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Do you still pay for Nintendo Switch Online? writes, "Nearly a year after Nintendo Switch Online has launched, the service still lacks some basic features. Cloud saves are not standard on all games and the Wii still remains the best virtual console we've ever had. Is the service worth what Nintendo asks?"

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Neonridr1628d ago (Edited 1628d ago )

as they continue to add more and more to their online gaming collection, it definitely makes it have more value. Imagine once they add Nintendo 64 titles to the mix too. Is the service perfect? Absolutely not, far from it. But hopefully they will continue to expand and build upon it.

_SilverHawk_1628d ago

"Nintendo Switch Online has been out for nearly a year. We’ve seen the launch of NES and SNES games and exclusives like Tetris 99. Cloud saves are also included, but confusingly not for all games.

Despite the benefits, the service remains lackluster when compared to competitors like Xbox and PlayStation. Xbox GamePass offers a subscription service for unlimited access to a growing catalogue of games.

PlayStation Plus and Xbox Games with Gold give ‘free’ games away as long as you stay subscribed. If the Nintendo Switch had launched with the Wii’s Virtual Console catalog it may have been comparable."

Gamers should buy what appeals to them but should be knowledgeable about potential purchases. Nintendo switch online is rubbish and the paltry selection of games offered are old with a lot dating back 40 years ago. All the selections of games offered by Nintendo are worthless imo. The switches online network is laggy and is missing a lot of features offered by the xbox and playstation. The ps3s online service is 15 years old free and is a way better service than what's offered on switch. Some "fans of Nintendo " will tell you otherwise that the service is good or apologize for the rubbish Nintendo offers but doing a little bit of research about the service will tell you it isnt close to any other online network on other consoles. Nintendo online network should be free just like I think xbl and psn should be free.

Neonridr1628d ago

you are entitled to your opinion. But as an anti-Nintendo player (don't pretend you aren't) it's a very biased complaint. I own both a Switch and PS4 and pay for both online services. I totally agree that the Switch online pales in comparison to the other two and is missing some basic features that even the PS3 and 360 had. Proper party chat and messaging are two basic things that should be there that aren't.

As for the games, I totally disagree there. Getting access to some of the greatest NES / SNES library of games is definitely not worthless, and as they continue to add more games and systems into the mix it's only going to get better.

I give them a partial pass because the service is cheaper than the competition, but they still have some things to learn and need to keep growing in other areas.

darthv721628d ago

curious but why would switch need cloud saves if the idea is to take the switch with you when you go places?

RazzerRedux1627d ago

"why would switch need cloud saves if the idea is to take the switch with you when you go places"

Same reason you need cloud for your smart phone. What if you lose/break your Switch?

It is needed. Nintendo is behind, as usual.

FinalFantasyFanatic1626d ago (Edited 1626d ago )

A free game once a month from Nintendo would be nice considering they have the most expensive software of the three, I wish they'd give us the majority of the NES/SNES, ect... Catalogue, would bring alot value to the system.

As for the Cloud saves, I wish they'd let us backup to an SD card.

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bobsmith1628d ago

just for mario maker online and super smash

Smellsforfree1628d ago

I agree that NSO isn't as good as what is available on XBox and Playstation, but it is currently the only way to play Nintendo Switch games online so yeah I'll be continuing to pay for it.

Here is some food for thought -- NSO is $20/year for an individual or $35/year for a family (up to 5 or 6 members I think). Do we want it to remain at that cost or cost the same as XBox/Playstation at ~$10/month with those features? I mean, we all want it to remain at $20/year and bring all the features MS and Sony bring, but lets be realistic here and acknowledge that it would be more expensive if that were case.

stupidusername1627d ago

I have a family subscription with 5 other friends and we only pay 5$ each for a year. That's close to nothing compared to the prices of PSN and XBL. The service is without doubt lackluster compared to competitors, but if the competitors made a bare bone version of their services that only let you play games online and nothing more for 5$ a year, then I'd honestly choose that version. I'm in no need of in game voice chat, ps+ games, discounts and so on. I just want to play my games online for the least amount of bucks.

overlordror1627d ago

Same thing I do with my family. When we break it down it's less than a few coffees a month. Not bad considering the cost of other services.

Teflon021627d ago

PS Vita has party chat, proper in game voice. A much better online system in general for absolutely free. Switch gets no pass imo, no matter what excuse is used

The_Sage1627d ago


$10 a month is $120 a year. My PS Plus subscription cost me $50 for the year.

