
Game Chronicles Review: Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure

GC writes: "NIS has a known reputation for making some of the best RPG and Strategy RPGs on the market. One of those titles that have slipped into the cracks of gaming history is a little known title called Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. Back before NIS became well known for the Disgaea series, they released Rhapsody on the PlayStation. Over 8 years later, this little known gem resurfaces on a whole new system and not one that you would expect. Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure returns on the DS and is just as fun as now as it was then."

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Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure Retrospective - Old Games With Grandpa Heath: The Musical

"I laughed and I cried. I did both for reasons similar and opposite. I went full range on this one." -GR

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knifefight3275d ago

"I have to go now. My planet needs me."
Pretty much. They just toss that plot twist in so stupidly.


6 Awful Game Songs (That Stain Good Soundtracks)

"As we say in the 'cast, these aren't necessarily the worst songs in gaming, but they stand out to us as ones we dread. In most cases, they're simply the worst songs out of otherwise great soundtracks." -GR

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knifefight3386d ago (Edited 3386d ago )

Wait, how is Rhapsody a "Good Soundtrack?"

Anyway, the museum music in Animal Crossing: New Leaf is like the only song I don't enjoy.

Gilgamesh153385d ago

Breaking Benjamins song in Halo 2 was way out of place, and awful.

Wedge193385d ago

So many albums have THAT song that just highlights how good the rest of the soundtrack is.

Bass_fisherman3385d ago

I dont want to even know why the $%#/ someone would thin any song in FF9 stains the soundtrack...


5 games for girls men will enjoy

Just because a game is geared towards women doesn't mean men will catch cooties from trying it out. This list suggests men give Style Savvy: Trendsetter, Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom, Atelier Meruru, Princess Debut and Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure a chance.

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Neckbear4213d ago (Edited 4213d ago )

I've enjoyed all the games listed here except for Hakuoki. Princess Debut is my favorite, and one every big burly man should play at least once.

Fantastic list.

Bobby Kotex4213d ago (Edited 4213d ago )

If this is your way of justifying kiddie games, then do what you gotta do.

cheetorb4213d ago

I hear "Fiddle the Bean" is pretty fun.

r214213d ago

From the Artelier paragraph, 'the heroines are almost always female.' No crap sherlock!

Anyways, its true, one of the reasons I've never tried the Artelier games on PS3 is that it seems girly. Might give it a go as soon as the PSV port is released.