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Call Of Duty: Vanguard And Far Cry 6 Are The New Skewed And Reviewed: The Magazine Cover Stories

The new issue is here and Far Cry 6 and Call of Duty: Vanguard are the cover story previews for the latest issue.

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Community1086d ago
REDGUM1086d ago

Who approved of this article?
This is just click bait.

Garethvk1086d ago

The new magazine covers have been approved on here for years with no issues.


Far Cry Has Become A Shadow Of Its Former Self

Following a series of repetitive games, a formulaic approach, and a disappointing last entry, the Far Cry series has been run into the ground.

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Community63d ago
JEECE63d ago

The trouble with most criticisms of this franchise is that they insist Far Cry 3 was the best game, but the things they claim to hate about the franchise are all the elements that 3 introduced.

Deeeeznuuuts63d ago

Couldn't agree with you more! I've always thought that, my personal favourite is two, the whole atmosphere, mystery, adrenaline, my vehicle steaming up because I've crashed too many times trying to escape and then getting in a shootout, having to pull a bullet out my arm while fire rages and bullets fly, can't beat it

JEECE63d ago

Yep, 2 is my favorite by far as well, and one of my favorite singleplayer games of all time. It was probably one of the last games Ubisoft made before they started homogenizing their franchises to be open world collect-a-thons with unnecessary RPG mechanics tacked on. I enjoyed 3 for what it was, but it was clearly an attempt to make the franchise appeal to a mass audience (which, in fairness, was successful).

LucasRuinedChildhood63d ago

That's not the issue. If Far Cry 3 never existed and they just made another 5 or 6 games that were increasingly generic copies of Far Cry 2 instead, would that make FC2 the real problem?

No. It's the lack of creativity and effort that followed that's the real issue.

And there are things that are genuinely different about FC3. Simple example - the story was easily the best. Best main villain by far too but it also has strong themes and wasn't afraid to explore controversial topics. The sequels are much blander.

Comparing the fun and creativity of Blood Dragon to the DLC in the sequels ... also says a lot about how Ubisoft fell off.

-Foxtrot62d ago

Yeah like even Far Cry 4 was decent, not as great as FC3 but they still gave us an interesting story, setting and villain. Pagan Min's random calls to Ajay were pretty funny.

They just got lazier and lazier, pumping them out while making it a little more streamlined each time. I mean Jesus, they gave us a silent protagonist with FC5 which really hurt the main story and are obsessed with pleasing everyone by trying to do two characters, male and female rather than just settling on one to tell the best story they can.

neutralgamer199262d ago

I started FC6 and yes the game works fine but I just wssnt Fun. Do many Ubi games are huge playgrounds but feel empty and doesn't give the feeling of a world which is lived in

JEECE62d ago

I have found that the more recent FC games work better as what I call "background games." Basically what I mean is it's nice to have an active save in one of them going for those times you have 45 minutes to play games and just want to have fun and don't want to get bogged down playing a game online or starting a new game and spending all your time into an annoying tutorial. Like I haven't touched FC4 in years but I know if I had 30 minutes to an hour to play I could hop in and easily be back in the swing of things and attack an outpost and have a good time.

I think a lot of people use big RPGs like Skyrim or Cyberpunk in a similar way.

isarai62d ago

Yes because FC3 executed those aspects better. Every game since FC3 has just been Frankensteined off the bones of FC3 with half the effort.

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Michiel198963d ago

you could say it's a far cry from what it was

wesnytsfs63d ago

Ubisoft gets a lot of hate for their content filling of maps. Personally I enjoy the mechanic when i play an open world game I like revealing hte entire map and doing all the side mission stuff before i go into main missions. Far Cry and the RPG AC maps where a joy to play.

RaidenBlack63d ago

Far Cry 2 was soo unique ... it was ahead of its time and is often misunderstood (thank you Clint Hocking, can't wait for his next game Assassins Creed Hexe)
(yes, FC2 was a departure from from FC1, so in strictest sense, Crysis 1 & 3 are the truer successors)

JEECE63d ago

Yep. Unfortunately there has been so little since then that has scratched the same itch. Really the closest thing has been BOTW, which uses a lot of similar systems (though ironically FC2 came out before Ubisoft put the Assassin's Creed towers in Far Cry, while BOTW had Ubi towers). Obviously it isn't a shooter though. I keep hoping that that some indie dev will put an FC2-esque game out on Steam, but so far I've been left wanting.

