
GTA The Trilogy – Definitive Edition Official Trailer Released

Rockstar Games have released the GTA The Trilogy – Definitive Edition official trailer, with the game's release date set for November 11.

Hellcat20201008d ago

Just better color is all it is

gamesftw2501008d ago

Clearly we didn't watch the same trailer...

LucasRuinedChildhood1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

This is a way bigger upgrade than I was expecting, tbh.

When they Rockstar said that they wanted to keep the original look of these games, I expected them to look 99% the same. haha.

hiawa231008d ago

We did watch the same video and I agree with Hellcat These games deserved to be remade.

ABizzel11008d ago

I see why they fought so hard to shut down the trilogy mods on PC, modders had the PC version looking as good and in some cases better than this "definitive edition".

NeoGamer2321008d ago

If they actually remade and modernized the games I would be in. This is essentially a remastering, not a remake.

1nsomniac1008d ago

This doesn’t deserve remaster status. This is basically a reshade. Nothing more.

Sunny_D1008d ago


What is a remaster supposed to be? Are you getting confused with remake?

Profchaos1007d ago

This is a pretty significant remaster it's not like they simply upressed the games if they were to remake these games in the modern take engine they wouldn't work.

ChubbyBlade1008d ago

I think it’s time you see an eye doctor.

GravedancerX1008d ago

What? Literally everything is better. The lighting/reflection handling in particular is a huge upgrade.

Sunny_D1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

For real. Look at the rain and lighting effects when he’s driving.

Riftrider1008d ago

Updated controls, including aiming and driving, huge update to surroundings, and next gen has 4 k

TheKingKratos1008d ago

What ?

It look alot better than a simple remaster
Only problem with it is the models and maybe they left them like that to stay true to the games

Gatsu1007d ago

You're an idiot if you expected a remake of all the 3 games.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1007d ago
lelo2play1008d ago

Remove blur, make it brighter... and you have a Definitive Edition GTA.

Likely get it when heavily discounted.

ChubbyBlade1008d ago

Should probably get your eyes looked at.

lelo2play1008d ago

Developers love people like you... people that purchase the same game over and over again.

ChubbyBlade1007d ago (Edited 1007d ago )


Where did I say I was going to buy it? I’m not. Quite some assumptions there for simply saying your wrong about your assessment of the changes.

yoshatabi1007d ago

@lelo how you know he's going to buy it? Why are you assuming lmao

RaidenBlack1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

Could've included the "stories" games too.

roadkillers1008d ago

This x100, especially since VCS is fantastic but only available on PS2 and PSP.

Fntastic1008d ago

VCS is certainly great, LCS is good too, at least better than GTA 3 IMO anyway.

pr33k331008d ago

i liked Liberty Stories better than 3 tbh

Double_O_Revan1008d ago

If they did I would've considered the $60 price. But not for the 3 games. $60 is Way too high.

Sunny_D1008d ago

They’ll release those separately lol. Business 101.

RioKing1008d ago

Do you think it might eventually be DLC?

BlaqMagiq11008d ago

I believe those were part of the Nvidia leak so those might be in the pipeline.

CrimsonWing691007d ago

But then how can they sell those $60 then?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1007d ago
war boy1008d ago (Edited 1008d ago )

I wish it looked better, this is a pass for me.

hiawa231008d ago

I agree, pass for me also. Will just keep playing the originals.

yeahokwhatever1008d ago

"keep playing" as if you've seriously played them in the past 5 years.

isarai1007d ago

Honestly looks better than i was expecting after their previous attempts like the GTA sa remaster on ps3/360. I'll pick it up🤷‍♂️

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Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is Still Not up to Standard Two Years Later

Worse still though, it appears as though The Trilogy has been abandoned by Rockstar and Take Two Interactive.

Read Full Story >>
Inverno221d ago

By today's standards, I'd argue that being half assed, having a couple patches, and being abandoned and ultimately left still half assed is infact up to standards.

VenomUK221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Yesterday I watched a YouTube video that said the new Netflix iOS/Android versions have a series of visual improvements that significantly improve it and bring it much closer to the vision and mood of the original games.


banger88221d ago

That's just a f****** insult. They need to release that patch for console/PC asap.

Chard221d ago

If this gets applied to the Steam/console version then I’ll consider getting it

Cacabunga221d ago

Cash grabs have rarely been tuned

1nsomniac221d ago

It was beyond garbage. But we’re all over it now right? like it never happened!

anast221d ago

It's was supposed to be a mobile game.

Knightofelemia221d ago

This is what happens when you farm something out to the wrong people.

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Wow, Looks Like The Busted GTA Trilogy Is Better On Mobile

The Definitive Editions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas look better than ever according to fans

-Foxtrot224d ago

Probably because it looked like it was made for mobile

Profchaos224d ago

I've checked it out and there's a toggle there for original lighting when that's on you get the sun saturation back orange hues of San Andreas and tons more atmosphere in vc.

Seems to be a huge factor you lose dynamic lights and the overly out of the box he engine feel and the whole thing seems more artistically driven.

I hope this comes to the actual console and ps release eventually

Knightofelemia223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

Better to enjoy the games on PS2 least they weren't a pile of shit.

shinoff2183223d ago

Out of curiosity what is the issue with this trilogy. I was looking to buy it cause san andreas is still my favorite and I've been itching for it. Is it broken?

PhillyDonJawn223d ago

The put little effort into the remaster. It's more of a port than anything. The graphics are barely any better while the colors make it look kinda cartoony