
Welcoming Haven Studios to the PlayStation Studios family

Montreal-based studio’s first new IP for PlayStation is a AAA multiplayer experience.

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GaboonViper915d ago

Very nice, look forward to see what they are cooking up.

Terry_B915d ago

Mass market Shit. This acquisition was a mistake.

arkard915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

Mass market pays the bills. And we literally know next to nothing about the game.

BehindTheRows915d ago

I'm sure you know that better than Sony...

915d ago
NotoriousWhiz915d ago

^ I dislike when people ask pointed questions with no basis for the question.

Vengeance1138915d ago

You expect hyper niche, obscure studio games to sell millions?? You must be brand new to gaming, welcome!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 915d ago
z2g915d ago

Sony prepping for live service games. Same reason they bought Bungie.

neutralgamer1992915d ago

I think we should wait and see before passing judgement. Sony this generation wants to focus on MP along with single player. They have the IP's just need the right developers

We could see Bungie take over killzone of socom and really do justice to the IP'


You are right sir one hit AAA MP game can cover for multiple single player games. Sony wants their live service success like other big publishers and this way they can continue revenue each month while they can let their legacy studios keep making AAA Blockbusters

Last few Sony games have gotten 88/89 out of 100 and I see trolls making fun of that. I guess every game has to be 9.5/10. It's mindset like this that has closed down mid size publishers like THQ and midway to name a few. Right now gaming is either AAA or indie while there is definitely room for AA games

Nyxus915d ago

I hope the next studio they buy will be single player focused.

Nyxus915d ago

Well the upside is that if studios like Bungie and this one focus on multiplayer, the existing studios like Santa Monica, Insomniac and Naughty Dog can keep focusing on single player.

RaidenBlack915d ago

Sony is also partnering with Deviation Games and Firewalk Studios to publish new multiplayer titles.
But the things is current studios are also shifting focus towards multiplayer/live-service projects.
Rumors are both Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog are focusing on a multiplayer/live-service game next. (Although ND seems to have 2 projects in development, but still) [And happy to proven the Sucker Punch rumor, wrong]
Pretty sure Cory Barlog's next project won't be live service one but who knows.

-Foxtrot915d ago

Literally was just going to say that

Like...come on Sony, first Bungie now this, they are both studios which are developing live service shit

Yes, I know, we haven't seen anything from this studio yet but live service/multiplayer is what it says on the tin, you know how it's probably going to go.

Vengeance1138915d ago

Like it or not Fortnite and Apex Legends make more money than any other game out there. Live Service prints money IF its done well. This is a very smart move for Sony to invest in live service.

-Foxtrot915d ago

“ very smart move for Sony to invest in live service”

Sure…until they become greedy

Vengeance1138915d ago


Is Fortnite greedy? Apex Legends? I'd say so and yet, still the top games ever made and aren't going away anytime soon.

jznrpg915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

Well , many loved Socom and Warhawk and stuff like that so it makes sense as those were live service games and they were successful . It’s not like they never made these games they mostly took a break during PS4 .
There is room for both and I don’t mind them buying some companies for live service as it will help fund single player even if A lot of us won’t play the live service stuff .

Sony knows single player is what got them to where they are . They have expanded a lot and maybe some these studios who are making live service stuff work on single player someday too as they grow . who knows? it’s not out of the question .
Either way there is room for some live service stuff as long as it isn’t the focus as whole . They didn’t have live service studios and they bought a few lately so it seems like the focus but overall the majority of studios make single player games .

RauLeCreuset915d ago


Do you honestly not see the irony of raging at AAA single player game developers because some elements of a story weren't to your liking, only to later fly into a panic over Sony's direction because a couple of new acquisitions might maybe potentially release live service games?

What about your fandom would encourage a publisher to take a risk on a AAA single player experience instead of going for the easy live service money?

SurgicalMenace915d ago


The great thing about it all, greedy or not, you're not obligated to support it. It's awesome when the choice remains intact; imagine them forcing you to support.

TheTony316915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

Just because their first project is a multiplayer game doesn't mean that they won't make SP games in the future.

"Obviously we will always carry on making these single-player narrative-based games such as Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us, and Horizon Forbidden West," Hulst emphasises.

