
Death Stranding Review - Very Silent Hills | PowerUp

PowerUp! - "Death Stranding is not entertaining. As such, it fails as a video game, it fails as a narrative and it fails overall."

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Jin_Sakai1787d ago

I knew this would be a lo it or hate it type of game. Reviews seem to be all over the place.

Nitrowolf21787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

This score is BS, coming from someone who beat the game already. It sounds like from the story point they wanted things completely spelled out for them.

"Just look at the Metal Gear Solid series. I wouldn’t call their stories boring, but they are nonsense and often, terrible."
I mean really?

I'll admit it does drag, and that is where the majority of the mix reviews will come in.

IamTylerDurden11787d ago

It's an 84 Open Critic. Troll review, clearly.

PowerUpAU1787d ago

Not a troll and I didn't want the story spelled out for me. I simply didn't like it. The gameplay and the story bored me to death.

Xnx_gaming1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

@PowerUpAU If You did play it from start to finish, and there were no bugs, or glitches that broke the game; prevented you from finishing it, HOW COULD you classify any game like that lower than a 5/10?? Logically, if you like or hate it, it is still considered a "pass" if it is not "Broken." Maybe you might understand why you sound like a troll in this sense. Hungry for the click and attention, yeah? R.I.P.

GTgamer1787d ago

@PowerUpA 3/10 means unplayable is the game unplayable?

bluefox7551787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

Over the past few years I've learned to take the hipsters masquerading as journalists in the bay area with a shaker full of salt. Often times it seems like they're new to gaming and very disconnected with actual gamers like you and I. It's also worth considering that rage bait is one of their most reliable methods of generating traffic.

1787d ago
S2Killinit1786d ago

You didnt like it to the point that you rated it as if it was a broken game. If something was so terrible about it to justify a 3, then that thing should be expressly and specifically articulable. Not “its not entertaining”. A 3 is like saying its worst than some of the worse games out there. Only thing I can think of, is that something in the game offended you, or you have ulterior motives.

darthv721786d ago

Anything below a 5 is a broken game. This game is not broken... the reviewer is. He prob didnt understand how to play it and couldnt figure it out so he thought it was broken.

yomfweeee1786d ago


There's no standards for reviewing. I mean just think about what you said... if the game isn't broken it deserves a 5 minimum? Doesn't seem right. Why can't a game get a 3 just because it is stupid, terrible and not fun? I'm not saying DS is... but I think you u can give a 3 to a working game.

rob-GP1786d ago

Why are so many people on N4G claiming that every reviewer follows the same standardised rating process? All these "it can't be below 5 if it's not broken" is BS. I've not played DS, so I can't talk about this game, but can anyone point me to this universal law-abiding gospel of review scores which we should all be following when we review a game?

Don't forget, the 'score' on a review is that particular reviewer's personal opinion - not a factual rating which will be mirrored on every single site by every single person.

If you have played the game and feel it's worth more arbitrary points (the majority of people here haven't played it yet), then fair enough - you're allowed an opinion just like this guy can have one too. It just seems like there's a lot of angry people who are upset because a game they haven't played has received a few negative reviews.

skiggy341786d ago

How did yo play it already?

Rambokind1786d ago

Beat the game already -- WHAT AN EFFIN joke. What does that say about the game and you? I can spell it out for you if you like.

HaVoK3081786d ago

Reviews are subjective opinions. Even when you don’t like them.

IamTylerDurden11786d ago

You rate the game a 3/10

It's an 86 Open Critic and you give it a 3?

That is a score reserved for near broken games and utter disasters. Irresponsible journalism.

rainslacker1786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

As a reviewer, it shouldn't be so much about if you like the story or not, but if the story is constructed properly, and if it meets a certain level of objective coherence that you or your editor should assign to it for rating purposes.

When reviewing a game from someone like kojima, known for his story based games, you also have to put your own bias aside, and as a service to your readers inform them how the story holds up compared to his other games.

But, when you use your review to criticize other games he has made, it just makes you look bias, and that you went in with an objective to dislike whatever he put out. Chances are, if you didnt like the mgs games story, you wouldn't like this one, so while it's fine to say that as a service to the readers who may also not like such things, you didnt do anything to say why those who do like his work would find it good.

Reviews like that are worthless, because you assume that your readers care more about your opinion of the game, and in this case the dev, rather than care about a fair and honest review of the game.

Reviews are subjective looks at objective criteria. Something that most reviews cant seem to achieve anymore. If your review doesnt offer objective analysis to your subjective opinion, then it's not a review, it's an opinion piece that makes for a bad blog, and unfortunately is what passes for news nowadays

Sophisticated_Chap1786d ago

PowerUpAU is just expressing his own opinion for the game. Let's calm down everyone.

DerfDerf1786d ago

Anything under a 5 score is a broken game? get out of here with that nonsense. If a game is broken it should be a 1 and scale accordingly. The real issue isn't that this game got a 3 out of 10 from a reviewer the real issue is the sites giving it a 10 out of 10 while plainly stating in their review that the game is extemely boring and stale when it comes to actual gameplay but giving it a 10 based on the fact it's art. WTF is that nonsense. The most important part of a game is its gameplay. If its gameplay is found to be stale and boring by the reviewer how could it possibly be a perfect game. Almost unanimously every review (good and bad) claim that the core gameplay is extremely boring. Doesn't sound like a good thing for your game to have.

