
BM: Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 2 Review

Newsboy writes:

"How much you end up enjoying this game will depends purely on whether you love or hate the humour that comes from Jerry and Mike (Tycho Brahe and John 'Gabe' Gabriel respectively). Even people who aren't big fans of RPGs should be able to enjoy this game on the lower difficulty and may even find themselves looking forward to future episodes. At 5 - 6 hours of length it's more than worth the 1600 points, and it even plays in a way where you don't have to have experienced Episode 1 to enjoy."

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PC game release list for the week of 06.02.13

The following is a list of PC games released for the week of June 2nd, 2013.

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Penny Arcade: We 'fully expect' that On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 will be on PSN

PSU.com had the opportunity to speak to Jeff Kalles from Penny Arcade -- who is also acting as Producer on PA's new game -- about Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 coming to PS3/PSN.

As far as consoles go, the game is currently penned as exclusive to the Xbox 360. However, it seems that the game is all but confirmed for the PlayStation 3.

Regent_of_the_Mask4439d ago

I fully expect it to flop like their other games too.


Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 1 + 2′s player character is dead

Warp Zoned writes:

"We talked to Robert Boyd at PAX East this past weekend and he confirmed that the rake-wielding player character of Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 1 and Episode 2 will not be making an appearance in Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3. Officially, the character’s location is unknown, so maybe if we bug the boys at Zeboyd enough, he (or she) will make a return engagement."

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