
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition (PS5) Review - CGMagazine

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition is a relic of its time. A relic that was better left unearthed.

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SullysCigar984d ago

Ouch. This is what happens when you sign of a lazy bugfest.

Rockstar just got CD Projekt REKT

Rebel_Scum983d ago

This trilogy is more of a low effort remaster, poorly ported and badly optimsed mess than a bugfest.

fr0sty983d ago (Edited 983d ago )

They had one job... there's a vibrant community of GTA modders out there that have all released mods that blow this remaster out of the water, and instead of hiring them, and making those mods official, they hire these guys on to slap some overpriced garbage together. Same with GTA5, there's mods out there that are better than any remaster R* has ever released on any system.

JustSomeGuy94983d ago (Edited 983d ago )

I'd say a little harsh but not by much, the originals feel much better to play to me.

And the way the empty grass and sidewalks look doesnt hold with the graphic "upgrade". Empty spaces looked much better with PS2 graphics and they should have added some clutter to address it (weeds, litter, etc)

MadLad983d ago

It's like they ported over the assets to UE4, used some sort of AI to scale up the textures, through in some new lighting and after effects, and called it a day.
Would explain why so many character models look like they're made from playdoh.

andron983d ago

GTA trilogy the definitive cash-grab edition...

XxSPIDEYxX983d ago

But.....they gave CyberPunk a 7.5. This is such a reach.

TheGoodestBoi983d ago

So GTA is comparable to Cyberpunk afterall

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Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is Still Not up to Standard Two Years Later

Worse still though, it appears as though The Trilogy has been abandoned by Rockstar and Take Two Interactive.

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Inverno221d ago

By today's standards, I'd argue that being half assed, having a couple patches, and being abandoned and ultimately left still half assed is infact up to standards.

VenomUK221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Yesterday I watched a YouTube video that said the new Netflix iOS/Android versions have a series of visual improvements that significantly improve it and bring it much closer to the vision and mood of the original games.


banger88221d ago

That's just a f****** insult. They need to release that patch for console/PC asap.

Chard221d ago

If this gets applied to the Steam/console version then I’ll consider getting it

Cacabunga221d ago

Cash grabs have rarely been tuned

1nsomniac221d ago

It was beyond garbage. But we’re all over it now right? like it never happened!

anast221d ago

It's was supposed to be a mobile game.

Knightofelemia221d ago

This is what happens when you farm something out to the wrong people.

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Wow, Looks Like The Busted GTA Trilogy Is Better On Mobile

The Definitive Editions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas look better than ever according to fans

-Foxtrot224d ago

Probably because it looked like it was made for mobile

Profchaos224d ago

I've checked it out and there's a toggle there for original lighting when that's on you get the sun saturation back orange hues of San Andreas and tons more atmosphere in vc.

Seems to be a huge factor you lose dynamic lights and the overly out of the box he engine feel and the whole thing seems more artistically driven.

I hope this comes to the actual console and ps release eventually

Knightofelemia223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

Better to enjoy the games on PS2 least they weren't a pile of shit.

shinoff2183223d ago

Out of curiosity what is the issue with this trilogy. I was looking to buy it cause san andreas is still my favorite and I've been itching for it. Is it broken?

PhillyDonJawn223d ago

The put little effort into the remaster. It's more of a port than anything. The graphics are barely any better while the colors make it look kinda cartoony