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Hideki Kamiya Calls Nintendo Switch Home Menu A "Piece Of Crap"

Hideki Kamiya, producer at PlatinumGames, is known for making very harsh and frank comments on Twitter. A few days ago, he’s made another one, saying: "The Nintendo Switch’s Home Menu is a piece of crap, all of the sh***y gigantic game icons are lined up in a row, but the rest of the games are tossed into a trash can called ‘All Games’ ... I wonder have they (the people that made the menu) ever played the Nintendo fan boys’ Switch?"

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strayanalog1725d ago
_SilverHawk_1726d ago (Edited 1726d ago )

Everything about the switch is. Some people just accept the truth and move on while others fool themselves into thinking it's not and apologize for all the switches cons and joycons.

The ps5 will most likely be 400dollars and be more than 20 times more powerful than the switch and able to do a lot more while switch will be 300dollars. My point is that other companies like sony tries their best to give customers amazing hardware and quality games for a consumer friendly price while Nintendo doesnt. The xbox and playstation will have proper pricing deals for older games and consoles while Nintendo barely drops prices for their games or consoles. The switches joycons are rubbish and the switch lite is of such poor quality but fanboys like to apologize for Nintendo and their shoddy products

Sciurus_vulgaris1726d ago

I almost bought a Switch during the holidays. However, prices were too high. Older games like Breath of The Wild and even the Wii U ports were all full priced on boxing day!

Tross1726d ago (Edited 1726d ago )

Looks like I’m lucky that I was able to write my Switch and one game off as a work expense on my taxes. I have the best job ever, I swear. I do agree that Nintendo need to stop being crooks with the pricing of their older games though, since literally no other company is doing what they do.

Sono4211725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

People like to say Nintendo doesn't get a free pass, but there is one practice they do that I think is the worst in all a gaming, and their fans don't even bat an eye at it, and even defend it. Which is... releasing two VERY SLIGHTY different versions of the same game.

The ENTIRE purpose of this tactic is to trick uninformed consumers into getting both versions, or getting the most die hard fans to buy both versions even though the content exclusive to each version is literally worth less than $5, yet they want you to spend an extra $60. This is beyond scummy, If EA did this they would be burned at the stake, if they made certain players exclusive to certain versions of Fifa and also gave the games two completely different names. Then made some cups or tournaments exclusive to each version. No one would stand for that, Yet Nintendo gets away with it, EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I remember being a kid and thinking Red and Blue were two different games, I can only imagine that some kids today think the same thing and want both. It's just so scummy and everyone just accepts it, even reviewers, Nintendo literally has a Golden pass and it's just baffling to me. Don't even get me started with their online in 2020...

Jrios3551725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )


Nintendo makes high quality video games, but mediocre consoles? I thought that was obvious by now.

EDIT: Disregard this message. I didn't realise I could reply to him directly.

hiawa231725d ago

Damn, I bought a Switch for Zelda, 2 Mario games, luigi3, and Donkey Kong Tropical. I get what you are saying.

P_Bomb1725d ago

Nintendo’s hardware and software’s been consistently expensive in Canada this go around. Far cry from when I bought my Gamecube new for $130.

Old McGroin1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

@ Sono421

Common misconception but Nintendo don't make the Pokémon games, Gamefreak do. Saying that Nintendo are responsible for the practice of releasing 2 similar games on their console is the same as saying Microsoft and Sony are responsible for loot boxes because they allow it on their consoles.

badz1491725d ago

@Old Mcgroin

"...Nintendo don't make the Pokémon games, Gamefreak do."

Hey...look, an apologist is already here. Wanna hear about another misconception (LIE) that Nintendo fanboys always try to make people believe? That Nintendo owns an equal 1/3 stake of the Pokemon brand and has absolutely no say on how the games are made. All things Pokemon are decisions made by Gamefreak and Gamefreak alone. Biggest BS EVER!

