
Halo Infinite's Campaign Review: A Campaign Worth A Playthrough - FictionTalk

Halo Infinite's Campaign is back with a new story, some great graphics, some fantastic music, and Master Chief ready to kick butt yet again.

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Flawlessmic911d ago

6.5 is a bit rough, i literally just finished the campaign mode a few hours ago, it was pretty fun to play the whole way through.

Gameplay and soundtrack was the strong point for me, graphics and story were servicible.

I think 343 has built a solid foundation here so looking forward to seeing the endless.

TheDoomedGuy911d ago (Edited 911d ago )

Right but 343 has 3 halos or more under their belt. The solid foundation was already set before. This is them finally getting a real feel for what halo was years ago. In other words it's made very little progress which is fine but it's not really their doing. Bungie set that foundation and improved it with destiny.

I played the campaign the whole way through and not a single mission was memorable. The open world is all very samey. The way to engage with enemies is samey but let's you get creative if that's what you're going for. Essentially it feels like the mutliplayer but against AI.

Campaigns in halo always had a different feel than the multiplayer but that's not the case here. Most of the time I was wondering why I'd bother with the single player when you have mutliplayer that does the same things but better.

I think 3/5 for the campaign is fair. It's average but nothing really all that special in a good way. Or in a way that works well for halo. I literally just played this campaign and I can recall moments halo 1, 2, 3, 4, ODST and 5 more than halo infinite.

The campaign is half of the game in terms of score. I say half because it really feels like the focused half their time in it. So for me it makes up 50% of the score. Which is already a negative since I'm single player gamer primarily and the campaign is what I look forward to in halo. So it should have been 75% focus on campaign.

OMNlPOTENT911d ago

You had me until you said they improved it with Destiny. I have played a lot of Destiny, more hours than I am proud of. It is not an improvement over Halo, not even a little bit. If we were comparing strictly single player experience, any Halo game is more enjoyable than Destiny. Even the worst ones.

Orchard911d ago

“Right but 343 has 3 halos or more under their belt. The solid foundation was already set before. This is them finally getting a real feel for what halo was years ago. In other words it's made very little progress which is fine but it's not really their doing. Bungie set that foundation and improved it with destiny.”

Bungie had set the foundation, but you assume it’s easy to just lift an existing game/IP and shift it to a new development team - it isn’t.

Do you think a new team could just pick up Uncharted or Elder Scrolls (or any other large successful IP) and make an overnight success of it? Probably not - it would take them a few tries to get it right.

TheDoomedGuy910d ago (Edited 910d ago )


Right with you there about playing more hours than I should've. I didn't mean the campaign as that's kinda all over the place. I was referring to the gunplay. The reason many people play destiny is because of how good it feels to play it. Same with the halo.multiplayer.


I whole heatedly agree. But the point is that the reason they didn't nail it before is because they were trying to add onto it and make it their own. I personally liked halo 5 multiplayer quite a bit. I loved the amount of strategy involved.

But the point is they had to add and remove then add and remove and now finally they're at a good place.

And btw yes I do think a new talented team could pick up a game and nail it.
Kotor 2 and fallout new Vegas comes to mind.

dmN_114911d ago

Was it really that fun to play? Especially towards the end of the story? The gunplay and grappling is solid fun but beating the same enemies the whole run and running in a one way hallway into a room of enemies to another linear one way hallway to another same enemy encounter but now you have to get some door or bridges open is pretty bad level desgin imho and it dragged out alot. Comparing the beginning and the ending of the game i would personally say a 7 is max score. Glad that it has MP because of the gunplay which is the most fun.

Jin_Sakai911d ago

I would just look past this review. The game has a 87 Metascore and a 85 Userscore. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played so far. Great game overall.

CaptainHenry916911d ago (Edited 911d ago )

I actually agree with this review. The story was mediocre just like Halo 5. But better than Halo 5 story. Definitely not the best Halo game.

