
Babylon's Fall | E3 2021 Trailer

BABYLON’S FALL from Square Enix is developed in partnership with renowned action specialists, PlatinumGames Inc., (NieR:Automata™). Featuring fluid co-op-combat, powerful weapons and a unique, striking art style, the epic world of BABYLON’S FALL is coming to the PlayStation®5 (PS5™) console, PlayStation 4 and STEAM. The game can be played in co-op online multiplayer for parties up to four and will feature a range of post launch game modes at no additional cost.

JenGotGame1139d ago (Edited 1139d ago )

Man, this really looked rough. (not just speaking visually) Hopefully it will end up being good, but this was not a great showing at least IMO. Almost like if Godfall were even worse, or idk how to even think about it.

NecrumOddBoy1139d ago

You’re not kidding. This looks like a closed-alpha of PS2 game running on a potato.

ABizzel11139d ago

PS2 is a stretch. PS3-remaster. The game looks rough.

tombfan1139d ago

You do know it's the artstyle, right?

-Foxtrot1139d ago

I know, considering the hype behind it and wanting to see more, I just feel like I saw Godfall if it was made in Japan.

There's a lot of "...play solo or with friends" stuff this E3

Platinum Games made a great single player driven experience with Bayonetta (later Nintendo) and almost made one with Scalebound going off the early trailers (Microsoft). I just find it a little funny that the one console something single player driven would have thrived on would have been the PlayStation.

Feels Sony drew the short straw here

Relientk771139d ago

"I just feel like I saw Godfall if it was made in Japan."

LOL ok that got me.

1138d ago
-Foxtrot1138d ago


Did you or can you not read

I said “almost made one with Scalebound”

You know because it never happened

Microsoft forced that co-op in, it was always supposed to be a single player hand

Sonyslave31139d ago

Yo wtf is this crap someone buy PG so they can finally get the resource they need.

Chevalier1139d ago

What? Platinum has an investment deal with Tencent. They should probably be okay for resources

purple1011139d ago

Wow. Looking good. However I was expecting more.

And that voice over(s) completely killed it. In a bad way though.

phoenixwing1139d ago (Edited 1139d ago )

the environment vs the actual people design has a huge disparity in quality. I think they switched it up halfway through development so they could save a buck. Also I have no proof or knowledge of this but it seemed at first it was going to be a killer single player game that got gutted and made into a co-op online game to try and cash in on younger audiences.

IanTH1139d ago

Definitely an aesthetically underwhelming introduction, but it is Platinum, and they are better known for their mechanics than their visuals. I'll hold out hope for this to be a good game, even if a bit on the ugly side lol

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GaaS – The “Only” Way Forward

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Warner Bros. gaming boss J.B Perrette recently described traditional AAA games as “volatile”, but while that development approach has its issues as well, in reality it’s the GaaS format that best fits this description, as each title is quite literally as likely to explode in popularity as it is to implode."

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Alos88111d ago

Live services aren't the way forward, they're an expensive dead end that appeal to execs far more than the gaming community.
For every game that gets it right, at least five fail miserably and make no money at all. What WB and other companies consider to be easy money is actually a much worse bet than a SP title or traditional MP game could ever be.

senorfartcushion111d ago

You're talking about videogames. To these people, they don't want videogames, they want services.

The thing I've been trying to wrap my head around lately is not thinking of services as games. Games are made, games are owned and games are played.

I actually got the opportunity to speak to someone in marketing for a AAA games company and when I spoke about my annoyance regarding ownership they got flustered and actually became weirdly pedantic.

"No, you don't own the games, that's not how it works. You're wrong. They're not meant to be owned and people don't want to own them." Like they were helping people?

It was weird. It changed my outlook on the games. A Fortnite player is technically not a proper gamer. They play Fortnite but they've no idea what Assassin's Creed even is.

FinalFantasyFanatic110d ago (Edited 110d ago )

I think this just goes back to companies trying to force the subscription model into everything, I don't want to pay a subscription to use Office or Adobe, I don't want to pay a subscription for heated seats in my car, I don't want to pay a subscription for multiple games. I want to buy and own the product to use and enjoy as I please, I also don't want a constant internet connection for everything either.

