
PS5 is bigger so it will stay cooler, PlayStation VP confirms

It looks like PS5 is going to be a big console, and the main reason it needs all that space is heat.

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CaptainHenry9161561d ago (Edited 1561d ago )

That's great. I'm Looking forward to it.

crazyCoconuts1560d ago

"I understand it's not for everyone, but no good art is," Maclaurin said.
Thought that was a good quote. If you don't like it, there's a featureless rectangle with your name on it.

King_Noctis1560d ago

Featureless? You know something we don’t know yet?

Zeref1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

You can not like the look and still get a PS5 and you can dislike the look of the Series X and still get it.
The looks of a console are not that important lol, it's all about the power and games.

I personally like the minimalistic look of the Series X because I personally think consoles should blend in with your setup.
But PS5 just looks distracting.

1560d ago
DJStotty1560d ago

Or if you can not afford it when the price is announced, get a second job.

1560d ago
anubusgold1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

You mean the Micro ATX tower pc that you can find everywhere .

Kados1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

and yet that "featureless rectangle" based on thermodynamics, will likely run both cooler and quieter than the PS5. The SX was designed that way primarily because it is highly efficient for cooling.

zeuanimals1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )


The PS5 was designed that way for that reason too. They made such a huge emphasis on their cooling system, it would be a PR nightmare if the PS5 is still loud and running hot. They're better off just not mentioning it rather than making it a focal point of the console if that were the case. So maybe it's not the case?

UltraNova1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

I like the straight to the business look of the Xbox SX, its safe and it works. But, it also shows a lack of imagination. The PS5 looks like a passion project, something daring and fresh, futuristic even. It's no coincidence every fan-made next-gen console design (all platforms) throughout the years were so futuristic and out of this world, its because passion and excitement were the driving force behind their designs. That's exactly what Sony gave us with the PS5, something different and unexpected, something next-gen, they risked and it paid off big time in my book.


I wanted to touch on the whole cooling situation. MS showed Sony how to do heat management with the XB1X. The Pro is Sony's loudest console to date. Fans made sure they listened when it came to heat and noise management. If you take a closer look at what Cerny said regarding their power/heat management design on the ps5 you'd understand it was a major driving factor for the console, to the point they even reversed the whole paradigm, to now having constant power and decrease/increase frequency as needed in order to keep heat and noise down to their minimum. All this tells me the PS5 will be efficiently cooled and super quite.

Army_of_Darkness1560d ago

I need a new white Ikea tv stand for my future ps5.. My current tv stand cannot handle the slick greatness of the white, black and blue glow.

S2Killinit1560d ago

If I had to chose looks wise I would take the PS5, the xbox was nice when first revealed but more and more it looks ordinary as time passes.

rainslacker1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

I wouldn't let the form factor of a console keep me from getting it. Even if it really hurt my aesthetic sensibilities, if I wanted it, I'd find a way to make it work...which would be about as complicated as just sticking it in my entertainment center and forgetting about it. I have some OCD, but I'm not that uptight about such things. Seems like at the start of every gen, everyone suddenly becomes acutely aware of their surroundings and needs everything to be just perfect, but i wonder how many people have socks laying around their living room, and mail and other things piled up on their coffee table.

darthv721560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

The design of a system has never stopped me from getting it. Well maybe the virtualboy only because it just looked uncomfortable and only being displayed in red. Otherwise I buy any system that has good games to play. Im actually more about the controller than the console because its the controller you interact with on a more consistent basis. And i cant wait to get my mits around that DS5. It just looks so comfortable to hold.

frostypants1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

I like the looks of both systems. Though I can't say I like the chunky/blocky form factor of the Xbox as a media stand presence. It would look sweet on a desk.

timotim1560d ago

Can't say something nice about PS5 without trying to knock the competition? We still haven't seen VRS on PS5, yet SX is featureless? Lol...ok

