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Why Scorn Is Exclusive To Xbox Series X & PC

During the Xbox Series X event on May 7th. One of them was a game called Scorn. We soon learn that it is a console exclusive. But why?

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Babadook71592d ago

"Before deciding to partner with Microsoft we made sure that they will not have any influence over the game’s concept and development process. They were more than cooperative in that regard. The only thing they were interested in was exclusivity rights"

1592d ago Replies(3)
tontontam01591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )

So the only reason is they've asked microsoft but did not bother to ask sony.

--bienio--1591d ago Show
agnosticgamer1591d ago

Where is your source? Or are you talking out of your ass?

Kiwi661591d ago

Or maybe they did ask them but just like with Titanfall Sony didn't show any interest and so the devs asked ms instead

aconnellan1591d ago

There’s literally nothing in that quote to suggest they didn’t ask Sony.

Further to that I find it funny that it’s so hard for you to believe a dev actively wanted to work with MS, instead of somehow being forced to or just from not considering their other options.

StormSnooper1591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )

Well, I mean from the quote itself it’s evident that MS paid for exclusivity. I mean he doesnt have to spell it out for us does he? Nothing wrong with MS having paid but the quote does sort of hint at negotiations.

KillBill1591d ago

"Once all that was agreed upon it was a no brainer decision when you look at all the benefits Scorn will get from this partnership, from additional resources to much bigger exposure(marketing)" - either Sony did not show an interest in them or did not meet the concerns of their development plan. Microsoft obviously gave them a better chance to hit both PC and Console while having backing from a large company to do so, with the freedom included in their deal.

tontontam01591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )

"Or maybe they did ask them but just like with Titanfall Sony didn't show any interest and so the devs asked ms instead."

Nice, then just like titanfall the devs will regret doing that, and will release scorn 2 that is not really sequel.

Scorn developers chose the wrong side, xbox gamers only plays FPS games with MP.

indysurfn1591d ago

I'm going to go out on a limb here. Maybe JUST maybe they simply outbided Sony for this project? it happens on both side.

Sophisticated_Chap1591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )

Oh well, it's not like Sony has never paid for exclusivity. In fact, they've been the worst offender, only matched by the Epic Games Store this generation, with the most obvious being Call of Duty, which people used to rip on Microsoft all the time for.

TheHan1591d ago

@tontontam0; Or Sony just didn’t have what it takes to pick them up exclusively.

DJStotty1591d ago


"Well, I mean from the quote itself it’s evident that MS paid for exclusivity."

That is normally what happens with any exclusivity deal, for any platform holder. They do not get it for free lmao

sampsonon1591d ago

@--bienio-- the game looks like trash. Have you seen the game play? lol

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neutralgamer19921591d ago

This will become a reality this generation all the Xbox fans who are happy for this timed exclusive will be whining later when Sony does the same

End of the this benefits neither fanbase because I see arguments like all games should be on all platforms than we have scenarios like these. I am not blaming Microsoft and I'm not defending Sony but both are desperate enough where they will be buying some outright exclusives or timed exclusives

NeoGamer2321591d ago

Sony has done the same with Quantum Error. Don't see a whole lot of whining about it.

Kiwi661591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )

PS fans also like to whine when it comes to a game being timed exclusive on xbox, remember Tomb Raider for an example

neutralgamer19921591d ago

I am not saying only PlayStation fans or Xbox fans I am not defending either fan bases I am saying that this practice might become an issue this generation more than ever before with both companies being desperate

I am not defending Microsoft I am not defending Sony I am not doing any of that all I'm saying is we all need to get used to this because this could become a reality. Both systems are very similar both systems offer the same services similar games so what will make them stand out is their exclusives offerings

I think this generation more than ever before we will see the competition get to a point where they will start to pay big chunks of money to have games exclusive for time period

look at final fantasy 7 it made a difference it's sold a lot of hardware and software so when Sony looks at it they look at it as big beneficiary for PS4 towards the end of the generation

I am more intrigued to see if either Sony or Microsoft can pull something off where they can make some of the biggest known IPs exclusive or timed exclusives for their console. Like that whole GTA DLC being exclusive for a year something along those lines

Kiwi661591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )

So if you aren't defending Sony or Microsoft then why does the first part of your comment single out xbox fans as being the one's who whine?

neutralgamer19921591d ago

I do apologise for that. My common basically was that people from either side who celebrate these sort of things today when they're on the short end of the stick of a game they want to play and it's time to exclusive then they will whine about it whether that's PlayStation or Xbox

And the second part of my comment was that whether we like it or not I feel like this is just my personal opinion that these sort of practices will become more glaring issue this generation

RangerWalk2671591d ago


Xbox players only like MP games? Luckily the Xbox has both FPS/MP games and Single player story games. ALL the Sony exclusives are single player games. While I enjoy playing them... I never go back and play them again. Well, I do play The Show quite a bit. But that's the exception. There's replayability with that one. Honestly, I typically Redbox the exclusive games that are only story. Unless they are massive. Like Horizon Zero dawn.
This doesn't just apply to Sony games, but to all games like it. Control, Wolfenstein, etc.

TheHan1590d ago (Edited 1590d ago )

Who says this is timed. Even the developer stated that it’s a exclusive hands down, oh wait was Ryse Son of Rome a timed exclusive, no, was dead rising? No.

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NeoGamer2321591d ago

Another take away is that this is not a cross-gen game. Although I don't really care, a lot of people on this site seem to.

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FTLmaster1592d ago (Edited 1592d ago )

Shame, this game looks pretty cool. Wish it was launching on PS4/5 or Switch tbh.

Battlestar231592d ago

It will be on PS5 at some point though it might be a few years.

Wulfer1592d ago (Edited 1592d ago )

It will not be on PS, it is a console exclusive to Xbox platforms only. Same with the The Medium that game won't be on PS as well.

Mr_Writer851591d ago


If MS don't own the IP there is always a possibility.

MS funded development for Rose of the Tomb Raider, remember how that turned out?

i3eyond the Circle1591d ago

I wish that was the case with Bayonetta 2

Chevalier1591d ago

It will come to PS5 most likely. The same people here swore no way PUBG, Tomb Raider, Below, Ashen, Inside, Black Desert and a host of other games would NEVER release outside Xbox platforms and how did that go? Lol

Don't believe me? Here's a quote from the developer themselves on IGN

" When I ask if this is a Series X exclusive, or if it could hit PS5 sometime after launch, Peklar says he can't discuss that information"


1Victor1591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )

@wulfer do you actually think it won’t show up on PlayStation?
As it is if it isn’t Microsoft first party there’s a very high chance it will go to PlayStation in a year or two like that shooter with mechs that would never go to PlayStation and the sequel was same day on PlayStation.
Just remembered the name titan fall

Mr Logic1591d ago


The same way their last game Blair Witch was exclusive to PC and Xbox?

FlavorLav011591d ago

Agreed, unless MS bought the IPs, they could/should easily release on the opposite platform down the road....Nier Automata anyone?...

outsider16241591d ago

If the Ps5 sells like hotcakes and continue its sales streak of the ps4, pretty sure they're gonna release it on PS5. More money for the devs. Common sense.

mark_parch1591d ago

Not entirely true, i think there's a chance they could come to ps5 at a later date. Just depends on the developers priorities or what deals have been made. These are very small development teams so it might be that they just want to focus on one console platform or maybe they were struggling for funding so asked microsoft for help or maybe microsoft wanted to bolster their launch lineup for series x. There's loads of possibilities but i feel that if they were permanent exclusives microsoft would have saved them for the july event.

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Ricegum1591d ago

Why shame? It's games like this that make me want to get a new console. Glad Microsoft will have some exclusives next gen.

Looper1591d ago

Ricegum is not going to be pleased when he sees what the guy who clearly hacked his account is going around saying!

Sunny_D1591d ago

Agreed. I would buy an Xbox if they tried in the games department. Not interested in Halo, Gears or Forza. I would like to play Forza Horizon though. Not enough for me to buy an Xbox.

fulldeepdive1591d ago

classic N4G community downvoting you for saying it looks cool and you wish it was on your platform of choice lol

aconnellan1591d ago

Generally because the rhetoric around here is that exclusives = consoles getting sold, and from there more sales = a manufacturer ‘winning’ over the other.