PapaBop111d ago

Helldivers 2 proved live service works, I think there will always be room for good ones that respects the player base but ultimately, how many GaaS games can people juggle realistically before gaming becomes more of a chore than a hobby? FOMO is also a huge problem with these games.

CrashMania111d ago

'how many GaaS games can people juggle realistically before gaming becomes more of a chore than a hobby?'

This to me is one of the main cruxes of the problem. If you try shove 10 GAAS titles down everyones throats, that demand you spend a few hours every day for the 'dailies' and 'weeklies', there's just not enough time for them and they saturate each other.

Cacabunga111d ago

The only way to flop.. ask Rocksteady

RNTody111d ago (Edited 111d ago )

So says the company responsible for one of the biggest flops of the year. This is a pathetic attempt to push an agenda to justify GAAS and mobile monetisation in triple A games. Do you think we're stupid? No one asked you to balloon your development costs by over hiring and expanding and over estimating sales and budgets, failing to meet targets, developing trash games like Suicide Squad that have to be delayed and take 6 years to release because of poor reception, creating mediocrity like Gotham Knights, or over extending on advertising

As the article points out, Gaas is equally likely to be a monkey sink especially post release if it fails like Redfall.

Baldur's Gate 3 and God of War Ragnarok shamed you all. The former for delivering a top quality product without the vices of triple A games, and the latter for releasing an entire game mode and story DLC for free because their product was quality enough to sell beyond expectations.

CrimsonWing69111d ago

It’s already working. I’ve made comments about this and people are happy with Hell Divers 2 and even defending the micros and Battle Passes. We’ve opened the door and traditional games are going to be less and less the norm. Hope you’re happy with the bright future of gaming.

Alos88111d ago

Not when the vast majority of these are failing and losing these studios money. Helldivers didn't succeed because it was live service, but in spite of it- because the devs wanted to deliver a fun game first and a storefront second. It is absolutely not comparable with trash like SS or Skull and Bones.

CrimsonWing69111d ago (Edited 111d ago )

Live Service is Live Service, my dude. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, it’s the thing the industry is pushing for and for a very SPECIFIC reason. You still have your battle passes and micros with Helldivers 2 and everyone has defended it. Why couldn’t it just be a traditional made game with no season passes and micros? Why choose to make the game GaaS?

So, now guess what? You’re going to have many who will just throw everything at the wall to replicate that success. I mean you have Sony looking into pulling an Xbox and publishing on different platforms because sales in traditional game don’t bring a ROI. WB is just hellbent on GaaS because traditional AAA games are “volatile.”

This gen actually has been terrible for Sony with lines like this coming out:

“Sony now expects to sell 4 million fewer PS5 consoles in its 2023 fiscal year ending March 31st compared to previous projections, Bloomberg reports. The revision came as part of today’s third-quarter earnings release which saw Sony lower the PS5 sales forecast from the 25 million consoles it expected to sell down to 21 million.”

““Looking ahead, PS5 will enter the latter stage of its life cycle,” said Sony senior vice president Naomi Matsuoka in comments reported by Bloomberg. “As such, we will put more emphasis on the balance between profitability and sales. For this reason, we expect the annual sales pace of PS5 hardware will start falling from the next fiscal year.” Sony added it has no plans to release “any new major existing franchise titles” in its next fiscal year.”


Have you read the leaks of possibly Sony selling Spider-Man 3 piecemeal? I have no idea why dev cost is so expensive now when the tools to make games haven’t changed. Why are they hiring more people when games don’t radically look different than last-gen games or even worse as is the case with Suicide Squad vs Arkham Knight? I think I even read an article on this very site claiming more people enjoy playing older games than games released currently.

We’re going to see shift in games. I think a lot more AA traditional games (which is what the industry needs to do, the onus is on them to manage budget and do cutbacks rather than expect everyone to pay more for games and buy an insane anount to make up for ROI) and a lot more GaaS.