Orchard911d ago (Edited 911d ago )

“The best halo game” is an extremely high bar though when you consider that the first 3 pulled in scores of 97, 95 and 94 and are in the top reviewed games of all time.

I mean for context, the original scores higher than legendary games like HL2, UC2, RE4 etc - that’s an insanely high bar to beat.

The game is a fun play, and it deserves the 87 score it got, making it one of the best games this year.

But frankly, I don’t expect them to beat the original 3 ever.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 910d ago
OMNlPOTENT911d ago

One of the points in the review was that the grappling hook was “too reliable”. How is that a complaint? Game is at the very least an 8/10.

TheDoomedGuy911d ago (Edited 911d ago )

I'm on the lower end and I'd give it a 7/10 or 3/5. I know it doesn't translate the same but 7 is considered average and my 3/5 is meant to be that average.
For me campaign was 3/5 and mp is 5/5

A younger version of me would be playing the mp nonstop. Unfortunately I have much less time nowadays. But I'd did play it all the way until campaign release.

Anything below a 7 is considered garbage. This review is exaggerating it for clicks I think.

There's also nothing really all that bad in the campaign either. So it doesn't warrant less than 7.

BehindTheRows911d ago

Anything below a 7 is NOT considered garbage. They don’t call it garbage, either.

TheDoomedGuy910d ago (Edited 910d ago )


To each their own but I doubt people would want to play games that score lower then a 7 and how many great games out there have ever scored lower than a 7.

The fact is that the only scores worth considering are 7 or higher and anything below that is a big wide pass. And yes it is considered a garbage score. Just think about it. If a game scores a 7 people are okay with it...but drop it to a 6 and suddenly that gives a much worse picture of the game by number alone.

It's a problem with the /10 system. Many numbers aren't ever used and the distinction between 5 and 6 or 3 and 4 or 2 and 3 are kind of immensely vague and uncertain which makes all those numbers kinda mean the same think except for the lower end like getting a 1 or 2. That's understood as broken and unplayable no doubt at all.

/5 is a much better scale. Every number matters and is quite representative of a game and understood.
1 is broken 2 is bad game 3 is average 4 is good 5 is great

No such thing as a perfect game which the famous 10/10 makes it seem like there is because it so rare.

rippermcrip911d ago

That initial statement was badly worded, but the point they made was spot on. The whole game revolves around the grapple. Travel, mobility, evasion and it is even the easiest way to kill enemies that are near you.

BenRC01911d ago

It's a solid 9 for me. Sucks to be that reviewer

OMNlPOTENT911d ago

I agree, I would personally rate it a 9. I don’t see how anyone could rate it lower than an 8, it’s a fantastic single player experience.

Jin_Sakai911d ago

I’d give it and 8.5/10 myself. Great game overall. Multiplayer portion needs more maps though.

Rachel_Alucard911d ago

Because focusing too much around one gadget makes the player only ever use that gadget instead of the others ones for more interesting firefights. You have all these gadgets you can use but the hook is way too required to not be used. They would have to make it a long cooldown if they ever wanted anyone to use other gadgets.

BenRC01910d ago

Who cares. That gadget is so awesome why use anything else.

Rachel_Alucard910d ago

"Why use anything else"

That's exactly the problem. Why use anything else? That is bad game design in itself.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 910d ago
Shiore2u911d ago

It's 343's best effort so far, which isn't really isn't saying much.

iplay1up2911d ago

Really? Many other reputable game sites gave this minimum of 8/10. My play through it is minimum an 8.5/10!

Stanjara911d ago

You know how media publisher relationship works right?

906d ago

Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers could be competing with Helldivers 2 very soon

The absence of Helldivers 2 on Xbox continues to be felt by its players, as Arrowhead Game Studios’ team-based shooter remains one of the year’s most popular games. However, that could soon change with the impending arrival of developer The Forge Falcons’ Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers.

rlow13d ago

Didn’t know about this one. Will keep an eye out for it.

