
Resident Evil 5: Both PS3 and 360 versions to look near identical.

From the latest gamingindians.com preview;

"As expected, Capcom's proprietary Framework engine churns out some gorgeous visuals. Chris' model in particular is superb with excellent attention to detail. Sadly, the frame rate in this particular build wasn't up to the mark. The level also suffered from a few V-sync (screen tearing) issues. Although we only got to play the PS3 version, both versions are expected to look nearly identical when released."

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buy a ps35725d ago

CAPCOM and SONY seem to be getting real friendly.

mikeslemonade5724d ago

The version that developers demo is usually the better version.

Maxned5724d ago

Are you kidding me? I cant believe fanboys are still suggesting that their console will look better when it tells you RIGHT THERE that they will look equal.
Just stop. Please...

Fanboy Slaughter5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

Still looking equal and yet people just gotta nitpick. Just be happy they're not pulling a Midway and tyring to "teen" it down.

xhairs95724d ago

I'm glad, I still can't figure out why Capcom stated PS3 can't do beta's awhile back when obviously it can and can do them easily but whatev.

On a side note, that fkn sledge hammer dude is BAD ASS!

FantasyStar5724d ago

I will definitely wait and see on this one. RE4 kinda disappointed me with the Los Plagas schtick, but we will see indeed. I would kill for a roll button.

Spydiggity5723d ago

if they did add a roll feature, they'd get accused of ripping off gears of war. plus what make RE so tense is partially your limited control over the character. if you had crazy maneuverability then it would kinda be like playing gears of war, sept the locus don't have any guns.

also, the game is going to be very similar to RE4, so if you didn't like that, you probably won't like this. i personally, i loved RE4. it has a very unique style. also, it's one of the few japanese games that tells you the story in the game play and not 10 hours of cut scenes which is a nice change.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5723d ago
ape0075725d ago

am SO confused

which version to buy??

damn,deciding which version to buy is VERY PAINFUL

what can I do?

"grabs a gun"

"points at head"

King_many_layers5724d ago

for me the Ps3 version because of one reason.

here's the similarities:

graphics - probably no difference
rewards - trophies and achievements, both teh same... unless home adapts them in some way.

but here's the reason:
The chris costume and possibly game room in HOME.

I currently love home, made alot of new friends today because of it.

SCThor5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

-Pick the version for the console that not overheat so easily so you can play a lot without fear of malfunction or another hardware problem related to poor manufacturing process and quality control.

LeonSKennedy4Life5724d ago

Pick the console that more of your friends have. That way, you can do co-op with them over PSN or Live. I only have a PS3, so I'm getting it for that. If I had a 360 and had more friends on Live, I'd get that version. It's common sense.

SCThor5724d ago

it doesn't matter how many friends you have either on XBL or PSN if your console is broken to begin with. So choose the console that works and won't broke so easily.

GIJeff5724d ago

pull trigger, quick! before you do something stupid and change your mind.

xhairs95724d ago

Why choose the console with more friends? This is a co-op game of 2 people, you and 1 other person. If your friend you really want to play with has it for ps3 but you have more friends on live then why get it for the 360?

Common sense, not so common these days.

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5724d ago Replies(6)
Bigbangbing5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

if you ask me ... i will definitely buy it for the console where most of people actually have a mic :P

Bigbangbing5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

ok to the people who disagree with me

i own both console but this is the truth , and yes i'm xbox fan and sony fan and Nintendo fan :P

mikeslemonade5724d ago

All I need is one person that I personally know who has a mic to play the game on coop. I would not reccomend playing the game with random people even if they have mics. It's just not as fun.

Bigbangbing5724d ago

well , some people like to play with random people :P

Nitrowolf25724d ago

well you should get friends with mic then. all my buddies have mic

Sarcasm5724d ago

I like to play with people without mic's. At least in regular servers. But yes, in a co-op game a mic would be good.

wallace10005724d ago

You can't say you aren't definitely going to buy it on the PS3 around here, that is N4G suicide :-P

Bigbangbing5724d ago

@ wallace1000


ok , this is the last time :P

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DarkSniper5724d ago

The PLAYSTATION®3 version will be the far more superior version. When it comes to multiplatform titles, the Xbox 360 version usually suffers from frame rate hiccups and jaggies, terrible draw distance and screen tearing. This is no coincidence as Xbox 360 is a console that struggles to keep up with the times of next generation entertainment.

Dark Sniper knows which version he's picking up next year.


iMad5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

If you spend your life doing this for free you are complete idiots.

