
It's Been 15 Years of Sony's Killzone Failing (Spectacularly and Ironically) to Kill Off Halo

Mandatory: "Killzone was supposed to take PlayStation's popularity to new heights. Fifteen years ago, Sony released the video game with the intention of killing one of the biggest franchises in gaming, but it didn't quite work out that way."

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ritchi451725d ago

I have to disagree with the second point about Killzone 2 not living up to the E3 reveal trailer. For me, the sequel bested the trailer, and went further. The weight and feel of the movements and weapons, as well as a stellar multiplayer experience, made it one of my favourite FPS titles.

TheScotsman1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

Killzone didn't need to kill halo, it went and shot itself in the foot and killzone had nothing to do with it

_SilverHawk_1725d ago

Halo hasn't been relevant for over a decade now just like gears of war and its Microsofts fault. Gears and halo were big franchises but Microsoft didnt care enough to nurture them and have them stay relevant or get bigger. With each iterations the games quality and production value should be bigger and better than previous entries. Look at sony exclusives like uncharted, god of war, the last of us among a lot other games and you'll notice sony tries to make the sequels production value a lot greater than previous entries. The last few halo games were mediocre to rubbish just like the gears games. They were once colossus but now they barely sell.

1724d ago
NarooN1724d ago

The author of the article is completely incorrect when they said "Sony launched Killzone with the intent of killing Halo". Literally nobody at Sony NOR Guerrilla ever made that statement, it was the gaming journalists who said that, and it was a bad and lazy generalization even back then. Outside of the two games being FPSes, there were hardly any similarities behind them. Completely different games.

FanboySpotter1724d ago

Idk about that. Even 343's halos outsold killzone games during 343's time with xbox. (343's Halo 4 outsold killzone 3, 343's halo 5 outsold kz sf) "Shot" at foot or not killzone could've made a good comeback like halo infinite but they just gave up on the ip it seems

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1724d ago
janus2251725d ago

The multiplayer was beautiful!

jjb19811725d ago

Radec Academy made boys into men.

Razmiran1725d ago

I guess they are talking about the graphics? But yeah, the game in general was pretty amazing

Kornholic1725d ago

Graphically the finished version looks a lot better than the E3 trailer. It's not even a question. The E3 trailer features clunky animation and poor textures among other things.

rainslacker1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

I thought faze was supposed to be their halo killer

Wasnt it just the media saying killzone was supposed to be the halo killer?

Genuine question...because I never paid attention to that stuff, because halo never needed to be killed for Sony to make any headway. Halo wasnt some sentinel standing at the gate preventing sonys success

capjacksparrow1724d ago

KZ2 is still one of my favorite multiplayer experiences. Loved it.

badz1491724d ago

KZ2 is still one of the best FPS ever made!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
ArchangelMike1725d ago

Talk about not being able to see the woods for the trees.

Firstly Sony never said Killzone was going to be a "halo killer". That phrase was coined by fanboys. And even GG came out publicly to say they were never interested in that fan boy war - https://www.destructoid.com...

Moreover, when it comes to the bigger picture, Microsoft has been so thoroughly beaten by Sony this Gen, that even they have admitted that they need more exclusives than just Halo, Gears and Forza.

It turns out Sony never needed a Halo killer in the end, they just needed high quality AAA exclusive games. They didn't just bring one to the table - they brought an army of exclusives; and MS ran to the hills and won't even publish their numbers anymore.

So what's your point? How exactly has Halo helped MS this gen? MS will have to bring much more than Halo next gen to even consider going toe-to-toe with Sony.

Gaming4Life19811725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

Well your right it was sony fanboys screaming halo killer not the developers. Halo is still the best exclusive fps and forza is the best exclusive racing game and gears is on top as the best 3rd person cover shooter. I agree that ms does need more games under their belt and desperately so but they do have great games.

I liked killzone 2 but it was not that e3 trailer that was shown and they should make a new one not a remaster.

