
PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X Load Times Comparison or Next-Gen Load Times Comparison

In this video, we test the loading speeds on Xbox Series X and PS5 with a handful of backwards-compatible games.

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RaidenBlack1358d ago

So ... both are in back compat mode ... or is there any discrepancy in versions?
So Velocity Architecture even with lower bandwidth, triumphed?

Jin_Sakai1358d ago

I’d like to see games that take full advantage of the SSD. That’s when things should get interesting.

thrust1358d ago Show
darthv721358d ago

Then they should revisit this topic in two years. By then they should both be in full swing on 9th gen games only.

thrust1358d ago Show
--Onilink--1358d ago


I wouldnt really count seconds in destiny when travelling to specific destinations because those have to do matchmaking as well, the very first load or going back to orbit are a more appropriate metric though

bouzebbal1358d ago

Let's see if PS5 games day one patch changes anything. So far 1-0 for xbox

Kingthrash3601358d ago

Yall do realize Back compatible doesn't utilize velocity or one's oi.

Real tests will only show results with next generation games

NeoGamer2321358d ago

The interesting thing here is that although the XB Series has a slower throughput by several multipliers, its actually performing faster for BC stuff.

Now that has nothing to do with performance when a game is using the SSD as a true next gen game, but this does show that the performance "secret sauce" many people have talked about on PS5, at least in this case is not all that much better. In fact, in this video it was consistently slower from next to nothing slower to many seconds.

1357d ago
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darthv721358d ago

I dont think back compat games even use the VA feature.

RaidenBlack1358d ago

Yea ... true.
I just used the VA term to refer to XSX's SSD.

JohnJ1358d ago

Oh yea that’s right - could it be just raw muscle then?

Bruh1358d ago

They don't only games optimized to the Series X take advantage of it, both of these are just raw SSD speeds

UnSelf1358d ago

As a Sony fan I vow not to find excuses to the slower start times.

I also vow not to invoke a desperate attempt to change the narrative to make my company seem more favorable.

Other Sony fans in here should do the same.

Kerppamaister1358d ago

This guy deserves a meal. A medal? Both.

Saigon1358d ago

Yeah but at the same time these are last generation games and if I am not mistaken only one company built their arcitecture to allow them to take advantage. But I do get what you are saying!

In all honesty, I want to see the results when a 9th generation game is put to test, such as AC: Valhalla!!!

Jericho13371358d ago

Fantastic comment - wish we had more humble opinions like this on here.

Army_of_Darkness1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

Looks like serious x wins fastest loading for old games. 😎 Bro... Next gen games appear to be almost instant loading from the previews we've seen so far, in which case is what interests me the most cause that's what I'll be playing 95% of the time.

AngelicIceDiamond1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

Meh this gen hasn't started yet. 3rd party games will take full advantage of the SSD's though they'll roughly be the same. Their exclusives like Miles Morales on PS5 is near instant. So I expect Sony and MS exlusive games to take full advantage of the hardware as they inevitably will.

2013 and 14 it was resolution comparisons. Now it's SSD none of this will matter later hell it doesn't even matter now imo considering we are leaving long load times in the past finally.

EasilyTheBest1358d ago

Wow Unself. Comment of the day right there..

oof461358d ago

Commendable. It's really, really hard to have a civil discussion about the pros and cons of the Series X and ps5 without all the fanboying. Big ups, Unself.

yeahokwhatever1358d ago

you're supposed to masturbate in private.

Popsicle1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

I agree. I didn't have an Xbox last gen, and will say that so far it appears the Series X is the best place to play last gen games.

CaptainObvious8781357d ago

As an avid Sony fan that doesn't blindly defend them, I agree with this comment.

It makes me realise how optimising BC games can make quite a big diffence.

This confirms my decision to wait for a next gen patch for Cyberpunk before playing a single second of it. A game like Cyberpunk deserves to be played on next gen systems with their features taken advantage of.

porkChop1357d ago


Thank you. We need more people like you.

outsider16241357d ago

Have an upvote my friend, have an upvote.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1357d ago
CyrusLemont1358d ago

I suspect the PS5’s SSD is actually too fast for old games’ loading so its max speed is emulated for backwards compatibility until a more effective solution is found, possibly through developer software updates.

