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The $70 Lie

VGChartz's Taneli Palola: "Sony and 2K Games have both already made the first steps towards $70 base price for games, with titles like Demon's Souls, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and NBA 2K21 all costing that much. While other game companies have mostly remained silent on the topic, you can bet they're watching very closely at how those games perform on the market at that price point. If they prove successful, expect other companies to follow suit, increasing pricing to supposedly offset the rising costs of game development. There are just three problems with that basic premise to begin with."

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Community1313d ago
Blastoise1313d ago

Good article. Game prices never needed to increase, the money isn't going towards development or developers and it isn't going to get rid of microtransactions or other scummy business practices. It was purely about game companies seeing an opportunity to test the waters with next gen, and the sad thing is it'll probably work.

Geronosaur1313d ago ShowReplies(24)
alb18991312d ago

So much true in this article.

Dir_en_grey1312d ago (Edited 1312d ago )

You know there is something that happens in every economy of every country, it is called inflation.
So over time cost of living goes up, wages needs to go up, cost of game development, shipping, running servers and services, and running a company overall goes up.

In other developed countries minimum wage are adjusted with inflation automatically, but in US you gotta pass bills for minimum wage to go up, and the minimum wage haven caught up with inflation for years until a minimum wage raising bill gets passed.
That's why so many people are poor (in terms of the standard of living) in US even though they get paid the same numbers. The numbers of the money you own gets weaker over time.

First you need to understand the above, to understand why good jobs and good companies, they raise wages over time so people would stay, rightfully so due to inflation and cost of living. They don't wait for minimum wage bill to get passed because they don't pay minimum wage, but recognize that wages are getting higher somewhere else.

Mean while for many folks that their wages are gauged according to the over due adjustments of minimum wage in the US, they just get that much poorer with inflation.

People put time and work in, and companies risk investing that money, and these companies with stock have to keep raising the profit so stock would go up & stock holders wouldn't complaint. That's economics for ya.

Somebody somewhere's gotta crunch the numbers to balance the economy out in everybody's country, but video game is an luxury and not necessity to living. But the price of games going up is just the same as the price of everything else going up and will keep going up. Pay if you can afford or don't pay if not, or just use this to motivate you to get a better job perhaps?

Complaining without understanding or providing a solution is just, complaining...

1312d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic1312d ago

The problem with inflation is that minimum wage should have increases along with it, not only that, how much inflation are you factoring it? Before covid, Australia sat at 2% a year, I believe America is much higher than that (almost double?).

SpeedDemon1312d ago

"just use this to motivate you to get a better job perhaps?"

Or how about people like yourself, pull their pants up and stop letting greedy companies take what they want from you?

bovandy1312d ago

If you want entertainment, get a better job is a heck of an argument.

Drithe1312d ago

By your logic milk should be 100 dollars a gallon now.

Rachel_Alucard1312d ago

You seem to be under the impression they raised prices due to inflation or something out of their control. You know damn well they make way too much off other factors beyond the sale of a game, and the digital takeover will remove any of the physical cost associated with it. It doesn't even cost $60 to make a copy, yet they want to increase the cost anyway. Must be easy being a businessman when you have consumers blaming themselves for anything you pull on them.

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neutralgamer19921312d ago


i can't believe your comment has disagrees


yes 30 years ago there also wasn't digital revenue, post launch dlc, micro transactions etc, raising the game price to $70 is fine but than remove all the other nonsense. What is actually happening is even with price being raised these greedy publishers will keep pushing MT and gamers like you will keep saying it's cosmetics only. Big media outlets won't lower the score even if they reviewed the game using XP boosters and gamers would have to pay $10 extra




companies spent more on advertisement than actual game development

SmokinAces1312d ago

We didn't NEED subscription services either. Its odd to me that people will complain about spending another ten dollars to own their game but praise paying forever to rent them and loose access to them if they stop paying. Matter of perspective I guess and whatever side of the fence one is hurling their criticisms from.

milohighclub1312d ago

No one praised sub services. They're pretty my chain universaly hated here.