On the topic: 95% of multiplatform games looks better on 360. RE5 will not be exclusion. This is all because of superior GPU and more RAM available.

Magic_The_Celt5724d ago

^^ they review your comments at the end of every 2 weeks and then you get paid at the end of each month

its around $150-$200 a month


morganfell5724d ago

Personally I am sick of hearing they will look identical. We have already seen which machine can pull off better graphics.

Now I want them to stop playing identically because we also know which machine isn't strangled by disc storage limitations. I personally am tired of the DVD9 tentacles reaching across the aisle to the PS3 that easily choke and drag down the 360.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5724d ago

I hate when the PS3 is held back by the Out-of-date P.C in a box that is the xBox 360!!! ;-D
Let's hope they start not making games for the xBox 360 next year. Oh sounds like they are...it's just crapy DLC's next year for the xBox 360!!! ;-D

+Take on this Lot Micro$luts!!! -

'White Knight Chronicles'
'KillZone 2'
'God Of War 3'
'Heavy Rain'
'Ratchet&Clank:TOD 2'
'Uncharted 2'
'FF 13 Versus'
'LBP:2' ;)
'Fat Princess[Gabe Newell]'
PS3 Price cut ;-P
etc etc...

peepee5724d ago

360 has more AAA titles

this game will look better on 360

Killjoy30005724d ago

IMad, we all know that MS is the company that hands out bribes the most.

360 man5724d ago

we have already seen the tgs gameplay vids and trailers of the game running on the 360
they were smooth

now this guy is saying his now tried out the ps3 version and it was buggy, had poor frames and had alot of screen tearing

dont worry sony heads sometimes the truth hurts

AngryTypingGuy5724d ago

Morganfell - "Personally I am sick of hearing they will look identical. We have already seen which machine can pull off better graphics. "

I couldn't agree more. If history is an indicator, the 360 version will be superior, just like DMC4.

GUNS N SWORDS5724d ago

"Personally I am sick of hearing they will look identical. We have already seen which machine can pull off better graphics."

yeah i agree, gears2 piratically beats every shooter ps3 has, even IGN says so.



and as for the whole dvd space thing just add an other dvd, and as for ps3's memory issue just add an other stick of 256mbs.

Shane Kim5724d ago

Comparing a year old game to a new one? Well maybe you should compare Gears 2 to KZ2?

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha made you sh!t your pants right?

GUNS N SWORDS5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

maybe you should compare shooter vs shooter, your comparison isn't equal either, (omg, fvcking lame,lol)

and I'll wait and see what rating kz2 gets before making the comparison.

seems fare.

NewZealander5724d ago

ahhh well i dont know what articles you are reading but most multiplat games have worse framerate and jaggies not to meantion textures, judging by the reviews ive seen on multiplat games

SaberEdge5724d ago

He's full of sh1t and he knows it. The majority of multi-platform games look and/or perform better on the 360. This has been shown time and time again. A few multiplats manage to look nearly identical on both platforms (Burnout Paradise, COD4, etc.), but most look better on the 360. Everybody that is being honest with themselves knows this.

Eiffel5723d ago

"Near identical"

R-Tard, go soak your head.

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Resident Evil 5 - 15 Years of Being the Most Misunderstood Resident Evil

Resident Evil 5 launched 15 years ago today - and it continues to stand as a stepping stone from the good to the bad.

TheBrainZ142d ago

One of my favourites because of the co-op. Then Resi 6 arrived and the series nosedived further.

Knightofelemia142d ago

I enjoyed the game co-oping with a friend I know the game in solo the AI can be an idiot but RE5 is way better then RE6. I played RE6 with a friend if it wasn't cheap when I got I would have avoided RE6.

thesoftware730142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

5 was excellent, still play Mercs with my brother.
I would love a fully remastered RE:5, with some added, reworked content. The DLC for 5 was also excellent.

6 was awful.

CrimsonWing69142d ago

I never understood why the game was misunderstood. It was a fantastic game at launch and is still fun today to play. It’s as action packed as Resident Evil 4 was, yet that’s regarded a masterpiece 🤷‍♂️

chobit_A5HL3Y142d ago

it was "misunderstood" because they introduced co-op into the franchise at a time when people loved to have fake rage about co-op. like, you could play the game as a solo experience, but people chose to have their bandwagon rage because it was cool at the time lol

-Foxtrot142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

What the hell are you talking about? Fake Rage? Bandwagon? Come on.

You can play it solo but you are forced to carry around a shitty AI partner you have to micro manage. It wasn't as fun solo.

