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PlayStation Leaks Possible Bluepoint Acquisition

Today Sony Interactive Entertainment likely leaked the acquisition of Bluepoint.

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Community1123d ago
CamillaAddiction1123d ago

now we just wait for Kojima Production Acquisition

Majin-vegeta1123d ago

Theres also a rumored aquision of Arc systems work.

Viking_mo1123d ago

I saw that rumour too and apparently its late into the works. Would be a cool buy. They definitely need a fighting catalog of games

Relientk771123d ago

Sony buys EVO fighting tournament and now might buy Arc Systems Work who make fighting games. It makes sense.

DOMination-1123d ago

Interesting, I haven't seen that rumour but it would make sense as Sony have a gap for that genre and they made that acquisition a while back for the competitive esports brand.

Bluepoint makes perfect sense.. it was something that had been anticipated for while so good to see confirmation is close. They've now had over two generations of working together and always produced quality. It'll be interesting to see if they remain a remake studio or not.

DarXyde1123d ago

The Evo purchase is making a ton of sense now.

I would love a sequel to Hard Corps Uprising.

UltimateRacer1123d ago

@Relientk77 you summed it up perfectly, exactly what I was going to say.

bouzebbal1123d ago

My biggest wish is they acquire From Software.. Would be a lovely one

TriniOutsider1122d ago

I would prefer them to buy Arc, as Sony does somewhat own EVO now. They will at least need a fighting game.

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RaidenBlack1123d ago

Or atleast acquire the MGS, Silent Hill and Castlevania IPs from Konami.

Zhipp1123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

Konami isn't making games, but they're still making money from thoes IPs with their gacha machines and mobile titles. I don't think they'd be willing to sell. They might license them out for Sony or someone else to make their own games, though. That's the best I could hope for.

alb18991123d ago

How can that be possible?
Just MS buys Studios and talent!
That can't happened!
On n4g I learned that to buy Studios and talent is wrong and SONY won't do wrong..... hahaha!
Doble moral, hipócritas.

KillBill1123d ago

Not gonna lie. You have nailed the N4G vibe of late.

CosmicTurtle1123d ago


It is more complex than that though, sometimes a company can facilitate a company’s ambitions, I am sure Ninja Theory can do far more creatively with a triple A budget behind them under Microsoft. Would Returnal have existed without the close relationship with Sony? I doubt it. In contrast Bethesda are a company which held the resources to make something like Starfield prior to MS purchasing them. As gamers we don’t benefit as much. It might be a good business decision, it will likely benefit MS financially in their pursuit of a subscription model, unless you have shares in them why do you care. It’s like being excited that Amazon bought MGM? Whereas sometimes massive corporations Netflix and Amazon support a specific director and it ends up with an interesting idea being financed, like in the case of Okja, this film would likely not have existed otherwise.

uth111123d ago

Housemarque and Bluepoint only publish on playstation so no cross-platform franchises are lost, which is what people get upset about

DOMination-1123d ago

^ That statement isn't completely true for Housemarque who have developed on other platforms and even made several Xbox exclusives in the past.

Sitdown1123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

Per reports, Housemarque, has only published two games and they also went to iOS (Furmins) and windows (Nex Machina) and then they have developed several games (Angry Birds, Outland, Golf: Tee It Up, Transworld Snowboarding) for the Xbox consoles. Where are you getting your information from? No need to just make up stuff. Now I will say Sony has published several of their titles.

S2Killinit1123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

You must be daft. People are upset because MS cannibalizes the industry instead of creating relationships or fostering its own studios. They went on a shopping binge because they had not built anything themselves. Sony is not guilty of this. They also foster relationships with the studios they purchase for generations. Whike this would still be cannabalizing its not as blatant as what MS has been doing. Add to that the fact that Sony is making these moves on the back of MS’s recent acquisitions and its clear who lead the way into this terrible precedent for the industry and the gamers.

But HEY lets just act like its only N4G.

Rude-ro1123d ago

I think you are more confused with Microsoft buying games for exclusivity and getting “credit” for “making” games. Ie monopolizing more than contributing.

As far as buying studios..
There is a very long snail trail of dead developing companies purchased and dismantled under Microsoft… I would just be nervous from being bought by Microsoft.
Obviously not those that are cashing in, but the entirety of the employees.

Charlieboy3331123d ago (Edited 1123d ago ) that when you were born because you sound senile. Most of Housmarque's and Bluepoint's games have been Playstation only. So buying them doesn't take anything away from other consoles. The same as when Microsoft bought Playground games. Did you hear any complaining from Playstation people when that happened? No.....because they were making Microsoft only games anyway. Bethesda used to make games for all platforms before Microsoft bought them and are now keeping games off Playstation that WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE otherwise. Can you understand? Are you able to? If Playstation bought Capcom for example and kept all the future games off Xbox that would also be a shitty move........but since MICROSOFT STARTED with the shitty moves I wouldn't blame them.

outsider16241123d ago

Name me some of the best games made for Ms by HM and BP and then come yapping your mouth.
Besides even if they did, you'll probably just have to google, probably never bought them for xbox.

