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Trophies = Epic Fail?

Phreaky from PS3 Attitude has this to say on trophies:
"Trophies, in their current iteration, do not work.

I realise that statement is a sweeping generalisation. It is meant to be. So go ahead and wipe the spattered coffe off of your screen and read on before spouting profanities at me and saying untoward things about my mother. I know she's fat.

The whole concept behind trophies and achievements is that people get trophies and lord over friends how awesome their gaming prowess is. For the most part this works really well. It's exactly what I shall be doing when I FINALLY beat Zico.


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villevalorox5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
My Oxygen goes to stupid people like this critic.
Pain5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
shadowghost7525777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
sunnygrg5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
inthekillzone5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
radecswe5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Why does BloodySinner always approve this kind of stuff and you administrators do nothing about this moron approving false articles?
sushipoop5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Blog, not news. BloodySinner is a 360 fanatic trying to get this approved.
sushipoop5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
sushipoop5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
aftrdark215777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
staub915777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
doshey5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad article
Nelson M5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
BaSeBaLlKiD7215777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
360 fanboy bait
NeonSkull5777d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
thor5777d ago

Your grammar is an epic failure.

You both fail.

rucky5777d ago

your mom last night = epic fail

You bought an Xbox5777d ago

Who's there
Jack who
Jack Ass

DreamcastFanboy5777d ago

Your life and everything you stand for=Epic fail.

REDZEV5777d ago

I have been saying for months not only are Trophies a "EPIC" fail, Its the most gimmicky and sad and pathetic Rip-off to date by a console maker. If they would have launched with POS3 instead of coming out like what, 2 years later and not half-ass it would of been different. Epic Fail on Sonys part!!!

ravinshield5777d ago

Trophies been a failure from the beginning. achievements are the real deal.

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NeonSkull5777d ago

someone should tell him all games will have to have trophy support after jan 2009.

phreaky5777d ago

read the article, I'm very particular that 'in it's current iteration' trophies don't work.

I agree things will be peachy when Jan comes around, but it's been a long time going.

Mr PS35777d ago

And let me pop a bubble
This aint no article and it aint news
Basically its a Blog
Trophys might fail for you because you Suck
And not to mention it dont take a genius to work out that not all games have them but just for you
But i suppose your articles aint getting much attention so what do you do
Bash the PS3 in some way
Because thats a good way for your articles or the Website your putting crayon to paper for to get Hits
Either way its you that FAILS
And i hope this pathetic submission does'nt get Approved

Spike475777d ago

How can trophies be an epic fail? Besides the fact that SOME GAMES don't support it, there is nothing wrong with them.

Danny_D5777d ago

Did you read the article Spike? I recommend it.

ruibing5777d ago

Didn't we just hear that trophies will be mandatory early next year?

The Dark Knight5777d ago

They are making trophies mandatory from January 2009..

So makes this article a EPIC FAIL

jwatt5777d ago

Are they really making trophies mandatory in 2009 or is it something we just heard?

SRU96005777d ago

Achievements and Gamerscore = awesome!

Trophies = lame.

Seriously, I get a Trophy and I'm like "who cares?" but when I earn an Achievement I'm like "yes, more Gamerscore for me!" lol

It's one of the reasons that I buy multiplatform games for my 360.

Max Power5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

they are the same thing. One has a score that increases, and the other has a level system. personally i don't care if i have 10000 gamer points but if i am level 6 i'll be happy, because i know where i stand amongst other gamers, espically with the different trophies (bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.) where any one with an xbox can rent crappy games and get 300 points and add it to their score with no real indication of the difficulty of those points, but with ps3 you can see what kind of trophies people have, if some one has a bunch of bronze and hardly any silver or gold, then they aren't as dedicated to their games as they would like you to believe.

Panthers5777d ago

The only reason Gamerscore might be better is because you have more friends on 360. If it was the other way around, then you would care about trophies more. Plain and simple.

Heywood Jablomee5777d ago

Even though trophies came second they are much better than a point total, this article blows.

SRU96005777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

They might sound the same on paper, but the way that they are actually put into use are completely different.

The 360's Achievement/Gamerscore system is beautifully done and executed.