Sony did destroy MS this gen and now MS has learned a valuable lesson from it. The future of xbox and gaming period is looking better for it cause really it's about all gaming companies doing good and bringing us a variety of great games.

1725d ago
Gaming4Life19811725d ago


Metacritic is fact for you but just knowing that people go on their just to boost or downgrade games shouldnt be something you use as pure fact.

Uncharted never overtook gears because uncharted is a action/adventure game more comparable to tomb raider and gears is a straight up shooter.

Gran turismo has been fell off as the best simulation racer and yes I own the game. The Forza series has been dominating racers since forza motorsport 4 and forza horizon.

I am definitely not a troll but that's cool if you think so.

IRetrouk1725d ago

Agree with not using metacritic to base an argument on, it's just others opinions amalgamated, much better to use your own experiences when talking about games, How has gt fell off though? If each gt has sold more than each forza? When did forza dominate? Sport sold over 8 mill, and it's an offshoot, not even a numbered entry, if that's falling off I wanna fall too.

neutralgamer19921724d ago

Gaming lol

Last Gen it was all sales well guess what uncharted has sales and GOTY awards

GT:sports is all world sum racer on consoles. Officially licensed BTW by actual racing organizations. Unlike ms Sony doesn't need yearly GT games. GTS had so much free content they just releases a disk version with almost all the updates. GT is the king of sim racing and brand recognition is with GT

Halo was the IT FPS but it's been beaten by 3rd party games and every halo game since halo 3 has seen a decline in sales and reviews

andibandit1724d ago


I wouldn't sell Uncharted as a Cover Shooter, in my book it's an action adventure game, with elements of shooting and other stuff.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
Elimin81725d ago

My my my. Well said friend.

rainslacker1724d ago

I think it was more the COD marketing rights that helped MS last gen. Probably helped sony this gen. Halo was a system seller, but it's a single game in a single genre, and 360 had more going for it that sony would have to kill if that was how they were trying to compete

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
Movefasta19931725d ago

One of the biggest gaming tragedies of this gen is no Killzone 2 remaster, in a gen full of pointless remasters smh.

bluebenjamin1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

It stil looks good on ps3 on a 4k bravia its the most grittiest look to Killzone and it actually adds to the mood of the game give it another shot

Movefasta19931725d ago

1080p/60 remaster with the online servers back and all the dlc maps would have been better .

KwietStorm_BLM1725d ago

Much rather have 1080/60 with a pro controller and HDR.

bluebenjamin1725d ago

You will be surprised how good your ps3 looks on a 4K tv I was surprised myself I went back to gtaV super hacked edition and played some black ops Zombies. Killzone 2 at 720p upscaled on a capable television set looks awesome turn on motion to multiply the frames you see on screen it’s bootleg but still looks good give it a shot if you miss it that much ps3 is rather cheap and is still a superior multi media device than the current gen offerings

KwietStorm_BLM1725d ago

The best TV/monitor on the planet is not going to change how a game is actually rendered, much less how it performs. I've had a PS3 and Killzone 2 since they've been a thing. The whole point is I want a better version of the game, and that's not possible on old hardware.

SonyStyled1724d ago

Also confirming how good KZ2/3 and Ps3 games in general look on a 4k tv, Samsung. I put a few hours in before the servers closed last year. I still use offline botzone every few months

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1724d ago
1725d ago Replies(1)
RememberThe3571725d ago

PS4 CPU can't handle a KZ2 remaster. Just wait for next gent though, we might actually get our wish.

YungDragon1724d ago

I'd love to have K2 remaster and for them to bring back M.A.G. as well. I really hate FPS but K2 and M.A.G. got me to play, and love those experiences

TKCMuzzer1724d ago

Best of all................it kept all the run, jump and gunners away. You couldn't do that in Killzone and more importantly the controls did not hold your hand, you needed to aim, you had to do it yourself. There are more FPS released to day that still pamper to more aim assist than Killzone 2 ever did.
Warzone, hands down the best MP game mode, full of action, full of variety and most importantly, bloody well balanced and clan matches done properly. Common Sony, give us a remaster.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1724d ago
Fist4achin1725d ago

Is this article a call out to Guerilla to try and get them back into the killzone series?! That would be great!