ABizzel11123d ago

It's not the same at all.

Acquiring developers who have been 2nd party for numerous years is expected (for example Playground, Undead Labs, Housemarque, Bluepoint, Insomniac, etc...).

Acquiring independent developers like Ninja Theory, Compulsion, all these timed deals Sony has with these "New-Lecagy Studios" can be a surprise to some, but expected.

Buying an entire publisher (Bethesda) is concerning, it completely removes decades of multiplatform / legacy software from other platforms.

I wouldn't want that for anyone, but that's also why I'm multiplatform gamer as well, so it doesn't bother me.

BlackTar1871123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

You just compared two completely different things. I guess people like you are the reason the hottest xbox game/ feature for the last 4 years has been old games.

waverider1123d ago

Let me try to explain. To be the same of what Microsoft did. Sony would need to buy EA or Activision. Now imagined All of those games only on Sony consoles. What Sony did: Got studios that make games for Sony, exclusives after exclusives. There no spin here. But, i really would like that Sony bought Warner Bros or some big studio and then see all saying its fair taking multiplats from their biggest buyers.

ziggurcat1123d ago

There's a stark difference between acquiring a studio or two here, and there that have had long-standing relationships with Sony vs. buying an entire publisher, and locking out future iterations of countless multiplatform IPs from the competition, but also doing so while lying to everyone by saying they're still going to release games on other platforms (likely to keep the stock value from tanking before the deal was finalized).

BlackTar1871123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

lol @ alb and Killbill being completely owned. lmao you guys need to think through this stuff before you post and look well.............. D _ _ B

F0XH0UND9221123d ago

Somebody hasn't been playing attention lol Sony doesn't come out flashing it's wallet and they don't just buy studios outright. The studios they do buy come from long-term relationships that they usually help funded in some fashion. Fostering a working relationship first is important.

WelkinCole1123d ago

Beth is a well established big 3 party publisher. Very different from House and Bluepoint that are small have been doing mostly PS games.

BlackTar1871123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )


The last game they made for xbox was in 2008 and one time before that in 2003. Not really an Xbox dev.

1122d ago
robo368721122d ago

Sony bringing 2 historically Playstation focused independent developers into Playstation Studios is in no way equivalent to MS throwing minecraft money at Zenimax and snatching away 3 decades of multiplatform/multigenarationa l IP and halting multiplatform development on several high profile upcoming games.

Master of Unlocking1122d ago

That's not nearly the same thing. Bethesda is a publisher that was always 3rd party: the Fallout games, The Elder's Scrolls games, the Dishonored games, the Doom games always came out on Playstation platforms. Heck Doom, Doom II and Final Doom came out on PS1 long before Microsoft even thought about entering this industry!

When Insomniac, Housemarque, and Bluepoint games had always been developing games pretty much only for Playstation consoles prior to their buyout. As such, they were even considered to be those studios sometimes nicknamed "2nd party studios".

That's like comparing apples and oranges... dos escenarios distintos, imbécil

Imalwaysright1122d ago (Edited 1122d ago )

Indeed and the creation of silly goalposts like "creating relationships" is hilarious as it doesn't change at all the fact that Sony buys talent and in fact most of their studios were bought.

The fact that @ DOMination- got as many disagrees + @ bouzebbal & @ Relientk77 above not getting a single disagree despite FromSoftware and Arcsytems releasing most of their games on other platforms just shows that the creation of those silly goalposts are just a way for Sony fanboys to get a shot at MS while they praise everything that Sony does so if ArcSystems does indeed get acquired by Sony (FromSoftware acquisition is a pipe dream) the same people taking shots at MS will suddendly forget the goalposts they artificially created to praise Sony for being stunning and brave.

EDIT: Just read @ LucasRuinedChildhood comment below and its agree/disagree ratio just further proves my point...

fr0sty1122d ago

Anyone remember Rare? Case in point of why people get pissed when MS buys a good studio. They have a track record.

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CaptainHenry9161123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

They should purchase From Software before it's to late

Chevalier1123d ago

I really don't get why so many people think Fromsoftware is available for purchase. They are a part of Kadokawa games and have been since 2014.

neutralgamer19921123d ago


I think kojima for now may want to stay independent. But if he were to sold his studio I think it's safe to assume he would sell to Sony. Sony handed him a check and any engine he wanted from Sony studios to make his game. while every other publisher he visited wanted a tech demo before they could make any agreement

Imalwaysright1122d ago

They also helped Kojima set up his studio and thinking about it, Sony deserved a far better game than Death Stranding for the immense help they gave Kojima.

justadelusion1123d ago

id rather them acquire good studios

neutralgamer19921122d ago (Edited 1122d ago )

Just buy them and expand the studio to where they could work on 2 remakes at a time. And just give them a list of classic catalog of games and leave the choice up to them to decide which they should remake first. Could you imagine in 10 years they could have three to four separate teams doing remakes of order games that could be amazing

Sony owns so many IP's from ps1-2 days

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KillBill1123d ago

So it appears they have been relegated as a remaster development team. Curious to see what or if they are allowed to do their own game instead of just remasters?