Trophies are just a tacked on gimmick that Sony can point to and say "see, we have Achievements too!"

Heywood Jablomee5777d ago

Care to explain how they are different? No, thats right dumbass.

SRU96005777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

Why should I bother? Your little pea brain will just continue to say "PS3 rooolzzz!!!1 and 360 sukzzz!!!1!"

Sevir045777d ago

you have done nothing to back up your claims.. my conclusion, you are an epic fail and a fanboi to boot. If you are gonna make such a statement give a reason to back it up.. trophies are no more an epic fail than achievements. both of them give gamers a state of standing an brag rights. one uses a point system which really you can heighten, and the other does the same thing but show's class and level of difficulty, and heightens your gamer level. one's more organized and the other is just a string of numbers that say's you've got plenty of points, and certainly dont show you it's level of difficulty.

if you ask me. both are well thought out and well executed, but one does it better than the other, the one which is far more organized and breaks everything down into classes does the job and gives everyone one your friend list what kind of ganmer you are. Platinum gamer, gold, silver, Bronze... while the other just says you are a points wh*re, it tells the others that you've got points and plenty but that's it, doesn't show how much work or class of gamer you are just a gamer with plenty of point to brag about

Heywood Jablomee5777d ago

My peabrain, ha, have fun after the warranty dumbass.

Legion5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

Sevir04... let me answer for you. The reasoning behind the Trophy fail is due to the fact it does not allow for every game you play to be a part of your leveling. You could be an expert at COD4 and played through only a handful of games that support trophies and look like you are not as experienced as the guy that purchased that AWFUL game that is so easy to give him Platinum trophies.

If it had been made mandatory for ALL games at the beginning then this posting would not be here. People are blaming the game companies for not going back and modifying their games (that they had already spent time and money to make) because Sony chose to add the capability on a whim after the fact.

The only main differences between the 2 systems is that achievments have individual pictures and labels for each achievment. While trophies give you a more behind the sceenes account of what your level is and gives you no real differential between each trophy in style. Both systems give you a leveling feel (neither though are real leveling accounts) where you can count the numbers of different types of trophies and see the amount of achievments earned for each game for those achievment whores.

I would say from my point of view that with achievments you can see exactly what achievment the person got. I can see my friend has all his Gears 2 online achievments mostly maxed out and know that he is going to be able to back me up better then the guy that doesn't seem to care for the on-line achievments.

Is one better then the other? Only in the fact that EVERY game is supported by achievments while trophies are an after thought that has not been implemented on every title.

N4Flamers5777d ago

you must be a freaking moron to think achievements cant show you how good someone is at a game. Did you know every 360 game has achievements and you can actually see what they are for.

Heres an example, if I see a gamer that has something close to 1000 on dead rising I can give him respect, being close to that score myself I know what he had to go through to get it. 7 day survivor is no joke. I can even see which achievements he has for every game he has ever played on his gamertag.

I agree though this article is an epic fail because trophies or achievements shouldnt make you think youre better than someone. They should be a way to get some extra enjoyment out of your game. Its like youre girls on myspace fighting about who has more friends on their list.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

What the Phreaky (author) fails at is understanding that the "trophy system" was implemented late so it's natural to have most title not take advantage of it. With other titles doing updates it won't be as easy as inserting a missing letter in a Microsoft Word Document. Example Uncharted: Drake's Fortune the trophies were tied to the reward system.

The "trophy system" itself isn't bad the author (Phreaky) just needs to relax new titles will take advantage of them. Thinking realistically is something to consider Phreaky, lol, if a game is 70% done developers aren't going to stop production because of a late implemented feature.

There is a saying "Rome wasn't built in a day" you should think about.

PS3 FTW5777d ago

The whole article is a complaint about how trophies are not in all games.


JD_Shadow5777d ago

I think Sony's initial intention in not making them mandatory was because Microsoft was and they want to be the "anti-MS" and not force developers into doing so. The thing is, the devs that were playing politics in the console wars and those that thought that since they didn't have to why bother weren't adding them to the PS3 versions of their games, which defeated the purpose of HAVING the things in there. Thus, the plan didn't work the way Sony thought it was because they didn't anticipate how lazy some devs might be, and how some devs that didn't see many sales were using Trophies to sucker gamers into buying crappy games that no one would buy if they didn't have them in there over those games people would've wanted to play but didn't have trophies.