DJStotty1358d ago

"too fast for old games’ loading"

Just when you thought you had heard everything.....

alb18991358d ago

Hahahaha you guys get very creative hahaha!

CaptainHenry9161358d ago

It just depends on the game that's optimized for the SSD. I just saw Demon Souls loading under 5 seconds in every part of the game on Twitter. Rachet and Clank will do the same

Popsicle1358d ago

I’m too fast to run a 4.2 second 40. As a result, I usually clock in at 6 seconds.

1Victor1358d ago

@djs I seen worse here like the secret chip on Xbox one and the power of the cloud that would make it 10X faster.

About this test I’ll wait for the games designed to take full advantage of the system and have those comparisons, but in this instance xbsx win

CyrusLemont1358d ago

@all the disagrees lol definitely not trying to be a Sony fanboy here was just speculating as all the information we know about the hardware says it should load data twice as fast as the Series X’s SSD. Did not articulate what I mean well but at Cerny’s PS5 tech conference he mentioned that such high speeds required new control chips and I wonder if PS4 emulation can’t recognise SSD drives as fast as the PS5 so the drive speed itself is emulated to prevent any major bugs in back compat thus making it slower than the Xbox? If my logic here is flawed I’m sorry lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1358d ago
TheProblem1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

They don’t mention if they have installed ps5’s day one system update.

Nxgamer showed a significant loading difference in astros playroom after the day one update had been installed

Grievous1358d ago

Astro's Playroom is developed for the PS5. All the games tested here are not PS5 games but PS4 games running in BC mode. They are not designed to make use of the PS5's hardware and Microsofts BC solution is better.

TheProblem1358d ago


That has nothing to do with the fact the firmware update reduces the cpu calls among other things and improves the loading times 3 fold

If they don’t have the firmware update installed this comparison is moot

CruseMissle1358d ago

They made it sound like Velocity doesn’t now work on games that aren’t optimized for it

AngelicIceDiamond1358d ago

They're actually not using Velocity here for Xbox. VA has to be built from the ground up for X Series. So expect it in exclusive games but not so much in multiplats.

Obscure_Observer1358d ago

Yes. Xbox Series X.

The Ultimate Next Gen Console and a true masterpiece.

The PS5 is also great, but the Series X is just a masterpiece. :)

1Victor1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

Keep observing quietly from the shadows

RangerWalk2671357d ago

Valhalla and Dirt 5 loaded faster on ther XSX. Assassin's Creed was around 9 second difference. Dirt was 5 seconds faster.
They are both FAR better than this gen. It's really not a big deal in my opinion. Higher frames, fidelity, and features are what I care about the most. I'm buying both day one. It's kinda odd Sony spent so much effort to make the SSD what it is, it decided not to out more time and money into the other components. Such as CPU, GPU, and system memory bandwidth, and stable/ locked frequencies on the CPU and GPU.
I know Microsoft has some of the best Hardware engineers on the planet... But they continue to impress me once Phil took over. The fastest, most powerful console in the smaller console. Very impressive. Not gonna lie.

cfir1357d ago (Edited 1357d ago )

In my head this isn't a good test. Yes they are comparing the same game, but it's not the same code. We don't know what the differences are between the code bases. Would it not be a better test to compare the differences in load times between the same console families which are using the same code i.e. ps4 pro vs ps5, and XoX vs XsX. At least then you are comparing apples with apples.

Zhipp1357d ago

Cpu has a lot to do with load speeds too. Tbh I've forgotten what (if any) the gap between Series X and ps5 is on that front. If it's significant that might explain this.

Cueil1357d ago

none of these support VA

Kaze881353d ago

PS5 uses PS4 Pro BC settings when running PS4 games. XSX has it's own BC settings for all last gen games. Due to this XSX has overall better results and uses more of it's muscle when running old games.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1353d ago
Atom6661358d ago

Yay! Let the months (years) of side by side comparisons commence! Ugh...

I think most of us fully expect frames and resolution to go in favor of XSX, but seeing faster load times was surprising. I would expect that should change once we get titles optimized for next gen. Interesting start though.

