
Gears 5 Xbox Series X vs. PC Comparison Highlights The Major Difference

Gears 5 comes with some enhancements that are not present even on PC including high-quality reflections, which puts it above the PC version at insane settings.

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Obscure_Observer1377d ago

Hell yeah!!!

Ultimate Console!

I can only imagine what XGS will be able to achieve with games developed with UE5 on the Series X

RaidenBlack1377d ago

Bang4BuckPC, the source for the PC version, forgot to download the hi-res textures, check the settings menu.

bouzebbal1376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

If Sony announces the same for Uncharted 4 on PS5 it still won't make me buy the console only for this.. Feels like the only thing xbox does is promote last gen games on new hardware where games are "optimized" for.
I find this embarrassing, and I'm expecting exact same articles for next gen titles and the pc xsx comparisons showing insane improvements on xsx.

But see how cute and happy fanboys like obscure observer are 🤣at least something to look forward to and that justifies the investment

patriz4201377d ago

They will be able to develop a 4 TF game with higher resolution and FFS on the X...that's all you I'll ever get...if your about graphics look to Ps5 , it will blow minds compared to anything you will see from MS. Nothing will ever despute the facts that all games are built for a 4TF system base..until they drop the series S or exclude development on that series.

stiggs1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

"Nothing will ever dispute the facts that all games are built for a 4TF system"

By that reasoning the visual fidelity of PC games will never reach its full potential because the games are designed for machines with the lowest specifications. Oh wait...not they're not. The new XBOX consoles are using the same scalability which is utilized in the development of PC games.

You know what will dispute your theory.? Legitimate facts (as opposed to fabricated ones made up by arm chair developers aka fanboys).

x_xavier_x1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

You believe that MS built a console that can produce 12 TF of compute power yet they will only take advantage of 1/3 of its potential? LOL!!! So how do you explain the resolution, FPS and graphical differences between the Series X and S? What happens if a particular third party game on Series X game looks and plays better than the PS5 version? Would that mean that the PS5 is held back even more by the Series S?

dcbronco1377d ago


That's why they developed profiles. So that you can adjust the code to the hardware.

Ju1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

"By that reasoning the visual fidelity of PC games will never reach its full potential"

This is in fact a true statement. No developer in his right mind will release a game on the PC which will require a RTX2080 and at least a Gen 3 nvme. This is the truth. That's why console games with less resources can often achieve competing results with otherwise much higher speced PCs.

An the problem will be the Series S. Of course. If you have to make something work on a 4TF gpu you loose the freedom of pushing a 12TF GPU, unfortunately. Won't matter much. But don't expect X games beat the PS5 if they can't.

patriz4201377d ago

I'm.going to try and simplify my point..Ps5 solid 9.2TF across the board to build engines/games from the ground up. Better animations, bigger worlds, complex AI, graphics fidelity ect..these resources are not limited to NEXT GEN Ps5 consoles. Now series X..."oh hi series S forgot about u. Let's scale back our worlds, AI, Animations resources ect to build a NEXT gen game revolving around you" I'm not saying Xbox is incapable of beautiful games, but Ps5 will no doubt steal the show in that department..

stiggs1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )


So you're suggesting that Microsoft, a company that has been developing consoles for 4 generations, spent millions on R&D and multiple years building a cutting edge console capable of 12 TF of graphical prowess but OVERLOOKED the fact that it will be held back by a less powerful system. Do you think that the engineers at MS finalized and delivered the Series X only to realize later on that it won't play games which willt take advantage of all that power?

"Hey fellow engineer, congratulations on developing the Series X".
"Thanks other engineer, we put everything into building our most powerful gaming system. I can't wait to see the incredible games that will take advantage of all that pow....Oh NO! We forgot about the low end Series S"
"How could we be so stupid. We're ruined!"

Seriously though, explain to me why you think that MS would even build a high end 12 TF console if it was only going to play games at the same level as a 4TF system.

starsi3601376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

But patriz420 😂😂😂 you can’t seriously ...😂😂😂 oh I can’t stop laughing! You’re understanding of scalability in games is severely lacking!

I mean, if I play a game on a 12TF GPU PC, and that game also runs on a 2TF GPU PC ... does that mean the game was held back?