The attitude when it comes to PlayStation exclusives is “if you want it, buy a PlayStation”. You can bet anyone who says “I wish TLOU2 was on Xbox” would get destroyed for not wanting to buy a PlayStation.

Furthermore, Xbox’s problem on N4G is that they don’t have enough exclusives. So then when they get more (and decent looking ones), shouldn’t that be cause for celebration, because they’re providing reasons for people to buy their consoles?

No, according to FTLMaster, he wishes it was on literally any other console. Try saying that in an article about Ghosts of Tsushima and see what happens

outsider16241591d ago

@ aconellan

The games you mentioned are owned by Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch. Both Sony's First Party.
Is Scorn owned my MS Studios(Genuinely asking)?

Because the chances of Scorn going to PS5 is high compared to Tlou2 and GOT.

I don't get it though, i mean im a Playstation owner myself. If PS players want this game or any xbox game for that matter, buy it on PC (or laptop in my case) or buy the Xbox.

DarXyde1592d ago

Well, platforms need exclusives. Microsoft secured an interesting- looking one, so it's hard to be mad, particularly when the discourse is generally that they're missing exclusives, so it's a demonstration of progress.

I'm not getting this game because I've decided I don't need or want Series X, so that's a bit of a bummer. Even so, I get it: you need exclusives.

Outside_ofthe_Box1592d ago

Yep, exclusives matter. Microsoft looks to be taking it seriously.

jeromeface1592d ago

Too bad they are still going about it all wrong. First party is how do you exclusives right. Not paying per title.

1591d ago
Mr_Writer851591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )


"Was it also wrong for Sony to buy exclusives?"

An awful comparison, Sony owned the IP, they paid Insominac to make games for them.

That's very different from paying for exclusivity.

However I don't see a problem with how Xbox have done it either, as I agree that consoles need to stand out, and you can only do that with exclusives.

"Too bad they are still going about it all wrong. First party is how do you exclusives right. Not paying per title."

All the console makers have/do/will do this at some point, get over it.

1591d ago
Teflon021591d ago

Actually, while I get your statement is wrong Shaggy though I know what you're trying to say.

Look at the track record of Sony and you will see Sony does deals or makes good connections for exclusives, if not just devs deciding to. Sony has stated a while back, they don't "buy" exclusives. If developers need funding on an idea, they may agree to that. Or an exclusive deal like Street Fighter V for the generation to be exclusive outside PC. Other is they see if they can own an IP. Like Level-5s PlayStation titles are all owned by Sony. This is how they work because of the PSOne days when they were newbies. They allowed Crash and Spyro to be taken from the platform because they didn't do the smart thing and secure the characters they were using as mascots. So that's why they owned Jak and Ratchet immediately and alot of the IPs

Kaedro1591d ago

You're being sarcastic right? Right?

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Felix_Argyle_Catbro1592d ago

Well if you ever decide to get a PC you can play it there.

1Victor1591d ago

@ annoyedgamer ever heard of
😂🤣 and don’t say but but but laptops are not PCeeeeee

1591d ago
1591d ago
DarXyde1591d ago

If it ever comes to GeForce Now, I wouldn't mind buying the game and using their servers. My PC is not at all seaworthy.


Series X would actually be the first Xbox I skip. I don't see the point in owning an Xbox next generation because as much as I love Forza and Ori, that's not reason enough to buy an Xbox. PS5 will play games just fine. I don't care about pixels, and I never have. I didn't care when PS4 > Xbox One, I didn't care when the tables flipped, and I didn't buy a PS4 Pro. If I did, I'd be principled enough to own a gaming rig, obviously.

It makes no difference whether or not it's made by Sony. I have a Switch and play that 40-60% of my gaming time, depending on the week.

Christopher1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

***Sony laptops are a bit like their phones - crap***

Vaio are top-notch products. But they're no longer Sony products. Still top-notch, though.

Edit: But their laptops are not for gaming. Never have been.

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NeoGamer2321591d ago

I disagree with exclusives as a gamer and non-fanboy.

I should be able to buy whatever platform I want (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, or PC) and as long as it is capable all games should play on it.