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dirtydizzil1787d ago

Has a meta score above 80 .....few gave it a really terrible score

1786d ago
affrogamer1787d ago ShowReplies(4)
KyRo1787d ago

It's basically side mission: the game from the sounds of it. This is the second open world game that has not worked out for Kojima. The art style and setting is brilliant but alot of people are calling it boring, just as MGSV was labeled boring.

Estrada_571786d ago

This whole love it or hate it vibe actually excites me more for than I was before for this game. Just means to keep an open mind and expect the unexpected. From most reviews they all say it's different in it's own right and I think whether it's as good or as bad as they say(mixed) the game industry is in need of something different and I'm all in for it

GamerRN1786d ago

I think it is an ok game, just not for everybody. Can't judge it until I play it. I'm looking forward to Hideos crazy stories

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rivaldoo7771787d ago ShowReplies(3)
IamTylerDurden11787d ago ShowReplies(2)
TheOptimist1787d ago

Zero Punctuation for this game gonna be hella lit. Can't wait.

trouble_bubble1787d ago

Who???? I’m waiting for Angry Videogame Nerd’s review in 2039.

Ceaser98573611787d ago

3/10 is too harsh. If the game was super buggy or glitchy than the score would be fine
A 5/10 if you didn't like the game sounds good.

FTLmaster1787d ago

I disagree. Reviewing a game is not like reviewing a car, a hoover, or an inaminate object. It’s an experience. If it’s not buggy, that doesn’t automatically give a game 5/10. That’s cobblers.

VerminSC1787d ago

How are you being downvoted?! It’s true just because a game has no bugs doesn’t mean it can’t suck ass

Chaos_Order1787d ago

I don't see why you're being downvoted so much either. Bugs can of course influence the experience, but you can still have terrible games with very few bugs and great games that are kinda buggy.

Personally, I'd say a 1/10 is the only appropriate score for something that's near unplayable. A 5/10 should be for games that are okay, but not recommended.

NnOric1787d ago

He is being downvoted for the exact same reason scores like 3/10 exist for this game.

frostypants1786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

Reviewing a game is plenty like reviewing a car, actually. If you know anything about cars.

IamTylerDurden11786d ago

The game is an 86 Open Critic and he gave it a 3. That seems irregular...no?

The sheer visuals, production value, and acting quality should've registered this as more than a 3 alone. F****** joke.

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Christopher1786d ago

Not necessarily. Bad acting, writing, world design, and gameplay and it can definitely be a 3/10. Being broken or glitchy can lower the score as well, but there are other things that can definitely get you there. I'm not sure if DS is deserving of the 3/10 based on the factors I mention, and it seems the majority of critics don't think so.

IamTylerDurden11786d ago

But the consensus is that none of those things are true. It's an 86 Open Critic with numerous perfect scores. This score is out of line.

It has a higher Open Critic than Gears 5 and Outer Worlds yet the narrative around those games was much different. Ppl were hailing them as great games, but the narrative about Death Stranding is that it's "mixed" or "divisive".

thedr9041786d ago

@IamTylerDurden1 "This score is out of line."

How is it out of line? It's the writer's opinion. They don't have to agree with the majority.

blackblades1786d ago

He dont know how to review a game.

rainslacker1786d ago

Depends on what this sites or reviewers scale is for determining score. 3/10 isnt always a broken game. Dunno about this site, but there is no real definition for what score means what. I do agree though that the overwhelming belief is that 3/10 is just a really bad game, sometimes broken. But broken to me means unplayable, which would be less than 3

1786d ago
rainslacker1786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

I can dislike something, and still rate it on it's technical merits, because I have a good understanding of what makes a good game. i don't like all kinds of game mechanics, but I recognize what some people like about different kinds of mechanics that may exist in games. FPS games aren't really my thing, but I can easily recognize those that are top of their class, and occassionally, I can still find one that I really enjoy because of other reasons.

I can also take any game I absolutely love, and find criticism in it, and I often do that on a personal level to fine tune my sense of what makes a good game. My own games I often look at them pretty harshly, to be able to tell what I could do to make them better. It's something I learned to do as a software engineer before I ever got into the gaming industry.

As far as what a 3 constitutes. I'd say it's a game that works, but where all the elements just don't come together. There are bugs present, maybe performance issues, and they are enough to be distracting, but don't make the game completely unplayable. Just things that you have to put up with. Moreso, it could also mean that the game mechanics get stale real quick, and there isn't enough there to hold it through to the end, even if those game mechanics are executed well.

Simply put, a 3 to me is it basically amounts to poor execution, with performance issues or bugs, coupled with uninteresting game play. Some of that is broadly stated, but it's the best I feel I can do to keep it brief.

A game that is broken to be unplayable is a firm 1....or 0 if that's available, because a game that is broken is not a complete game, and shouldn't be released.

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Juancho51226d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.