Killer73nova1358d ago

Honestly I was expecting the ps5 ssd to blow the Xbox out of the water. Gears is fairly quick as well which has an updated path and we are seeing around 10sec to load up. I’m not to sure of the old time of the any ps5 exclusives like demon souls but right now it seems like ps5 is a weaker console all around. Let’s see how Xbox new exclusives will stack up in the coming years but this generation is gonna be amazing. I won’t buy a ps5 until next year since I’ve already played a lot of their games last gen and there isn’t much exclusives for them right now. Now with gamepass I still have a lot to play 😂

1358d ago
UnHoly_One1358d ago

That's basically the same boat I'm in. I'll get a PS5 eventually, but honestly I only really need it for a couple exclusives, and all of those are going to be single player games anyway, so it's no rush to get one right away.

I don't care about Demons Souls and I'm not in any hurry to re-buy Spider Man so it's going to be quite awhile until anything comes along to tempt me. Horizon sequel will be the first one that I really want, but again, I can wait on that for awhile.

For how little I used my PS4 this gen compared to Xbox I just can't justify buying both at launch, it makes no sense at all to pay full price for something that is mostly just going to sit there.

imtiyaz61358d ago

For me, personally, I don’t have any use for the Xbox. It’s a good console but Sony has the better developers and the better games. Spending that much money on such a weak library isn’t good in this economy. PlayStation will come out with the better games as they have every generation and it won’t be close. Sony’s pedigree is unmatched. Wish MS were at Sony’s level.

Magic_Spatula1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

I've watched some videos of Spider-Man Miles Morales and it takes a little bit over 2 seconds to go from the main menu fully into the game. 2 second load times? That's super impressive. I think it's been noted by some tech Youtubers that the XSX brute forces loading with the CPU and SSD while games need to be patched to take advantage of the PS5's SSD. I'm also waiting about a year before getting both (gonna be the first time I buy and Xbox since the original 360). Still waiting on if the Switch Pro rumor is true or not.

1357d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1357d ago
RazzerRedux1358d ago

Yep. I'm genuinely surprised even with last gen games. I'd expect PS5 to win this battle hands down. So far, Cerny's SSD isn't looking as good as it was billed.

Welshy1358d ago

As games become exclusively created for next gen and are built from the ground up around the SSD's we'll see how these results vary over the months and years to come.

I'm more of a PS guy, but fair play to the Series X, those are some impressive times on the BC mode.

Ghostbob1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

TLOU2 takes way longer to load on PS5 than on PS4. This seems to be a bc compatibility issue

chiefJohn1171358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

I learned quickly not to listen to Cerny and use my own judgment

garos821358d ago

Lmao. Call me when xbox series x loads a detailed open world game with complex geometry and hundreds of NPCs in high detail in under 2 seconds! Good luck out there, it's gonna be a long generation for you

East76lands1358d ago

Less than 2 seconds from menu to game on Miles M is fast enough, same speed with fast travel. Have a look at the latest DF video.

potatoseal1358d ago

If anyone think these old games are using the full power of the SSD then you're crazy.

Babadook71358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

"So far, Cerny's SSD isn't looking as good as it was billed."

Check actual PS5 games. They are loading levels in about 2 seconds and that's significantly faster than anything XSX has shown.

ziggurcat1358d ago

I don't think this is related to the SSD at all.

DarXyde1358d ago

I'm withholding judgment. The evidence is currently on your side, but I imagine that if these games are properly updated to take advantage of the SSD, it's a different story—this is likely the case for both machines, but I think the PS5 SSD if taken to task will outperform Series X. An SSD in your PS4 doesn't help much, if at all. A similar principle very likely applies.

I'll wait on it.

GamerRN1357d ago

It's Raw Speed was supposedly faster. Games don't need to be UPDATED. It should just be faster. Apparently, it isn't. Must be a bottleneck somewhere

r2oB1357d ago

Isn’t there a video showing the Witcher 3 load in like 10 seconds for PS5 and like 26 seconds for the Series X? Last gen games are running emulated on both consoles, so there are bound to be games that run better on one or the other.

MagUk1357d ago

None of them are using there new decompression architecture but the Xbox is designed to run at constant a speed. I’m not sure if the ps5 runs at it’s top speed constantly as ssd’s normally lose speed when they get hot.

