
Forza Motorsport is a ‘huge generational leap’ from previous games – here’s why

And yes, the game is officially called Forza Motorsport

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darthv721148d ago

Love the Forza series... can't wait for this.

FlavorLav011147d ago

There’s gonna be a lot of GAAS burned with this reboot

1Victor1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

Really it’s kind of obvious it’s supposed to be better than previous generation at least graphically, unless it’s all just hype and look like the infamous halo and Greg demo but I highly doubt Microsoft would do something like that with cardboard box trees

F0XH0UND9221147d ago

I agree with Flavor. Game is gonna be riddled with MXT and service based junk.

OptimusDK1147d ago

Why do you care. Are you gonna play it on PlayStation?

DJStotty1145d ago



"There’s gonna be a lot of GAAS burned with this reboot"

"I agree with Flavor. Game is gonna be riddled with MXT and service based junk."


Adding new tracks and cars, is not gaas, it is called DLC.

"In the video game industry, games as a service (GaaS) represents providing video games or game content on a continuing revenue model, similar to software as a service."

There is no monthly fee, and there is not a continuing revenue model, therefore it is not GAAS.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1145d ago
waverider1148d ago

I believe this game will show what the Series X can really do. With the time they had, Forza Motorsport will be the showcase of the Series X. I think the gameplay trailer at e3 will be amazing.

1148d ago Replies(4)
CaptainHenry9161147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

It's the king of Racers. I'm looking forward to see how my RTX 3080 will handle it

PunksOnN4G1147d ago

King of Racers lol... Plz GT is an Olympic sport the other is an arcade racer nice try though

CaptainHenry9161147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

There was a time when GT was on top but not anymore. Forza is better now

medman1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

Some people prefer GT, others Forza. What cannot be downplayed is the fact GT is still tied closely to the FIA, and gamers have gotten FIA racing licenses and professional racing careers started all from playing Gran Turismo. That is impressive no matter how you look at it. I enjoy them both, tbh. I prefer the more open Forza Horizon to Motorsport, and Gran Turismo was my first love in racing games (well not really, I think my first loves were pole position and rc pro am, but I digress) so GT will always be a game I play.

Zeref1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )


Those are all things of the past.

Forza is just better now. GT7 may be competitive again. but RN Forza is the king, no contest.

medman1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

Things of the past resonate more than things of the present. You're talking about all time games, all time experiences. Meanwhile, what racing game of the past 10 years will stand the test of time and be remembered like the "things of the past", as you put it? Those games were revolutionary, whereas the racing games of today are evolutionary. Major difference. 10 years from now, the racing games will put 2021 games to shame....but the classics will still be classics, and still remembered, unlike the every 3-4 year evolutions happening today.

frostypants1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

iRacing says hi. King of arcade-sim racers maybe.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1147d ago
Knushwood Butt1148d ago

Better tire simulation, different kerbs (?), soft, medium, and hard tire compounds (?), and different track temperatures.

OK, but not convinced that is a huge leap.

Also, author needs to proofread or learn how to use apostrophes.

Obscure_Observer1148d ago

"OK, but not convinced that is a huge leap."

According with Chris Esaki himself, from Forza Motorsport 1 to 7 the tires had only 1 collision point with the track and operated in a 60 Hz frequency.

Now with the new FTech X Engine and its rewritten physics model, the tires now have 8 points of contact with the track, and work at a frequency of 360 Hz, bringing in raw numbers, about 40x more physical fidelity in the tire/asphalt ratio.

It´s gonna be a true next gen racing experience!

Can´t wait to see what innovations the competition will bring to compete. ;)

RaidenBlack1148d ago

They named the new one FTech X?

Knushwood Butt1147d ago

Like I wrote in another thread, I want full VR.

Obscure_Observer1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )


"They named the new one FTech X?"

Yes. Also, FTech X is the same engine powering another insanely looking amazing game:





Oh yes! Almost forgot FTech X will also be powering another very anticipated Action Open World RPG from another Team of Racing Masters:



1147d ago
HOLDERofFOOD1147d ago

Can you explain to me how 8 points of contact with the road will effect gameplay? Already feels pretty realistic. To me the way the title hyped physics I expect incredible collisions and vehicle damage, not tire to asphalt points of contact.

1147d ago
Skywalker3331147d ago

@DarthMarvin: What last gen hardware? The new Forza Motorsport is confirmed to be only on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Windows 10 PCs, with no Xbox One support.

ScootaKuH1147d ago

Numbers are great and all, but will the game actually feel any different to play? I doubt it

DJStotty1145d ago


"both being cross-gen is super disappointing."

Gotta try and spread that false info to justify GT7 being cross-gen right?

Sorry to offend you, i really am, but there is currently zero Xbox One support in the works for Forza Motorsport.

Next-gen goodness only.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1145d ago
King_Noctis1147d ago

“ Like I wrote in another thread, I want full VR.”

MS doesn’t produce their own VR headset like Sony and you know that. So there is very little chance that this game would get any VR mode. I’d rather they focus their development on something else rather than VR for this iteration.

yeahokwhatever1147d ago

Forza will be on PC, and that has lots of VR options.

porkChop1147d ago

I mean they have WMR, but that's pretty dead. The launch headsets just weren't that great and people skipped them for Oculus and the like.

Knushwood Butt1147d ago

Fair enough but I was replying specifically to what Obscure wrote.

'Can´t wait to see what innovations the competition will bring to compete.'.

If you want something else, I want a fully recreated Targa Florio event.

OptimusDK1147d ago

Flight simulator calling

iplay1up21147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

Phil Spencer said 'VR for S/X is a no brainer" Microsoft could use VR already out, on PC for Series consoles. They don't even have to develop an Xbox VR headset, just patch for the new consoles.

Not saying that is what they will do. Just that is what they could do.


Knushwood Butt1146d ago

Fog on Nurburgring.

What do you want, Noctis?

3 people don't want Targa Florio? How sad. Porsche 917s flat out on the doorsteps of country village houses in rural Italy. Really doesn't get better than that.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1146d ago
Shadowsteal1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

It's spelled "curb" and is right in the article yet you managed to grossly misspell it.

Knushwood Butt1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

Yep, you got me bang to rights and no mistake, guv.

frostypants1146d ago

They've been playing the "tire simulation" card since Forza 3. It's marketing bs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1145d ago
zero_jp1147d ago (Edited 1147d ago )

If it’s finally taking the Gran Turismo leap then it’s going to be something special.

Because the franchise has been accused for years as being too arcadey while Gran Turismo is a sim.

There has to be actual pit crews in game and that’s just the beginning. The bumper car bullshit has got to be eliminated completely.

A system in place like Gran Turismo Sport though not perfect that can be fine tuned with player feedback that enforces clean driving or face penalties mercilessly has got to be in place for online play day one.

You add those two things and the game will truly be out of this world excellent on top of what the franchise already is.

Orchard1147d ago

I’m hoping they don’t copy GT. Forza has been better than GT for a long time now, and sport is probably the worst in the series…

DJStotty1145d ago

No, they should just do their own thing than be lazy and just copy the competition.

I hope they take their own route, and implement whatever systems they want.

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Forza Motorsport PC modded: extra detail and improved ray tracing are there for the taking | DF

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VariantAEC2d ago

What a joke... wonder how long until FM23 with RTGI is compared with GT7 on PS4, though? Also which game will look better?


Forza Motorsport To Remove Car Upgrade Progression Limit

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BurritoWarrior168d ago

Beyond repair at this point the people have made up their minds on this game already. You had one chance and ya blew it

execution17168d ago

Should've took what they did with 4s progression and improved on it


Best Racing Game of 2023

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