Sono4211725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

@Old McGroin

Common misconception that because GameFreak makes the games people think Nintendo have nothing to do with the games, The Pokemon company plays a huge roll in the Pokemon games, of course, and Nintendo is the largest shareholder in the Pokemon Company, not to mention they publish the games, yes Nintendo is indeed at fault, 100% along with GameFreak and Creatures. Not to mention your analogy is so far off base it clearly shows you don't understand the situation

"Saying that Nintendo are responsible for the practice of releasing 2 similar games on their console is the same as saying Microsoft and Sony are responsible for loot boxes because they allow it on their consoles."

Not even close.

UltraNova1724d ago

True, when I said this a few weeks back the Nintendo Avengers swept in to save the day...Nitendo should be scolded on their pricing policy. End of story.

ABizzel11724d ago

Honestly going used is the best deal you can find. I see a lot of them on marketplace for $199 with 5 or more games and usually the games most of us want to play.

Nintendo rarely drops the price of their games, because they know that's what their fans buy the system for, so you're still paying $400 - $500 for all of that new.

Rachel_Alucard1724d ago


They've been keeping their own 1st party games full priced ever since mid GC era. They had Paper mario ttyd still priced at $50 in 2009. They do it simply because their software sells throughout the life of the console, and because they can get away with it. The only sales they ever do are on digital only versions since they already have those marked way up from what they cost to make, but even then it's only around 10% off. Only Nintendo can get away with these things.

iplay1up21724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

The reason the games are still expensive is because they are selling. BOTW, MK8, and Smash are always in the top 30 games sold for the month on eShop.
I have all 3 current gen systems and do not regret buying Switch for one second!

Realms1724d ago

@Old McGroin

Nope Nintendo publishes the pokemon games meaning they pay to have them developed, so they most certainly know what those games will be like before they even show up on their system.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
Doge1726d ago

Call me when you can play Nintendo games on a PlayStation.

mrmikew20181726d ago

What does that have to do with anything? I swear you fanboys are beyond stupid sometimes.

Doge1726d ago (Edited 1726d ago )


Lmao and what does OP’s comment have to do with the article? The Switch’s home screen is barebones as fuck, which is true. Yet with all the issues that the Switch has from the lack of features and questionable build quality, there’s one reason it’s selling, and it’s the games, despite said games still selling at full price. But that’s not even relevant to the article.

But dismissing the fact that Nintendo has quality games on the Switch because they don’t drop the price is pure horseshit. Don’t even attempt to use your “I swear you fanboys” comments on me when OP fishes for agrees and first comment like this all the damn time.

Terry_B1725d ago

Most people play Nintendo games on their PC :-)

Sophisticated_Chap1725d ago

I don't think you will be called.

Jrios3551725d ago


Nintendo makes high quality video games, but mediocre consoles? I thought that was obvious by now.

hiawa231725d ago

Not going to happen🤣

Sono4211725d ago

So you think Nintendo should go 3rd Party huh? Not a bad call honestly, they can make some truly good looking games on poor hardware, imagine what they could do on great hardware.

Sirk7x1725d ago

Funny thing is, I can play psx games on my Switch!

RedDevils1724d ago

@Sirk7x since you jailbroken your switch, might as well get a jailbroken PS3 and you can play the nintendo games too.

SkatterBrain1724d ago

Already Can in Playstation Dreams

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
Adnanilyas211726d ago

As many of the issues you mentioned it still a brilliant GAME console. Plenty of games, that's what we buy consoles for right? I love my switch. Needs a lot of improvements though.

1726d ago
pwnmaster30001725d ago

I actually like how simple the home menu is.

Vegamyster1725d ago

It's silly to compare a larger product for your TV to a small Tablet sized device, you couldn't make something 20 times more powerful than the Switch with the same form factor and have it reasonable priced for the average consumer. A middle of the pack cell phone costs as much as a console or laptops vs desktops, small form factor always carries a premium.

