
LEGO City Undercover, Just Cause 3 leaving Xbox Game Pass this month

Two games are leaving Xbox Game Pass before the end of January: LEGO City Undercover and Just Cause 3. If you’re interested in playing them, now is your chance!

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Games with average storylines but great gameplay

Some games make up for a lackluster story with excellent gameplay. These are some games with average storylines but great gameplay.

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shinoff2183468d ago

Who decides if a games story is average idefinitely ain't listening to no reviewers. I don't agree with most of then anyway. I think alot of them are to harsh on games so they can get clicks

banger88468d ago

Every Soulslike game ever made.

refocusedman468d ago

zelda has a story line? Actually do any nintendo 1st party games have decent (not even good) storylines?

NotoriousWhiz468d ago

Does Xenoblade count as 1st party? That's the only one I can think of.

NotoriousWhiz468d ago

Also, Ocarina of time definitely had a decent (but not great) story.

Brazz468d ago (Edited 468d ago )

Zelda average story line!? Zelda Story sucks, most time It comes to "save the princess", Nintendo sucks at story outside Fire Emblem and perhaps 1-2 other IPs.

DOMination-468d ago

Actually the Souls games and Zelda games share something in common, which is that they reward gamers for seeking out the story rather than thrusting it in their faces. Not saying this is better or worse, but it's unfair to say they don't have them.

People will be surprised to learn that if you dig a bit deeper into Zelda games, there's a whole lot of really dark and crazy stuff happening.

RaiderNation468d ago


Thrust in your face??? I assume by that you mean basic story-telling 101? Lol.

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P_Bomb468d ago

I platinumed both Niohs but for the life of me, couldn’t tell you what happened in the story lol! I can namedrop Nobunaga, but that’s about it.

ChasterMies468d ago (Edited 468d ago )

The pinnacle of bad story but great gameplay is Destiny and Destiny 2. What is the Traveler? What is the Darkness? What the heck is happening? No one knew. But shooting the aliens and robots felt so good.

Brazz468d ago (Edited 468d ago )

Article os about "average" story. But If you wanna talk about bad story but great gameplay you need to look at Nintendo, they are the masters at making poor shirt story on great gameplay.

HeliosHex468d ago

@deus. If you want more of the story fleshed out in detail I'd recommend the destiny grimoire anthology 1-6 25 bucks each. It's really good I loved the backstory on the guns.

Relientk77468d ago

"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."

Is my favorite line from Destiny's "story" lol

GotGame818468d ago

Sorry, but the princess is in another castle.

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LEGO City Undercover dev says the team wanted to avoid making a GTA game, scrapped zombie mechanic

LEGO City Undercover may feature an open world, but it’s not overly comparable to Grand Theft Auto. It turns out that this was intentional.

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badz1491075d ago

worst justification EVER! it's a LEGO game...you know, where your imagination is the limit, but they limited the game mechanic for as hard as they can. don't get me wrong, I like the game, Platinumed it on the PS4 BUT the game has so much potential but they also put so many restrictions into the game, I feel all the time I should be able to do something but the devs decided that I can't.

oh and yes...the draw distance SUCKS in this game even on PS4. I can understand if it's ground-up made for the new-gen but this is a Wii U port, the PS4 should have no problem running rounds around this game but the devs just didn't care. tons of collectibles but most of the time, hampered by the terrible draw distance and texture pop-ins. and not to forget constant crashing, glitches, collectibles not registering, and trophy glitch...very frustrating! I had to do a 2nd run just to Platinum this thing due to the story trophy glitch! My advice, if you are gonna play this game co-op, the drop-in drop-out nature of the game will make you lose you chance for story trophies if you're not there from start to finish. the way the story mission is not setup properly to chapters is also annoying as hell.

Gameseeker_Frampt1075d ago

Either you can't read or you really do think that you should be able to shoot people with guns in a LEGO game since that is the game mechanic that "they limited." Perhaps use your imagination next time and imagine that you are shooting people with guns GTA style in a LEGO game.

LEGO City Undercover is an amazing game and one of the best in both LEGO games and games on the WiiU (except for the load times).

badz1491075d ago

There is a ray gun in the game and it can shoot anything to make things explode. I don't remember much but you can shoot people with ray hun too, right? Lego Marvel super hero and batman 2 are way superior than this game

ToddlerBrain1075d ago

Lego zombies would have been amazing.

ElementsUnknown1075d ago (Edited 1075d ago )

Where is the sequel for this game?! So many believe this is the best lego game yet there has been no follow up. Did LCU not sell well? Are the licensed games more profitable? What gives?


LEGO City Undercover devs talk Nintendo's role on the game, company was "very, very involved"

LEGO City Undercover was a pretty big deal when it first appeared on Wii U close to a decade ago. It was planned as one of the system’s first major games, and was even published by Nintendo.

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ZeekQuattro1083d ago

Still my favorite Lego game. Minus the load times. Yikes. Lol

Germaximus1083d ago

Game is amazing. Are there any other Lego games like it? The other ones I played were nowhere nearly as good.

badz1491083d ago

They purposely put restrictions on your movements for the sake of collectibles. I still think that LEGO Batman 2 and Lego Marvel Superheroes are the best ones