
Far Cry 6, Starfield, Elder Scrolls VI, PSVR And More On BJ Shea's Geek Nation On KISW FM

This week for his segment on BJ Shea’s Geek Nation on KISW FM; The Rev and Gareth of Skewed and Reviewed look at all sorts of gaming news including Far Cry 6, Starfield, The PSVR and The PS5 and more.


Game Boy Advance is Getting a New Game Xeno Crisis

Bitmap Bureau has announced its plans to release Xeno Crisis to the Game Boy Advance in both physical and digital form.

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Boosteroid Drops Lots of New Information in Exclusive Interview With Cloud Dosage

We've wrapped up our live interview with Boosteroid. Lots of new information released about the cloud service:

- New datacenters (Brazil, California, Omaha)!
- New AMD hardware coming. Specialized for Boosteroid.
- Cloud Gaming User Counts
- Boosteroid Coming to Vehicles!
- New Smat TV Apps

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Japan: Nintendo gacha key-rings available in their stores

Japan is the home of Nintendo’s main headquarters. Because of this, the country tends to get a lot more merchandising and goodies for Nintendo fans compared to the rest of the world.

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