However, Sony wised up and it's good they did. They did the right thing, too, in giving devs enough time to get used to the system and to add it in some way to their games. They could've made the deadline so sudden. Hopefully this whole trophy politics controversy will end then.

@SRU9600: What in the hell? You are basically comparing two things that are exactly the same, saying the one you're a fanboy of is better, giving no reasoning behind your decision, and then saying that anyone that disagrees with you is a damn whiner! Where the hell is the sense in that?

I don't think you're getting the outrage over your comment yet.

Pika-pie5777d ago

Im exactly the same but opposite. I dont care about achievements but love trophies.

It comes down to which system you like best and which system you feel is worth your time more.

pavarotti5777d ago

they're the same fu*king thing.

"look dad, i've got 10k gamerscore"


"look dad, i'm now level 6 and am the highest level out of all of my friends"

who cares? honestly?

sru9600: you're gonna lose bubbles for that mate. you cant say anything bad about sony on here. just look at how many cages you rattled with your first post....the sdf will have revenge for your blasphemy!

SRU96005777d ago

Ah yes, the Sony Defense Force. A group of losers clinging to days gone bye. Days when the Playstation brand wasn't the laughing stock of the industry. Days when developers actually wanted to develop for your console.
Such fond memories, I'm sure.

I don't fear them, I pity them, for their days of triumph are over.

macalatus5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

@sru, really can't make a logical argument so much that you resort to saying "Sony Defense Force". Oh, what the hell...I'm just talking to someone who has multiple accounts in this site.


The PS3 trophies got *their own* pictures and labels. As a matter of fact, each icon is different from the other game. Also, a lot of multi-platform games have similar achievements/trophies awards. An example of this would be Burnout: Paradise, so I really do not see the point why the Achievement really tell another person why they are better compared to the Trophy system.

jammy_705777d ago

so you can show other people what you have done and also compare them and maybe help each other to get more
there a goood idea and NOT a fail at all :):):)

Score5777d ago

I love it when people like SRU chose to type about things they don't know...just shows how ignorant (s)he is

JD_Shadow5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

Oh, for the love of GOD! Is THAT what you think this is? Not a single person agrees with you because you never explained at ALL why you like Gamerscore better than trophies. If you do, FINE! That's your right, that's not what we're angry with you about. We're angry at you because:

1. You refuse to state any other reason to why you think that other than "I said they are, so they are". You stating no reason tells us you don't know anything because when it comes down to it, they do the exact same thing (measure your milestones in a game).
2. You're answering EVERYONE with this 360 fanboy response of "oh, the SDF is ganging up on me," as if you on this crusade to crush them when they have nothing to do with the outrage over your comments. Newsflash: One, that doesn't win you any friends on here, and two, not every single gamer who owns a PS3 on here is a part of the SDF. That and I think even some 360 gamers are blasting you for how you're expressing this opinion of yours (which is the reason WHY you're getting this blasting now, it's the way you're expressing it and defending this argument).

If this is all you're going to do in this conversation, then either grow up and wise up, or SHUT up!

SRU96005777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

darkpower, try and keep up, ok pal? lol

pavarotti warned that the "sdf" was going to come after me, and that is the reason I started talking about the Sony Defense Force.
I was replying to pavarotti. Not EVERYONE, as you say. Just pavarotti.

You sound like an angry fellow. Is your life really that empty that you are getting this upset over your video game console?

I get a kick out of people like you. I say I like Achievements/Gamerscore more than I like Trophies and you start blowing gaskets left and right. lol

Calm down, dude. Life's too short to get so worked up over video games.

JD_Shadow5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

You really ARE a piece of work? I'm getting worked up? Look who's the one getting all pissed off over a non-issue. If you're talking to one person, then specify that. It's not that hard to do (not that the guy you're claiming to respond to has any right to say things like that, either, not that we don't have our suspicions of people having more than one account, anyway, hint hint). I'm also getting really irritated that this SDF thing is being used as a blanket term for every single PS3 owner that calls out ignorant 360 fanboys who cannot or refuse not to put some basis into their arguments, as I'm sure alot of others are sick of seeing them do. Yet, to the fanboys, the PS3 owners have no right to complain about ANYTHING! With all of this BS they put up with, how are you expecting them to react when someone like you comes into here and does this?