S2Killinit915d ago

Were you not one of the people that absolutely hated a single player game because of story decisions? Now you are the guardian of single player games because they went and bought a multiplayer focused developer…

On another note, this trend of buying studios is terrible. It points to the industry moving toward streaming services. We can all thank the gamepasses of the world for this.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 915d ago
ABizzel1915d ago

We'll see. They're enhancing their multiplayer-focused experiences because a successful ongoing multiplayer game is a significantly larger and more consistent source of income compared to a single-player game. So these acquisitions are as important if not more as it keeps their current devs focused on making great single player.

I assume they'll have a couple of other notable acquisitions this year, and will partake in the publisher wars a bit later when they have their business goals on target (getting PS5 production improved, game roadmaps locked down for 2023 and beyond, launch PSVR2, and get pre-production PS5 slim and PS5 Pro done). All of which should be locked down sometime this year.

1Victor915d ago

I don’t t care my trigger is itching for a good online multiplayer like Warhawk and Starhawk my hawk withdrawal is driving crazier than LOGICWINS comments 😩.
If Sony buying more “live services” studios means I can get a amazing iconic game like those above they can take my wallet now

Jin_Sakai915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

“I hope the next studio they buy will be single player focused.“

Doesn’t really matter to me. I like variety. Sony already has many great single player games and more coming down the pipeline.

Nyxus915d ago

But they already acquired several multiplayer studios now. How many are people going to play? Don't they usually play the same game for a long time? That's different for single player games, there is more room for them in general since you finish them and move on to the next one.

Jin_Sakai915d ago

“But they already acquired several multiplayer studios now. How many are people going to play?“

Not every multiplayer game will be a hit so having many choices will be better and give a higher chance of one becoming a popular new franchise.

PS-Gamer-1986915d ago (Edited 915d ago )


This! I dislike live service games as much as the next guy, but i agree there have been many failed live service games for the ones that became successful.

If they land a smash hit and it also help fund great single player games, i'm ok with it, as long as their whole focus doesn't shift to making this kind of games.

TheTony316915d ago

Just because their first project is a multiplayer title doesn't mean that they won't make SP games in the future.

smashman98915d ago

Sonys single player is rock solid tho. They consistently put out the best single player games every year.

UncertainCategory915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

Acquisitions fill gaps. Sony has single player on lock, they make some of the best story based single player games in the business. Their multiplayer and live service offerings though are not at the same level. Most if not all of the highest played PSN+ online games are not first party.

Makes sense they would make acquisitions that improve their competitiveness in areas where they are currently weak, rather than reinforce areas they already have dominance in. This is a smart acquisition for them.

FinalFantasyFanatic915d ago

I don't even play many online multiplayer games (I only play one or two games on/off, I can go weeks without playing one), most of my multiplayer games are couch multiplayer, and there's not many of those games these days.

I appreciate single player games more, alot of multiplayer games don't hold my attention, or they get shutdown after a short period (Titanfall 2, I wish I had more time with that game).

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 915d ago
JEECE915d ago

Hmm, buying a studio so early is an odd move for Sony. They must have been impressed with the initial work they have seen from Haven, and wanted to lock them down.

Christopher915d ago

I'm thinking that it's also much harder to get funding for new studios with the way the market is today and the volatility of studios as the industry is moving very fast with acquisitions lately. This might have a lot more to do with funding than general interest.

Bladesfist915d ago

Even if you fund a new studio you need experienced devs so you're probably going to poach talent from somewhere. Zero to hero is super rare in AAA game development.

FinalFantasyFanatic915d ago


I was actually trying to find out what this studio has done before (they seem to have some experienced devs from other studios), they've put out nothing yet, but looking at the talents there, they've had people working on a wide variety of games. So I'm not sure what kind of game to expect from them.

Ozzy2407915d ago

Jade Raymond got a good background in Games coming from Ubisoft she wes the Producer of a few of the Assassins Creed games, Farcry , Sims

Imortus_san915d ago

They only buy extra cheap studios.

SullysCigar915d ago

Sure, there's some truth to that. Cheap doesn't equal bad.

They sure seem to buy wise and for a specific purpose, rather than for impact/headlines.

Insomniac looks more like a steal every time Phil sticks his hand in his boss's wallet.

915d ago
Chevalier915d ago

Insomniacs was 'cheap' yet their Spiderman game literally outsells every single Xbox studios games what's your point?! Bet you Insomniacs has their 2nd 20+ million selling game before Xbox studios even has 1.

