
Cyberpunk 2077 Preview Ran at 1080p with DLSS 2.0 Enabled on an RTX 2080Ti Powered PC

A performance report from the Cyberpunk 2077 preview build suggests that developer CD PROJEKT RED has a lot of optimization left to do.

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CaptainHenry9161489d ago

It's funny to hear that especially since they use to launch all their past games exclusively on PC

russo1211489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

Oups, I see a problem in MS hands right now, advertising 4k+60fps+rt is not possible to be achieved by a game highly anticipated by it's fans. I don't know if optimization will do magic, but we'll see.

Yodasfavoritesoda1489d ago

Imagine the trouble the ps5 will be in that case. 720 p 30 FPS

gigzamillion1489d ago

Yep I've been saying all along there's going to be a lot of people who are going to be very disappointed when they realize series x isn't the native 4k and 60fps system they've been led to believe it is.


Both systems will end up running it the same like people have been saying all along.

DerfDerf1489d ago

You are jumping to conclusions.

Marquinho1489d ago

Wow... yeah... that last demo looked insanely difficult to render. No wonder why they're pushing next gen console versions after the launch window (or so it looks like)

Sophisticated_Chap1489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

It's called 'turning down the graphics settings'. Consoles will be running the game at lower detail than the PC. All this proves, is that this game is going to be taxing to run on Very High or Ultra PC settings, particularly at resolutions over 1080p, kind of like Crysis was back in the day.

ChiefofLoliPolice1488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

And this is why I'm with PC for third party and PS5 for exclusives. Granted its even hard for PC currently to do 4k 60fps (max and even in some cases medium settings) with Ray tracing (not including the implementation of DLSS 2)

PC will curb that much faster then consoles will though. Got money set aside for the next highest end RTX 3000 series and ready to go.

Babadook71488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

“Imagine the trouble the ps5 will be in that case. 720 p 30 FPS”

You’re not too good at math are you?

Shane Kim1488d ago


For the price of ps5 and xbox x combined.

BrettAwesome1488d ago


Yeah, let alone the vanilla xbone. Guess we'll be looking at 320×240 running at 20ish fps 😂

ILostMyMind1488d ago

Imagine a X360 graphics running on XSX. 4K/60fps/RT achieved.

ProjectVulcan1488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

Meh there will be a lot of driver level optimisations to finish off, and then balancing the settings for the release.

I would say that with the game on PS4 and Xbox One, the performance hit is never the core raster rendering. It'll be lots of crazy ray tracing effects that sap massive performance.

Two things- they will improve that performance and balance out the quality of the ray tracing so it is more realistic.

The second being this game is probably built for the RTX3000 series, which nobody can talk about just yet. Unannounced, but it's an open secret it'll be launched before this game is. This game will be the headline launch showcase title for RTX3000. You can see it.

The RTX3000 series will probably have at least twice the ray tracing performance of these first gen RTX2000 designs. Possibly more from what I have heard.

That means considerably less performance hit for ray tracing. It'll still be demanding as hell, but not nearly as devastating as it is when run on a RTX2000 Turing card.

Ausbo1488d ago

Reasonable people won’t expect 4K 60 on dense open world games like this. Including a 60fps mode should be standard though

ASSASSYN1488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

Did you even bother to read the article. This build didn't even have the option to set the graphics. Meaning it wasn't optimized at all and is probably strictly for demoing and testing. You guys are reaching hard.

DJStotty1486d ago (Edited 1486d ago )


Who is advertising 4k+60fps+rt on the xbox series X?


I would say 4K 30fps for both platforms.


no-one is led to believe the series X is a "4k 60fps" system so no-one will be disappointed

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1486d ago
1489d ago Replies(3)
Fishy Fingers1489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

Seems strange when the 2019 E3 behind closed doors was running higher res on a 1080TI. Guess the full blown RT is tanking perfomance. Hopefully they improve that. But I'll be playing on a next gen GPU so RT shouldnt be such a killer too.

PrinceAli1489d ago

this isn't even using full Ray Tracing as well

1488d ago
gigzamillion1489d ago

People don't really realize how computationally expensive RT is, those who think series x is going to run it without major compromises are in for a rude awakening.

Tech51488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

these are nvidia exclusive features though. who is to say the next gen won't get features specifically designed for next gen consoles.

rainslacker1488d ago

People don't realize what exactly ray tracing does to achieve the results it does. Each bounce of a ray increases the amount of computational power exponentially over the last, and while ray tracing is a big talking point about next gen, what the consoles are getting is not really a super awesome implementation of the feature. It's acceptable, and will wow people, because it is better than regular lighting, but it is indeed costly.

Rimeskeem1488d ago

There is a good reason why Sony partnered with Epic for UE5. Make it easy for developers to get the most out of the system.

Unspoken1488d ago

Has anyone seen AMD's Ray Tracing on the Series X or weaker PS5?

gigzamillion1488d ago


We have seen it on the PS5, if you need more clarification of that and on the computational expense of RT I recommend watching the Digital Foundry videos on the subject. In terms of native RT at 4k and 60 resolutions the series x is just as weak.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1488d ago
RazzerRedux1489d ago

I'm still not convinced RT is worth it at this point. It just kills frame rate.

Cernunnos1489d ago

We're in the baby phase of this new tech. Rumour has it that the Nvidia 3000 series will run RT 4x faster than the 2000 series.