Halo is a good series, but I think it was better under Bungie.

NeoGamer2321724d ago

And I think Bungie was better when they did Halo.

ChipChipperson1725d ago

Still one of my favorite franchises ever. Still remember getting this shortly after its release from the Metreon in SF, back when the PlayStation store was still there. I know most people's favorite and they started with Killzone 2, but for me, Killzone 1 will still remain my most favorite of the series. From a 4 man fireteam, being able to take on different roles with their own branching paths for each level, the banter between them(Rico and Hakha) and Helghans, level design and the progression from trenches, to swamps, to space, the weapons(although the entire series has great weapon design), etc. This series is probably one of the few to actually make good PSP and Vita games with Liberation and Mercenary. I would love to see a remake of the first with the implementation of Killzone's 2,3,and Shadow Fall multiplayer, but seeing Guerilla's success with Horizon, I wouldn't be surprised if it's on hold for now.

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It’s Time for Sony to Bring Back Killzone and Resistance

Sony is in the middle of an FPS crisis, but bringing back two much-loved PlayStation shooters could easily be the solution.

shinoff218350d ago

I'd rather them focus on a rpg. Shooters can wait

just_looken50d ago

We have alot of rpg's but only cod for a AAA first person shooter unless you toss in xdefient but that is still fixing 2yr old beta issues.

We need more AAA fps games then rpg's

shinoff218350d ago

Yea right. Theirs so many shooters on the market.

just_looken50d ago


Name 3 AAA fps games coming out this year

Cacabunga50d ago

I want Killzone yea, but as a gaas no buy!

Cacabunga49d ago

Yes we need some new FPS experiences.. COD is just not engaging enough. We want a Killzone back to the roots, not a Shadow Fall again..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 49d ago
Crows9050d ago

There's tons of RPG in the market too...what's your point exactly.

RaidenBlack50d ago

No Killzone or Resistance or Factions for you ... only Concord & FairGame$

Ironmike50d ago

No more rpg for a while would love a new resistance though

DarXyde50d ago

Agree on preferring RPGs though at this exact moment, it would be great to see more horror games. Another reason why Japan Studio closing is just tragic. Loved Siren.

just_looken50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

Fuck jim ryan japan studio did so much and helped alot with ports/localization

If they were around bloodborn would be possible like how they helped with demon souls ps4 finial fantasy port.

Horror games would be nice but the jim ryan axe job helped alot in killing playstation dev numbers/freedom and increased regulation with the new censorship crap.

1Victor50d ago

If Sony is bringing back a old shooter I would prefer Warhawk or better yet Starhawk

Rynxie50d ago

No thanks. Resistance and killzone were my all time favorite fps games. I completely dominated those games. I met good people, had a ton of fun and have a lot of fond memories. I don't want them to bring back these games, unless they tackle the cheating epidemic. I know I will absolutely hate these games, if I was to play them now, with all the effing cheating going on in fps games.

Psychonaut8550d ago

Bro the market is oversaturated with quality RPGs AND bloated shitty RPGs already.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 49d ago
Inverno50d ago

I honestly don't think we'll be seeing these anytime soon, if ever. Insomniac is officially on Marvel duty since it seems that all they're working on based off the leaks, and Horizon is more of what the casuals want these days. And I now I'll get a bunch of disagrees, but keep in mind that Resistance last got a game on the PS3 (2011) and Killzone was a launch title for the PS4 (2013). 10 years is a long time to make a game, if had any interest they would've done it by now, add InFamous to that list.

just_looken50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

Your right except the dates killzone mercenary was on ps vita 2013 same with resistance burning skies back in 2012

Good-Smurf50d ago

Both of those games are either made by smaller B team or completely different developer.
Killzone Mercenary developed by Guerilla Cambridge which is now defunct.
Resistamce Burning Skies wasn't made by Insomniac but by Nihilistic Software also defunct after the failure of CoD Black Ops Declassified.

just_looken50d ago

@good i know i never said they were

I mentioned them as they were the last games under that ip well killzone was last on ps4 but still even though they are different devs they led to the lose of the ip.