No logic in the world unless you are elitist or selfish, says that I need to buy a specific $300+ device to play specific games. The PC world is built on hardware freedom. I get that consoles are one configuration and that makes it easier to do development. I like my consoles as well, But, telling me I have to buy three consoles to play every game I want to play is just stupidity from a consumer perspective. I waste about $1,000 per generation making sure I can play all the games I want to play. That money if saved could help me buy about 20-150 games depending on their prices and sales. And that money would go to game developers and publishers rather than hardware vendors making mostly the same hardware devices (Sony and MS use the same hardware manufacturers, they just customize it for their liking so they can market it).

No gamer in their right mind can tell me that if MS, Sony, and Nintendo setup a shared company and sold one hardware for consoles, that was on a yearly rev and fully Backwards Compatibility that they would not buy it and continue buying when they felt they wanted an upgrade. Then, being able to play all the Mario, Zelda, Uncharted, God of War, TLOU, Horizon, Halo, Gears, Forza, GT, Mario Kart, etc. that you would want would not be ideal for consumers. People say well then there would be no reason to innovate hardware. But there are two reasons.... 1) the hardware needs to keep updating to keep pace with the PC world, 2) Developers need the latest capabilities to make games that consumers will buy, and since each current hardware vendor also makes games they will need to drive new hardware to sell more games.

MadLad1592d ago ShowReplies(6)
waverider1592d ago (Edited 1592d ago )

Exclusive... When do some understand that exclusive mean one device. Not multiple devices... Can i play the in more then one device day one? Yes. Not exclusive. The Word exclusive means that You can only play that game on one device. Therefore You buy the console or pc to play it. Microsoft payed for not being in another console but not in all platforms .

spartan112g1591d ago

When will people realize that console exclusive is a thing and PC is considered to be outside of it all.

waverider1591d ago

PC gaming is just another platform. When do people understand that.

Imalwaysright1591d ago

Call it want you want but it won't change a damn thing. At the end of the day this game will always be a multiplatform game even if it doesn't come to other consoles.

1591d ago
1591d ago Replies(1)
timotim1591d ago

That depends on what you're talking about really. The conversation could be about a specific this case it wouldnt be exclusive. However, the topic could also be about an ecosystem, in that case, the term would fit as this game looks to be exclusive to Microsoft's own ecosystem and no other.

Going by your logic only...God of War, Spiderman, Uncharted and others are not exclusive to PlayStation because they can be play on the PC platform...however, they are exclusive to Sony's own ecosystem because you need Sony's ecosystem regardless to play them, even on PC. Hopefully that helps you understand better. There's platform exclusivity and then there's ecosystem exclusivity.

waverider1591d ago

If you can play them in more then one platform, then its not exclusive. But there is a Huge diference of a two or 3 year old game going to pc and another going day one. Huge diference. Of course that some cant accept that, because it make a console irrelevant. The best version of the game day one will be on pc.

Darkborn1591d ago

Where were you when Microsoft had an E3 conference with either 16 or 18 different types of the word exclusive?

ChristopherJack1591d ago

Why are you dictating semantics? The only semantic that bothers me is using the word literally, figuratively.

That's LITERALLY the opposite of its intended definition but so many people use it that way, some thesauruses even include figuratively as both a synonym & an antonym...

RabbitFly1591d ago

It annoys me too, but it has become a commonly used expression. Which is why thesauruses reflect this. And while this is annoying when the language gets muddied like that. It is true that definitions are based on how we use things, not the other way around.

MellauxGMNG1591d ago

Does MS having a new console exclusive hurt you that much?

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The philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn” is now available for the PS5

"The London-based (the UK) indie games publisher Kepler Interactive  and Belgrade-based (Serbia) indie games developer Ebb Software, are today super thrilled and proud to announce that their philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn”, is now available for the PS5 via PSN." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

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Community356d ago
CappyBlack356d ago

Very lackluster game. Had high hopes for it, but it didn't cut it. Really only for people who appreciate the art of it all. It really doesn't deliver as the Myst title with obscene imagery it was trying to be.

jznrpg356d ago

Some Xbox sites were giving it 10’s

Tacoboto356d ago

The Xbox version's highest review score on Metacritic is an 80.