Sircolby4563d ago

I actually enjoyed Far Cry 5 and New Dawn. Far Cry 6 was a joke. It was a step backwards in every way. That was probably the worst Far Cry I have ever played.

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Despite Negative Reception, Call Of Duty: Vanguard Has Sold Over 30 Million Copies

Call of Duty: Vanguard has sold over 30 million copies, a milestone confirmed by the game's former social media strategist.

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Community170d ago
DarXyde170d ago

That's the thing about Call of Duty: it gets panned online, but still sells gangbusters.

Begs the question: is the online community complaining truly a vocal minority, or are people just unprincipled? Both I'm sure, but to what extent?


It's all about the hive mind, and I'm no exception to it. We buy each installment pretty much every year, regardless of the next installment being an improvement or not. Sad to say, but it is what it is.

Lexreborn2170d ago

People know what they like, it’s really that simple. The people who play CoD love CoD and unlike the minority gamers they will support it regardless.

The vocal people online will make sure a game burns they don’t like without even trying it. But, the CoD crowd will buy the game PLAY it and give feedback that goes towards their games growth.

And as long as they can get online and shoot people they will continue to support it.


Cod is not the same anymore, I didn't buy this one or mw3 and I no longer care about the franchise... People complain about Spider-Man 2 as being a copy paste but cod is the same game every single year and they're ok with that.

Lexreborn2169d ago

@cptn you further validate the point, people who enjoy it keep playing, and people like you who don’t stop. But 30 million is greater than your displeasure of the game.

And if they like it, they’ll keep playing and paying.

anast169d ago

Most of them are young people that look up to characters like Dr. Disrespect.

Tacoboto169d ago

"are people just unprincipled?"

I mean... You're on this site. You've seen the discourse over COD, how awful it is, yet how aful Microsoft was for taking COD away from PS gamers, despite not once saying they wanted to do that.

Another similar one - fans of BG3 since day one refusing to buy Alan Wake 2 because it doesn't have a physical edition. Or anyone calling 30fps unacceptable but is enjoying DD2. Or anyone complaining about bloated open world games yet is complaining about shorter, focused narratives.

Neonridr169d ago

they haven't taken CoD away from PS Gamers.

WiiU-Dude169d ago

I've said something like this many times. When something is could be music, video games etc, it is fashionable to start the hate. I have loved every iteration of COD. Each has it's own merits. I have enjoyed them all and have never had a problem proclaiming it even when people heckled me. Oh well. People gonna hate.

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RhinoGamer88170d ago

Just like Madden and Fifa (FC), the audience is conditioned to buy every year by EA and ATVI.

VersusDMC170d ago

Why talk about Vanguard? It was still the best selling game of that year. And at a 70+ metacritic.

Modern Warfare 3 last year was the 2nd best selling game of the year(been awhile since it wasn't 1st) and at a 50+ metacritic.

It would be cool to see the sales for all the call of duties to see if there's a trend and to compare.

jznrpg170d ago

I have only bought 2-3 CoD’s ever and the last time I bought one was at least a decade ago. The only reason I bought it back then was to play with my Son who was still in high school. I got some copies for free here and there from friends but I would only play the campaign. I’ve been burned out on PVP since Battlefield Vietnam on PC , Planetside stuff like that. I do enjoy PVE if done well but I doubt I’ll ever play a PVP game again unless they do something totally different than what’s been done before and I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

I have friends that buy every CoD and I ask them why do they still play after 20 years of the same game? Most of them say because of their online friends or real life friends that play it. Not because the game is good or it’s better than the last.

TheColbertinator170d ago

Battlefield Vietnam was so much fun

ocelot07170d ago

Maybe because people pre ordered it. I have pre ordered every COD since COD MW 2019. I enjoyed mw and cold war. Didn't play beta to vanguard I just pre ordered it like 2 days before release and regretted it a few days after release as it was bad.

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

Far Cry debuted on March 23, 2004, meaning that next week, it will have been 20 years since Jack Carver first washed up on the shore of a tropical paradise teeming with hostile mercenaries.

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Community194d ago
DefenderOfDoom2194d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot193d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor193d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos193d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius193d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger88193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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