NiteX1725d ago

You act like the PS4 has no faults, which is a big lie. How many people bitched about the dualshock 4 either having little battery life, or shitty thumbsticks? Stop being such a fanboy.

Teflon021724d ago

Big difference is Sony makes an effort to fix issues. No one with a control made atleast a few months from release wouldn’t have stick issues and the controls either are much better at efficiency or something because they don’t have a issue lasting all day for me now. Even so, again an effort. Nintendo doesn’t have a msging system, a party system, etc but you’re paying for online. They don’t have any system features but a Mii type thing. It’s ridiculous. Sony has been going out their way to add what ppl want, same with MS. But people gotta always make excuses for Nintendo. Like every gen they have virtual console and now with the widely successful Switch they want to remove all that? That’s BS. They’re overpricing games, Nintendo apologist make excuses for em. No there is no excuse. They need to clean the act up. I bought switch and it’s literally my most frustrating purchase. I can’t warrant almost any money used on it as a pc and ps4 player too

DarXyde1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

I really don't see how this was not marked as off topic. How does the FIRST comment manage to miss the mark entirely by taking a specific developer's comments on the Switch menu and saying "everything's wrong with Switch," followed by talk about Xbox and PS5. You just can't seem to accept that people like the Switch. It's weaker than the other consoles, but honestly, who cares? The software is great so far, and I'm looking forward to playing more. The joy con drift is a pain, sure. Easily the worst of the controllers in terms of build, screwing Lite players the worst. But I've also had problems with EVERY console's controller this generation; a broken bumper on Xbox One and worn down rubber on the DS4 analog stick.

To the topic at hand, I don't disagree with Kamiya's comments. The Switch menu is pretty goofy. The minimalism is ok in that it works, and at least it's quick and snappy. Still, Nintendo is not known for making great menus, and I see Kamiya's point. At least the games are solid though.

CDbiggen1725d ago

"My point is that other companies like sony tries their best to give customers amazing hardware and quality games for a consumer friendly price while Nintendo doesnt."
Am I the only piece of shit on here who had a Vita?

bluefox7551725d ago

It's so bizarre to me the seemingly infinitely amount of double standards that the public and journalists hold Nintendo to. Consumers have influence over a company's decisions, if people were just willing to call them out on their BS, they might actually improve.

OMNlPOTENT1725d ago

Why are Sony fans so god damn toxic? Like damn 55 of you idiots upvoted this? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. This website has become a toxic circle jerk of playstation fanboys who drool over garbage games like Death Stranding. I love my PS4 and I play it more than anything else but you guys really make me not want to associate myself as a Sony fan. Toxic as hell.

Segata1724d ago

Fully agreed. Love my PS4 but any critsism of it or any praise of Switch and suddenly the cult swoop down with pitchforks.

DarXyde1724d ago

I'm a huge Playstation enthusiast. And I think Death Stranding is really neat.

The comment about Death Stranding withstanding, yeah, I can agree with you. I think the opening comment was incredibly immature and it's embarrassing to see so many people agree with that wall of nonsense.

neutralgamer19921725d ago


They charged $50-60 for a cardboard box. Sony and ms are moving gaming forward while Nintendo only cares about profitability. Nintendo has some of the most loyal fanboys on these sites and in gaming media who refuse to call out Nintendo for anything

DEKUX121724d ago

How are they moving gaming forward? You mean by physical games taking 3 hours to download and then you have to delete a game everything you buy a new one?

Father__Merrin1725d ago

I'd have to agree with you. Nintendo have been stealing from its fanbase for a long time but they can't see it yet. Buying the wiiu on launch was the last time il ever buy into Nintendo. Next year the Ps5 will annihilate the switch and will have all the software support.

DarXyde1724d ago

No, it won't. It really won't.

Japan loves the Switch and it's a hit in the west, appealing greatly to portable gamers.

