
This Dreams Creation Is Absolutely Gorgeous And I Hardly Believe It's Real

Shannon Grixti: "Scrolling through my Twitter feed, I came across this pretty looking rain forest, that caught my attention. I watched a few seconds of the video before realising that it was actually a Dreams creation. Everything from the lighting, to the detail in the mud and flora looks more realistic than I’ve seen in any other Dreams creation (and most other games for that matter)."

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Community1638d ago
ps5fanboy1639d ago

looks amazing tbh , staggering , mind boggles what a p5 dreams could create , as this could easily be a top grade rpg if you added the character assets etc.

fiveby91638d ago

I think Dreams will have some amazing creations in the years to come. Frankly I can see studios reaching out to some of these creators as such work shows a high degree of talent worthy of possible recruitment. Granted for all we know some creations in Dreams may be made by professionals already.

NewMonday1638d ago

thought the guy was trolling until I noticed loop animations and repeat textures.


BLizardXD1638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

PC artist with UE4 - "Creates pretty environments."

Console gamer - "how come you guys make pretty tech demos?"

PC artist with UE4 - "Games take a lot of work to make."

Console gamer - "Creates pretty environments."

PC artist with UE4 - "how come you guys make pretty tech demos?"

Console gamer - "Games take a lot of work to make."

Tech51638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

we'll see how this progresses. for the most part I can tell there will be a high volume of demos and level content produced from this. as we see currently. User created content is always difficult. eventually most hit the same road blocks. and it's that very same logic why not many users are able to bridge story content seamlessly, compared to level content. script writing requires identical input, seamless, especially when finishing a script. apposed to having hundreds of disjointed narratives.

- for future reference. my two cents.

silenthillstrangler1638d ago

Already happened, reports not long after it released of job offers because of people's creations.

Games1st1638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

A studio has already hired a dreams creator. A professional has tried dreams and states that there are limitations, PS5 will go beyond this.

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TheKingKratos1638d ago

This is one of the best examples that it's not just the hardware power that push for incredible graphics but the hard work/skill/talent that a developer put in their games

I am in awe

GTgamer1638d ago

Mannnnnnnn wait til this game gets multiplayer and multiple creators come together to make games its gonna get nuts.

fr0sty1638d ago

You kind of can already, you can leave your creations editable by other creators.

GTgamer1638d ago

@frosty that's cool too but ain't nothing better than having everyone present at the same.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1639d ago

I say it again: Dreams should be on every platform capable of running it. It's a shame it's only on PS4.

purple1011638d ago

Sort of get you.. But with 100 million ps4s. Its the best place to be..

Plus, if any creator really really, wanted to make a game... they could just buy one (a ps4) pretty cheap and get on with dreams...

SublimeStylee21638d ago

All that with only 4.2 TFLOPS on Pro lmao, Ps5 will simply be unreal!

1638d ago
neutralgamer19921638d ago


I think it will get a huge push on pa5. Sony let MM reboot 4 times they aren't letting this go to other platforms this quickly. If this does come to PC it will be a year or so after it comes to ps5

I don't know what's so hard to understand: PSN generated more revenue than both Microsoft's gaming division & Nintendo as a whole

Hardware sales are more important to Sony because it means more gamers will subscribe to psn. This is where Ms failed they have made their own hardware not a necessity to play Xbox games

Just because horizon is coming to PC some 3 years after launching on PS4 doesn't mean a lot of exclusive will come to PC especially so soon after launching

fr0sty1638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

Just goes to show that raw teraflop numbers are not representative of actual in-game power.

Nothing is stopping Xbox, Nintendo, or PC developers from making their own version of this. Microsoft tried once to make a PCS (play, create, share, the genre media molecule invented) game, but it didn't take off.

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Jin_Sakai1638d ago

“Dreams should be on every platform capable of running it. It's a shame it's only on PS4.”

Who’s to say the game would even e it’s if not for Sony and PS4? If you want to play the game get a PS4 and support both companies that made the game a reality.

nyu11638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

A tool like this would be so much better on PC. Hopefully they don't bother about sony fanboys or PCMR jerks and just release it on PC.

Hardcore PC gaming will never replace consoles like PS so I don't get the problem either way.

Thatsbadcandy1638d ago


Why should this 1 particular creator console game be on PC, when the open platform already has a plethora of creation tools, not including games, etc?

1638d ago
1638d ago Replies(1)
AnubisG1638d ago

I know right? How dare Playstation have any exclusives at all?/s

Tetsdah1638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

As many have mentioned, I doubt the game would have existed if not for Sony. This game has been in development for numerous years. Who back then would have allowed it aside Sony, and stuck it out and waited for this to blossom?

