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The First 18 Minutes of Demon's Souls on PS5 (4K 60 Performance Mode)

IGN: "Check out the first opening moments from the incredibly intense Demon's Souls Remake on the PS5, running at 4K 60 Performance Mode! Bluepoint Games' long-awaited remake releases for the PlayStation 5 on November 12th."

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Community1410d ago
GaboonViper1410d ago

Check out the more high quality Gamersyde video, OH MY GOD.

specialguest1410d ago (Edited 1410d ago )

Wow I forgot about This use to be my go-to site for high quality game videos back when youtube didn't have 1080p videos

Ninver1410d ago

Thanks. I can't get jiggy with ign.

andy851410d ago

This may be the best looking game to date I've seen on any platform and this is on release! Imagine once devs get to grips with the system.

GottaBjimmyb1410d ago

No joke, looks absolutely insane. This and MM set a pretty high bar for visuals, especially this early on. R&C looks beautiful too, game definitely gets overlooked because it is cartoony, but it is pixar level visuals.

VerminSC1410d ago

It looks incredible. I can’t wait to see naughty dogs next game and god of war ragnarok.

lifeisgamesok1410d ago

Man ol man, God of War Ragnorak with this level of detail will look unbelievable

outsider16241410d ago

Remember this is without RT. Bluepoint are amazing.

potatoseal1410d ago

I'm playing it and it's the best looking game I've ever played in my life.

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Eidolon1410d ago

Bluepoint Games delivers. I can't freaking wait.

Pughski1410d ago

I don't get why anyone would down vote your comment but I agree! The hype is real.

VJGenova1410d ago

Supposed to get it tomorrow. Still don't have tracking information. Here's hoping!

Eidolon1410d ago

Well at least you have a PS5? I gotta fight the scalper bots to get one online.

VJGenova1409d ago

Ps5 came. Games did not. Luckily I was able to cancel those orders and they were in stock at a local best buy. Installing demon's souls now.

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All PS5 Pro Enhanced games listed - titles so far

Here is a look at all the confirmed PlayStation 5 Pro-enhanced game that are know of so far, featuring first-party games, and more.

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Community11d ago
darthv7211d ago

Sadly... no bloodborne on that list. I feel it may never be.

darthv7211d ago

Reading more about PS5 Pro Game Boost... it wasn't what I initially thought it was. I was thinking it would be like FPS Boost but it is specifically for resolution, not performance.

"PS5 Pro Game Boost Explained

Like the PS4 Pro, the PS5 Pro will also include a "Game Boost" mode that retroactively enhances older games on the console. This applies to PS4 games as well, utilizing PSSR upscaling to boost image quality. PS5 Pro's Game Boost will apply to more than 8,500 backward-compatible PS4 games on the console, improving their resolution. The feature will also apply to PS VR2 games, as revealed in CNET's hands-on preview of the console."

MrNinosan11d ago

But the blog writes:

"Other enhancements include PS5 Pro Game Boost, which can apply to more than 8,500 backward compatible PS4 games playable on PS5 Pro. This feature may stabilize or improve the performance of supported PS4 and PS5 games."

Stabilize or improve the performance is what I read as framerates?

Profchaos11d ago

Boost modes can not break a frame rate cap something like bloodborne van be brute forced to maintain 30fps but never go above.

Best example of this is fallout 4 on PS4 when it's boost mode was enabled on the pro the game ran much better and maintained its 30 cap whereas before it would stutter and struggle.

darthv7211d ago

^^ "supported" being the key word. So things would be status quo as they are for performance but resolution improvements looks to be across the board.

Cacabunga11d ago

PS4 Pro was promoting the not yet released heavy hitter games at that time, like God of War, Horizon, Days Gone and of course improving VR quality experience. It just made sense..

PS5pro is flexing using last gen titles. Absolute joke.
First time ever a Sony console is an easy pass for me.

fr0sty10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

PSSR can upscale both frame rate and resolution. Being that PSSR works on the game after the engine renders the image, there is no reason why it couldn't generate extra frames as well as more pixels before sending it to the display.

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BeRich23311d ago

They have to sell u a remaster first, and then a remake.

neutralgamer199211d ago

Did I read this right that some of the partners will release free updates so others might charge for it? This level of greed is getting absurd. Many games got paid next generation update so I guess now that’s a thing

northpaws11d ago

I think it was the same for PS4 Pro.

darthv7211d ago

I dont recall paying anything for an upgrade on the PS4 Pro. On PS5 I did buy into the Spider-man upgrade as well as Ghosts of Tsushima.