I highly doubt they made up for there budget cost even killzone on ps4 had low sales for such a large ip at the time.

shinoff218350d ago

Infamous should atleast get remastered. I'd be cool with that


Resistance 3 turned me off to the series but I’d love a reboot. KillZone I think can stay dead. Give me a new Resistance like 1or 2 and I’ll be happy.

JEECE50d ago

Except Resistance 1 and 3 were far more similar, 2 was the outlier. 3 was a great return to form after 2 changed so many things from the first game.


I didn’t like 3 and I didn’t find it similar to the first game.

Moegooner50d ago

2 was the best resistance game.

Michiel198950d ago

agreed, the co-op was my fav in 2

Michiel198950d ago

I'll keep saying it, have Bungie make a new resistance game, a match made in heaven. Although I imagine Bungie would be too proud to take over an existing IP.

Huey_My_D_Long50d ago

I honestly never cared or liked killzone. Huge resistance fan though. I remember so many nights playing melee only on USS Lexington, and I like the alt history vibe.

InUrFoxHole50d ago

Liked KZ more but both those games are better than MAG

Huey_My_D_Long50d ago

Since I'm down memory lane, I also wish for remaster of Warhawk.

P_Bomb50d ago

I’ve been barking up that tree for years. 😢

OtterX50d ago

Keep barking, boy! Keep barking! Never give up hope. ;)

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Killzone wasn’t a Halo killer, but a PS5 remake could come close

The first Killzone game never met lofty expectations of dethroning Xbox’s Halo, but if any game needs a PS5 remake, this is the one.

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Vits190d ago

I like Halo, but I don't think there is any need for a 'Halo Killer' at this point. If anything, the franchise is slowly undermining itself by making some of the dumbest mistakes possible. Infinite has finally reached a good point in terms of multiplayer, but it took an extra 2 years to get there. Meanwhile, the single-player experience is fine but rather mediocre when compared to the franchise peak.

That said, I would like to see the Killzone franchise back, if anything, to offer more variety to the PS5 exclusive catalog.

_SilverHawk_190d ago

sony should remaster all killzone games and bring back killzone multiplayer that is very similar to the style of killzone 2 multiplayer.

Cacabunga189d ago

Halo killed itself after Halo Reach.
Killzone went a little down in quality with SF on PS4 and I wish they kept them coming..

InUrFoxHole189d ago

??? Halo is doing great right now. I wouldn't mind seeing a kz2 mp rebirth

Cacabunga189d ago

Spawn grenade tactician class my favorite..

darthv72190d ago

I'd love a killzone trilogy, fully remastered on a single disc like they did with Uncharted. Maybe they could make it the full killzone saga including PSP and Vita games converted to console.

REDGUM190d ago

Yes please. Put me down for a copy, price irrelevant too. Loved allow those games in the franchise :)

Chocoburger190d ago

I've never liked the idea of a 'franchise killer', why can't both thrive, without one killing off the other? Its such a childish mentality.

That being said, if there ever was a true 'Halo killer', then it would have to be 343 Studios, and the Xbox division. They're doing a fine job killing off their own IP, apparently.

Profchaos190d ago

Cause console wars mostly drove the halo v killzone thing

Eonjay189d ago

And media co.panies like IGN drove the console wars for clicks.

Profchaos189d ago

Yeah and I still cringe super hard when IGN runs their next gen console watch segment 3 years into the consoles lifecycle we are approaching midgen likely by December and they are out there milking clicks like it's mid 2020 and were starved for information

ModsDoBetter190d ago

Halo doesn't need to be killed, they've done that themselves. It's a shell of its former self.

