROD.

Xbox is the BEST5753d ago (Edited 5753d ago )

the problem. Every PS3 exclusive gets hyped by the droids as the killer of the 360. You can't deny the hype Haze was getting on this board.

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N2NOther5753d ago

Fable 2 is easily my biggest disappointment...It was a solid game that I played through to the end, but it didn't deliver what I was expecting at all. It was too short, even with doing all the available extra missions, I beat it in 15 or so hours, which is ridiculous for an RPG. The story was crap, they jobs were tedious and boring, the lack of customization, especially after the first one, was disappointing as well. And don't get me started on the fact that you couldn't die.

Monchichi0255753d ago

Are you nuts!!!!! Fable 2 was incredible; don't know what game you played! That's why it's won some Game of the Year awards and is in everyone's top candidates!

But whatever, there's always haters....and you my friend are one of them!

Mr Marbles5753d ago

Fable 2 was pretty solid, your nuts.

Toolster5753d ago

You cant call him a hater just because he felt it was not the game it should have been. everyone has games they love and hate that other ppl will hate and love.

shovelbum5753d ago

I actually had a pretty good time with mercs 2 especially in co-op. Haze is just horrible and I was one who was looking forward to the title but after a few minutes I wondered why it was even released in its current condition.

N2NOther5753d ago

I do know what game I played...It was Fable 1.5. I love RPGs and Fable 2 was just an incredibly dumbed-down version of one. It lacked the depth of a truly great RPG like Fallout 3 or a Final Fantasy. I had fun with it, but considering the hype and the scores and my expectations, the fact that it failed to measure up makes the game a huge disappointment. See, just because I didn't LOVE the game, doesn't mean I hated it, it just means I was, get this, DISAPPOINTED. Sucks, I know.

ThanatosDMC5753d ago

Pretty much Haze for me. I was looking forward to it till i downloaded and played the demo. Textures were blurry and all the weapons were just lame. No promises fulfilled.

I can't wait for Resident Evil 5! I hope the Mercenary mode is also co-op or something with other players.

SL1M DADDY5752d ago

They took a pretty cool concept and ruined it with lousy game mechanics. If only Infinity Ward had their way with the game it might have turned out great.

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Bnet3435753d ago

The games that come to my mind are Haze and Too Human for 2008. As for me I didn't really buy any games I was disappointed in.

SRU96005753d ago

Too Human was one of my top 5 games of 2008.

Despite the MASSIVE amount of bad press it received (I still maintain that most of that bad press came from people that hate Denis Dyack) I had an absolute blast playing it.

I think I put about 60 or 70 hours into it before I grew tired of it.

Too Human "2" will be a day one purchase for me.

Mr Marbles5753d ago

was also a solid game, people just hated on it to prove some stupid point. Great fun once you started playing the game, and that is all that matters.

ASTAROTH5753d ago

...that for Xbox 360 fanatics every game released for their beloved console is solid, but everygame for the PS3 is a flop!!! . Hmmm!! I respect your opinions but respect others opinions.

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The 10 Weirdest Video Games You Can Play Today

From Xfire: "Anyone who's played video games for a couple of years has stuck around long enough to stumble across a few weird ones. Some are even quite popular, which is all the more reason why you'll wonder what made the developers think about making such a game and why people are loving it, despite its weirdness anyway. Not all weird video games are head-scratches. Some are actually quite good."

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BlackDoomAx1229d ago

The stick of truth is a must have for any South Park fans. I spent a good afternoon on Goat simulator, a rare real open world. I planned to try hatoful boyfriend since it was free on Ps Plus. Disco Elysium is on my radar since the final cut came out; as soon as there is a discount, i will take it. Like movies, i like weird games too :)


The 10 Best Video Games With Cut Content

From Xfire: "The four-hour director's cut known as Zack Snyder's Justice League has led to the discussion of movies in the past that might have fared a whole lot better had they been released to be more in line with the original vision of their creators. But, as it turns out, cut content doesn't just happen in movies. In fact, the act of cutting content before the release date happens arguably just as often in video games as it does in cinema."

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Community1236d ago
anast1236d ago (Edited 1236d ago )

I can't believe they cut stuff from Skyrim. At release, it was a barebones game with a slight improvement in graphics.

-Foxtrot1236d ago

"Now, before we proceed, we'd like to say that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is one of the best video games ever made. It's not just a fine piece of gaming. It's one of the finest there is"


MGSV is easily the worst main line MGS game and not just because of cut story content, the open world is bare bones and there's hardly anything to do. It's repetitive, samey and is just lifeless. I appreciate the stealth mechanics, the animations and the way you can go with combat but it's not enough to keep me engaged the full way through.

Kojima should have done a twist and make the main chunk of the game a Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2 remake to bring the story full circle.

lsujester1236d ago (Edited 1236d ago )

Story issues aside, V has amazing gameplay. I'm not sure what you're wanting out of the world in terms of "things to do", it's all the great gameplay the series has always had. Useless filler that other open worlds have like collecting flags and petting horses would have added nothing to that game.

JRMVN1229d ago

THE TRUTH! I don't even know how that game gets praised. The previous ones were so much better.


Top 10 Bad Games by Good Studios

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "When shopping for new video games you can often trust the name publisher or developer on the box to be an indication of the quality of the game. Names like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Capcom, Xbox Game Studios and Sega are world famous because they helped shape the industry by releasing some of the most defining video games of all time. Though sometimes even these great gaming houses stumble and put out a stinker."

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Community1540d ago
Gamerking821541d ago (Edited 1541d ago )

Splatterhouse remake . Loved the og’s at the arcade growing up . Hell the best thing about the remake was the og,s were included . And left alive by Square . That game had so much potential , but the gameplay was worse horrendous .

Game-ur1540d ago

once Great studios getting destroyed is actually common. happened with ND and Last of Us2, Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda/Anthem, Bungle and Destiny .

BeRich2331540d ago

Fuse should have been on that list (Insomniac Games)

Yui_Suzumiya1540d ago

Splatterhouse remake kicked ass

merryja1540d ago

I personally don't like these games.

East76lands1540d ago

I'm pretty much certain that any Sonic game that comes out will be terrible, I've not enjoyed one since the original side-scrolling days of the MegaDrive.

HarryMasonHerpderp1540d ago

Then you might like a recent sonic "sonic mania".

jaymacx1540d ago

For this Topic it says Good Studios that make bad games. Sonic Team hasn't been good in years.

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