Tacoboto11d ago

There was never a PS4 Pro-Enhanced Premium Upgrade.

jznrpg11d ago

You make an assumption then get upset about the assumption. Just wait and see. So many people get upset so easily. Life is short try to enjoy it

neutralgamer199211d ago

No assumptions since Sony themselves said some partners meaning not all will release free updates. And we have already seen next generation updates cost money coming from PS4 to PS5

Yes you are right we should enjoy our hobby and I am not upset. Just really tired of all the greed that has entered this industry over the past 10-15 years. Just look at sports titles which have become mini casinos with all the micro transactions

Inverno11d ago

Gotta pay 10 bucks to enhance the 10 bucks you paid to enhance the 60 bucks you paid for a PS4 game. Whatchu wanna bet that this will lead up to a new 80 dollar price standard? Im almost entirely sure that GTA will be the game to set the higher price standard.

neutralgamer199211d ago

Oh yes that’s coming. You are being in the low end with $80. GTA6 could be the first game to do $99.99. Sell less make more. With budgets for games going to in 100’s of millions we will see the cost go higher. That’s just the sad reality. Way too many suits got involved with our hobby and realized this industry was making billions more than any other entertainment industry. And now it’s all about spreadsheets

Christopher11d ago

They can't dictate if they charge for it or not, sadly.

neutralgamer199211d ago

That’s true and whatever they know they charge for and get away with they will. This isn’t just about PlayStation that’s gaming in general

crazyCoconuts11d ago

@neutral - companies selling things to consumers that are willing to pay for them... Goes beyond gaming even

northpaws11d ago

Even if it is true, Sony has no right to dictate whether a third party would provide a update for free or not.

outsider162411d ago

Rdr2 comes to mind. So far Rockstar also hasn't releasedany 60fps patch. Are they gonna charge u for it i wonder?

rob-GP11d ago

I highly doubt you heard this, because its simply not true.

*If* you read or heard anything, it will have just been "some partners will release free updates that enable PS5 enhancements..." that's it. Then, you fabricated that if it's not free then it's a paid upgrade, when in reality they mean some will release patches and some won't - the same as last gen.

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Retroman11d ago

In my personal opinion
I see NOOOOOOOOOO difference in graphics comparing it to regular PS5 graphics...I'll pass until PS6

jwillj2k411d ago

Thats because youre watching a 1080p compressed video curtesy of youtube.

TheKingKratos11d ago

I watched in 4k and didn't see shit .. Even in their own video they needed to 200% zoom in to notice something different in a Fking Draw distance lmao 😂😂
Only for 700

Neonridr10d ago

frame rate aside, you aren't really going to see much visual improvements. Unless you are like Mark going nuts because the foliage in the distance is a little more rendered.

Eidolon11d ago

I think they compared games, with PSSR that looked better and ran at 60fps vs 30fps on base PS5.

jwillj2k411d ago

@ TheKingKratos

The video was streamed at 1080p by sony. Doesnt matter what the youtube settings are.

sagapo11d ago

It’s a bit dumb by Sony to go into detail on gfx differences and stream the whole thing at 1080p don’t you think?
But I’m sure sites like DF will come with proper videos for that.

Juiceup11d ago

The only difference that will sell me is 60+ frame rate. If lots of new games will release running 60fr close to or equal to Fidelity mode like they are saying, it's probably worth it to me. But I detected a lot of 'business speak' bs in that 8 minute video. I honestly care very little about what it can do for games I've already played my fill of.

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victorMaje11d ago

The number of physical games I own that are enhanced.

DiRtY11d ago

I didn’t watch the reveal, but expected ~100 games on that list. There are only 14 titles?

WTH were they thinking?

Zeke6811d ago

They said at least 50 titles at release in November, still not a huge number but a little better...