Cacabunga2d ago

Very original title.. wonder how they came out to that

Kurt Russell2d ago

It's just people having fun in forge, calm down

RaidenBlack2d ago

'Helljumpers' is the nickname for Halo's ODSTs (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) and predates Helldiver franchise by about 11 years.
calm down.

PhillyDonJawn2d ago

I can enlighten you. ODST a type of marine in Halo orbital drop shock trooper. Aka helljumpers.

Christopher2d ago

Yeah, Helljumpers existed prior to Helldivers.


Ok, so Helldivers guys want to fight Helljumpers guys... I'm just gonna leave this here.

babadivad1d 19h ago

Halo ODST soldiers are called HellJumpers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1d 19h ago
darthv722d ago

so... this is a mode for Halo?

gold_drake3d ago

"As always, we look forward to bringing the Helldivers 2 experience to Halo Infinite"

should you be chasing someone elses concept? make your own and stand out.

this is a lazy, imo, thing to do.

Redgrave2d ago

In this case, I will say that's a poor argument because look at all the soulslikes and such. There will always be the first, and then all the imitations/inspirations that follow.

gold_drake2d ago

sure, they specifically call out helldivers tho ha

repsahj2d ago

Even the name is so unique?

dumahim2d ago

Following a game type trend is one thing, but to do that and come up with a name that's very similar as well takes it to a whole new level. In the movie biz, they call stuff like this a "Mockbuster" movie, kind of like Transmorphers.

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

ODST ('Helljumpers' is their nickname) as a concept existed way before Helldivers 1 (by about 11 years) ... it was never properly executed in the Halo FPS games' multiplayer ...

PhillyDonJawn2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It was revealed 343 actually had plans to release a side halo game with that concept but MS turned it down.

To those making comments about the name, thinking theyre ripping it/copying. Yall clearly don't play Halo 😂

DustMan2d ago

Hasn't really been worth revisiting for quite some time now.

PhillyDonJawn2d ago

@dustman True or not doesn't change anything I said. Anyone that was around during halo 3 and after knows what ODST are. They even had visor colors called helljumper.

isarai2d ago

I don't think a forge map is going to match Helldivers 2 🤣

jznrpg2d ago

Funny. Reminds me of Chinese knockoff games

Relientk772d ago

When I read the title, that's what I thought it was.

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Halo Infinite Cut Campaign Content Has Allegedly Been Revealed

Cut content from the campaign in Xbox Game Studios and 343 Industries' first-person shooter, Halo Infinite, has allegedly been revealed.

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XiNatsuDragnel9d ago

I wish these would be in the game

just_looken8d ago

I wish they made the game a actual last stand all the know spartan teams halo wars 2 crew together with other unsc forces fighting in space and on the ground.

But nope one spartan again on a open bland map with good combat but a meh story and marines that still act the same.

With so much time gap you think the marines would have better armor and the Spartans would have special guns beyond the laser made for them.

Do no get me started on the opening cinematic were atrox gets taken out.

The lack of flood/blood overall rating decrease what a letdown this game was halo wars 2 last decent halo game for me.

Tacoboto8d ago

These don't read like they really would've made the game better, just even less like Halo. Except for biomes - how the heck they only had one biome is the biggest disappointment.

I'll watch the actual video later.

just_looken8d ago

It was the power of the 2000 xbox and 2005 xbox 360 only there we could get coop and more than one biome.

Toecutter008d ago

The fact that when you boot up the game it immediately takes you to the multi-player menu (a first for the series), rather than to the campaign says everything you need to know about 343i, Xbox, and Microsoft Studios.


Halo Infinite's Split-Screen is One Step in The Right Direction

Halo Infinite has spilt screen PvP, but it's still missing another classic multiplayer feature that should be completed before Halo 7.

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Jin_Sakai28d ago

Putting on PS5 is another step in the right direction so the player base can grow.

anast27d ago

How many years has it been?