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Get These Two Final Fantasy 7 Remake PS4 Themes for Free and Here's How

Sony has released two new Final Fantasy 7 Remake PS4 themes for free but with conditions. Here's how to get both and the download links.

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excaliburps1627d ago
gamer78041627d ago

How? Link says you have to have ps plus paid sub?

1626d ago
porkChop1627d ago (Edited 1627d ago )

Only the Cloud theme requires a PS+ sub.

Kind of disappointed to be honest. No music. Just static themes. Not really that special.

And both systems seem to cause a bit of lag on my system, even after rebuilding the database. Odd, because they're just static. As soon as I switch to the default or 20th anniversary themes the performance gets better though.

kenpachi1627d ago

Something wrong with your ps4 they play music on mine

porkChop1627d ago (Edited 1627d ago )

I just re-downloaded them and now the music works fine. The performance is fine too. That's really weird.

I still wish they were dynamic themes, but now that they work right they're not that bad.

CrimsonWing691627d ago

They play music for me and have moving elements in them like myst, Fire, mako from the reactors, etc.

Muzikguy1626d ago

I love the dynamic themes, but they seem to mess up my system as well. I just end up reverting back to static ones.

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Jls11627d ago

One you need ps plus the other need to download the ff7 remake demo it's free

gamer78041627d ago

Oh okay I already have the demo one

excaliburps1627d ago

The other one, you just need to "own" the demo.

S2Killinit1626d ago (Edited 1626d ago )

Free for PSPlus subscribers i think. And free with free demo.

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Gaming4Life19811627d ago

Are their any dynamic themes for ff7 remake? That's all I care about to be honest and mainly a sephiroth one.

porkChop1627d ago

Not that I can see. Only these two static themes. A dynamic Sephiroth theme with One-Winged Angel playing in the background would be great.

Canidae1626d ago

There is a Tifa dynamic theme you can get with the butterfinger promo, but none with Sephiroth yet.

Magog1626d ago

Yes but you had to have pre-ordered the game.

Pyrofire951627d ago

By going to the Playstation Store.
Saved you a click.

Master of Unlocking1626d ago

I don't get it, one you get it with PS+ subscription, I'm subscribed to the japanese PS+ so hopefully they'll get the theme over there, but the other one you just have to download the demo? I did just that a few days ago and didn't get any theme for doing so...

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Final Fantasy 16's PC Release Paves the Way for Another Entry

Now that Final Fantasy 16 has finally made its way to the PC, another recent and highly popular entry in the series shouldn't be too far behind.

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Final Fantasy Head Talks About The Difficulties of Remaking Final Fantasy 6

"There are many FF6 fans inside the company, and they often ask me 'When are we making 6?'"

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Community459d ago
shinoff2183459d ago

Come on already square always on about this stuff. Half the game is done the story and all is already there , I imagine they'd take a couple things out. I can't imagine these days they'd leave the dog fighting in. Not that the player bet on it or anything but it was there

CrimsonWing69459d ago

I think because it’s easier to make grand games in pixel art rather than model everything in 3D as well as the amount of espers, spells, cutscenes, animations and whatnot it’d be a huge task to remake.

FinalFantasyFanatic458d ago

I'd prefer a HD-2D remake, but we're not getting that, I probably wouldn't want a remake like FF7R.

Flawlessmic459d ago

Give me ff9 and 10 remakes first and I'll be over the moon!

Those are my 2 personal favourites, although at this rate ff16 is quickly going to eclipse them both, which I mean I knew 16 was going to be good, but game of the gen so far and fav ff ever at this rate I wasn't expecting that.

Just love to see ff back in the spot light big time and it will only continue with ff 7 rebirth

shinoff2183459d ago

10 still don't look bad , I feel that could wait but word is 2026ish for ff10 remake

Flawlessmic459d ago

it doesnt look bad at all and is still suer playable, but more ffx is always a good thing for me, i go through and play it atleast once every 2 years hahaha

FinalFantasyFanatic458d ago

FFX could just use a remaster update with higher res textures and stuff, a remake on that game would be a waste.

on_line_forever459d ago

What about vagrant story & parasite eve ?

jznrpg459d ago

Yes and Yes . Vagrant Story first though for me

FinalFantasyFanatic458d ago

DO IT! They've been re-releasing a lot of their old games though, so maybe we can get a remaster or remake of those in the future.


Amazon Slashes Up To 67% Off On Select Games

Daily Video Game writes: "Right now, the largest retailer Amazon is offering up some pretty sweet game deals for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, featuring a bunch of popular action-adventure, RPG, shooter, and simulation games such as Ghostwire: Tokyo, Sifu, Final Fantasy VII: Remake, and more with good discounts!"

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