Co-op sucked all the horror, tension and suspense from the game because having a partner covering you was like a safety net. Enemy trying to sneak up on you? No sweat the AI will just automatically lock on, alert you while they shoot first telling you where they are basically.

It was the start of Capcoms fall with the Resident Evil series where it basically become an over the top generic action game which betrayed it's own survival horror roots. Least RE4 had a good blend of both but Capcom just went the wrong way with RE5, especially going off what they were going to do during the RE4.5 beta phase before co-op was added.

franwex142d ago

At least the game was a ton of fun tho. If the game was bad, the outrage would’ve been justified. They simply pivoted for a couple of games. At this point it’s bad because it’s called Resident evil 5? But if was called something else it would’ve been good? Please.

chobit_A5HL3Y141d ago

like i said: fake baby rage and bandwagon hate. res4 wasn't really that scary, either, and was already taking the series into more of an action-oriented direction at the time. 5 was a good game that people fake-hated because of co-op that you didn't even have to play lol hence the fake rage and bandwagon hate. i mean, it obviously did well enough for capcom to go ahead and make 6 the way they did, right? if 5 was so bad, they would have changed what 6 was during development. the difference is that 6 was actually just bad.

people "hate" 5 because res4 was so good, and 5 was just unfortunate enough to be its successor. like i said, 4 wasn't scary, either, and relied more on tension than horror, but it was already more of an action game. if you don't wanna like 5 because it's not scary or whatever- that's fine, but it wasn't meant to be strictly a horror game anymore at that point anyways. the gameplay was a lot faster-paced than 4, so saying that the ai helping you by potentially shooting someone that was sneaking up behind you is a moot point. there were more enemies that were more aggressive, along with newer threats.

5 isn't as good as 4, but it's not a bad game by any stretch.

RNTody116d ago (Edited 116d ago )

What? I always thought RE5 had fake controversy because it was set in South Africa and you shot a bunch of black zombies. I live in South Africa and thought the game was absolutely awesome, played the whole thing co-op with my brother.

@Foxtrot I think you're confusing the garbage Dead Space 3 with Resident Evil 5. Resident Evil 4 was already a hyper action game and had zero fear factor other than the grotesque appearance of some enemies.

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Complete Global Saturation! Is Resident Evil 5 Really the Best Choice for the Next Remake?

An exploration of whether RE5 is truly the most logical next step for a remake, or whether there are others in line who deserve their day in the sun.

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ocelot07301d ago

Remake of Resident evil outbreak as well as file 2. Same gameplay as the recent remakes. Choose what ever character you want to play as. With online co op.

DarXyde301d ago

I've been dying to see Outbreak come back for years.

Even RE Zero and Code Veronica would be excellent.

But for the love of God, not RE5 or RE6.

One they get around to the aforementioned games, why not remake the original Devil May Cry trilogy? That would be a much better use of time. At the very least, the first two games.

justsomeoffdude301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

code veronica should be the nest remake

neutralgamer1992301d ago

CV is good candidate for a remake but requires way more work for today’s standard. People look at CV through their tinted glasses. I think capcom wants to remake every game up till 6 and fix the plot holes so they can continue the series in one straight story path

Also not sure why only RE have to get remade when there are other capcom games that would be better suited for remakes like oninusha

DVAcme301d ago

That's PRECISELY the reason Code Veronica needs a remake. All the other RE games aged pretty well, considering the limitations of the time, but Code Veronica is the game that would be served the best bybremaking it because it feels so archaic these days.

neutralgamer1992301d ago


But it depends if capcom wants a big project or a quick remake. CV will require a lot more work than RE5

IMO they should remake other games before doing RE5

TheEnigma313301d ago

how many times do we have to say CV is the next best one?

CrimsonWing69301d ago

Nooooo! Why the hell can’t they do Code Veronica? I just don’t understand.

1Victor301d ago

RE5 is the closest to the bottom of the pot(a little smoky flavor but passable in a emergency) before we get to the burned crust that is 6 that not even the pigs would eat

CrimsonWing69301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

Unpopular opinion here, but I enjoyed 5 and 6. I just think, in terms of Remakes, the classics are the one that should get the treatment above the modern takes of the franchise.

Don’t get wrong, RE4 definitely was an outstanding Remake, but RE5… I just get less excited about a Remake for that over something like Code Veronica.

RaidenBlack301d ago

Rather remake other past Capcom & non-mainline RE games ... IF they have to continue churning out Remakes.
I'd rather want a new 3rd person RE spin-off
Dino Crisis and Onimusha Reboot
New IPs after Pragmata ships

jeromeface300d ago

show this man the door... he overserved himself.

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