1312d ago
Pretentious1312d ago

I would only be okay with this price point if no DLC was ever released. Give us the game in its entirety, and you've got a deal. If not, then, I guess we're just going to have to spend the money anyway because if the game is good, we're gonna buy it. Damn it!

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1313d ago Replies(2)
Lore1313d ago

Well we don’t know if Microsoft is taking this same approach because they don’t have any exclusive next gen games set to release until 2024. So we won’t know until then

Shane Kim1313d ago

They will. That way, gamepass will look even more attractive wich is all MS is concerned about.

RickRoland1312d ago

Gamepass prices will slowly increase ala Netflix.

Rude-ro1312d ago

Game pass is paying for it.
You have access to games.. but where you play and for how long dictates it success.

And instead of loot boxes you now have season passes and micro transactions.

I can not fathom someone saying paying for the online service, paying for the game rental service, and season passes with micro transactions is any better than $70

Microsoft offered what should have been indie or free to play games at AAA prices to make game pass look like a deal.

I assure you.. profits are flowing a plenty

chrisoadamson1312d ago

@RickRoland Phil Spencer has come out on record stating there will be no increases to gamepass for the foreseable future . The current model is highly sustainable .

porkChop1312d ago

2024? Is that supposed to be a joke?

Lore1312d ago

Yes. I’m sure Avowed and Fable (the only two reasons thus far I plan to get the XSX) will be out by 2022 but I made the joke because I have empathy for dedicated fans who only prefer to play on Xbox. Xbox 1st party offerings have been shit for the past decade. I have no stake in either company so it doesn’t matter to me, just digging a bit at Msft in this instance.

purple1011312d ago

Microsoft's game line up is the only joke arround here. Wait till e3..he says....5 years in a row he says....

glennhkboy1312d ago

The article is about the price of PS5 game. If you buy all the major launch exclusives (4 to 5 games between November to December), it will cost you US$300 to US$400. For the same price from GamePass, you can play thousands of games. There is no competition from the costing perspective.

Lore1312d ago (Edited 1312d ago )

Does Xbox game pass get every single new release on day 1? Open your eyes

“You can play thousands of games”

Game Pass has 100 games. If you want to mention a service that has “thousands” of games, then i believe you’re referring to PSNow with about 800 games.

glennhkboy1312d ago

"Does Xbox game pass get every single new release on day 1?" Yes, we do.

milohighclub1312d ago

Is there still anything worth playing....? No there isn't.

Petebloodyonion1312d ago

It's been said often in past article that the 70$ price tags come from market research that showed that PPL were expecting to pay more and wanted to pay more for a video game so companies will suit themselves.

Now all the argument brought by the gaming industry for the needs of price Increase has been debunked.
The CEO's of Activision, Take Two, Ea, ect all got huge bonus in the last couples of years due to the large profit made.
Monetisation will still be there and it's still bringing huge amount of cash.
2020 will probably be one of the best year for video games due to Covid 19.

purple1011312d ago

Yeh i think when these companies make millions in increase is not needed.

If they did need it to cover their are costs of development that would be another situation, but the fact they're turning out millions and profit that after all costs have been taking into consideration, there is absolutely no need for this rip-off pricing.

Phoenix761312d ago

It's already payday over @ activision. They saw 1.2bil made within 3 months from Mt's alone!

Bathyj1312d ago

Just quit gaming you tightarses.

1312d ago
FunAndGun1312d ago (Edited 1312d ago )

Didn't think I would ever agree with ya, but bam, there it goes, I clicked it.

wwinterj1312d ago

Nah. I'll just buy more games in a sale and guess what? That's my choice and I win whatever I do.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


The best PS5 exclusives 2024

With so many PS5 exclusives to choose from, it can be a little overwhelming to pick which one to play. This is especially true for a new PlayStation gamer who has yet to experience the wonder of PlayStation-exclusive storytelling. So, here's KnowTechie's take on the best PS5 exclusives in 2024 and beyond

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KnowTechie63d ago
Hereandthere63d ago

PlayStation is killing it with the exclusives this year. Exclusive wise, what has xbox released this year?