IRetrouk1560d ago

How do you know we haven't seen vrs on the ps5? Was there a tech breakdown at the sony show I missed? A deepdive into the games tech makeup? If not then I'm not sure how you are able to make that statement....almost like you are making stuff up🤔

Neonridr1560d ago

jesus.. I didn't know that if I disapproved of the design that means I'm not good enough for it. Get off your high horse. The Series X could have more features than the PS5 in many departments.

crazyCoconuts1560d ago

@neon, featureless in aesthetic design, as in "featureless face", not actual functionality. We haven't yet seen what the new OS will do, so can't compare in that department.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 1560d ago
TheProblem1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

The question he responded to was about why is it bigger than the PS4. So that’s all he responded to. This doesn’t mean that the image of the comparison to the xsx or the fat ps3 is valid yet

1560d ago
MWH1560d ago

or should we say; upward ☝

SwampthingsSon1560d ago

This whole thread is a sh*t show on double standards and biased. The Xbox One was considered huge and heavy and thrashed by fanboys. Now these same fanboys are praising the gargantuan and underpowered PS5. Keep that energy when Xbox does something you don't like. But of course we both know you won't.

MWH1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

It's annoying af but what else did you expect? The rift keep getting bigger with each generation of gamers it's almost hopeless.

OB1Biker1559d ago (Edited 1559d ago )

You are actually being one sided. Both console have been made fun of from their look. And both have been praised for the shape/size favouring heat handling. The X was praised a lot for the shape handling the power. They are still very different though. X is very thick and really mainly a tower rather than flat. Ps5 is tall but thin enough to stand flat like a typical console.

richie007bond1560d ago

I have to laugh if this was Xbox series X it would be tore limb from limb, but its ok its a PS5 so its forgiven, the damage control is off the charts lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1559d ago
ColdSin1561d ago

I dont understand people complaining about the size. Many complained about the PS4 sounding loud. This is how that is solved.

SamTheGamer1560d ago

Less people who are complaining about the bigger size and some people are doing it more memes and memes are not complain, they just do it for fun.

darthv721560d ago

some of these memes are just damn funny. the eye of sauron is pretty good. Same with the chad warden head on top, using the fins like his popped collar.

SamTheGamer1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

I really enjoyed those memes. Damn funny

I_am_Batman1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

I was pleasently surprised at the reactions to the size of the PS5. I always found it weird when people prioritize form factor over functionality. After the jet engine that was the Ps4 most people seem to prefer a silent console over a small one which is awesome.

I'm very curious about the specifics of the cooling solution. Hope we get to see a complete teardown of the PS5 soon.

IRetrouk1560d ago

The cell one or the cloud one is my fav so far, very funny, I like the design but can see the funny, some people are quick and clever man😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1560d ago
LOGICWINS1560d ago

The size is fine. Hell, I'm even warming up to the design. It's that awful white color that I can't get over. It would completely screw up the matching patterns and colors in my living room.

I'll simply get the Series X first and wait for Sony to drop new color schemes/special editions. Series X will be easier to get anyways due to it not having a limited launch release.

xX-oldboy-Xx1560d ago

That's true - I can still remember all those Day 1 Edition xbox ones sitting on pallets in warehouses, next gen won't be any different. So you're safe there.

I think Sony will have custom panels to replace the white ones, at least that's my 2 cents - this same guy has gone on record as saying PS5 is Sonys most customisable console.

Sunny_D1560d ago

Sony executive already confirmed the PS5 will be customizable and even hinted at a black edition. They will show more of it soon.

1560d ago
Wontime11560d ago

Have you seen the picture of the all black matte ps5?
Waaaaaaaay better.
Still colossal, but way better.