Chriswynnetbh111d ago

@crimson Helldivers 2 is everything right with service games. The micros and battle passes are not remotely predatory and there are plenty of ways to earn the currency to unlock that content at no cost to the player. Everything is not as black and white as everyone here pretends it is. There are levels to it and some live service games are clearly out to exploit and extract as much money as they can as opposed to games like Helldivers that were obviously made with player experience in mind.

Profchaos111d ago

I'm a helldivers 2 player love the game refuse to buy a battle pass they got my money once I'm happy to grind out the free pass

DustMan111d ago

Best 39.99 game purchase I've made in a long time. Like you, I'm not really swayed to heavily to buy any of the extra warbond tiers. Probably get one after I've unlocked all the standard stuff, but even then that just more of a me thing. Need to be able to spend those bonds on something new eventually, but at least their are multiple choices in tiers, and aren't locked into something like COD where you have to grind 100tiers to get everything it has to offer. Not to mention the game is fairly liberal with the amount of bonds, and SC's you can gather in game.

JackBNimble111d ago

Just because a very few games are successful as a live service, that doesn't mean it's the way forward. Very few dev's/publishers have found the winning formula.
There will always be those exceptions

Barlos111d ago

HD2 being what it is, is the reason I didn't buy it, and won't buy it. Any game - no matter how good it's supposed to be - that is live service is an instant deal breaker for me.

Crows90111d ago (Edited 111d ago )

The micros in helldiver's don't really do anything at all. The super credits are to unlock battle passes ..which you can do by playing and to buy cosmetics.....which you also get by playing. Not to mention you can grind super credits in the game.

You can't buy samples or medals with super credits.

Not to mention they don't function like typical battle passes. No expiration

CrimsonWing69110d ago (Edited 110d ago )

This is my point. Everyone, pay attention to how we’re justifying the battle pass and micros now.

There was a time, not long ago, when the backlash was real to anything like this. We’re ok with monthly battle passes now because they don’t expire. I personally, do not like the thought of continuously dumping money into a game over the course of its life-time and the “roadmap” of the game.

I’m saying why even do them in the first place? Why even design with GaaS in mind over just a good ol’ fashioned traditional game design? Imagine if all games started doing this? But hey, it’s not like the battle passes would expire.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 110d ago
anast111d ago

He really means mobile. Hasbro made 2 billion on their mobile monopoly game.

Tapani110d ago

2.8bn in 2023 revenue. I bet that game also has a very high profit margin, so it must be a bit of a cash flow cow for them.

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The Fall of Babylon's Fall - Why Babylon's Fall Failed

Why did Babylon's Fall fail? In this guide you will find an in-depth analysis of the factors, in order to give you an answer.

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blackblades518d ago (Edited 518d ago )

Because of the dev team, a lot of games that failed in any generation couldve been successful if done right and only done right with the right teams and mindset.


Most Disappointing Game of 2022

VGChartz's Paul Broussard: "Life is full of disappointments and video games are no exception. We as consumers have high expectations for the biggest names in gaming, and more often than not they deliver. But every now and then there's a game with every advantage given to it, and which should be a home run experience, that calmly and deliberately throws it all in the trash. Being a bad game is one thing, but being a game that should have been good and turned out to be bad instead is exponentially worse. These are the most disappointing titles of 2022."

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1Victor551d ago

Not even that half naked picture is enough for me to give VGFCZ a click so I trust @knush comment

darthv72551d ago

You can just look at the tags to see what games they listed.

jznrpg551d ago

Halo should make the list since it a GaaS and it was supposed to be improved a lot this year .

Babylons Fall didn’t have any expectation but was worse than even most thought it would be

coolbeans551d ago (Edited 551d ago )

Halo Infinite's release date: Dec. 8th 2021

I'm 50/50 on just marking this b/c you know what you're doing & your opening is already threatening to go off-topic. EDIT: Better to keep focus on 2022 games is all I'm informally warning about.

Knightofelemia550d ago (Edited 550d ago )

I'll take Pokemon over Saints Row any day. At least Pokemon will be enjoyable rather catch a Charazard then play as a millennial douche any day.

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