
Massively: One Shots: Surprise

You never know when a quest is going to go horribly awry, and you'll find yourself face to face - or nose to beak, in this case - with a big creature who is bent on your destruction. Today's One Shots shows off one such "oh crap" moment, sent in to Massively from Xion, who is playing Warhammer Online on the EU servers! Xion writes in: "Well, I did an epic chain-quest on the Isle of the Dead. In this quest I had to destroy a [piece of] jewelry, but when I destroyed it a Souleater demon broke out from it. Well... it was a trap. After that I had to destroy the Demon. Do you think I had a chance against it?"

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10 MMOs That Died And Left Us Feeling Empty

Let nostalgia take you back to the lands you once roamed until they were cruelly taken offline and away from us. MMOGames list the top 10 MMOs that died and left us with a hole in our hearts.

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Casepbx3005d ago

I still miss City of Heroes.

3005d ago
PurpHerbison3005d ago

I agree when it comes to The Sims Online. That game was really fun and nothing has even come close to it. I still crave a new Sims with online multiplayer. Blows my mind they haven't done anything like that since The Sims Online or even The Sims Bustin' Out on PS2.


Top 5 Disappointing MMOs

MMO-Play gathered a list of the most disappointing MMO's in the history of gaming.

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Five Ambitious MMOs That Never Took Off

Kevin from Denkiphile: "The first I’d ever heard of Titan was at the height of my World of Warcraft career, which was also the same time that several games, touted as WoW-killers, came onto the market and failed miserably. It made sense to me at the time that the only thing that could kill WoW was Blizzard themselves, but this also eventually changed with the advent of session-based, microtransaction-supported games like League of Legends. Titan was supposed to revolutionize and revitalize the MMO genre, but it certainly was not the first to crash and burn before its first flight. Here are some MMOs whose ambitions flew them too close to the sun."

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