Make no mistake, PS5 is likely to continue the trend of incredibly memorable Playstation games, but if you think Switch is going to be pushed aside by a traditional console that will absolutely be more expensive... well, I've got a bridge to sell you.

meganick1725d ago

You can expect PS5 to be $500 minimum with all the pricey components going into the console.

froy4021724d ago

Dam I hope the Ps5 is more than 9TF or closer to the series x in raw power, I wouldn't mind paying a little extra if it is.

Specter2291725d ago

Did you seriously try to compare the switch and the Ps5? Why? I

King_Noctis1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

Fanboy, that why. He wants every consoles to be dead except the one from Sony. The thing that he fail to understand is, Switch is not Xbox One, no matter how much he keeps downplay the console it will still sell very well regardless.

Flewid6381725d ago

I dont even game on Nintendo consoles, but what planet do you live on where it makes more sense that everybody would like the same thing? lol.

Segata1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

Your avatar is from a DS commercial. The guy is holding a DS.

CoNn3rB1724d ago

"Cons and joycons" nice

I made the mistake of buying a switch and after a month of buying it, I ran multiple issues, most namely the stick drift. My switch has been sat on my shelf doing nothing for the past year now.

iplay1up21724d ago

"20 times more powerful than the Switch" 😂😂😂 28514;😂😂㈳ 4;😂😂
The PS4 Pro is $300 and the X1X just came down to $349 and you think PS5 is going to be $399? $449 minimum!

tombfan1724d ago

The PS4 may be better than the switch, but there's no game @ Sony with the charm and creativity of say, Mario Odyssey.

Also, I'm a PS user since the first console and never have bought nintendo until 6 months ago... I'm in awe with the quality of the games it offers.

Exvalos1724d ago

Gotta blame the Nintendo consumers for the prices, things are worth what people are willing to pay and time and time again, the nintendo fanbase proves and will continue to prove they have no problem paying full price for games the rest of us pay 5.00 for. It's a damn shame because the Nintendo fanbase ruins it for the rest of us.

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CrimsonWing691726d ago

Well, he sure isn’t wrong, but I don’t hate it as much as I hate the Xbone’s.

SpaceRanger1726d ago

You hate the Xbox One home menu UI?
Which one, there’s about 5 versions.

Jin_Sakai1726d ago

“Well, he sure isn’t wrong, but I don’t hate it as much as I hate the Xbone’s.”

Agreed. While Switch UI is barebones the Xbox is by far the worst of the 3. The layout is atrocious and it’s filled with advertisements to boot.

SegaGamer1725d ago

I miss the simple layout of older consoles.

badz1491725d ago

The Xbome came about when MS launched Win8 and we already know how much people hate the metro UI

1724d ago
Jin_Sakai1724d ago

“Xbox UI is by far the best and most customizable“

It’s by far the worst and most would agree.

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Soy1725d ago

Agreed - 360's was better than PS3's, but XB1's is the worst right now. Almost unusable.

MagUk1724d ago

Almost unusable? What are you having trouble with?

traumadisaster1724d ago

I think it’s unresponsive due to pulling network data constantly while the user just wants to skip quickly between tabs. I think in the background it’s constantly accessing the server and that is not fast.

If you turn off the network it’s fast, especially in the 360 where I think they store that old data on the network in a slower place since it’s rarely used now.

IanTH1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

Yeah, I really hate the Xbox's UI. It has too many options and windows and sub menus all kind of stitched together, completely lacking in instinctual navigation. You can learn it through time, but I absolutely hated how disparate and non-sensical it felt.

I opted into the beta program so I could try out the new UI, and it is at least better than what's available on the current stable branch. You can pin things and make groups to make the layout simple and easily navigable.

I also hate how overly simplistic the Switch's UI is, but it is at least sensible & easy to understand...though I hate to give them *too* much credit for that, since they've let the UI stagnate since launch. No added features, not even folders, is baffling to me.