DOMination-1123d ago

Their last few games have been proper remakes. Of cult classic titles. And most people would agree that they were better than the original. Taking on those projects was a bold move. Hardly relegated when this has always been their thing. If anything, a Sony acquisition will allow them to make something original in future.. but maybe the staff like working on remakes?

outsider16241123d ago

Those remakes are some of the best I've seen on the Ps4 and PS5 and not "just remasters".

And From what i heard they're going to making a new IP once Sony acquires them. (From the leaks ofcourse as i cannot confirm). I guess time will tell

InUrFoxHole1123d ago

Holy crap. They did uncharted? Wow didn't know that. Well if they only do remakes moving forward, that's a good team to have in the stable. Sony made a good move here.

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TricksterArrow1123d ago

Debatable. Though definitely not bug infested games. (;

derek1123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

They do great remakes like Demons souls and shadow of the colossus. It is rumored that they are remaking mgs1.

Viking_mo1123d ago

They teased all sorts on a tweet years ago. From Syphon Filter MGS to Legend of Dragoon

Brazz1123d ago

i can say, for sure, they make great games.

justadelusion1123d ago

good remakes, would be even better if they didnt add bits of 'wokeness' to them tho

MIDGETonSTILTS171123d ago

… I’ll bite, what are you talking about.

MIDGETonSTILTS171123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

They have only don’t remakes, but they were remakes of classics. And, not only have they excelled at replicating or updating what made those games classics, they have also shown great judgement with changing whatever did NOT age well about the game.

We don’t know how creative they can be as a studio yet, but we do know that they know how to make quality games with good design choices throughout. I for one cannot wait to see what their first original IP is, but I’d also be equally happy with a MGS1-4 remaster (I’d pay $140 for that.)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1123d ago
SullysCigar1123d ago

Holy crap, if this is true, what a day!!

Bluepoint have been smashing it with PlayStation for ages now - perfect fit since both are synonymous with quality!

Abriael1123d ago

Pretty sure it's true. Saw both the tweet and the article on the Japanese PS Blog with my own two eyes. If it was just the logo, I'd say it could be a mistake, but the addition of the Demon's souls image in the picture is a bit too much for a mistake.

Likely they wanted to make the announcements separately to give each studio its moment of glory, and someone in Japan didn't notice that the two pictures in the media kit were different.

Silly gameAr1123d ago

Bluepoint has been doing damn good with the PS remakes, but if this is true, I hope it gives them a chance to do a new, original ip.

smashman981123d ago

I disagree about taking on an original project. They're not really a studio of creatives. If anything I hope they get the opportunity to expand and increase the size of their pipeline. I wouldn't mind going from 1 remake every 2-3 years to 1 remake every 1-2 years

Ausbo1123d ago

How do you know they aren’t a studio of creatives unless you know the people inside the studio or have made prior original IP

Darkborn1123d ago

I want them to make a new IP too, but I also think demons souls 2 is their next major project outside of remakes. They made net code and a game engine, alongside all new motion capture and some new voice lines just for a remake. That's kind of a lot for a remake of only demons souls.

Elda1123d ago (Edited 1123d ago )

Imo I think Sony should have Bluepoint as that go-to studio to do remakes & remasters for PS earlier library of classic hits from the PS1,PS2 & PS3 era. Something that Bluepoint has been very good at,keeping those classics alive for the new generation with new graphics & productions. When the studio starts to get much bigger than they can split it up to do original i.p.

Silly gameAr1123d ago

I agree with you to an extent. I didn't really mean make a new ip right away. I like that they make quality remakes of older ips for Playstation, but I'm sure they have some ideas of their own that they want to try, and Sony is the prefect company to support that.

InUrFoxHole1123d ago

Idk man. You know how sometimes actors are really good in 1 TV show role. They're good at what they do. Sometimes it's best to stay in your lane. Now if they come out and ask to do a new ip, I think they've earned that right.

badz1491122d ago

when talking about Bluepoint now, kinda reminds me of Sanzaru Games. they remastered the Sly Trilogy with awesome results and even given the opportunity to make Sly 4 which turned out very faithful to the original trilogy! I love Sly 4 and as the the game ended with a cliffhanger, I wanted a sequel! never happened and Sanzaru Games now belong to FB. I think it was due to not so great sales for Sly 4 or something but Sly 4 came out at a difficult times for platformers - the same can also be said for Puppeteer which was another gems on the PS3!

I hope Sony will give Sly another go. Sucker Punch is still here. Why not let them make another like they still want Insomniac making R&C, ha? it's sad seeing that only R&C is still thriving. Jak & Dexter and the Sly gang need some love too, Sony!

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Vithar1123d ago

damn BLuepoint and Housemarque, that's awesome! good on them :)

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Unending Dawn joins PlayStation China Hero Project

Parcae’s Fate Studio-developed open-world action game Unending Dawn has joined Sony Interactive Entertainment‘s China Hero Project incubation program, the companies announce. As previously announced, it will be available PlayStation 5, iOS, and Android.

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Love me some third person action games.
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