CaptainHenry9161489d ago

That's what I'm waiting on. Hopefully they release this year

I_am_Batman1489d ago

It's definitely early days. I think the ray tracing capabilities of the RTX 20 cards and the next gen consoles will age really poorly. If ray tracing hardware evolves fast enough we might even see mid-gen refreshes of the consoles for that reason.

rainslacker1488d ago


I dunno if it will age poorly. Maybe if you stack it against the high end PC cards around the middle or end of the gen. It takes time for that to really filter into the mainstream gaming rig.

1488d ago
Unspoken1488d ago

RT Should be optional when produced in a game for consoles.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1488d ago
JEECE1489d ago

Yep, I have yet to see an instance where it's worth the performance hit.

xenz1489d ago

Im sure as time goes by during next-gen, new techniques will be developed to optimize the performance hit RT takes. Its new tech and still has much room to grow.

As of right now, I only expect early next-gen games to either not use it or have RT in a limited fashion on certain objects and surfaces with varying levels of resolution (RT resolution).

phoenixwing1489d ago

I think global illumination is better for performance

ABizzel11489d ago

From the consumer standpoint it's not, and won't be unless NVIDIA's RTX 3000 series claim to have up to 4x better Ray Tracing support pans out. It tanks your framerate for what is IMO a slight boost to image quality.

However, from the developer side, it benefits development time because you don't have to spend months building a realistic lighting system, reflection maps, and indoor lighting, and having to change those settings every time you change the scene.

That's the battle they're in right now, however, we're another generation away from this being standard and GPUs being able to easily produce raytracing without a significant hit to performance.

rainslacker1488d ago

On the back end, RT artists are starting to develop things more like shaders to make the ray more like we have object lit now. It's not perfect, but it's less costly, and provides a pretty good effect.

There is an art to implementing ray tracing though, and it's not an art that is routinely practiced in the game industry, because there was never much hardware that could use it. At best, you had a few specialists at some studios that could make really pretty trailers, usually not running in real time.

Over time, as more demand comes about, you'll see better tools across the board, both from game engines, and 3rd party tool makers. Plus, you'll see more graphic artists or lighting specialists become more adept at doing these things themselves, which will help the process a lot.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1488d ago

Console ray tracing is so half-assed that it definitely isn't worth it, yet both Ratchet & Clank and Spider-Man have it. And both are 30fps because of that unfortunately.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1488d ago
Father__Merrin1489d ago

It's the RT that's chugging performance. Will be a few generations of gpu yet until it can be turned on and off easily like anisotropic filters eg.

I've not got an RT card but can you adjust the RT effects or is it toggle on/off?

RazzerRedux1489d ago

Depends on the game, but yeah it is pretty much an on/off setting.

rainslacker1488d ago

Usually it's on/off. Sometimes with 1-3 levels. In theory, as it is in life, you could have infinite rays continuously bouncing their light off objects, but, each bounce(just a term used, but could be various beam altering effects) becomes exponentially more processor intensive.

Raytracing isn't new by any means. While tricks will come about for gaming applications, I don't know if we'll see major advancements to raytracing processing on the implementation side any time soon. Visual effect companies have already done a lot of that kind of heavy lifting. What we're more likely to see is tricks which simulate ray tracing without it actually being ray tracing.

ShadowWolf7121488d ago

Doesn't Unreal 5 sort of do that with Lumin?

rainslacker1488d ago

There are multiple ways to implement raytracing. I'm not as familiar with Lumin so I can't speak too much on it. It's not really my purview for the time being.

AKS1488d ago

I have an RTX 2080 Super, and I've never seen or heard of a game in which ray tracing cannot be disabled.

RazzerRedux1488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

Yep, I have the same GPU. Most games it is off by default that I have seen.

silenthillstrangler1489d ago

will be interesting to see if they try and implement rt on PS5/X,

RazzerRedux1489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

There was a good bit of RT on display in R&C and other games Sony showed already. Probably why they were running 30fps. Just hope we can turn this off on consoles like we can on PC.

silenthillstrangler1489d ago

the most noticeable to me was the gran tourismo rt which digital foundry did a peice on as well as r&c, i hope if there is an option to turn it off it improves frame rate to 60 fps.

anonymousfan1489d ago

Maybe 3rd party otherwise 1st party I am skeptical they would allow RT to be turned off... Games nowadays are developped with more traditionnal reflections in mind so turning RT on/off is a no brainer however if I game was developped for a closed platform it would seem like extra work. I am hoping for a simpler approach to FPS like say resolution like allowing a 4K game to be played at 1440p or 1080p with higher framerates.

Poopmist1489d ago

Series X might be able to handle it with all the extra focus RT

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Neonridr1d 8h ago

still can't order the adapter and we are less than 2 weeks away from August 7th.

anast4h ago

It's bring more needed games to the PC ecosystem. It looks like PC only has 1 VR game.

porkChop3h ago

What are you talking about? Most VR games are only available through PCVR.

anast3h ago

They can't be that good if the only game they show is Alyx.

porkChop17m ago

JFC you're uneducated. It's just a promo image. Are they supposed to release thousands of promos for every VR game on Steam? Why don't you just go to the Steam store and take a look at the VR games? You can even mod non-VR games on PC like GTA V or Cyberpunk 2077 to make them fully playable in VR.