Good-Smurf1560d ago

OK then my wooden furniture would like to have a word with you...and it's brown do I need Atari 2600 to go with it?
Every damn gadgets nowadays are in black I'm so glad that they finally do different main color from the start.

monkey6021560d ago

Haha Villanelle that actually made me laugh 😂

Funny thing is Interior Designers would probably prefer to sit the PS5 into a living room aesthetically

Basing this on actually having a small time interior design business while I study it part time Ha

gigzamillion1560d ago

Choosing a console not based on the games but on rather it matches the patterns and colors of a room, now I've heard it all. smh

LOGICWINS1560d ago

@gigzamillion I've chosen the PS5...I'll just be delaying my purchase until there are more color options. I won't have that mismatched monstrosity in my home.

rainslacker1560d ago

Interior designers nowadays seem to go for minimalism, or eclectic.,,,two styles I'm not personally that into for living in all the time. Most people seem to have eclectic decor unless the wife takes charge and designs stuff as they buy a lot of decorations. But, they're eclectic because most people just buy whatever and throw it into a room, because they don't care that much. I try to get things that match myself, but none of it is really matching.

Minimalism means keeping as little as possible in the room, often with more contemporary angles...which the XSX has. Basically boxy or with simple lines. Contemporary tends to require the whole room have that decor to really make it work. Putting something contemporary in with more traditional furniture tends to make the contemporary be out of place, whereas eclectic everything does look different, but still tends to have a flow to it, so lines are usually better for that.

Overall, it won't matter for these two systems though. Both will work in whatever setting a person has outside of if the console is a centerpiece of their room, which is rare unless it's a game room, and a person with a game room isn't really going to care that much about the design of the console.

The average person is going to put this into their entertainment center, or stand, and be done with it.

Lamusiqa1560d ago

I kinda like the white color but Dbrand is coming out with skins for the PS5 and you can pretty much go all black on the console if you want to since the skin covers the whole area. I'm going with dark mahogany.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1560d ago
Zeref1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

It's literally the biggest console to date. Significantly so.
Of course people are complaining.

The Series X is smaller and significantly more powerful.
It makes Sony look incompetent.

CBaoth1560d ago Show
Zeref1560d ago

I didn't say Sony is incompetent. Clearly they're not.
I said they LOOK incompetent. Xbox just happened to make a better console.
No need to be so sensitive.

WickedLester1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

LOL it is not "significantly" more powerful. The power difference is smaller than it was between the PS4 Pro and X1X. Multiplat games will look and run very similar on both machines.

RazzerRedux1560d ago

"The Series X is smaller and has slightly more powerful GPU."


Zeref1560d ago Show
WickedLester1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )


Oh I see you've bought into the nonsense that suggests that variable frequency makes PS5 a 9TF machine and not 10.3TF. Ok just keep believing the BS. Wait and see when the multiplats start coming out. You're going to be disappointed when all these games look and run very similarly on both consoles.

RazzerRedux1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

"it's a 3tflop difference."

lol....stop lying. It is 2.

"even that is offset significantly with BCPack and Velocity Architecture"

Nonsense. PS5 has Kracken and hardware compression and decompression just like VA. Nothing is "offset".

You've been going to Xbox propaganda meetings again, haven't you?

The Wood1560d ago

You can have a better console. I'll take the better experience just like the pro vs the x. Xbox had all the power. . . Station had all the quality

Kdoge1560d ago

We don't know how either will sound and Xbox won't be much more powerful to make a significant difference.

WickedLester1560d ago


Its not even a 2TF difference. Its 1.8. Even with the power difference between the PS4 Pro and the XSX I have to squint to see the difference in a lot of games. At the end of the day, the multiplat games on both console are going to be so similar, you'll need a magnifying glass to tell any difference.

gigzamillion1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

Trying to start fanboy arguments over console size, lol unbelievable. At least we've moved on from arguing about resolution and fps.

"Xbox just happened to make a better console."

lol, ok. Your opinion not a fact.

"No need to be so sensitive."