Teflon02915d ago

Not too odd for them. Mm was almost this situation if I remember correctly. They went to Nintendo, MS and Sony about funding and publishing LittleBIGPlanet. Sony was on board and unless I remember wrong, it was only a few months after it dropped that Sony acquired them and that was their first title I think. I honestly don't remember it well. But I feel it was almost the same

SonyStyled915d ago

Based off my memory Media Molecule was purchased after LBP2 released in 2010/11. Founded by former Lionhead Studios devs

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sparky77915d ago

Smart to buy them now when they are dirt cheap, hopefully their game is a success.

915d ago
SoulWarrior915d ago

Just hope Jim and Herman don't forget it's the excellent array of SP games that's brought them huge success since 2010 onwards, and don't focus too much on MP/live service type games.

Christopher915d ago (Edited 915d ago )

Two MP-related buys and people completely forget all the SP studios they invested in, including their biggest performer this generation, Insomniac. Haven't gamers been asking for a more diverse line-up of games from Sony? Adding more MP doesn't remove SP.

dumahim915d ago

That worked out so well for Gran Turismo.

915d ago
Christopher915d ago

@dumahim: I don't get your comment in response to me. Did having GT7 somehow end other SP games? My comment was only about having another studio do an MP game doesn't mean SP games aren't still happening. Nothing about the quality of said games.

generic-user-name915d ago

Sony's biggest criticism of their exclusive line up is that they're lacking in the MP department. Bungie doesn't really even cover that because they'll be remaining multiplat but Haven might be a start.

Eonjay915d ago

They can do both. Their single player studios aren't going to disappear. We already know of two huge SP games coming from Insomica alone. This year, we got HFW from Gurillea and were getting GOW from SSM. Since PS5 launch we have gotten Demon Souls, Spiderman MM, Rachet and Clank... No one's Single Player Output has been clos to Sony's. Now they want to add multiplayer to their lineup. They can do both. Why are we trying to shoehorn them into one area?

thesoftware730915d ago

They have 10 coming, I will guess that will be there focus for a while.

Eonjay915d ago

From what we know is already in their pipeline it looks like they are focusing on both single and multiplayer.

915d ago
TheTony316915d ago

"Obviously we will always carry on making these single-player narrative-based games such as Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us, and Horizon Forbidden West," Hulst emphasises.


Charlieboy333915d ago

"Obviously we will always carry on making these single-player narrative-based games such as Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us, and Horizon Forbidden West," Hulst emphasises. - from this article https://n4g.com/news/247169...

FinalFantasyFanatic915d ago

If we don't get enough SP games and too many MP/live service games, I might bail on Sony and just stick with PC/Switch, but I really hope they don't swing to extremes like that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 915d ago
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Capcom Is Updating Several GFWL Games To Bring Them Back On Steam

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Rockstar Needs To Take A Break From The Series After GTA 6

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RaidenBlack3d ago

Wonder what happened to the leaked medieval game that they were working on ... hope that's still on going and gets released sometime after GTA VI

gold_drake3d ago

eh wat?

its been on "break" for 11 years now ha 5 came out literally 11 years ago

isarai3d ago

Seeing as how it's been like 12yrs between releases, i don't think taking even more time is a good decision for the series

TheNamelessOne3d ago

So GTA 7 in around 2045 or 2050 lol

Mr_cheese2d ago

So make one GTA every human generation instead of every other console generation?

Come on...

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'Don't think Hi-Fi Rush 2 is going to make us money' Krafton: Tango GW acquisition is about legacy

Krafton CEO : 'It's a team that should be encouraged to create something new and continue their journey.'
Original title : 'We don't think Hi-Fi Rush 2 is going to make us money:' Krafton CEO says Tango Gameworks acquisition is about legacy

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darthv722d ago

Well I really hope they make some $$ AND make a HFR2 in the process.

Sciurus_vulgaris2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I’m wonder if Microsoft fully sold the Hi-Fi Rush IP. They kept the publishing rights of the original game. I don’t even understand why the IP was sold. MS could have had another of its menagerie of studios do another Hi-Fi game, despite such a thing being unlikely.

mandf2d ago

It was given for free on gamepass. It didn’t sell well. Look at starfield it only sold 2.5 million because of gamepass

Sciurus_vulgaris1d 19h ago

Starfield did $235 million in revenue on Steam alone from Sept-December 2023. So I’m sure it sold considerably more than 2.5 million copies.


ZwVw1d 18h ago

Yes, it did sell well. GP version has a fraction of the reviews that the Deluxe Edition (more expensive purchase version of original) has. If anything, it shows that more people actually bought the Deluxe version than played the GP version, on Xbox at least.

LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago

Hi-Fi Rush on the Switch 2 at launch would probably sell a good amount.