Zeref189d ago

And yet Halo is still here. Where is Killzone? Resistance? Haze? All the supposed "Halo Killers" are dead franchises 😂

DarXyde189d ago (Edited 189d ago )

"Dead" really isn't the right word for any of these franchises (except Haze). You're also calling these games dead for different reasons. oIMyersIo is saying a Halo is dead because it is not what it used to be and is saying it has gotten much worse. You are saying those franchises faded into obscurity and no one cares. I also find it funny that your first reaction is to name PlayStation franchises because you perceived their comment as a slight against Xbox. I hope you're at the very least part of their ambassador program...

Anyone that sees Killzone as dead is pretty myopic. A decade since their last Killzone, but they themselves have developed two full games since Shadow Fall. That's not many in context at all.

Resistance is a bit less clear. Insomniac is pretty tied up at the moment. Including all of their games on all platforms and ignoring Spider-Man Remastered, we're looking at 23 games since Resistance 3. That's alarmingly prolific and still no R4. My guess? In the modern era, a new Resistance is probably going to have to be a live service and Insomniac is not that studio.

I don't think it's dead though. Not at all.

Gaming4Life1981189d ago

Halo infinite is still the best exclusive fps and is doing great but you think it's dead lol. Its also one of the top fps games out here so i dont get where your coming from. Just because you don't play it does not mean it's dead or dying.

I liked killzone 1 & 2 and I think Sony should bring it back along with resistance cause they are in need of more variety in their first party lineup. Sony & MS are sitting on some great franchises that need a revival.

ModsDoBetter189d ago

"Just because you don't play it"

And there your argument was derailed.
Through making such an assumption, you have only served to show that your response is that of a fanboy and any criticism of your beloved franchises is met with speculation in order to downplay any counter argument.

As a matter of fact, as many in team blue on this site will tell you, I often do defend Xbox just as much as I defend PS, so for you to make such a silly comment is laughable.

I have played plenty of Halo: Infinite - on Series S, Series X and PC via Steam. To say the game comes anywhere near the franchise greats such as Combat Evolved and Halo 2 is delusional. The franchise is a shell of its former self and that is a FACT.

It absolutely isn't the best fps exclusive but at this point we're arguing over preferences which is pointlessly subjective.

Where I do agree is that a Resistance comeback would be great for Sony.

DrDoomer190d ago

I'd take Killzone and Resistance over Halo any day.

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A Live Service Approach Could Allow a New Killzone Game To Thrive

The Killzone series has been dormant since Shadow Fall, but a live service style for its multiplayer might just be exactly what it needs to succeed.

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TheExecutioner605d ago

It will fail as a live service. An attractive reboot is required. Sony needs a strong first party FPS.

TheEnigma313605d ago (Edited 605d ago )

They don't need a first party fps. Outside of Cod, they aren't as popular as they were last gen and definitely not as popular as they were in the PS3/360 era.

Pedantic91605d ago

COD is not the be-all and end-all of FPS games. Sony will only have it for a couple of years as the deal is more or less set in stone. Sony needs to work on bringing back Resistance/Killzone/MAG. They're sitting on so many IPs and yet they much prefer to chase the cinematic crowd or be an overall nuisance when things are changing. What did they expect when they play the money game against a much more wealthier company to can outpsend you when neccessary.

The "Trying to turn us into another Nintendo" should have been seen as compliment or as another way to thrive.

shinoff2183605d ago


Playing the money game do you mean the advertising rights to cod

Those Same rights ms bought first back during the 360. Ms has had 20 years to get it together and they haven't. All I have to say is who's next ms couldn't handle it even worse since they had more money then nin and Sony. They closed and or ruined so many studios. What is their issue

Rhezin605d ago

Agreed. That’s all they need now. A new Killzone/Resistance game would be perfect.

