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Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Paul Broussard: "But is it worth your money? That will probably depend on how much the issues I’ve described bother you. Ghost is a game that has a sizable amount of content, but much of it lacks depth or substance. If that isn’t a deal breaker, and you’re intrigued by the prospect of a title that comes as close as video games can to capturing the feel of feudal Japan, then Ghost is probably a solid buy. However, if you’re looking for thoughtfully crafted, fleshed out stealth or combat, I’d advise searching elsewhere, because like a ghost, neither can be found."

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Community1524d ago
Findingcrybabies1524d ago (Edited 1524d ago )

I might not agree, but I respect their opinion. I went to the site expecting to see them give Last of Us 2 a 115 out of 10, they gave it a 7. Different strokes and all that I would give Tsushima a 9, but I haven't completed it yet either so that may change. He is right about the AI being really bad.

laserap1524d ago (Edited 1524d ago )

This same guy rated Dark Souls a 5/10.

This guy seems to be extremely harsh with his reviews. He's an outlier

Unspoken1523d ago

Is this yet another PlayStation game that looks great on the cover, but when you play the game it's a shallow card board cut out? What is it with the trend of polishing garbage and selling it on the PlayStation platform as gold? Games aren't what they used to be for sure.

cell9891523d ago

He shouldn’t be reviewing genres that he doesn’t like

hulk_bash19871523d ago (Edited 1523d ago )

He must hate fun and challenge. Lol. In all seriousness, this game was amazing. It was almost everything i wanted it to be. Sucker Punch created one of the most vibrant and atmospheric open worlds ive played in a long time. And the combat is engaging, the stealth is a bit too easy imo. But overall its just plain fun to play.

Machina1523d ago (Edited 1523d ago )

He gave the Dark Souls Remaster 5, which isn't quite the same thing as saying he gave (the original) Dark Souls 5.

But yes he's a harsh reviewer; we're a tough outlet in general, we've always had a stringent scoring system and take on writers who have that same outlook.

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TheKingKratos1523d ago (Edited 1523d ago )

What The last of us 2 have any thing to do with this game ??

Stop trolling as much as i love Ghost and it is a badass game ... Goty is locked for TLOU2 and it will win many sites game of the gen as well

Stanjara1523d ago

Dream buddy.
GOTY is Cyberpunk.
LBT2U will take graphics, and performance for Joel.

OB1Biker1523d ago (Edited 1523d ago )

Nah I dont respect that sort of review. Not professional. Game isnt broken or straight bad.

InUrFoxHole1523d ago

Lol the game isn't that good. You might like it and thats cool but its really just meh

RgR1523d ago


Lol the game is amazing. You might not like it and that's cool but it's really just incredible.

morganfell1524d ago (Edited 1524d ago )

You do not know the history of that site do you? A decade of lying about sales trying to prop up Microsoft. And regarding comments in this thread like below, anyone with a history of screaming in support of Nintendo and saying Paper Mario is better than anything coming out for PS5/Xbox Series for a year is NOT playing GOT.

timotim1524d ago

Got to make it about Microsoft even when they have nothing to do with it...🤷🏾‍♂️

morganfell1524d ago (Edited 1524d ago )

No, I am making it about vgchartz. And it bears directly on that site and the issue at hand.

King_Noctis1524d ago

VGchartz’s data is never accurate. If you want to call them out for MS’s sale numbers, you should do that as well for Nintendo and Sony.

neutralgamer19921524d ago


No that's a fact this site is run by a pro Xbox fanboy who for over a decade reported wrong numbers to make ms look good

If you have been long enough than u would know it. Xbox fanboys use to love this site during Xbox 360 days. So yes Morgan is right it's hard to trust a site like this when their past history is so shaddy and now with a review like this

They gave crackdown 3 same score so I guess crackdown 3 is same quality game as ghost

And than people like u wonder why people don't take this site serious

morganfell1524d ago

"VGchartz’s data is never accurate. If you want to call them out for MS’s sale numbers, you should do that as well for Nintendo and Sony."

Where am I not doing that? They over reported 360 numbers and under-reported PS3 numbers. Its why they were banned from being referenced on numerous sites at that time.

timotim1524d ago


No...they are a site that simply reports wrong numbers PERIOD. Not just for Microsoft, for ALL.

OMNlPOTENT1524d ago

While I do agree that a 5/10 seems low for this game (haven’t played yet but seems about an 8 from most people), the Paper Mario comparison is weak. Some people legitimately prefer more light hearted adventures and would prefer it over anything coming out for either console. Reviews are opinions, and he probably just has a very unpopular opinion.

TheEroica1523d ago Show
coolbeans1521d ago

Sorry for the late response, but I think it's worthwhile now that I recalled this one. You're just using a red herring. Bringing up some fudged sales numbers (that've tipped too low AND too high for all consoles over the course of its history) doesn't really mean much for a guy who joined the writing staff for reviews & opinion articles in 2018.

