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Hades Does Not Support Quick Resume On Xbox Series X|S

GameByte writes: "Hades doesn't have Quick Resume on Xbox Series X|S but it's not the end of the world."

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Community1045d ago
roadkillers1045d ago

I hope I enjoy this game. Not a fan of the color pallets from the images and videos I've seen. It's been given such good reviews tho, hoping it changes my opinion.

galgor1045d ago

Watch some twitch streams, you'll soon know if you'd enjoy it or not.

roadkillers1045d ago

Nah, I'll try for myself. Bought God of War without knowing anything and the dude became my avatar.

Deathdeliverer1045d ago

Interesting. I can’t imagine this game takes too long to load so I’m sure it’s a non factor . I preordered and will be playing tonight.

Teflon021045d ago

Loading isn't the issue I think. If it's a rougelike in the same sense as returnal, which I swear it was. As ppl were saying returnal was similar to games like hades. If that's the case, a quick resume would have been beneficial, because it definitely would be in returnal, where you can end the game mid run and continue later

TorpeAlex1045d ago

Returnal is definitely not the norm for roguelikes. With Hades you can save and quit the game without losing your run, if I recall correctly it just drops you into the last room you cleared.

S2Killinit1044d ago

You can stop mid run in Returnal if im not mistaken. I think you just cant play something else in between. Might be wrong.

Gotta get back into that game as I stopped in a good place after a major breakthrough. Was showing my brother the gameplay and now im Excited to see what new areas are open to me now.

JEECE1045d ago

Well. That's annoying. Quick Resume would be particularly useful for this type of game. Oh well.

NotoriousWhiz1045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )

Quick resume is really unneeded for this game. It loads quickly and you can save after any room. Sure, it would be nice to have but not nearly as beneficial as it is for other games.

luckytrouble1045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )

If you're going to complete a run, it won't be more than maybe 40 minutes. If you're going to fail a run, it will be much less. As someone that has put 100+ hours into this game on PC, trust me, it doesn't need any feature clearly directed towards more linear or generally longer gaming experiences or sessions. Even the most indecisive gamer that insists on needing quick resume can boot up the game and resume a run or start a new one within at most a minute anyways.

TheDoomedGuy1045d ago

So...I'm not one to switch between games at all. 1 game at a time for me but do other people have issues with quick resume?

Does it always work?

Battlestar231045d ago

It rarely works on my XSX even after all the updates released for the console using quick resume still causes it to crash. But like you i don't switch between games that often anyway so it doesn't really matter to me.

Lexreborn21045d ago

I’ve had issues with it too, I don’t rely on it at all. When I was playing Nier I left it idle for several days started it up and it crashed. I was using QR because I don’t play games as frequently as I used too. But due to it being unreliable for me I just play one game at a time when I boot it up

Pickledpepper1044d ago

I've not had any issues with quick resume at all, I put gta5 in my xsx after not playing for 2 months and it put me straight back to where I left off.

Lexreborn21044d ago

@pickledepper your lack of issues with 1 game doesn’t mean there isn’t issues with QR with other games. I have zero reason to lie about QR not working for me, as I have been using it since I got the system back in March.

Because it crashed and didn’t save my states after leaving it is why I don’t rely on it. I’m pretty sure they are aware of its inconsistency from app to app. And it would be a better overall experience for me and others if they addressed the issue.

Not talk solely about the times it does work and ignore the other times it doesn’t.

InUrFoxHole1045d ago

I haven't had an issue with it yet.

Tacoboto1045d ago

I find it works very inconsistently.

Ninja Gaiden 2 - played that entirely through Quick Resume states. No issues.
Yakuza 0 - 19 hours in, been in Quick Resume for multiple weeks/full reboots/a power outage. No issues.

Flight Sim didn't seem to work at first, but now has been for a couple days.

Skyrim with FPS Boost - after a day in QR, the framerate tanks. After several hours in QR, framerate is unstable and returns to 60 after pausing/going into the Guide.

Halo 5 refuses to reconnect to online services after a day or more in QR.
Halo MCC refuses to reconnect to the transport service after about a day (refreshing in the network tab of settings doesn't refresh).

Smok911045d ago

It works great. I typically don’t switch around too much but going back to a story game a week later and after a few seconds being in game right where I left off is great. Online experiences it doesn’t work for obvious reasons. I’ve had one game that didn’t work that probably should’ve but no complaints.

Tacoboto1045d ago

"obvious reasons"

Developers have had enough time with the new SDKs to account for this, especially the first-party studios that continue actively updating their games (looking at you 343 - both of your games do this!) - after X time has passed, refresh the network stack.

It is not hard, refreshing authentication credentials is Software Engineering 101. If the reasons for faulty functionality are so obvious and unfixable, MS should disable those titles from Quick Resume.

Smok911045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )


Yes, obvious reason. It’s obvious online support hasn’t been addressed yet. Shit they had to update it early on just to get it working on offline titles. Good job kid, gold star ;) just curious, what did you think I was talking about lmao

Petebloodyonion1045d ago

For me, it works well with single-player games that support the feature, but it rarely works with games that require an internet connection because it will ask you to reconnect and you will end up restarting the game.

1045d ago
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Hikoran1045d ago

I'm betting around only 20% of players use the quick resume function. Plus, bit cheaty having stuff like that in a rougelike.

Tacoboto1045d ago

Quick Resume is automatically applied, so if you've played 2 games on a Series console, there's a 99% chance you've used it.

Lostbytes1045d ago

Not if your console is in power saving mode......and you quit every game , every time. Like some of us.

TheDoomedGuy1045d ago

Cheaty? Why? What's the difference between that and just putting the game down and playing on a different console?

JEECE1045d ago

How is it "cheaty"? It's literally pausing the game, which you can do anyway, it just gives you the added option of being able to play other games while it is paused. It's not "cheaty" if you pause a roguelike/lite on one system and play a different game on another system, so how would this be different. And since it isn't actually creating a save file, all the stupid arguments about "save scumming" that everyone said about Returnal do not apply here.

HankHill1045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )

Where are you getting these numbers from and how is using quick resume cheaty? That doesn't even make any sense.

Hikoran1045d ago

Clearly I was wrong. My bad. I mainly had Returnal style 'saves/runs' in mind. Definitely looking forward to playing it tomorrow though!

Teflon021045d ago

Something makes me wonder if you understand what quick resume is. It's a savestate that immediately erases once you resume. Not a savestate you can load over and over lol

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Hades: Tips For 32-Heat Run

Having trouble completing a max heat run in Hades? Here's how you can make those 32 points feel like nothing.

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Community29d ago

Hades just reached an all-time high player count on Steam ... thanks to Hades 2

Hades, which released all the way back in 2018, has just seen the highest player count on Steam ever - with Hades 2 fueling the surge.

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Community42d ago
Skuletor42d ago

The current discount of 66% off probably helps. Was good enough to convince me to finally buy it.


Hades II’s new combat options enhance an already great game

New magic system shines in the game's early "Technical Test" period.

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Community50d ago
Yi-Long50d ago

Looking forward to this. Hades is easily one of the best games of last-gen. Just hoping they nailed the characters again in Hades 2, because they were fantastic in the first game.

It will be very hard to top.Zagreus as a main character btw.

Popsicle50d ago

Loved the original Hades. Can’t wait!

Nacho_Z50d ago

I was addicted to Hades, the loop pulls you in and doesn't let go. It helps the gameplay is so much fun. Working towards beating the max heat level was the most enjoyable and satisfying challenge I've had for as long as I can remember.

Psychonaut8550d ago

Over 200 hrs in the first Hades without even really realizing it. Can’t wait for 2.