
Skate 4 Footage Leaks, Gets Pulled, Leaks Again

The Skate series is regarded as one of the best skating games since the Tony Hawk series. Recently, one of the testers leaked the Skate 4 gameplay, and it attracted great attention in the community.

XiNatsuDragnel807d ago (Edited 807d ago )

EA just announce skate 4 you know ppl have already confirmed it for us.

FPS_D3TH807d ago

I love how the dudes ass cheeks are just peeking out of his shorts during those cannon balls and bails lmao

Adexus807d ago

Thought this would be new leaked footage but it's just an old article.

TimmyTesticles807d ago

These graphics tho. Gameboy compatible at least.

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New Skate Board Room episode shows off new tricks for San Vansterdam

The latest Skate The Board Room episode unveils a wealth of new tricks that can deployed all around San Vansterdam in Full Circle's Skate 3 successor.

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Skate 4’s new array of challenges won’t be plagued by loot boxes

Skate 4 developer Full Circle debunks leaks and rumours surrounding the game in the latest Board Room episode, putting an end to the notion of loot boxes.

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cammers1995462d ago

Its not called skate 4. It's skate.


Skate 4 Data Mine Finds Loot Boxes Despite Developers Saying Otherwise

Data mine reveals a new loot box mechanic present in the new Skate game in the form of "Swag Bags", which is basically randomized clothing.

moriarty1889741d ago

Of course they are in there. What a surprise.

Double_O_Revan740d ago

Well they have called them 'Surprise Mechanics' in the past. So, uh, SURPRISE!!

ElementsUnknown741d ago

Correction: free to PAY

Fans respond: there’ll be hell to pay EA!!

sourOG741d ago

I’m just saying you’re getting mad about a “but-but they said no lootboxes” when they just announced it was free to play lmao. That’s even worse!

Yi-Long740d ago

@SourOG; I think many of us would rather pay 60 bucks and get access to a full SP game, being able to unlocks all items, instead of being stuck in some open world city with hundreds of strangers where we would do chores and grind to get some random items, or pay money to obtain them. I guess this open world city will have real-life ads (billboards) and product-placement and sponsorship deals as well.

As a single-player, I simply have zero interest in stuff like ‘ooooh, the community’.

sourOG740d ago

Myself included lol. People misunderstood me, I do not want f2p lol. I don’t mind real life branding and sponsorships, that’s a big part of pro skating. I don’t mind online but if I want to play against others it should be my choice. I’d rather it be:

- go to a “spot”
- choose to go online for that spot, choose solo, or choose co-op

Otherwise I don’t want anyone in my game. An NPC or 2 is okay lol.

senorfartcushion740d ago

There’s no such thing. A free to play game is a demo.

mixelon740d ago

Stuff like genshin impact is definitely games*, and you really don’t have to *buy* loot boxes.. despite the economy depending on them.

*not saying they’re good or bad but a lot of people enjoy them.

RosweeSon740d ago

Free to download more like that’s about it 🤣

sourOG740d ago

Exactly lol. People are “sleuths have detected lootboxes in the code. They said they wouldn’t but we found it!” Bro, it’s f2p… I could have told you that without looking at the code lmao.

anast740d ago (Edited 740d ago )

There isn't a rule book that states F2P games have to have gambling mechanics. Path of Exile is F2P and it doesn't have slot machines.

sourOG740d ago (Edited 740d ago )

There are exceptions to rules. EA isn’t one.

anast740d ago

I understand but none of this is a "law" or a "rule".

sourOG739d ago

Could you think of many more examples?

ANIALATOR136739d ago

If something is free, YOU are the product

sourOG739d ago

They can’t afford me.

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Ashunderfire86741d ago

You can't hide from the internet, because eventually they will know...EA got caught with their pants down once again.

Double_O_Revan740d ago

They don't believe in wearing belts.

RosweeSon740d ago

Battlefront2? 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

Soy741d ago

They're gonna do the loot boxes until the entire populace just gets sick of it and it implodes in their faces.

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