You're building this manufactured dilemma of how bad sales numbers (from different writers) somehow poisons the rest of said content, rather than evaluating it on its own terms. Considering the other times I've maintained correspondence with you, it seems like a typical card you play. "Nope,'re bias already...don't care...bye now!" It doesn't do you any good.

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SyntheticForm1524d ago


This game is checklisty and formulaic, I'll admit, but it's damn fun, beautiful, and stylized brilliantly. I love the calligraphy, the narration of the tales, and the art shown in said tales. I enjoy the combat very much, and I really hope Sucker Punch continue with this because I'd love a sequel on PS5.

This game is great, and imo, deserves no less than an 8.

HaVoK3081524d ago ShowReplies(4)
East76lands1523d ago

Mmmm, even being as harsh as I can on certain aspects of this game which is certainly not perfect I find it very hard to fathom giving it a 5/10 score, in fact I'm close to being perplexed lol.

Seraphim1523d ago

that's my thinking. "Come the f**k on." any reasonable and logical person would likely score it, at the very F'n least, a 7 imho. Personally I'm thoroughly enjoying it but will admit the game is lacking. And where it's lacking is why I say, based off it's own merits, any reasonable and logical person would likely score it a 7 at the lowest. The game is well polished, fun, has an incredible world, etc, etc.

Another comment mentioned this same guy gave Dark Souls a 5/10. At least that had technical hiccups in the original but still... Maybe he's in the wrong industry or doesn't like these games. If the latter is the case he has no business reviewing games. You take the game for it's merits. But I digress, that's often been the issue with gaming journalism for decades. They aren't objective, they view themselves as critics instead of reviewers, they are sometimes incredibly biased, and so on and so forth. If I'm reviewing a genre I dislike I'll give the game credit where it's due regardless of my opinion. A user review is an opinion. A journalists review should be objective and unbiased basing the review, content of and score solely on the merits of the game. Unfortunately we'll never see that and it's one reason I don't consider reviews when deciding whether or not to buy a game. 2 cents.

I remember a day when 5/10 was reserved that were broken and buggy. Now solid-great games get scores like this or less tossed at them on the regular. It's truly sad.

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spwittbold1524d ago (Edited 1524d ago )

I'm someone who is a huge fan of Samurai/Ninja genre video-games and while I'm enjoying it, the game certainly suffers from "Open-World" syndrome making the quests/game feel frankly, a bit stiff in the story and combat department. It's a "good game," but definitely isn't for everyone and it does not deserve a 10/10 from anyone. As much as I enjoy it I'd still only rate it a 7 or 8 out of 10. I'd reserve 9s for "must play" games, and I could by no means recommend this to everyone. It feels alot like Zelda: Breath of the Wild but it's sad when a Switch game feels "smoother," to play than a PS4 game.

plmkoh1524d ago ShowReplies(2)
Masterchief_thegoat1524d ago (Edited 1524d ago )

Metacritic user
got 93
The Last of us 2 55. Man this is some trolling bs lol. even though I don’t agree with user reviews of tlou2. Got is the highest user review for ps exclusive

coolbeans1524d ago (Edited 1524d ago )

1.) Appeal to majority is a fallacious argument.
2.) Appeal to metacritic user majority is stupid in a special way.

Masterchief_thegoat1524d ago (Edited 1524d ago )

The key word is not agreeing with user review On that site. Got is the highest User reviewer for ps. Which btw, I like got more than the last of us 2

coolbeans1523d ago

You're just restating your first comment with a different veneer. The point still stands: your whole comment consists of challenging what this reviewer has argued with "GoT's metacritic user rating disagrees." You're building the point up based on a fallacy than an actual counter-argument.

RgR1523d ago (Edited 1523d ago )

When you go to buy a car would you trust user reviews of that car from a different site or not?

I sure as hell would. Same for any product. The mainstream site can give a game crap or praise. But if the user reviews tell a different story then I would most certainly watch out. The user reviews is its own counter argument.

Or did you expect him to write an essay counter arguing the review?

coolbeans1523d ago


When considering the user reviews of said site have no validation as to who has or hasn't even driven the car? I'm tempted to treat them with ambivalence. Just look at Masterchief_thegoat's TLOU2 comparison. Hundreds/Thousands of users decided to review-bomb it.

You're misapplying an otherwise fine point for this argument. I'm not saying you can't feel which way the wind's blowing in general sentiment for a game; you're just being disingenuous if you're invalidating a different opinion with appeal to majority.

How about just settling for, you know, challenging the review's text with your own points? A radical suggestion, apparently!

talocaca1524d ago


I love how ridiculous some websites are. You go to check their reviews and see that they gave Sponge Bob a 6.

Click bait at its finest. Did you guys even know that vgchartz was even reviewing titles now? None of us would've clicked if they had given the game and 8+ score.

coolbeans1523d ago

-"You go to check their reviews and see that they gave Sponge Bob a 6."

