
Analyzing the Impact of Xbox Game Pass

Ainsley Bowden for SG: "Examining Xbox Game Pass, the questions surrounding it, and how it’s changing the industry."

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Spurg1660d ago

An analysis but with amount minimal amount of breaking down. This is more of an observation.

Orionsangel1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

I think the main difference between Game Pass and PS Now is that Game Pass is offering launch titles. That's the big sell for me. I'm basically getting 60 dollar launch titles for free.

On another note, Game Pass defeats the purpose of Xbox Gold. Makes no sense to keep Gold going. Just make Game Pass encompass all of it.

HighPlayer281660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

I agree Gold needs more value thats even better than Gamepass.

ElementX1660d ago

Gold needs more value? They are giving you 360 and One games. Plus only gives you PS4 games.

timotim1660d ago


They also give you Xbox Originals as well.

Livingthedream1660d ago

Beyond launch titles, their streaming option. Only offers 720p whereas gamepass for PC let's you take advantage of your hardware

Spurg1660d ago

Games pass ultimate adds the value if you want both.

Orionsangel1660d ago

@ElementX You're missing the point. Take those free Gold games and just add them as part of the hundreds of free game pass games. We're already getting 5 free games added a month with Game Pass. We don't need a separate service called, Xbox Gold. Gold as part of Game Pass is like a service inside a service. It's pointless. Just make it so you subscribe to Game Pass and get hundreds of free Xbox One and PC games and online of course and that's it. Why muddy the waters with another extra service?

ElementX1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

I don't subscribe to Game Pass so the free Live games are a bonus for me (I usually don't even play them).

rainslacker1660d ago

If MS wants Game Pass to be the next big thing, then they'll at least remove the Gold requirement from games gotten through it. But, doing it the way they do it now, they'd basically be making more money, because XBLG is required for online play. Business wise, replacing one service that is already making money, with another one which cost more to operate but doesn't charge proportionately more, doesn't make a lot of sense.

Could happen though, but GWG isn't what most people are signing up for when they get XBLG.

Zeref1659d ago

Ultimate encompasses all of it.

Aside from Multiplayer and Party Chat , Gold allows you to keep GWG games forever. Not only when you're subscribed. There's also Deals with Gold that give you sharp discounts.

There's value in keeping it around for those that don't want GamePass or if they offer GWG that aren't in GamePass.

Orionsangel1659d ago

Ultimate Game pass can give you hundreds of free games, discounts and online without calling anything Gold.

While regular Game Pass just gives the free games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1659d ago
xX-oldboy-Xx1660d ago

Look at the effect on Gears 5 retail sales in England, double edge sword this gamepass thing. I don't think it's very smart for ms to do their 'day 1 on gamepass' - but if their happy, more power to them.

Livingthedream1660d ago

Yeah not sure if theyll make money out of this in the long run, but im going to take advantage of it. Benefits me greatly

Zeref1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

Of course it will. MS knows what they're doing.

UltraNova1660d ago

It is smart at the beginning at least. Offer everything for nearly free to lure users in and hook them, then gradually increase the price more and more. Remember how much Netflix cost when it launched and how much does it cost today?

Don't be fooled.

jjb19811660d ago

It's been like a $5 increase over 10 years. Come on bruh...

UltraNova1660d ago


Have you read about how people were outraged by Netflix's last price hike, or how many subs they lost and how much their stock depreciated? Don't underestimate this.

I do not deny GPs current value, I simply can't trust MS's true plans with it.

Atom6661660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

If only I could go back in time and protect myself from the horrors of enjoying Netflix all these years. If I had known that they'd increase the price, I would never have subscribed in the first place!

Seriously, if Game Pass becomes a poor financial choice for me in the future, I won't subscribe. Don't be fooled to think that the market won't be OK either way.

sprinterboy1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

You serious bro, I've had Netflix from the beginning about £3.99 if I remember correctly (10 years ago) now I'm paying £8.99 (that's a fiver, it's called inflation rates)

Edit: you do realise everything goes up right, bread, milk, broadband yearly increase, TV license goes up every year, gas and electric.

"don't be fooled" pmsl

Kiwi661660d ago

Yeah because nothing ever goes up in price /s

rainslacker1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

I remember when netflix cost me about $13/month for two rentals at a time. Didn't get into the streaming service until a couple years ago, and think it went from $13 to $15. That's not much of an increase that I worry about it.

Amazon Prime has been more problematic with their random price increases which don't seem to add any value.

The MSRP of Game Pass will go up eventually. Probably some time next gen. All the pricing now is to get people locked in, which is why they were offering 2-3 years for $1 each, because it means you may stick with them come next gen. That's a good revenue stream for MS, even if they lose money now.

