
You should be using all this extra time to play 'Final Fantasy VII Remake' | Daily Dot

The game’s neo-noir, Blade Runner-esque setting perfectly marries with its gritty but heartfelt tone. Despite the slightly off-putting differences in the character design, the aesthetic of the game is superb. Match the exquisite level design with seamless mechanics, addicting gameplay and rousing battles, and you have a recipe for perhaps one of the best games of the year.

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1528d ago
rdgneoz31528d ago

Not extra time for those that are deemed essential. Fun game either way.

rainslacker1527d ago

Some people staying home working are actually required to work while at home as well. It's not like they just sit at home playing games....or at least I'd imagine most employers aren't expecting that. The idea that this is a vacation where everyone has free time is probably why so many people think that paint and mulch are essential products, because apparently they can't go a week without getting cabin fever which apparently causes depression or something.

UnSelf1528d ago

Currently on my second play through with Hard difficulty and thankful I knocked out all the mini game challenges 100% on my first play through. Them pull ups took like 8 tries against the last guy

Babadook71528d ago (Edited 1528d ago )

Did you consult a guide? I decided I wouldn’t check a guide and so far haven’t. 8 tries only for the pull up trophy? That’s hard to believe. Took me well over an hour before getting it, and I’m good at those things in general.

UnSelf1527d ago

Nah no guide at all. I’ve always been really good at mini games. Mario Party I was known for dominating on the GameCube and ppl used to drop their memory cards off at my house so I can beat the San Andreas Lowrider missions on ps2

Babadook71527d ago

@UnSelf. I’m impressed.

smashman981528d ago

thats impressive took me like 4 hours lol

UnSelf1527d ago

The darts Challenge took longer than any other challenge 🎯

Babadook71527d ago

I did the darts in 2 or 3 tries to get the highest score.

smashman981527d ago

thanks to my experience with yakuza darts were super easy for me in this game.

ninsigma1527d ago

Funny how different styles of games stump some but not others. Took me 3 tries to get number 1 on the darts but it was a fairly frustrating time to beat the pro level pull up game, with numerous close calls!


Wait, are we talking about the thing with Honey Bee Dude? That mini game in which you are playing as Tifa? I had that thing on my first try haha

Now darts on the other hand.. xD

ninsigma1527d ago

If you talk to the gym goers after that you unlock harder levels. The last level being the gym owner.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1527d ago
Neonridr1528d ago

I just finally got my Deluxe edition earlier this week, so I plan to sit down and try to marathon through it in as few a days as possible. FFVII was a personal favorite of mine and I can't wait to relive part of the experience and see what they changed.

smashman981528d ago

legitimately this might be the best final fantasy game ever imho.

Babadook71527d ago (Edited 1527d ago )

Could be right about that. The full series as a whole is going to be epic.

Rapidfirepunches1528d ago

Better to play the real game on PS1. Remake is not a remake but a reimagining with poor combat, poor camera, and a ruined story and only like 1/10th of the game.

smashman981528d ago

Your opinion is valid and appreciated.

Is that what you want?

Babadook71527d ago

Especially cause you can play the original on your Xbox.

Rapidfirepunches1526d ago

Why does it matter if its on Xbox? I'm playing on PS4 Pro. The original I rather play the PS1 game on a PS3.

Chexs19901527d ago

It's not "poor" combat just because you don't like it. The combat is well designed, even if it's not to your taste.

And Regarding the parts, I expect it to be 3-4 games at the most.
The rest of disc 1 in part 2, and the disc 2/3 in part 3.

Spurg1527d ago

Completely understand your point of view. But the game does have its merits.
After the twist ending, I finally know why they didn't want to give us the full FF7 experience.

rainslacker1527d ago

Yeah, people can do that as well. The remake is a remake of the midgar section of the game, and it has plenty of content to be considered it's own game.

Rapidfirepunches1527d ago

Game regarded by many to be the best of all time reduced to herding cats side quests.

Babadook71527d ago (Edited 1527d ago )

@above You mean 1 (4 min) quest where you find 3 cats? Isn’t the bigger problem that this isn’t on your Xbox?

rainslacker1527d ago

I'm currently on chapter 8, and I've had 6 side quest made available to me so far. Only one involved cats.

It's possible to take a small thing from any game and say the whole game is like that, but it doesnt make it true.

Games1st1527d ago (Edited 1527d ago )

It is a remake. Definition of remake noun from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary,
"A new or different version." It's obvious that you haven't play it.

Chriswynnetbh1527d ago

By that logic it's also a reboot, same Oxford Advanced Learner definition

"to make something, especially a series of films or TV programmes, start again or become successful again"

See how dumb this argument sounds?

FanboyPolice1527d ago

The real game must be played. Agreed.
Remake is not a remake. Disagreed.