And you STILL refuse to get the reasons behind why everyone is so pissed off at you. Let me spell it out for you slowly: It's not about anything you believe. It's about how you're saying them. YOU! GIVE! NO! REASON! WHATSOEVER! Yet you believe we should all agree with you or else you label all of us PS3 fanboys! YOU! GIVE! NO! BASIS! I figured I should say that to you again because I don't think you're grasping this at all or are choosing to not listen to any reason other than your own. Give us some reason why you like gamerscore better and you'll be fine (although some people, like me, will still disagree with you that achievements are better, they'll respect it more if you at least give a valid reason behind what made you think that). You're ignorance and absolute refusal to give any reason behind your liking while going off on anyone who tells you that you might want to explain yourself because it would help you have some cred to your opinion (is it the interface of how it's done, or that more games support it, or that more of your friends are on Live, just a personal preference that you may not understand the reason of? What the HELL is your reason?) is WHY people are "blowing gaskets left and right" and why you might see your bubbles popped before long. PLEASE understand that!

arika5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

this is the main reason why people are still buying xbox 360's, because sites and people like these brainwashes people to think xbox 360 is the best and greatest console ever, but it is actually the worst console among the three, for several reason, 30% failure rate, yearly online fees, no hdd for some and if you want to buy one its too expensive. the only good thing going for it is it has fair amount of good games. good games that you can't play because of the failure rate.
as a happy and satisfied owner of ps3 i love trophies and it's integrated future with home, which will enable trophies to be turned into cash to buy stuff in home like clothes, furniture, gadgets and etc. so i'm very excited with the possibilities that trophies hold for us ps3 owners, very happy indeed.

Gamer luv5777d ago

Have a 360 and PS3 here.

When i get a game for the 360, i will play the game for the game for the game, while doing that i get the achievment points.

My Playstation games, i dont even know what games i have support trophies and inless you are a fan of the 360 and acutaly play online with friends together to get achievments, you will never understand why Gamerscore is better then a trophy.

A simple number that represents what a gamer has ACHIEVED.
In my opinion much better then a trophie, seems like a rip of copy added only to shut the mouths of outspoken critics.

Who cares about trophies?
I dont.

macalatus5776d ago (Edited 5776d ago )

@Gamer luv,

"My Playstation games, i dont even know what games i have support trophies"

Yeah, that's the BIGGEST flaw with your don't know any jack crap about PS3 trophies so you simply decided that trophies aren't as good as the Xbox Achievments. Have you played the PS3 version of Burnout Paradise? Yes, the Achievments and Trophies in that SAME GAME are basically the same, and yes, in order to get some of those trophies in that game, you need to play co-op a friend. Platinum, gold, silver, and freakin' hard is it to know that each one of those represents something? So by your logic, the Trophy system is just as lame as the Achievment system. Quite sad for a person who claims to also own a PS3, which I now find to be highly suspect.

Geez, can people do some actual research before saying something? Oh wait, this is N4G, what exactly was I expecting?

Traveler5776d ago

Guys come on, there is no reason for us to all bicker so much. Achievements and trophies are basically the same thing. I don't understand the people on either side that are saying that they like one but dislike the other. That makes no sense, since they are essentially the same thing.

Personally, I have always enjoyed achievements on the Xbox 360 and I am glad that Sony decided to add that feature for the PS3. I don't care if they copied the idea, because it is a good idea that makes the console better. About the only real complaint I have with trophies is that they aren't available for most PS3 games at the moment. But Sony were smart enough to realize that they needed to do something to fix that problem and have made trophies mandatory in all games after January 2009.

The author of the article created a title for his article that was needlessly inflammatory, which I am sure he did just to get more people to read it. Trophies are nice and they will soon be implemented across the board which will make them even better.

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BaSeBaLlKiD7215777d ago

really then why do i enjoy having a "You have earned a Trophy" pop-up than a "Achievement Unlocked"

same with my dual-console friends...

hmm weird...

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Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv723d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

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