
Diablo IV pre-registrations are now live for console and PC

Without any official announcement, the Diablo IV pre-registration page has gone live. Anyone with a Battle.net account can signup and opt-in for access to future Diablo IV betas and more.

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SullysCigar733d ago

Lol yup, zero chance.

I'll wait until it's been out a few weeks and the monetisation model is clear before I decide.

Old McGroin733d ago

This is to opt in for Betas etc, not for purchase.

SullysCigar733d ago

^ "sign up for our nickle and dime model test"!

Same principle. I'll pass.

victorMaje733d ago

Agreed, I don’t get the disagrees. Blizzard has not earned a buy from gamers, even less a pre-order, & even if it’s the beta registration.
Show them what they did with Immortal is not ok, show them there are consequences to scummy practices, show them by not registering interest.

Vengeance1138733d ago

Anyone complaining about Diablo Immoral would be a huge hypocrite to preorder this.

victorMaje733d ago

Why the disagrees? Hey disagree-ers, tell me why? Do you think Blizz earned a pre-order of 4 after Immortal? let’s have that conversation, come on.

GhostTurtle733d ago (Edited 733d ago )

Bc it makes no damn sense and it's irrelevant to the article...

IanTH733d ago (Edited 733d ago )

1st, pre-registering is NOT pre-ordering. I never pre-order a single thing, period. Not gonna start with this. I will, however, pre-register.

You say that we have to show them there are consequences for scummy practices and to not register interest. I think not registering interest here would show them that Diablo Immortal shit is the way to go, and standalone core releases are no longer worth pursuing. That's not a future I'm a fan of.

2nd, because Diablo Immortal is not only a f2p mobile game, which - let's face it - that kind of gross monetization basically goes hand in hand with. But it also co-developed by NetEase. Blizzard had the final say, for sure, but I would bet they leaned more on NE for those kinds of calls, given that was their wheelhouse. Obviously not sure, and wouldn't absolve, but it's a factor worth keeping in mind. We'll see if that seeps over to DIV.

3rd. Diablo 3 gave me hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content for a grand total of like $60 (I bought in cheap right before RoS). I'm going to hold out hope that this is how they will similarly design DIV. Hell, they are STILL doing seasons, for free, 10 years later. Season 26 just started this past April. Not mind-blowing content, but still, even minor support 10 years later is pretty rare.

Is there a good chance they'll be nickle and diming? Yes. Worse than what's common in AAA games these days? Who knows. No better way to know than to actually judge the game myself. If they want to give me what amounts to a demo, I'll take it.

We all talk about not falling into the trap of looking at past games to make future purchasing decisions. Don't pre-order that sequel, as the 1st game is no guarantee for a good sequel. Different dev teams, etc. Cuts both ways. Caution is certainly advisable, but condemnation seems pre-mature.

Do I think the Blizzard of today is the same as the Blizzard of even a decade ago? I don't. But I'm willing to see what they put out. If it is good, I'll reward them with interest & a purchase. Tell them its what I want. If it isn't? I won't. No way to find out but to actually check it out, right?

victorMaje732d ago


"not registering interest here would show them that Diablo Immortal shit is the way to go". I disagree, we're talking about a serious dev that should supposedly be knowledgeable enough about their audience & should know what they're building & for whom. Seeing a low number of registrations should not send them the signal that you'd rather want games like Diablo Immortal. In fact, the low number should prompt them to pay attention.

Now overall, I see your point & fair enough, DI is meant to be f2p & that model is unfortunately linked to MTs, lootboxes & such, I've also enjoyed hours upon hours of D3 & it's true there are seasons till now, but please consider this:

What would happen, if enough of us let Blizzard know, from now, you're not buying their next game (keyword being NEXT) no matter what game that is, because of gaming mal-practices of a previous one?
I'm not saying it would happen, I'm not saying we will, but I'm asking what do you think they will do if there are enough pledges to make them think enough gamers won't buy their new game?

I hope D4 is going to be all we're hoping it can be. I hope by the time you get to a demo (if there is one) it's not too late. But keep in mind, if D4 turns out to be DI-like...remember this, remember to pledge about not buying their next game, if you can & of course if you want...

Thank you for engaging, sorry for what may have felt like a rant :)

anast733d ago (Edited 733d ago )

Hypocrisy is not the huge moral or ethical dilemma that people make it out to be. Without hypocrisy there would be stagnation. On the other hand, anyone supporting this after they complained about immortal would be a huge sucker.

Juancho51733d ago

I bet you have to pay to pre-register. Those fucking greedy assholes.

IanTH733d ago (Edited 733d ago )

Well, for what it is worth, I just clicked the pre-register button and it didn't cost me a penny. Might a future beta be pay-gated? Possibly. But they've done free betas, even as recently as D2R, so I'm guessing at least some will be free. I think the ones tied to purchases tend to just allow access a handful of days before open betas. At least that's how it was with D2R.

732d ago
ChubbyBlade732d ago

After immortal? No thanks. Go away Blizzard.

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LordoftheCritics4d ago

There are many more much needed features before this.

Michiel19893d ago

the latest patch was actually really good, but in that state the game should've been released not patched. I might play again in a patch or 2 but I'm rather looking forward to Last Epoch's patch

Kosic3d ago

Sadly it's still a boring game. My max level pre season was 65, now it's 78 before I just stopped playing.

It's a smoother progress getting to T4 content but it lacks the fun. Dungeons are far to similar and there are some really bad designs with running around for too long and back tracking with stones.

The world in my opinion is it's worst design. It's very large and takes time running or teleporting between towns.
The new helltides are very basic, increase the spawn rate and drop orbs....that's a huge change..