Zeke6810d ago

For the downvoter, troll your way over to Cnet and see what Sony said to them. ;)

EazyC11d ago

Perhaps a slower than anticipated long term release schedule forced them into playing their hardware hand

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Drops To Best Price Yet Alongside More Great PS5 Game Deals

PlayStation's Back to School sale includes big discounts on a bunch of PS5 exclusives, including Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

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Community53d ago
just_looken53d ago

spiderman 2 $40 from $70 so it's priced right now as a expansion pack like MM.,

andy8553d ago

Pretty decent expansion pack then saying i got 30-40 hours out if it.

just_looken53d ago

I can get 30hours out of a job outside does not mean it was good.

But i know no matter what i post or prove people love there nerfed spiderman or playing as a blind person for 5 hours then mary jane shehulk for another 12hours.

I am so glad today's "gamer" was not around for the ps3/360 era these new gamers are way to easy to please and have killed gaming.

andy8553d ago

It was good though. Are you actually saying it wasn't a good game? And blind? The person you play as was deaf and it was 10 mins not 5 hours. Doesn't seem like you've even played it by that comment. And MJ was...30 mins at most? Not sure how you get 40 mins into 17 hours exactly

CobraKai53d ago


I’ve been playing since the Sega Master System. I love Spiderman 2. There’s too much going for it to be a simple expansion pack. I felt Miles Morales could fall into the expansion pack range.

If you didn’t like it, it’s fine. That’s what’s great about opinions, there are no wrong ones, just different ones.

StormSnooper53d ago

You guys have to understand, they don’t have anything even close to it on his preferred system. There is a whole psychology behind his comment.

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pwnmaster300053d ago (Edited 53d ago )

lol I was in the ps3/360 era and spider man 2 would of been a massive hit still.

Please don’t try to represent us gamers from that time. You are not a good example, always complaining and being negative lol.

CobraKai53d ago

I mean, it’s New York. You can’t exactly change the map.

It sounds like you’re hard to please vs gamers being easy to please. You mentioned great games. Games whose sequels had very similar gameplay with each other with very minimal changes or upgrades.

Im with pwnmaster. Don’t speak for us. It sounds like probably only started gaming from PS360 era.

Rebel_Scum53d ago

Peter Parker lives in New York, where else do you expect the map to be?

Using the same map/location is not a problem.

On topic: In my region the base game is $80. Still not low enough for me to dive in. Not that Im in a rush. Havent even finished the 1st one’s dlc yet.

just_looken53d ago

The map still has asset's buildings the the first game its like madden yeah same stadium but can you change that madden 14 logo?

Not to mention they never added shield basses basically unique interiors you can explore off missions or add in jersey.

pwnmaster300053d ago

Sony pony??
Are you a child? Lmao

Just stop man. It’s embarrassing.
We can like games and not be a fanboy.
Gaming shouldn’t be taken this serious. Relax lol

just_looken53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

"lol I was in the ps3/360 era and spider man 2 would of been a massive hit still.

Please don’t try to represent us gamers from that time. You are not a good example, always complaining and being negative lol. "

You come at me calling me a bad example talking like this game is gods gift to us and on any sony article you defend them no matter what.

But now i am a child? what because i used logic again this site you throw facts at people they cry to the admins to get me off here again or play the victim card.

pwnmaster300053d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Lmao gods gift to us what. I said it would have been a massive hit not a perfect game. It’s a good game get over it.

And this is why I said what I said.
“ But i know no matter what i post or prove people love there nerfed spiderman or playing as a blind person for 5 hours then mary jane shehulk for another 12hours.”

And you’re still proving me right. God forbid people like a certain game.
And BS about me on every sony article defending them. I like games and praised every games I

“ But now i am a child? what because i used logic again this site you throw facts at people they cry to the admins to get me off here again or play the victim card.”

Your opinions are not facts and the fact you think they are is sad. Step off video games for awhile.

just_looken53d ago

Na its fine you go ahead belive 200 million dollars makes sense for 1 game when 80 created a trilogy on 360.

I live without blinders unlike others.

pwnmaster300053d ago (Edited 53d ago )

“I live without blinders unlike others.“
🤣😂🤣 thanks for the laugh. Have a good night brother. Fight that good fight your fighting.

repsahj53d ago

Saddest Xbox loyalist on N4G. XD

StormSnooper53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

He is a duplicate account. He changes names to get a new lease on life and people would respond to him. Sad indeed.

