
Sony Grants Refunds to PS4 Buyers of WWE 2K20

Despite many of the recent titles being successful, The release of WWE 2K20 on October 22nd, 2019 was called one of the most catastrophic releases yet. In order to overcome this Sony grants refunds to PS4 buyers.

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paradigmfellow1682d ago

Are you sure this is not the one time life courtesy refund?

mikeslemonade1682d ago

Wwe 2k has always been bad. They don’t deserve the refund.

Sgt_Slaughter1682d ago

Good thing it's not up to you whether someone gets a refund then, since that's not any of this works.

CorndogBurglar1682d ago

Previous WWE 2K's have at least been playable. Whether they were fun or not is a matter of opinion. This thing is a broken mess and people deserve refunds.

outsider16241682d ago (Edited 1682d ago )

Thats a bit harsh. Previous wwe have been playable, infact they're actually good. This new one though..i have no words for it. And im a Wwe fan( always bought wwe for legends, since they're my idols).

Im gonna buy wwe2k 19 instead. I skipped 19 because i thought we would get the best in 2k20. Boy, was i wrong.

patrickman1682d ago

They got what they paid for, so no need to refund them.

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Sgt_Slaughter1682d ago (Edited 1682d ago )

That's what someone in the wrestling subreddit mentioned, it's more than likely because of that and not an exception

paradigmfellow1682d ago

I do not understand the downvotes. I ask a perfectly valid question that was not answered by the article. I personally want people to get their refunds back so that they stop feeding this kind of behavior.

SwagginMcdoodles1682d ago

Probably the WWE dick riders, which are arguably more annoying the Kojima ones.

Tross1682d ago

Who buys these kinds of games at launch? It’s commonly known that early adopters are just glorified free testers for these kinds of third party titles. Actually, scratch that, early adopters pay for the pleasure of testing the game.

TheColbertinator1682d ago

Good on them but WWE 2K needs some serious Q&A

Jin_Sakai1682d ago (Edited 1682d ago )

WWE 2K20 was fully developed by Visual Concepts. The previous games were developed by Yuke’s. So there lies the problem.

Livingthedream1682d ago

Yup most of the people that play these games are super casual fans, I doubt they even know who used to develop the old games, which from what I've heard much better quality than the 2k games.

Magic_Spatula1682d ago

Yep, Yuke's left roughly midway through development to start their own ventures and took the source code with them. Visual Concepts quickly put together whatever they could using the codes they had from previous games. It was a shitty situation that ended in a bad game. Game should have honestly been delayed but Take Two gotta make their quarterlies somehow.

Crayder1682d ago

Good on them, but some of those bugs are hilarious. I'm not even sure if I'd take a refund.

Chocoburger1682d ago

Oh really? Dear Sony (and Microsoft too), you both allowed this digital junk on your platforms. You have the power to refuse game certification, but you chose not to out of incessant greed.

Offering refunds is fine and dandy, but you allowed the issue to happen in the first place.
Yes, of course this is Take 2 and WWE's problem as well, but the game can never reach a player without certification from a first party publisher. Certification was granted when it shouldn't have, the whole point of certification is to prevent broken games from reaching the player. A broken game has reached the player, it happens all the time in fact.

The_Sage1682d ago (Edited 1682d ago )

So, in your opinion, play testers that are in house are not to be trusted at all, and platform holders are responsible for play testing all content. Should the same apply to other industries? The publisher sent this book to my book store, but I must have someone read it to be sure it's a well written book, or I won't sell it to my customers? Even if they want it? Seems a bit silly.

Not only that, but Sony nor Microsoft certify 3rd party games.

Chocoburger1682d ago

How clueless are you? Of course first party publishers require certification prior to selling a game on their platform! This trend started with the Famicom back in the early 80s. Even game patches have to be certified prior to being placed on the download servers.

Please educate yourself before posting on this subject further:

- https://community.gemsofwar...

- Ninja Gaiden for Xbox could not be certified by Microsoft because none of the American play testers could complete the game on the highest difficulty setting. Team Ninja had to send their best (and perhaps only) Japanese play tester to America and show off completing the game in front of them to prove it was possible. This was required in order for the game to be certified and thus sold.

- https://sonyreconsidered.co...

- https://www.reddit.com/r/PS...

- https://kotaku.com/so-how-l...

- https://arstechnica.com/gam...

- https://www.wired.com/2008/...

The_Sage1682d ago

Did you actually read any of those links?.. I did. They talk about the platform holders granting them certification to allow publication, not certifying the product. All the platform holders are doing is being sure that the game fits within guidelines before allowing the product on their system. It's not like the old days of Nintendo's crooked seal of approval.

Magic_Spatula1682d ago

This is basically how it's done. These system developers don't have all the time in the world to play every single game through to completion before it releases on their systems. Someone most likely plays it at bare minimum to see if the game meets said system developer's guidelines. It's near impossible to police every single game that goes through their system.

The_Sage1682d ago (Edited 1682d ago )

Magic gets it. As long as the basic guidelines are met the game is a go.

CorndogBurglar1682d ago

So by your logic its ultimately Sony and Microsoft's fault any time a bad game gets released? That's asinine.

CorndogBurglar1682d ago

YOU need to educate YOURSELF. Those links aren't saying what you obviously think they are saying...if you even read them.

Lon3wolf1682d ago

Those links are about 10 years old lol, they may not be even remotely relevant anymore.

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I feel I should explain my issue with Yuke's

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SharnOfTheDEAD1295d ago

Personally I wanted a 2d fighter, considering AEW been doing promotions with Capcom i thought we'd see a 2D fighter featuring AEW Wrestlers and Street Fighter, whether it's classic side scroller or vs. I'm fed up typical wrestling games, I'd like to see something different. The pro to all this is that they have the original director from No Mercy. Just have to wait and see but I'm not getting my hopes up. At least we have AEW, cos damn WWE sucks atm

BLAKHOODe1295d ago (Edited 1295d ago )

I feel like you shouldn't. The game is super early in development and will be using next-now-current gen hardware with fresh insight on today's product. Shut up and give the game a chance.

WheatBread1295d ago

I want AKI to make a new wrestling game.

8bitRey1295d ago

I'm optimistic for the AEW game. Kenny Omega is a legit gamer, he played a lot of Street Fighter while he was busy putting on classic matches in New Japan. He was training/sparring in Street Fighter with some of the best players in the world - like Infiltration and Poongko for example - during his time off!

Thankfully I got Fire Pro Wrestling World to keep me going for years to come.


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