Kaze881353d ago

XSX runs games on it's own BC mode, PS5 runs games on PS4 Pro mode. Only sony patched first party games run in PS5 BC. This is why some ps4/x0 games run better/steady framerate compared to XSX since it runs games lower/checkerboarding resolution instead of trying to play it in Native 1800p or 4k. Cudos to MS, their BC with load times and automatic HDR etc. is amazing.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1353d ago
Sharky2311358d ago

I had to watch the video with the sound. Do they say if the ps5 had the day one update. From my understanding that is where they make the BC titles faster on the new hardware. I could be wrong though.

Killer73nova1358d ago

They did say in the beginning that all games have been updated to their latest version

AngelicIceDiamond1358d ago

@atom I was thinking the same thing I wanna see Next gen games optimized for these consoles only. I'm not goal posting by any means I'm just excited at the prospect of next gen even more now. Both X and PS5 will be great and a bigger leap than this gen.

jznrpg1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

I don’t care much about the side by side comparisons it will be the exclusive games that matter to me. I’m getting a PS5 no matter what they will have the games . In a few years I may consider the Xbox or upgrading my PC if I hadn’t yet but we’ll see .

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1353d ago
DJStotty1358d ago

Queue the excuses.

So much for that blistering twice as fast architecture.

mania5681358d ago

so you are saying twice the speed + no bottlenecks means more load times than xbox?
these games arent optimized for the SSD, heres a comparison NEW games on ps5 have loads below 10s, yet OLD games are almost a minute.
think that over for a second.

rlow11358d ago

Really, so the slower hard drive beats the faster one and your trying to spin it. They both were given the same game, same senario and the Xbox beat it. I'm sure games made from the ground up for the Xbox will load faster as well.

mania5681358d ago

@rlow1 thats not realistic, 2x the speed means better results using the same framework, xbox has better optimiation process/program than ps5.
you will see no game on next gen loading faster on xboxX over ps5, this is not a guess, its a fact.
i wouldnt go too deep into your opinions right now when as soon as next week next gen games will be compared and xbox wont do better than ps5, i hope you werent one of the people saying 16% more teraflops will change everything while turning around and saying 100% faster ssd means less results.

DJStotty1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

There's the first excuse

"these games arent optimized for the SSD"


Comparisons have absolutely nothing to do with being "optimised", this is sheer clean load speed direct from the Internal SSD.

ABizzel11358d ago

If you care to hear a true explanation and not here just for fanboying, then part of the reason is as @mania said.
The old games aren't all programmed for an SSD, but it also depends on game optimizations / dev tools, and the CPU.

These old games don't fully utilize an SSD and it's the same reason you can put a SSD in a PS4 or XBO and see bare minimal upgrades when the SSD is easily 10x faster than the HDD in the system. The games have to be optimized to run on the SSD, and the benefit Xbox has here is that its new developer tools utilize almost the exact same tools as PC engines for ease of compatibility, so the Xbox can easily load games as fast and faster than a gaming PC with an NVMe, and this obviously will help with backward compatible titles, meanwhile, PS5 is simply relying on RAW speed, architecture, and the hope that devs will go back and update this since they haven' made much of anything mandatory. Finally, the CPU on the Series X is clocked higher than the PS5, so it will load assets and general loading faster.

A perfect example here's another comparison where the PS5 wins in some old titles:

We'll see more comparisons later, and we'll see next-gen comparisons as well. I want to see PS5 speed loading old games from an external SSD.

1358d ago
chiefJohn1171358d ago

You trying to hard, hold this L homie

DarXyde1357d ago

I think there's fundamental misunderstanding about optimization, and mania568 raises exactly the right point:

PS5 games have heavier textures at higher resolutions than PS4, and we see how long that takes (not long at all). Ratchet and Clank was pulling in tons of data alarmingly fast.

If I had to guess, Series X wil be slower for 2 reasons on next generation games made to take advantage of the SSDs of both consoles: Series X games are likely to have higher resolutions and more detailed textures, and the fact that it's just slower than PS5's SSD. That means it's going to pull in more data and the transfer rate is simply slower. Clearly, Series X is better able to handle backwards compatibility: it's built very well around that. But for games that are actually taking advantage of the hardware? I think you might be surprised. I might be wrong, but I seriously doubt that I am.