MetroidFREAK2153d ago

Definitely more than an expansion pack... the Miles Morales game from 2020 is that... ya silly goose

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The best PS5 exclusives 2024

With so many PS5 exclusives to choose from, it can be a little overwhelming to pick which one to play. This is especially true for a new PlayStation gamer who has yet to experience the wonder of PlayStation-exclusive storytelling. So, here's KnowTechie's take on the best PS5 exclusives in 2024 and beyond

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KnowTechie161d ago
Hereandthere160d ago

PlayStation is killing it with the exclusives this year. Exclusive wise, what has xbox released this year?

VersusDMC160d ago

They won't complain about Microsoft not releasing games here but put all their effort into saying that only first party counts. Games like Rebirth and Grandblue Relink don't count. Games published by Sony like Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin don't count because Sony don't own the studios.

It's some narrative building so for when Hellblade 2 come out they can say, seemingly without shame, that Microsoft is actually releasing first party games this year. And claim victory.🙃

Chevalier160d ago

Weird 1st party games didn't matter when Xbox had so little, but, now they're important again? Guess Ark 3, Stalker 2 don't count any more?

KyRo160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

ARK 3 doesn't exist and it's just a timed exclusive. It's also a game that a majority of the ARK player base doesn't want as it's a massive deviation from what people like about the original game

Abnor_Mal160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

Honestly to me it doesn’t matter what they say, they are just finally getting a chance to say all the things PS fan(boy)s were saying to them for the past few years. Let them get that, they deserve a “win” for a change.

The new narrative is that suddenly first party games matter again when awhile ago they didn’t, but that was because they were struggling with the same three games with the occasional fourth or fifth. That games should be everywhere on all platforms since that’s whats happening to theirs. The consoles don’t matter just the ability to play anywhere. Whatever Xbox is doing Sony will soon follow.

They’re not moving the goalpost anymore, but rather just moving the whole damn stadium.

jwillj2k4160d ago

Only a incel would care about who published what and who owns who.

If it’s not on the other consoles it’s an exclusive.

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Cacabunga160d ago

Killing what? Where are the 1st party games??
Stellar Blade and FF7 is what I’m seeing this year.. so shallow!!!!

andy85160d ago

Doesn't really matter as long as they're great games. Baffles me why people put an emphasis on 1st party. They're still games you can't play anywhere else this year

Cacabunga160d ago


PS brand is my favorite because of their stellar first party software.. currently I see absolutely nothing to go crazy for..

CS7160d ago


PS1 and PS2 was built on great third party exclusives like FF, MGS, GTA & Tekken.

160d ago Replies(2)
raWfodog160d ago

Of course I love the games I’ve played from PS but I don’t believe we need to limit it to ‘exclusive’ to acknowledge that Xbox will be releasing some good games this year also. In that same vein, I believe that Xbox diehards shouldn’t limit their acknowledgment of good PS games to 1st party. There are plenty of good games to go around for everybody.

Tacoboto160d ago

This is a Playstation article about Playstation games and your comment is about Xbox. Can't you just celebrate what PS has without dragging this into console war BS?

ChasterMies160d ago

I don’t think Microsoft is releasing games exclusively on Xbox anymore. They have some timed exclusives that release on Xbox first.

160d ago
160d ago
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Abear21160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

Returnal, Astro Bot, and Ratchet made having it since day one worth it.

GT7 free updates and Spiderman 2 and others at 60fps have made this last year more than okay.

But yeah, it’s been dry lately. BG3 and third party have made great filler, but we ready for that SOCOM or Killzone announcement and some more 1st party goodness. Crossing fingers for Ghost of Tsushima 2 announcement this summer.

Didn’t know Helldivers was exclusive! Wtf is going on at Xbox that they can’t get these games, series s strikes again.

SonyStyled160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

Sony owns the Helldivers IP. The first was a PS3/Vita/PC game. It was never an Xbox game that they could ‘get’ a decade ago. I’m not sure what the upset is with Xbox here

CS7160d ago

Lol, how do you ignore Rebirth one of the best games ever made?

anast160d ago

Looks like they are on par with the previous gens. Solid games all around. Interestingly enough, we can't say they released a bad game yet this gen. Unlike the Quiet Man dustup.

160d ago Replies(2)
160d ago
DefenderOfDoom2160d ago

I actually do not mind if Marathon releases on multiple platforms . I just wish that Marathon has a dedicated single player campaign.

DaniMacYo160d ago

Helldivers 2 is exactly what gaming needed. I’m loving it.

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