Mr_cheese605d ago

I'd love both! Especially miss Resistance. So many memories

1Victor604d ago

I would prefer a hawk game like a sequel/ reboot of Starhawk hell I’ll even take a remastered Warhawk or Starhawk with higher players numbers, 64 would be awesome

Crows90604d ago

I think they could seriously improve the fps genre in ways they dont even know.
Imagine those set peice moments that theyre making in 3rd person translated and designed for 1st person.

I think they could compete at a certain extent with CoD. Ive wanted another killzone and resistance long before the activ bliizard deal came around. Not to compete with CoD but to give great single player fps campaigns...this is sorely lacking right now and I hope Sonys sees it eventually.

Vengeance1138605d ago

Can't do any worse than Halo as a live service so yes please, atleast try it.

kingnick604d ago

Best careful what you wish for.

Overwatch 2 is another bad live service game.

Once a developer and publisher have burnt most of the goodwill of their playerbase an entire franchise can be destroyed.

Vengeance1138604d ago

Overwatch 2 despite the rough launch and bugs is hugely successful and crazy popular.
Not to mention Killzone is already dead so if a live service fails it what? Goes back to doing what it is now, being dead. Thus Killzone has absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Outside_ofthe_Box605d ago

Hell no.

Just remake KZ2 keep gameplay the same and it'll thrive, I'm sure of it.

JEECE605d ago

No it won't because if they just released a real multiplayer game and not a live service in 2022/2023 people would be whining two weeks after launch that the game was abandoned and "sent out to die."

People hate the terms "Live Service" and "Games as a Service," but in reality that's the only thing people want to play.

shinoff2183605d ago

Not at all. I currently play no live service games. I did try fallout 76. It became annoying when they wanted money for more storage. I probably played about 15 hours or so.

JEECE605d ago


I appreciate that individuals here and there don't, but if you look at how people react to multiplayer games now, it's clear that people want a live service, even if they don't want the publisher to call it that.

Look at Battlefield V. Tha game had maps released here and there for about a year and half, which is actually pretty typical for a Battlefield game (only 4 got map packs later in it's life cycle). Yet the entire narrative around that game now is that the devs abandoned it.

Or look at Red Dead Online. People talk about that game being "dead," and the community even had a funeral. Which you'd think would mean that the servers were down (that's what it used to mean), but it actually just meant the game was just being maintained in a status quo, not as a live service.

Heck, people's complaints about Halo are even more evidence. People used to play Halo multiplayer to have fun. Now people can't see the point in playing the game if there aren't new skins to earn.

SurgicalMenace605d ago

Exactly!! If you don't believe what's being said, I dare you to explore the most successful ongoing games. It seems like people just want everything to stay the same with no progression. I may not play, Destiny, Fortnite, FF14, League, Genshin or the like but I can see the opportunity they add to the industry.

--Onilink--605d ago

Honestly, people dont even understand what live service is at this point. They just hate the term.

What exactly would an FPS in 2022 that is NOT live service be?
No new maps released consistently
No new guns
Maybe a map pack at some point that completely breaks the player base/matchmaking
No constant balance / tuning updates

Thats what a live service FPS is at the end of the day. Anything else like battle passes or microtransactions are the funding methods

badz149605d ago


Halo Infinite MP was released as a live service game, though. it's starved off contents unlike other live service games thus the backlash is justified imo.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 605d ago
masterfox605d ago

oh hell no!!!!, look at Halo it sure is thriving lol, Killzone only needs a good story, heck you could even leave the graphics visual style of Shadowfall cause up to this day still looks freaking amazing.

Profchaos605d ago

It was my favourite in the franchise to date because it was a departure from the drab and dreary original colour profile the city keeps were still some of the best you'll see on ps4 to this day

kingnick604d ago

343i can't develop their own games in their own right and outsource when possible. I doubt Guerrilla Games would make the same mistakes but I don't see Killzone being a live service game adding much to anything other then Sony's bottom line.

TheEnigma313605d ago

Shadowfall was such a drop off from KZ 2/3. I wish they could remake KZ2; with the weight feel also.

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