One review site gave the PC version a 10. One. Not some. One. That same site gave 100s to BG3, Starfield, Horizon Burning Shores, and FFXVI as well.

ModsDoBetter356d ago

Which sites?

As Tacoboto said, only one is showing a 10 and that's for the PC version. I'd also question that publications credibility given they gave Starfield and a dlc a 10 as well.

coolbeans356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

You're a big reason why N4G should add a Community Notes feature.

Tacoboto356d ago

I agree.

The opening puzzle was a little too vague because I missed something super obvious once I realized what it was. The few attempts at combat back at launch were very rough. It gave me one bout of motion sickness in a section of the game was was especially grey and linear.

But when puzzles felt not-too-obscure and you got out of the grey-on-grey corridors, the experience was unique at least.

I didn't have as much fun as something more whimsical and colorful as Call of the Sea, but it wasn't a waste of the 6-8 hours I put into it. A solid 6/10.

TGG_overlord356d ago

Fair enough. Even so, I had a real blast watching the world's most famous e-begger cry over this game though lol.

TGG_overlord356d ago

Imo, it's a very mixed bag of a game...To be fair though, I didn't walk into it with very high expections...

shinoff2183356d ago

To anyone that is interested this does have a physical release coming.

Vits356d ago

This game is great, but it's not for everyone. It doesn't hold your hand nor does it try to be accessible, combat is slow and you are always at a disadvantage so if you do engage you must make your shots count because the penalty for missing is often dying and that can reset a lot of your progress. Puzzles are in my opinion the best part, there are enough of them, they offer a good challenge and are also the best moment to appreciate the art style of the game.

The closest comparison that I can give would be with the original Echo Nights. And just like that game, I feel that you have to approach it with the mindset that it's not an action game and that you will get frustrated if you try to play it as one.

TGG_overlord356d ago

Do you remember old game "Bad Mojo"? That game wasn't for everyone either...This is the same kind of game in that aspect. Besides that, I agree with what you wrote.

Vits356d ago

Oh, Bad Mojo. Completely forgot about it and I definitely agree about it not being for everyone. If I recall correctly I couldn't stomach it for very long and I played it as sort of a challenge.

Concertoine356d ago

I agree, the game has stuck with me in all aspects of presentation: sound and visuals were on point.

crazyCoconuts356d ago

I thought it was pretty good for what it is. Neat how they tell a story without any words. I thought the combat/stealth part was the weakest part of the game. Imo the price should be more like $30 for this one

LordStig356d ago

Tool album cover: the videogame.

TGG_overlord356d ago

The art is on point at least ;)

Elda356d ago

Solely PS5 owners don't bother.

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Fear Fest Horror Game Awards 2023 has just announced its winners

"Feardemic are today very thrilled & proud to announce the winners (yes, "Resident Evil 4 Remake" is on the list) of its Fear Fest Horror Game Awards 2023 event." - Feardemic.

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roadkillers381d ago

Either REmake4 or Dead Space deserved it.

TGG_overlord381d ago

Well...Life is far from fair...

roadkillers381d ago

Well, REmake4 won so... it was fair today :)


The philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn” is coming to the PS5 on October 3rd, 2023

"This October, PlayStation 5 devotees will at last be able to delve into the unsettling universe of "Scorn", the acclaimed first person horror adventure. Ebb Software in collaboration with Kepler Interactive revealed the Tuesday, October 3rd release date during the Future Games Show at this year’s gamescom." - Ebb Software and Kepler Interactive.

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Community398d ago
Obelisk92398d ago

Glad it comes to PS5, it was a really interesting experience.

Some parts were awfully bad, but it reaches some remarkable peaks. I think I'll replay it someday.

TGG_overlord398d ago

I know right? That is true...The balance actually reminds me of "Bullet Witch", some parts of the game is just pure awesomeness, while other parts of the game is anything but great...And to this very day, I'm still scratching my head over what actually took place during the development process of "Bullet Witch", since the game is so extremly unblanaced.

jznrpg398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

50$ is a crazy asking price. When it hits the 5-10$ bargain bin I may grab it then. I doubt it takes too long

TGG_overlord397d ago

Based on what? Isn't that the standard launch price more or less? In that case, don't hold your breath ;)