
WorthPlaying Review - 'SingStar Vol. 2'

WorthPlaying: "A little over five months ago, Sony released the first SingStar for the PS3. The series, already wildly popular in the U.K. and gaining steam in the U.S. with the previous PS2 releases, had added several welcome features to the familiar singing game. Aside from high-definition video for some of the music videos, an online music store allowed players to obtain more songs. More importantly, however, SingStar made extensive use of an online community that was more than happy to share video clips of people singing song choruses, pictures of themselves in goofy outfits with their mics, and audio recordings of them singing badly. This sense of community helped make SingStar a must-have title for PS3-owning music fans.

After a few months, Sony thought that it would be the right time to release SingStar Vol. 2 for the PS3. Those fans just looking for new songs will be satisfied with what they find. Everyone else that's looking for some improvements to the game will find that Sony took the saying 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' a little too literally as there is nothing else new to find here aside from a different list of songs to sing to.

For those unfamiliar with the game series, SingStar Vol. 2 falls squarely under the "easy to learn, hard to master" idiom. Using the supplied USB microphone package (or ones supplied from the first game or prior PS2 packages), players select a song and sing along to it. The goal is to try match the vocal pitch of the song using a scale presented on-screen. The meter fills up when you match the presented pitch, and it also goes above and below the pitch meter when you happen to sing higher or lower than what the game wants, respectively. The pitch meter is presented near the center of the screen, while the lyrics go on the bottom, in case you don't have the song memorized. As an added bonus, the music video of the song plays in the background, so it gives onlookers something to watch while they wait their turn."

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Harry1905686d ago

lower. The song selection is plain painful.

I'll wait for Singstar Abba which comes on the 2nd of December and Volume 3.


Beta Applications for SingStar now being taken

The Lost Gamer writes:

It was earlier today that Sony revealed that karaoke classic SingStar was due to receive an Online Battle mode, due to be introduced in an update available in June.

However those that love to sing to their hearts content can gain access to the new mode prior to this, by applying to participate in the Beta.

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GayGamer: Karaoke Showdown

GayGamer writes: "I've always been a big fan of Lips, but that was mostly because I only owned an Xbox 360 and a Wii at the time, so my choice of karaoke game was somewhat limited. Now that I got a PlayStation 3 for Christmas, however, I was able to dive straight into the SingStar pool head first! Before, I gave Lips good reviews because I didn't really have that much to compare it to. But now that I've had a chance to play both games, I thought it might be interesting to pit them against each other and see who comes out on top."

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5277d ago

SingStar Party Picks Track Pack Coming

BeefJack writes: "A 'Party Picks' Track Pack is set to hit for SingStar to round off the New Year featuring such numbers as "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood and "You Sexy Thing" by Hot Chocolate. In addition, there's a couple of standalone tracks for play such as the long awaited inclusion of "I Would Do Anything For Love" by Meat Loaf officially making my personal collection complete."

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