😂😂😂 please don’t comment if you haven’t got a clue mate

starsi3601376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

“ Let's scale back our worlds, AI, Animations resources ect to build a NEXT gen game”

All the stuff you mention there are CPU bound and not GPU bound processes

The CPU is the same in both S and X so animation, AI etc will all be handled the same way. The GPU is less powerful but the lower resolution textures and lower overall output resolution is all that will reduce on S. The game will otherwise play the same way.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1376d ago
FlyingFoxy1377d ago

Just seems like another article to make people think Series X is even more powerful than a top GPU. It's not even as powerful as a now previous gen top GPU.

They had to cut back crowds & graphics in Dirt 5 just to hold 1440p (and below) resolution just to get 120fps. And from what I've seen so far even "4k 60fps" games still dip below that range already and this new console gen hasn't even started yet. But still, decent money for the base hardware.

Obscure_Observer1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

"It's not even as powerful as a now previous gen top GPU."

Yakuza Like a Dragon runs at 1440p/60fps on the Series X while it runs at 1440/70-80fps on both 2080ti and 3900x.

Stellar results for a 500$ console, if you ask me.

"Just seems like another article to make people think Series X is even more powerful than a top GPU. It's not even as powerful as a now previous gen top GPU."

Not sure why some PC folk feel so insecure to the point of making such remarks comparing console gaming with high end PC gaming claiming that top PCs is superior. PC will always be superior, but only to a very small percentage of it´s user base that can actually can afford it or have the time and patience to scrap for parts to keep up or surpass next gen console´s performance.

Computersaysno1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

The game isn't out on Pc yet. We don't know how it runs with finalised drivers, patches or anything else.

At the start of a new console generation indeed only a 'small percentage' of Pc gamers might exceed next gen console performance.

Of course not many people own those next gen consoles either. A very small percentage install user base of gaming consoles worldwide, with 95 percent still on PS4 or comparable console hardware.

Of course within 2-3 years a much larger percentage of Pc gamers will have hardware that comfortably exceeds said consoles, just as those consoles also start to gain sales and userbase.

We do know from steam stats now a very large number own hardware that comfortably exceeds PS4 and Xbox One, and have for many many years. At least 55 percent of machines of over 100 million users on the aforementioned survey today are GPUs that are a street or five ahead.

Let's be honest to the full degree here if we're painting a picture of hardware.

RazzerRedux1377d ago

"Yakuza Like a Dragon runs at 1440p/60fps on the Series X while it runs at 1440/70-80fps on both 2080ti and 3900x."

Where are the benchmarks for the PC version from?

Sunny123451377d ago


"Of course within 2-3 years a much larger percentage of Pc gamers will have hardware that comfortably exceeds said consoles, just as those consoles also start to gain sales and userbase."

Looking at last gen cycle of consoles, updraged models of consoles will be in market in 2-3 years as well. The gap between pc and console is at its smallest at console launch, and with intermittent release the overall gap of performance will diminish as well, not completely though. Then again at 400-500 you can't make a pc that would outperform said consoles. Not to forget the exclsuives and the gaming experience.

Computersaysno1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

@Sunny1234 "Looking at last gen cycle of consoles, updraged models of consoles will be in market in 2-3 years as well."

So what are you saying? You are going to spend $500 on a console in 2020 and then another $500 on a console in 2023? Wait, so that's now $1000 on console hardware alone in a single generation just to try and reduce the gap down to a somewhat less inferior experience!? Jesus. I thought you were trying to pretend you'll save a lot of money!

Besides the expensive $70 game prices, overpriced expansion drives and peripherals, $60 a year online subscriptions and the risk of repairs under short 1 year warranties? Most PC hardware has minimum 3 year warranty, but 5 year is extremely common.

Yeah. Maybe rethink what you're trying to say here. If you're refreshing the entire console very 3 years you may as well just buy the basis of a good PC and swap only the GPU out a couple of times over a 7-8 year console cycle.

Then finally you talk about exclusives but you're posting in a thread about a console finally getting closer to a year old multiplatform PC game. I'm seeing you shooting yourself in the foot multiple times here bro.