There's no need to constantly try and agitate people either.

boing11560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )


Looks are subjective.
And you're looking at power difference wrong. It's a 16% difference, not 50% like between Pro and One X. Most people stopped caring about it long time ago because you can't play games like Spider-Man or other exclusives. Power difference will mean nothing going forward, especially when it's small. Who will notice 5fps more? And personally, I will gladly take DualSense over this invisible difference. I can't stress enough how awesome it'll be. Had a chance to try hapticks they are using and it's crazy immersive. It's not rumble anymore, you can actually feel the texture. And software-controlled tension on triggers is great too. You can make pulling R2 feel like pulling the trigger on a gun. One of the examples was shooting a bow where tension goes up the more you press it and then you feel the release. It's super easy to dismiss it without trying it yourself. Next-gen stuff IMO. This is exactly what I was always missing from MS and Xbox. Imagination and innovation beyond raw power.

Kakashi Hatake1560d ago

Significantly more powerful? Ugh, get a dictionary Xbox fans.

rainslacker1560d ago

Perception is a fickle bitch. Kind of like when you work your butt off at a job, but others think you don't do enough, or you think that you work your butt off and others aren't, even though you aren't really doing that much, or your doing it wrong and inefficiently making it so you and others have to work harder.

Incompetence is usually exhibited better by behavior, not the package that it comes in.

darthv721560d ago

@CB... girth doesnt mean what you think it means. The SX has more girth than the 5. The 5 is just really tall.

frostypants1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

Smaller = more prone to heat damage. An issue Microsoft in particular has an awful history with. There's a reason why PC builders like myself generally go for excess case space over compact design (at least, those of us who know what the hell we're doing).

You're also going to be gravely disappointed if you think the XSX is "significantly more powerful". I can assure you the practical visual difference will be minimal, if not non-existent.

I_am_Batman1560d ago

Only if you don't take the difference in GPU clock into account. Would you take a bigger Series X if it allowed MS to clock it up to 2GHz? A lot of people don't seem to realize that the cooling solution has an impact on how the console performs.

In terms of die area the Series X has a much bigger GPU than the PS5, but because Sony can clock the GPU so much higher, the performance gap is much smaller than it otherwise would be. Don't get me wrong I still need evidence that Sony can actually keep that thing cool on a hot summer day, but in theory it's a clever design if the cooling works out.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 1560d ago
DJStotty1560d ago

The size of the console has no bearing on the sound it produces.

The sound comes from the rotation of the fans inside.

Kados1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

A larger console can potentially allow for larger fans, which can displace more air while spinning at a lower speed, thereby producing a lower SPL. That is why MS designed the SX the way they did. Heat rises, having a huge vent and huge fan right at the top of the console allows for much higher air displacement while the fan operates at a lower speed.

Unfortunately, the PS5s design, despite being larger will require smaller fans operating at higher speeds. The displacement will also not be nearly as efficient due to most of the heat needing to be forced out the back, rather than the top.

RazzerRedux1560d ago

Heat sinks make no sound and I'm guessing much of that bulk is heat sink.

zeuanimals1560d ago

@Kados: How're you speaking as if you know how the PS5's cooling system is gonna work? Why would they do that when it's common knowledge that hot air rises and the PS5 has vents all along the top? Are they really the idiots you think they are that they're gonna misunderstand basic physics and completely misuse a giant array of vents?

DJStotty1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )


We are talking about console fan operation noise, not heatsinks. You can not cool with just heatsinks.

RazzerRedux1560d ago

"You can not cool with just heatsinks."

I said "much", not all. And the topic is size of the console as it relates to cooling. Yes, fans produce sound, but as I said, I think much of that bulk is heat sink as there was much talk about the one Sony patented.

Guess we won't know for sure until the teardown. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong.

rainslacker1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

The ability to dissipate heat is directly tied to the design of the case and parts within, and the cooling system itself. A design that has a more direct airflow with the case requires less work by the fan, thus it'll be quieter. As of right now, the XSX looks to be efficient with that design overall, with a single fan to move air without anything blocking it within the case....which is the best way to do PC cases when it's possible. It's unknown how efficient the PS5 cooling system is, but the design of the system doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't have an efficient cooling system.....just a different one compared to the XSX.