You can optimize games to have more efficient loading times—look at Bloodborne. The Series X clearly handles loading on backwards compatible titles better, but we really won't know about next generation consoles until, well, we know.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1357d ago
TheTony3161358d ago

Watch Digital Foundrys Miles Morales video. lol.

DJStotty1358d ago

What does that have to do with BC loading comparisons?

SierraGuy1358d ago

Yeah and don't go hiding now djscotty.

LMAO 🤣🤣🤣

Om4ever1358d ago

Trying to spin it again 😂
It's time to face reality guys

outsider16241358d ago

"What does that have to do with BC loading comparisons?"

Think for a sec, will ya. The ps5s SSD for spiderman was designed around that. Thats why the loading was superfast.
As for BC, it's common sense really that it isn't built around that. Nevertheless I'm still glad its still fast enough far more than the ps4's.

NomadR3aper1358d ago

Exactly. Let's compare games built around both SSDs. My main reason for buying PS5 wasn't to play old games. But if it loads even 20 seconds faster. That's a win.

1358d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1358d ago
S2Killinit1358d ago

So when we get actual games optimized for the SSDs then I assume you wont be commenting about excuses.

DJStotty1358d ago

No i will probably be making them lmao...

S2Killinit1358d ago

Lol well you are honest. I admire that.

DiRtY1357d ago

Well, the SSD is the only hardware component that is faster when you compare PS5 to XSX. So it better have shorter loading times.

The differences might be tiny though. Like 7seconds compared to 10seconds or something.

The game might have lower resolution and less frames on PS5, because that’s when the better GPU, CPU and more memory bandwidth comes into play.

In this first comparison though, the PS5 couldn’t keep up. Just a fact.

RangerWalk2671357d ago


Valhalla and Dirt 5 are both designed with the SSD in the X and PS5 in mind. The X was faster on both. Less than 10 second difference tho.

S2Killinit1357d ago (Edited 1357d ago )

Also on the PS5 the SSD speed will lead to more complex worlds than the xbox series X. Because the assets can be pulled right off the SSD.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1357d ago
xetiro1358d ago

"Comparisons have absolutely nothing to do with being "optimised", this is sheer clean load speed direct from the Internal SSD."

Think about what you're saying for a moment. How these could have be "clean load speed direct from the Internal SSD" and the slower one being slightly faster than the fastest one?

This is clearly a misleading comparison because these are old-gen games that had a bunch of old-gen optimizations on the storage system, being loaded on new systems. PS5 is loading the PS4 Pro version and XSX is loading the XOX version. Clearly, the back-compatibility works better on XSX in terms of loading a XOX game.

Take the example of the SpiderMan Miles Morales, a PS5 game being loaded on a PS5 system. Takes only 10 seconds from cold boot, and after that there are no more loadings.

DJStotty1358d ago

It was a response claiming these titles have been "optimized" for the Series X.


Direct comparisons running of each consoles individual architecture.

I do not know what is so difficult for some people to understand about that statement.

Again Miles Morales has nothing to do with BC games.

Aussieguy1358d ago

Maybe wait until real ps5 multiplat games are released before comparing backwards compatible ps4 games to see load times lol.

solideagle1358d ago

no excuse there bro, I am super excited for faster loads but some of them are still long loads for BC titles. I wonder about XCOM 2 loading, I quitted the game because of long load times on PS4. I am very surprised by these results maybe XSX has some secret loading sauce which is missing from PS5?

The-Matrix-has-you1358d ago

It’s actually hilarious watching all you Xbox fanboys claim a victory before the consoles are even released. Seriously all you guys talk about is backwards compatibility. Wait until ACTUAL next gen games come out on both consoles and then we will revisit this scenario. These previous gen games are designed around previous gen I\O throughout, for example “lanes of priority”. Its a lot more complicated than Velocity Architecture this and that. Just chill out people and be patient. Enjoy games. This toxicity is ridiculous.

chiefJohn1171358d ago

The excuses are funnier tho

The-Matrix-has-you1358d ago


Actually it’s more defense since you clowns always jump the gun and run with the first comparison/ rumor you get, regardless of its significance. It’s childish at best. Oh and saying “Excuses EXCUSES” really? Please tell me you have something better than that?

oof461358d ago

"Actually it’s more defense since you clowns always jump the gun and run with the first comparison/ rumor you get, regardless of its significance."