Sunny123451377d ago


Firstly I only play digital, so $400. Next when I upgrade to a pro model, why would I keep an obsolete model with me? At worst it sells for $200. So i spend 600 instead of 1k.

Warranty and contingencies are subjective, my ps4 and pro both I got once, and they work perfectly fine. Ps3 although I got 3 times, but had replacement warranty on one.

Upgraded storage is again subjective as I have 1tb interent connection, and 850gb would suffice for me as I can redownload games (+100gb) in minutes.

You say swap pc gpus every 7-8 year cycle. More the peripherals, more the chances of things going bad, have to upgrade my monitor, my mouse, my cpu, my gpu, among other things to get the desired results, I have friends with high end pc, and I know how it all works.

So in costs alone, ps5 is absolutely the best worth for money in this gen. So my foot is absolutely fine, you should take care about yours brother.

Pickledpepper1377d ago

Also a survey says 2 thirds of American millennial think the earth is flat.
Do you believe or have even taken a survey to which you may have told a little white lie?

Computersaysno1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

@Sunny12345 So what you're NOW saying is you trade in old hardware to save money on a future upgrade?

Welcome to what every Pc gamer ever does selling their old GPU upgrading to the next one up. $500 upgrade in 3 years that obliterates a console? It's now a $250 upgrade dispensing of the old card.

Warranties are a value proposition. When you have a console that sucks down 300 watts as these next gen machines will, you'll be seeing failures, for sure. I would be happier with a nice long warranty. PS3 and 360 probably set me back $1000 apiece in failed hardware replacement! I have managed to toast an Xbox One this generation too, out of warranty. I have broken a few graphics cards a couple years old, all were replaced under warranty....

So you chose to pay for high end expensive internet two or three times the cost per month of average fibre instead of high end storage, and still wait the time it takes to download than just have everything stored. That's your choice, but it isn't saving you money. Lulz. Just $20 more a month for better internet? That's $240 more a year, or $1200 extra over 5 years. See how it adds up. I would have rather just spent the $200+ on the overpriced console storage....

I said swap the GPu a couple times over the life of a typical console gen. THEN you claim you HAVE to upgrade everything else making up a PC if you swap out the GPU.

You're failing hard now. You make excuses and call console upgrades, peripherals and other cost factors subjective, but claim that these other PC upgrades are mandatory.


Essentially you're breaking down cost and going into dozens of variables at this point to try and make your case, but what is clear is that the case you built is a house of cards.

It's just as easy to blow thousands of dollars on consoles to try and keep within a closer margin of a PC. It's not cheap to stay on the cutting edge of gaming. Don't pretend it is a realistic scenario gaming on the cheap with the latest consoles either........

I don't just have friends with a high end gaming computers, I have personally run them alongside every modern console for the past 25 years. Be careful who you make your claims to, they may very well know an awful lot more than you do.

Bandage your foot.

@ Pickledpepper You have no idea how Steam hardware surveys work. Bless.

Obscure_Observer1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )


"Where are the benchmarks for the PC version from?"

Hmm... why you´d ask? Would validation make you impressed by the Series X performance or... slightly disappointed at 2080ti´s performance? :D

RazzerRedux1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

"Hmm... why you´d ask? Would validation make you impressed by the Series X performance or... slightly disappointed at 2080ti´s performance? :D"

Neither. It would provide evidence of what you are claiming. Why are you playing games?

I asked for a source. Provide it.

Obscure_Observer1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )


"Neither. It would provide evidence of what you are claiming. Why are you playing games?"

I don´t need to provide "evidence" of anything to anybody. Some of you guys wants everything spoon fed to y´all. Since you have no practical use for such information other than find out if I´m making stuff up, you can either call me a liar or you can actually try and find the information yourself; just like I did. ;)

1377d ago
RedDevils1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

The reason I called Obscure insecure for a reason. He can't backup what he ever said. His blind in Xbox brand will dismiss anything you said even if it true.

"I don´t need to provide "evidence" of anything to anybody." haha what a clown.

Sunny123451376d ago


Seriously? Since this is getting futile now I will end it with a pretty simple example.

Buy a console with 5 year extended warranty for 650$ (50$ per year).
Buy/make a pc with 5 year warranty with same/ slightly better specs for 1200$. ( i can breakdown the cost of each component for you if you want).