Claiming the review is ridiculous then comparing its score to a $30 remaster is peak N4G commenting.

coolbeans1523d ago


I do freelance writing for VGChartz & a couple other sites. Christopher & co. does know about it, and I have to follow a few special rules b/c of it.

[To keep this focused on the review, I'd like to leave it at that.]

Knushwood Butt1522d ago

@ coolbeans

That clears things up.

Machina1523d ago

We've been reviewing games for over 12 years, it's hardly a new thing, and we've always had one of the tougher scoring systems (on OpenCritic for example we have one of the lowest average scores). If you read the text of the review you'll see it matches a 5 under the scoring system we use.

Christopher1523d ago

***I love how ridiculous some websites are. You go to check their reviews and see that they gave Sponge Bob a 6.***

Different authors.

***Click bait at its finest.***

I think it's just an off review, IMHO. Whatever reason the reviewer disliked it, it just doesn't add up to what I experience or even to what is offered in the game. That doesn't mean all their reviews are bad or that others on VGChartz are bad or the like.

I have issues with how some people review games, but that's aimed at individuals and not just a site in general. We should do well to remember that.

And, let's be honest, VGChartz isn't getting their traffic from reviews. They tend to post reviews long after the initial run and only get recognized when the one-off review of a high profile game falls outside the norm. And that's not that often.

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How Ghost of Tsushima's Role in Secret Level Could Foreshadow a Sequel's Path

Ghost of Tsushima is one of the many games being featured in Secret Level, and it could give a glimpse into the franchise's future.

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Ghost of Tsushima 2 - Where Is The Samurai Game Sequel?

Rumours suggest that Sony might be on the brink of unveiling Ghost of Tsushima 2. Here's what we want to see in the game's sequel.

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Community32d ago
purple10133d ago

This game on ps5 pro is gonna rival some cgi films I reckon

purple10132d ago

good point, ps5pro will be in my price range though, and il sell it and only loose a few hundred, if I sell a £2000 gaming pc after 5 years, il loose £1000

Shiore2u32d ago

Why would you sell your gaming PC? Unlike a console you don't have toss the whole thing to upgrade.

Hofstaderman32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Not waiting two to three years to play it.

purple10131d ago

@Shiore2u. yes another good point, but I still have 2 good points, 1, its in my price range, and 2, eventually you do have to upgrade pc's in whole,. motherboard for instance, as newer graphics cards eventually wont play nice etc. so by then parts have depreciated, a lot.

this is a situation, where two people can be right at the same time,- & I love those moments.!

wesnytsfs29d ago

@Hofstaderman, yea that part deff sucks. I think that window will be getting much shorter though after what has been coming out of Sony about PC games. Most the time I finish it on ps and then when it comes out on PC replay it on their for best expereince.

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31d ago
Lightning7733d ago (Edited 33d ago )

I can only think of these release windows for Ghosts. May through September assuming GTA 6 releases early October. So early September maybe even late or mid August just to be extra safe. However it won't release anywhere in Fall (because GTA). With the said it could be early February 2026 or early March of that year.

That all depends if it shows up at Sony's pro showcase or VGA's. If it does show up at those events, then expect it spring through Summer release dates. If they no show those events then early 2026.

isarai32d ago

Jim really threw a wrench in the gears of PlayStations 1st party. Almost 4 yrs since PS5 launched and not even a tease or announcement from ND, SP, Bend, or Bluepoint. I hope the rumored showcase is true cause we really need something from these studios.

outsider162432d ago

I hope they go all out in the showcase too. Like announcement from all the studios ND, SP, Bend, SantaM, Bluepoint..

P_Bomb32d ago

That’s the hope I keep clinging to. A first party free for all.

bloop32d ago

We're a few years in now and we've only had a handful of of games from their big studios and no clue as to what's coming. I think everyone's been more than patient and it's about time Sony show their hand. At this stage I don't even care if some games are 2/3 years away, just at least let us know what they're working on already. This has to be the most barren generation so far.

DarXyde31d ago

I don't disagree, but PlayStation does have a finite number of studios that are into the big production budgets.

Once you announce and drop them, it's going to take some time to reload that clip. I'm not really surprised that Sony has really not been announcing anything.

rokos32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Maybe they are operating on a 5-6 year release cycle at least that is how much time it took them between Ghost of Tsushima (2020) and their previous game Infamous: Second Son/First Light (2014). But its all rumors at this point they could show the game next month and still release it in 2026.


Ghost Of Tsushima Was Praised By Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest Creators

The creators of Square Enix's Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest series have shared praise for Ghost of Tsushima.

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neomahi56d ago

Wow! Here we are years later and they're still talking about this game. Nate Fox, you and your team did one heck of a job, especially with the new Assassin's Creed coming out that has the Japanese angry