VersusDMC63d ago

They won't complain about Microsoft not releasing games here but put all their effort into saying that only first party counts. Games like Rebirth and Grandblue Relink don't count. Games published by Sony like Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin don't count because Sony don't own the studios.

It's some narrative building so for when Hellblade 2 come out they can say, seemingly without shame, that Microsoft is actually releasing first party games this year. And claim victory.🙃

Chevalier63d ago

Weird 1st party games didn't matter when Xbox had so little, but, now they're important again? Guess Ark 3, Stalker 2 don't count any more?

KyRo63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

ARK 3 doesn't exist and it's just a timed exclusive. It's also a game that a majority of the ARK player base doesn't want as it's a massive deviation from what people like about the original game

Abnor_Mal63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Honestly to me it doesn’t matter what they say, they are just finally getting a chance to say all the things PS fan(boy)s were saying to them for the past few years. Let them get that, they deserve a “win” for a change.

The new narrative is that suddenly first party games matter again when awhile ago they didn’t, but that was because they were struggling with the same three games with the occasional fourth or fifth. That games should be everywhere on all platforms since that’s whats happening to theirs. The consoles don’t matter just the ability to play anywhere. Whatever Xbox is doing Sony will soon follow.

They’re not moving the goalpost anymore, but rather just moving the whole damn stadium.

jwillj2k463d ago

Only a incel would care about who published what and who owns who.

If it’s not on the other consoles it’s an exclusive.

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Cacabunga63d ago

Killing what? Where are the 1st party games??
Stellar Blade and FF7 is what I’m seeing this year.. so shallow!!!!

andy8563d ago

Doesn't really matter as long as they're great games. Baffles me why people put an emphasis on 1st party. They're still games you can't play anywhere else this year

Cacabunga62d ago


PS brand is my favorite because of their stellar first party software.. currently I see absolutely nothing to go crazy for..

CS762d ago


PS1 and PS2 was built on great third party exclusives like FF, MGS, GTA & Tekken.

63d ago Replies(2)
raWfodog63d ago

Of course I love the games I’ve played from PS but I don’t believe we need to limit it to ‘exclusive’ to acknowledge that Xbox will be releasing some good games this year also. In that same vein, I believe that Xbox diehards shouldn’t limit their acknowledgment of good PS games to 1st party. There are plenty of good games to go around for everybody.

Tacoboto63d ago

This is a Playstation article about Playstation games and your comment is about Xbox. Can't you just celebrate what PS has without dragging this into console war BS?

ChasterMies63d ago

I don’t think Microsoft is releasing games exclusively on Xbox anymore. They have some timed exclusives that release on Xbox first.

62d ago
62d ago
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Abear2163d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Returnal, Astro Bot, and Ratchet made having it since day one worth it.

GT7 free updates and Spiderman 2 and others at 60fps have made this last year more than okay.

But yeah, it’s been dry lately. BG3 and third party have made great filler, but we ready for that SOCOM or Killzone announcement and some more 1st party goodness. Crossing fingers for Ghost of Tsushima 2 announcement this summer.

Didn’t know Helldivers was exclusive! Wtf is going on at Xbox that they can’t get these games, series s strikes again.

SonyStyled62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Sony owns the Helldivers IP. The first was a PS3/Vita/PC game. It was never an Xbox game that they could ‘get’ a decade ago. I’m not sure what the upset is with Xbox here

CS762d ago

Lol, how do you ignore Rebirth one of the best games ever made?

anast62d ago

Looks like they are on par with the previous gens. Solid games all around. Interestingly enough, we can't say they released a bad game yet this gen. Unlike the Quiet Man dustup.

62d ago Replies(2)
62d ago
DefenderOfDoom262d ago

I actually do not mind if Marathon releases on multiple platforms . I just wish that Marathon has a dedicated single player campaign.

DaniMacYo62d ago

Helldivers 2 is exactly what gaming needed. I’m loving it.

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10 Hardest PS3 Games of All Time

You might not be able to believe this, but Dark Souls is a pretty tricky game on the PlayStation 3.

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