Let's assume the peripherals and other accessories remain the same for both(cost and repair if needed, though we both know pc requires much more maintaince/upgrades/upkeep) internet will remain same for me whether I am on pc or console, so that cost doesn't make a difference.

Even with such a simple scenario it costs me double to go to a pc. In no world I will believe that a pc would give me same results for same price as a console, coz it won't.

RazzerRedux1376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

"Some of you guys wants everything spoon fed to y´all."

lol....unless you are doing the actual benchmarking work yourself, someone "spoon fed" the info to you as well.

"you can either call me a liar or you can actually try and find the information yourself; just like I did."

Actually I tried to find it before I asked and I'm seeing nothing. No need to call you a liar. It is simply unsubstantiated and no one need give it any credence at all until evidence is provided. Simple as that.

Obscure_Observer1376d ago

"Actually I tried to find it before I asked and I'm seeing nothing."


"No need to call you a liar. It is simply unsubstantiated and no one need give it any credence at all until evidence is provided. Simple as that."

Fair enough.

Going to work now. I´ll provide you the source later. ;)

Fair enough.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 1376d ago
Atom6661377d ago

I will never argue that PC can and will always outdo console.

But we all know the build cost on a PC that runs Dirt 5 at 1440/120. For $500, you're not going to top it.

RazzerRedux1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

Build cost? Most PC gamers do not build a PC from scratch along with every console generation. They upgrade.

Atom6661377d ago

Got to start somewhere, Razzer.

I'm due for quite a few upgrades myself, which will push my costs to about $1100 from from what I'm looking at.

RazzerRedux1376d ago

True. Of course, for consoles my costs are going to rise to $1300 between PS4, PS4 Pro, and soon the PS5. $1500 if I had invested in Xbox One, Xbox One X, and XSX. So yes, start up costs are higher, but here is the thing. A lot of people are going to own a PC regardless so those start up costs were always going to be there as PC has value outside of gaming. Turning a non-gaming PC into a gaming PC can be as little as a new GPU and it doesn't have to be the latest and greatest. That $500 can actually go a long ways in that regard.

gamer78041377d ago

Whoa what!? Let me get this straight a 500$ console is not as powerful as a 500$ gpu??? That’s just crazy talk man!...

nickanasty2061377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

I think for 500 bucks its hard to bat an eye at an Xbox or PS5. Extremely good value for your money. Consoles will never be up to par with PC, lets be real, but having consoles for me is much more relaxing after sitting on a PC all day long when working from home. And with Covid and being a permanent at home worker, i have no other way to distinguish from work to play, than to move from my PC to my couch. I can just sit on a couch and sprawl out and enjoy not having to update my drivers or edit game .ini files to get them to run, it just works. If i want the all the bells and whistles of my PC playing on my Super Ultrawide Monitor, i'll hop on my PC. I see the value in having all available options, but i will say, after sitting at my computer monitor all day, its relaxing to be able to sprawl out on the couch and enjoy games on my consoles with zero hassle. Pop in the game and it just works. All i am saying is that each platform has its purpose, and limiting yourself to just one option, as an avid gamer should never be a thing. I couldn't imagine having not played TLOU2, Spiderman etc. Limiting your platform limits your options, why only have one?

Computersaysno1377d ago

I have a lot of hassle when I have to sit waiting hours for downloads and updates to install on console. It's not much better or easier these days than on Pc quite frankly. The initial setup and cost is what takes more money and time on Pc, after that you're into and out of games faster and the thing is probably cheaper to run.

What with these mega priced peripherals and subs on console. I laugh at Microsoft's slow new expensive 1TB expansion drive for example. Same thing on Pc is clear half the money.

SegaGamer1377d ago

"and enjoy not having to update my drivers or edit game .ini files to get them to run"

Why do people on N4G keep saying this? I mean, you can play video games however you like, but why do you people keep making stuff up? I don't know anybody that plays on pc and worries about updating their drivers or edit .ini files. The .ini files thing is baffling because I just don't know where you people are getting that from. I haven't played a single game where it has been a requirement to mess with .ini files to get it to run properly. The only time I have ever touched .ini files is for modding purposes. As for drivers, that is no different than a game update on console, except it's not always mandatory on pc. Honestly, I haven't had issues with drivers on pc since my Windows XP days, and even then, it was never that common of an issue for me.