Now it coming to PC is a possible next step, since it has been rumored by credible sources and going by Sony's new strategy of leaning into pc for certain titles. If the game get MnK support, it might be a lock.

I'm disappointed that the game did not accumulate large commercial success despite the install base, but it appears to not have mass market appeal due to its insane creative ceiling and barrier of entry.

nyu11638d ago

Yep, imagine what people would do with this on PC.

It would be a service to games and gamedev as a whole if they release on PC. It already is on PS4, but tools like this on PC = gg.

MrVux0001638d ago

''It's a shame it's only on PS4.''

Why? Since when is it a shame to focus on your core audience and only on your main platform, which by default can bring greater quality and profits?

kungfuian1638d ago

It should come preloaded on every ps4 and be integrated as part of the os in a new create section. Money lost on sales would be offset by positive pr for the PS platform, it should be promoted as a community create share feature like home (but more fun and game based). Maybe have a few official Sony first party devs make small bite sized content here and there, Art jams, game jams for upcoming games, etc.

P_Bomb1638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

The LBP games never sold huge upfront but they all had legs and sold a few million each lifetime. If...for whatever reason Dreams does not have LBP’s legs...I would recommend they bundle the app with every PS5. Make it a platform on there, like what Home was on PS3. Not to mention, everyone gets access to an instant games collection day one.

GTgamer1638d ago

Yep definitely a shame that Sony allowed them to spend almost the entire generation making this fantastic game that definitely wouldn't of existed without sony how dare sony make sure its only on their platform 😂😂😂 28514;😂. But hey https://youtu.be/KpXsfimrkF...

P_Bomb1638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

My take on the PC proposals:

Sony picked the wrong ambassador. HZD going to PC was pointless imho after 10 million sold. Does nothing to enhance the Playstation brand really. Dreams on the other hand...would’ve actually stood to benefit the most. For all parties.

For one, MM could legit use the money and install base after 6 years of development. Pretty sure Guerilla Games made their money already. Plus it’s a very unique opportunity to take some of Minecraft’s 100 million audience who never got the super duper graphics pack and are probably ready for a fresh coat of paint. Aesthetically and creatively.

In short, imo Sony got their wires crossed on their first party experiment. Dreams has some great proof of concepts. Sony could license this to other platforms and have another brand. Crossplay, DLC, all that. It’s a living mod. Hell team up with Nintendo and Xbox and put the copyright police to bed. HZD won’t move the needle like that.

bouzebbal1638d ago

Funny no one said this about project spark??
Good thing dreams is making non ps4owners like you jealous 😉

Zhipp1638d ago

Project spark was already on PC iirc, so that doesn't do much for your case.

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roadkillers1638d ago

If I didnt know better, this was someone go proing.

1638d ago Replies(2)
FPSRUSSIA1638d ago

Glad i bought dreams what a Great Game its crazy what people can make.

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Dreams Creator Regrets Lack Of PC Versions, Next Project Is "More Of A Game Than A Creation Tool"

Media Molecule director said the studio's next title is more a game & less a creation tool. He also regrets not having a PC version of Dreams.

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Community139d ago
-Foxtrot139d ago

If there was one PC version that should have existed it’s Dreams

I’m super glad they will be going back to something more traditional gaming wise.

Cacabunga139d ago

I’m sure they’ll find something creative to implement like Tearaway on vita. What a gem 💎 that thing was!!!

Abear21139d ago

My dream was DreamsVR and creating landscapes, characters, and sculptures using that amazing toolbox in vr, that would have been something imo.

ocelot07139d ago

I thought It has vr support?

Amplitude139d ago

It did but it came out as an update LONG after the game was essentially dead

P_Bomb139d ago

Dreams PC was the dream. Woulda given the game a much needed boost. Here’s hoping they follow it up well.

phoenixwing139d ago

If sony had any sense they'd be making a pc version pronto

mkis007139d ago

They probably ran into the same problem they did with the potential of last of us factions....the support needed was just too much to consider expanding to more platforms for a smallish studio.

Abnor_Mal139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

I use to say this when the game was first releasing, many kept saying it would not be possible, something about the toolsets.

I said this was one game that needed to be on as many platforms as possible, including PC and Xbox just like how Minecraft is everywhere.

Goodguy01139d ago

Creation tools just don't work on console very well. It's definitely more suited for PC, and it's very odd Sony decided not to port it over. Good MM is working on an actual game instead.

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Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

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shadowT185d ago
Inverno183d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.


How Dreams Tren update was inspired by a childhood spent playing with trains

Media Molecule Creative Director John Beech talks about making a very personal project in Dreams, available with PlayStation Plus.

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