Remember all the Series X overheating rumors and all the bashing from Sony fanboys? It's a two way street.

imtiyaz61358d ago

They keep talking about BC games like they even had any games to play last Gen.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1358d ago
AngelicIceDiamond1358d ago

Desert girl from Epics tech demo was running on PS5 with its custom built SSD. So it's still blistering fast. So far next gen seems to be dancing around BC too much this time around I wanna see real next gen gaming.

potatoseal1358d ago

This comment is not going to age well. This page will be bookmarked. For when next-gen multiplats start coming out.

potatoseal1358d ago

WOW. If you think these old games are using the full power of Sony's SSD then you're ridiculous.

imtiyaz61358d ago

Anyone noticing a spike in MS accounts around here? Do you think we’re dealing with bots to change the narrative?

mark3214uk1357d ago

remember this comment when they show some next gen games that are optimized for the ssd's

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1357d ago
rlow11358d ago

Wow, the series X beats the PS5 every single time. Some of the games by alot. I guess that extra speed in this scenario doesn't help.

1358d ago Replies(7)
AnotherGamer1358d ago

You have to keep in mind, they're playing old gen games and some are not optimized for the ps5, while the xbox series X put lot of effort into their backwards comp-ability.

DJStotty1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )


None of the games shown are optimized for Series X (barring Destiny 2), here is the list :-


Edit : they are running directly off the power of the consoles using their respective architectures. Just seems the Series X is better at BC.

Saigon1358d ago


Its the architecture not the game itself that is built to take advantage. I assume once they are optimized on the XBSX/XBSS then we will see even more faster times. But as I stated before, I rather see New Gen games working on these systems to compare rather than old generation games. This video didn't show me anything.

1357d ago
outsider16241357d ago

Dj Snotty

Wasn't there an article where MS has been testing all BC games for 500000 hours or something like that.

DJStotty1355d ago

Yes that's right insider1624

Testing that your software runs the BC games with no issues is not optimization is it now?

the xbox's series s and x architecture improve games with no optimization required.

It's just stronger software that is all.

RangerWalk2671353d ago

@ AnotherGamer

There are comparisons with Dirt 5, Valhalla, NBA 2k, Devil May Cry, and Watchdog Legion all loaded faster on the XSX

All of those games I listened have been optimized and are using all the tools available with both next gen hardware.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1353d ago
Ghostbob1358d ago

The witcher 3 load a lot faster on ps5 then the x as I said it's a bc issue TLOU2 takes way longer to load on PS5 than on PS4.

1358d ago
SmokinAces1357d ago

"Every single time", its almost like gamespot cherry picked the ones that do.

outsider16241357d ago

This is whwt doesn't make sense at all. If you look at the speed of the ssd on paper...it dwarfs the series x's.

Are BC more well optimised on the series x than on PS5 or what? Anyone here with that knows tech?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1353d ago
Sonyslave31358d ago

Wow some of these games xsx is smoking the ps5 super fast Ssd 🙄

Gardenia1358d ago

These are old games not made for SSD while MS spend a lot of time and money on a BC mode. Even without Playstation having a special BC mode it still runs almost as fast as Xbox games. Most of the time it's only a few seconds difference.
That just shows how fast PS5 actually is.

LucasRuinedChildhood1358d ago (Edited 1358d ago )

Confirmed now that the PS5 doesn't have Quick Resume as well: skip to 5:17 https://youtu.be/F67jxeRSod... When you use the Switcher feature, it's always from a cold boot of the game but the load times are fast.

oof461358d ago

@LucasRuinedChildhood: Something cool I learned from ACG's review that I hadn't heard anywhere else: Quick Resume also works on games running off of an external.

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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

Console Creatures writes, "The BioShock film at Netflix is still happening but with a reduced budget."

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Jin_Sakai1d 1h ago

Might as well just cancel it.

porkChop1d ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake1d ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne1d ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

badkolo4m ago

its where b movies go to live, its run by democrats , dont expect anything good from netflix

Knightofelemia1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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