Neonridr1527d ago

Rapid is entitled to his/her opinion. Don't know why the Xbox comments are coming out of this. No doubt this game will be on PC/Xbox/Switch(?) after the exclusivity is up. Square Enix isn't going to pass up on extra sales.

Nothing wrong with being disappointed with how the game changed from the original. That being said, I look forward to playing the first part and fully understand that this isn't the entire game.

andy851526d ago

Don't agree with any of this. Try playing on hard it's actually amazing. Camera is great once you've altered the settings. And when you look into what the story actually means it's very inventive.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1526d ago
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Patch 1.040 Now Available for Download

Stay updated with the latest FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH news! Learn about the new Version 1.040 update, featuring critical bug fixes.

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M3talDiamond20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

No mention of fixing the audio issues the dialogue audio is too low this has been reported many times on social media the volume has to be turned up and music has to be lowered to hear the characters properly :(

Babadook719d ago

I have a question as someone who is considering buying the game soon. Is this a fixable issue? Can you just lower the volume for music and sound effects and keep dialog at default?

shadowT19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

yes, it is no issue at all. Just go into settings. Do you have already played the first Remake or the OG?

M3talDiamond19d ago

There are a few youtube videos and reddit tips with some tips on fixing the sound issues but sadly they didnt work for me

M3talDiamond19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

@Babadook7 There are a few videos on youtube with tips on how to fix the dialogue audio this but sadly they didnt work for me. There is an option to lower the music and sfx and keep the dialogue audio at 10 but you have to keep the volume up high (well for my TV I do) but when you are in battles and cutscenes the audio is higher so you have to adjust the audio again.
@shadowT The audio issues doesnt affect everyone there are some people on reddit complaining about the audio and there are other people saying they dont have any issues at all. I think it depends on the TV I have a Samsung QLED 4K and FF7 Rebirth is the only game I have audio issues with.

Babadook718d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Thanks for the answers all.

@Shadow yeah I have the Remake and finished it and loved it (loved the OG also back in the day). My understanding is this is even better than Remake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 18d ago
shadowT19d ago

GOTY contender got even better!


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Understands That A Tonberry Is The Scariest Thing In The World

The tiny green slasher villain returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is as frightening as ever.

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MeteorPanda50d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman50d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda49d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.


Original Final Fantasy 7 - Is it Worth Playing in 2024?

Final Fantasy 7 has come back under the spotlight thanks to the release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, but is it worth replaying the original?

ravens5276d ago

Got to Zacks part in 7 Rebirth. Said f it. Finishing my game in 7 og. Just got to part 2 yesterday. I also got Crisis Core... So it'll be a while before I'm back to Rebirth. I just keep thinking about it too smh, want to get back to playing it. Not till I know Zacks story though. I beat 7 og sooooooo long ago, it's crazy going through it again and remembering things.

MrNinosan76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Got to Zacks part in Rebirth?
You mean you started the game and turned it off?
The game starts with Zack...

ravens5276d ago

... Really 🤓 lol. His second part, I've played for 80hrs lmao. <---- PS5 Run time, probably not all game time. You guys know how it goes.

VIK212176d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Did you not ever play the OG FF7? After you recruit Vincent, later in the game, disc 3, return to that basement and look at the pod, there's a whole Zack story that'll trigger as a memory.... it's well hidden in the game and a lot of things regarding Zack are cleared up. FF7 Crisis Core is basically an extend feature of that hidden flashback... It took me years to discover it back then lol


MrNinosan76d ago

80 hours in Rebirth by doing everything, and you should've reached Zacks story about 5 times 🤣

ravens5275d ago

Ye I kno that's y I said not all gameplay time. But also I am very anal when it comes to exploring.

ravens5275d ago

Not to mention fighting Titan at his full strength. Hours spent trying still haven't succeeded. Found all 3 ruins but I'ma masochist when it comes to games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 75d ago
Barlos76d ago

Very much so. Graphically it's dated but the story and the gameplay haven't aged a day. It's still one of my all time favourite RPGs and for me is better than Remake in some ways.

Barlos76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

It always takes me back to Christmas 1997, I got it as a gift and I was blown away when I played it. I couldn't believe games could look that good. The combination of pre rendered backgrounds and FMV really made it stand out. It definitely still has a certain charm that modern games can't replicate.

I can't imagine people will still be talking about Remake and Rebirth in 27 years.

Tapani75d ago

Fully agreed. To me the atmosphere, pacing, gameplay and music are all better than in the remake.

Rebel_Scum76d ago

Yes, play this, skip remake, start rebirth for new players.

I_am_Batman76d ago

Skip Remake? That's terrible advice.

leahcim76d ago

Remake is so amazing, pure FFVII Love, play it on PS5 please! aww the graphics the battles, the music... a dream come true.

Rebel_Scum76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

I disagree Batman

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