Bleucrunch1724d ago

yea I have to agree with @Soy, my console's home screen is VERY sluggish. If I factory restore my Xbox One it will be the third time that I had to do this.....console has major issues.

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boing11724d ago

Yo, even MS hates it. That's why it's changing constantly.

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mrmikew20181726d ago (Edited 1726d ago )


My problem with your comment, is that you’re try to deflect what the actual article was stating which was the “home menu”. It had nothing to do with Nintendo games being on any other platform.

That’s where your ignorance and childish behavior kicked in and like I stated earlier it was stupid to bring something like that up. No one was talking about the quality of games, no one was agreeing with OP (whoever the hell that is) and no one even brought up the PS4.

Your recent comment still doesn’t make any sense, you can argue by yourself. I’m not wasting my time arguing with a fool.

Disagree all you want.....

1726d ago Replies(3)
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How Real-World Events Shaped the Story and Content of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

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Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers

Palworld developer Pocketpair has responded to this morning's dramatic decision by Nintendo to file a patent infringement.

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GotGame8183d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Palworld is better, but Nintendo has$$$$ They can fight it all they want, but will absolutely lose. It is a blatant Pokemon rip off. I do wish them luck though.

RedDevils1d 20h ago

Go check Dragon Quest you would know where Pokemon got their ideas from.

MeteorPanda1d 20h ago

The character design is NOT the issue here. Pokemon patented bullsht. You can patent "Throwing an item to capture a virtual character and another action to release an item that releases a combat character onto virtual world" but my god that is vague as fuck and shouldnt hold in any court...and the kicker? it was patented AFTER palworld was made.

If this lawsuit goes through that is literally going to work on every single monster capture game,

Lionsguard1d 19h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )

Like the other guy said, this has nothing to do with any of the designs. This is Nintendo patent trolling. It's like Rockstar suing another game if they have a guy opening the car door and yanking them out to steal the car because that's why you do in GTA so therefore that game is infringing on GTA's "patent". And that's the reason why Pocketpair is fighting this because if they lose this opens the doors to MORE lawsuits of this kind.

Profchaos1d 23h ago

Weren't the wire models used in palworld ripped out of Pokemon in the end?

porkChop1d 23h ago

No they weren't. That was proven false. And, again since people don't seem to understand, this is not a copyright lawsuit or about stolen content/assets/designs/etc. It's a patent lawsuit. So far all the possible patents I've seen were filed by Nintendo 4 months *after* Palworld released.

Profchaos1d 21h ago

Then I have no clue what this is about specifically

--Onilink--1d 21h ago

The catching mechanic patent was filed even before Arceus was released, I dont know which ones you have been watching because all the ones I’ve seen were before Palword came out
(Though not all have been approved in the US yet, just in Japan)

porkChop1d 20h ago

The patent for the catching mechanic was filed July 2024 and granted August 2024. It was filed on top of a separate, "parent" patent that had been filed in 2021. Nintendo filed new patents and had them expedited just so they could sue Pocket Pair/Palworld.

MeteorPanda1d 19h ago

it's so dumb. if that patent holds any water in court - any monster capture game is done and gone. cnts.

NotoriousWhiz1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

Source that says it was filed in July? I couldn't find it. And everything I can find states that it typically takes around a year or more for patents to be approved.

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jznrpg1d 23h ago

On behalf of their money seems like the biggest reason

Kneetos1d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

People want Nintendo to lose as a big middle finger to the company, but if Nintendo wins then they set a precedent for others to follow which could be bad for Nintendo themselves if they end up infringing on a patent owned by someone else

The one I'm reminded of is, a few years ago Sony patented something to do with AI controlling a characters moments in a game to "help get past difficult or grindy parts" of a game

Mario kart 8 deluxe had a the auto acceleration and auto steering technology implemented, so potentially if that came back for mario kart 9 could possibly open the door for Sony to sue them if it's close enough

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