Just to play devil's advocate, and illustrate the point, say the XSX design had poor intake for it's air flow. , That would render the design less effective, as a system needs cool air coming in to allow it to heat up from the parts inside, then that heat is removed by the fan. That would mean that despite the design, and a proper fan, the parts would heat up more, making the fan run faster to move more cool air in.

Kados1560d ago


Common sense. Yes the PS5 will have venting on the top also, obviously. But the space available on the top for venting is limited. Atleast 2/3 of the venting will have to be on the back of the system, based on the physical dimensions of the case. The design also limits the size of fans they will be able to use. It is a video game console, not a Tardis. It won't have more space on the inside than it does on the outside.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1560d ago
1560d ago
ILostMyMind1560d ago

The people who complain are those who will not buy the PS5.

timotim1560d ago

It's the same stance Microsoft took with the original Xbox One after the RROD fiasco. They made it overly big to make sure heat wasn't an issue. I'm sure the box will run cool and silent at that size.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1560d ago
phoenixwing1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

Bigger means more plastic which means higher price

Still buying it when I can

Hakuoro1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

You're talking about pennies per console. The entire plastic housing it a couple bucks per console.

Obelisk921560d ago

LOL Yeah, plastic, that's what we pay for

Wontime11560d ago

Bigger console = bigger packaging = higher shipping costs. (To retailers, not to your homes)
Which will be determined if sony passes on to the customer

Obelisk921560d ago

This is a better argument.
We have to hope they will manage to cramp the console in a relatively small package anyway.

rainslacker1560d ago

They'll pass that cost onto the retailer, or maybe split it with the retailer. The difference in price for distribution of that stuff would be marginal to the actual cost to make and distribute the device. Maybe a buck or two per console, if that. The customer will have a set MSRP price, which could be lower if there is a sale, but they're not going to add on $5-10 to the price because of it.

on_line_forever1560d ago

Like I said before hardware and cooling is more important than appearance

KilluaX31560d ago

They laughed at the size of XSX, but the PS5 is huge.

CaptainCook1560d ago

I know, right? The stand alone makes it about the same size, width as Xbox Series X.

jambola1560d ago

who laughed about the size of the xbox?

RazzerRedux1560d ago

lol....this fiction that is was about size is hilarious. People made fun of the shape. Why do you think it was compared to a fridge? Because it is the *size* of a fridge or the *shape* of a fridge?

Ghostbob1560d ago

No fanboys laughed but let's be real the PS5 just looks way better than the Xbox series x.

1560d ago
jznrpg1560d ago

The lack of design is what made me laugh with Xbox. It’s a rectangle box . Size is fine

DJStotty1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

Most appliances in an entertainment centre are "rectangle boxes"

Do Blu-ray players, cable boxes etc all have "lack of design"

ElementX1560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

A plain case is more customizable, if you're into that sort of thing. You could airbrush some cool art or something, not to mention skins would be easier to design and apply. It's a blank canvas....

blackblades1560d ago

@ElementX but then it'll still be a rectangular box.

frostypants1560d ago

@DJStotty, the form factor of the XSX is entirely different from those devices you mentioned. The only commonality is having corners.

DJStotty1559d ago


But still a rectangle. That is the point. You can not say a "rectangle" box is lack of design, when most electrical devices are based upon the "rectangle" form factor.

Even the PS5 is a rectangle with curves.

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xX-oldboy-Xx1560d ago

Killua - I don't remember that, people just said it looked like a fridge. It's also not very innovative - Silverstone has been releasing Mini-ITX cases that are basically the same as xsx.

Rimeskeem1560d ago

I’m just laughing at the way it’s shaped. It just looks like a fridge.

sushimama1560d ago

Dude no one laughed at the "size" of the SXS. They laughed at the shape of it. The rectangle. The rectangle block.

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