It's fine to have a preference, but why invent reasons to justify your choice? You don't need to do that, just play video games on whatever you feel most comfortable with.

nickanasty2061377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

@Segagamer, sounds like you don't have a 49 inch super ultrawide monitor. When i play on my PC i am trying to experience the best of the best, and expect to have a different experience than i would on a console, so yes for the majority of games out there on PC, most don't support Super Ultrawide Monitors 32:9 5120x1440 natively. There are things you have to do, edit .ini files if they exist or even sometimes hex edit game files to get them to run correctly. Also - not sure if you read what i said, but my main point was why not have your hand in every platform and not just limit yourself to one, so you get the best of all worlds. That was what i was saying. I understand my PC experience is one that probably about 2 percent of PC users have because wedon't have a standard sized screen 16:9 from FHD to 4K. I encourage you to look into games that support 32:9, you will really find that there aren't that many. Generally speaking about 60-70 percent of games won't support it and there are hacks you have to do per game to get them to run. Join the ultrawide WSGF and you can open your eyes to the concept a bit. Before you hate on the super ultrawide monitor, all i have to say is DOOM Eternal. There is nothing quite like it in Super Ultrawide.

derektweed11376d ago


My Xbox is on instant on mode, downloads updates automatically when i'm at work. Warzone's huge updates are already done when I get home.

My friend on PC needs to start the download when he gets home every time.

In this instance, console is easier and more convenient than PC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1376d ago
Zeref1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

"Just to get to 120fps"

Lol as if it reaching 120fps is not impressive at all 😂

If sacrificing a crowd is what it takes to reach 120fps at 1440p so be it.

spicelicka1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

LOL it says what GPU was used in the article, it's not making people think anything it's straightforward. Sure you can probably by a $3000 GPU and it would look better but that's hardly a reasonable comparison.

Ju1377d ago

"cut back crowds". Yes. To 0. They in fact removed them all together. And before someone cries Series X foul. This will be the exact same on the PS5. We just don't boast 120fps at every corner.

343_Guilty_Spark1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

Well every PS fan I've met has $8000 PCs capable of 8K/240 fps

onisama1376d ago (Edited 1376d ago )

Yes xbox series X is as powerful as 2080 or even less.... But people always tend to forget that when devoloper are making games for console they create it and boost its performance oncthat console because they know the hardware they are dealing with and they optimized for best result... Then they optimize the game for pc... Some devoloper they do a good job but most of them don't... So that's why console hold out for long time because the specs are stable and machine is made for gaming....

But still I prefer pc gaming because I can afford it

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1376d ago
Toiletsteak1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

It's fake. The pics for Series X are from this video

TwistedVoxel1377d ago

The source is literally given in the article. It is this video not the one you linked.


ziggurcat1377d ago

Except if you look at the video Toilet cited, it looks exactly like the shots used for the Series X.

So either the PC shots in your article were taken with the PC settings set far lower or someone was being sneaky by using the PC shots as the Series X shots.

SegaGamer1377d ago (Edited 1377d ago )

I wouldn't call it fake, but I wouldn't call it accurate either. Capturing screenshots from Youtube videos is a very lazy way to compare things.

alb18991377d ago

But when someone compared two photos that looks almost identical between the X and the SX of gears you didn't say that.

Deathdeliverer1377d ago

I know some people might be mad but look at toilets link. He is more than right. That discredits the whole article. The PC version is shown as the Series X version. Wow that’s crazy.

SullysCigar1376d ago

I watched and thought the same thing.

Some of these people won't back up now, because they'll feel stupid for celebrating and actually believing it's true that Series X can outperform a high end PC on insane settings.

So instead they just hit disagree and refuse to watch the video. Ignorance is bliss.

BehindTheRows1377d ago

While great, these are features that will eventually come to the PC and I can already play it at higher frames than 120fps. Still, nice for a home console.

Jericho13371377d ago

Even the comparison with Xbox One X is amazing - just shows how much difference the new hardware can make to current gen games. Let's see some true next-gen games now!

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