
Draugen Launches on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 21

Developer Red Thread Games has announced that their adventure game Draugen will be releasing on PlayStation 4 and Xbox one on February 21.

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rob-GP1701d ago

I need to get this. Played and reviewed it on PC and loved it. It’s only short, at around 2-3 hours if I recall correctly, but the story is interesting and the visuals are beautiful.

Chevalier1701d ago

Looks great I might need to get this

AK911701d ago

Nice to see the Dreamfall devs still continuing their work


How Draugen's Approach To Mental Health Helped Craft An Emotional Narrative

WellPlayed digs deeper into Draugen's themes with the game's writer Ragnar Tørnquist

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Draugen (XOne) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "When the credits rolled to inform this duo would return, I initially thought that was good news—if only to give them a game more engaging and worthwhile. Red Thread Games’ first step away from the Dreamfall series is a pleasant-looking title, but lacking in other respects. Little touches to the gameplay are great contributions to its storytelling, but issues with pacing, writing, and consistency are so often present. And beyond sparse easter eggs, Draugen’s one-and-done story offers little incentive to replay its three-hour tale. In other words: this is one you can a-fjord to miss."

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AK911655d ago

I was pleasantly surprised by this game I heard it was a walking sim but the story took a really unique turn, I honestly was not expecting that twist near the end.

coolbeans1654d ago

Well, I'm certainly glad you enjoyed it. I saw the BIG reveal coming tbh. But then again, I just kinda stumbled upon that digital comic in the main menu which hints at it really early.


Review - Draugen (Xbox One) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Heidi Hawes: "It’s a shame because there are some really good elements in here and hints of a much stronger tale to be told. Maybe if it had been developed longer or had better funding, more of the story surrounding the village and its citizens would have been better fleshed out. The game itself is only about three hours long, so it could have definitely benefited from some extra chapters. As it stands, Draugen is a beautiful borefest that is better left abandoned."

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