Smellsforfree1626d ago

It is ~$10/month, though, if you go on a month-by-month. What I said was accurate.

ZeekQuattro1628d ago

I do but I spend most of my game time on the Switch so it makes sense for me. I will be getting Live again once PSO 2 is made available though.

Teflon021627d ago

I mean, if you really wanted to play pso2, could have for years on ps4 for free. Same with Vita and PC. My laptop in like 2013 was able to play it maxed out and it wasn't some crazy level laptop. If you don't pay. That's not a good reason to since Xbox is tyhe only place that makes you pay to play f2p titles

porkChop1627d ago

"I mean, if you really wanted to play pso2, could have for years on ps4 for free. Same with Vita and PC. My laptop in like 2013 was able to play it maxed out and it wasn't some crazy level laptop."

It was only available in Japan, and the servers were only in Japan. So if they don't live in Japan how were they supposed to play it?

ZeekQuattro1627d ago

PSO 2 is being brought to the West thanks to Microsoft so that's where I'll be playing it. I can't very well play it on a Vita I don't own nor do I care to play games on PC outside of emulation and even then that was years ago. That's what I have consoles for. I'm not buying a Vita to play a game I can get somewhere else on a system I already have. Why even bring it up?

septemberindecember1628d ago (Edited 1628d ago )

Yeah, I do...but I want them to add more SNES games and fix it up or I don't think I'll continue. Played Super Mario World with a buddy. It was fun, but boy does the service need some work. The feature set is okay (party chat is my only real complaint, feature wise), but the quality of the online is legitimately bad.

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Nintendo Expands Switch Online's NES Library With Seven More Games

Nintendo continues to bolster its Switch Online + Expansion Pack service with new game releases. Today, the focus is on the base tier, with a whopping seven games added to the NES library.

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OtterX22d ago
OtterX22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Pretty lousy lineup, considering how long we've waited since the last NES update.

Do we really need Golf when we already had NES Open Tournament Golf, which is almost identical in graphics and gameplay?

OtterX22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Very interesting tidbit I read in the Youtube comments. I've yet to fact check it, but if true, I guess Golf's inclusion is pretty awesome in honor of Iwata's life.

Here's the tidbit:

"Golf was originally hidden in the Switch's system and you could access it by holding the joy-cons and performing the gesture Satoru Iwata used to make in directs. NES Golf was one of his favorite games, and Nintendo added it in as an easter-egg to honor his life.

Nintendo unfortunately patched this secret out. This was because in Japan, it was tradition to place a recently deceased’s person’s favorite things in a special box that is not allowed to open. The hidden game was essentially a digital version of this ritual, and it’s clear that Nintendo wanted Iwata’s life to be honored in a special way by giving the switch a secret game that only they knew about."

jznrpg22d ago

I played a lot of Golf when I was a young kid


Nintendo wants to avoid Switch 2 scalping by making enough for demand

President Shuntaro Furukawa says he doesn’t think component shortages will be an issue due to new plan.

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gold_drake24d ago
Number1TailzFan25d ago

Probably be using 3+ year old chips by the time it launches

Tacoboto24d ago

The 2017 Switch is based on the 2015 Tegra X1 so even if Nintendo is using technology from 2022, that alone still represents a significant improvement.

Outside_ofthe_Box24d ago

How many decades has it been since Nintendo consoles been about power?

Inverno24d ago

Should open pre-orders through the E-shop for a period before making it available through stores. And now that COVID is out the way, you can make in store preorders mandatory too. People interested wouldn't have much of an issue driving by if it meant keeping scalpers at bay for a bit.

CrimsonWing6924d ago

I mean, the problem is these a-holes have bots that eat up every sites inventory. Then they sell it on eBay for stupid prices. No matter what you try to do we’re still going to have to fight through these human pieces of sh*t to get these damn consoles at launch.

phoenixwing24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

Well I'll either see if I can get one online against bots or wait till they're saturated and buy in a brick and morter store. Waiting isn't an issue anyway I have enough games to wait out the shortage

FinalFantasyFanatic23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I can't really understand people rushing out to buy a console at release, I'll wait a year, two years, etc... until I can walk into a store and buy one if I have to, I'm not paying scalper prices.

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Nintendo's Switch Online App Updated With "Newly Designed Home Section"

Nintendo's Direct broadcast airs later today.

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Community38d ago
OtterX38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Pretty lame actually. I checked it outand the only difference I see are 3 boxes to scroll through.

There's probably something more going on in the backend prepping for something in the future if they gave it a 3.0.0