As a consumer, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of it, as MS can decide if what they're selling at a price is worth it to them.

1660d ago
UltraNova1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )


I know prices go up and its part of the business. Hell Netflix going up 5 bucks in 10 years is no issue I agree but we are fast approaching a situation where everyone will have a sub service inadvertently locking up content behind them so I ask you to consider this, how many sub services are you willing to join just to access the content you are "free" to access today? Do a preliminary addition now and tell me, can you afford this?

This is all I'm saying... its not about "what ifs" its about "when" at this point.

Livingthedream1659d ago

@ultranova Netflix actually reported and increase in earnings they're still making money

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1659d ago
Spurg1660d ago

They have been compensated already. It isn't about sales anymore but how much gamers you can retain within the game pass subscription. With game pass being on Xbox One and PC it will increase in the millions and be a key strategy for the next gen and Xcloud.
Most of the people with common sense would have gotten the game on gamepass and will maintain that sub for other games like Blair witch, bloodstained and outer world and I can assure you with the way gamepass is going you will not have a reason to unsubscribe from the service.

xX-oldboy-Xx1660d ago

It is about sales, it will always be about sales - at the same time you're right that ms is trying to increase and retain subscribers to gamepass.

ms doesn't make good games. Sony and Nintendo do, ms simply doesn't.

Only ms knows if this is a positive thing for them.

I think this is hail Mary from ms because they know they can't compete in console gaming as we know it.

rainslacker1660d ago

MS makes good games. They just don't make enough of them, or at least don't have a consistent regular release schedule. Hopefully that'll change next gen when all these new dev purchases start delivering.

Spurg1660d ago

"ms doesn't make good games. Sony and Nintendo do, ms simply doesn't."

It simply you're opinion. How is Gear 5 not a good game?

xX-oldboy-Xx1660d ago

Sales tell me it was a failure, how's the player numbers? or do we just the people that played it for 30 min as the metric I'd success?

1659d ago
xX-oldboy-Xx1659d ago

shaggy - thanks for replying mate. Are reviews to be trusted? This was ms's beacon of hope - and you muppets gobbled it up at $1 for 3 months - and then most of them deleted it.

But how do we know? Whats the truth? Call it out for what it is - smoke and mirrors. Fake ms cunts hahaha

1660d ago Replies(1)
1660d ago Replies(1)
Spurg1659d ago

"Sales tell me it was a failure"
It pretty obvious why....and it was already mentioned.

"It is about sales, it will always be about sales. Sales tell me it was a failure, how's the player numbers? or do we just the people that played it for 30 min as the metric I'd success?

Your logic is flawed

When 3 million players are playing in the first week then it changes the picture completely.
Gears 5 brought 3 million gamers to games pass who will stay subbed once they have a taste of the abundance of games on the service.
3000000 *10 GPD per month= 30000000 million
3000000*15 GPD per month with Gamepass ultimate= 45000000 million

If Gears 5 would have turned that 3 million into tradition sales it would have amounted to
3000000*60 GPD =180 million for maybe the first month or two. But MS turned Gear 5 into a game that attracts people to game pass so they will get constant revenue from the subscription every month which will amount to much more.

And that's just the first week imagine how many gamers were brought it in the subsequent weeks.
By now game pass numbers should be in the millions considering it a killer app if you own an Xbox/PC. They should be projecting to bring in 100 million per month at a point. Plus even if sales are low COMPARED to previous games they are still making money from that end as well.

At the end of the day, Gamepass benefits both the gamers and MS. You don't have to worry about the sales.

Zeref1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

Adding XGS games day 1 increases the value of GamePass. Meaning more subscribers. As long as they can maintain a large number of subscribers they will profit eventually. Right now they spend more money than they make because otherwise they wouldn't get subscribers. But after they get a certain amount. They will start to profit like crazy.

Let's say they got just 10million subscribers.(I assume it's around 5million right now)
That's 100million dollars per month that they get. That's already over a billion a year.

AAA games usually cost between 50 to 100 million to make. They could literally afford to fully fund 1 or 2 AAA game every month and still have money left over.

note: They do get ALL the money from GamePass. They don't share it with Devs. They pay devs upfront to license their games for a certain amount of time. That's how subscription services work.

Anyway, i'm not sure why everyone is worried about this, Microsoft is a trillion dollar company. I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing when it comes to monetization.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1659d ago
HighPlayer281660d ago

Xbox Game Pass is causing disruption in the industry with its success and can become greater with better exclusives and more diverse 3rd party support. Microsoft has to make devs buy into their service so more new content can keep coming in the service. They need to get the Asian market on board with the service because thats the market their struggling to gain an audience. XGP and Xcloud are two services which could give Microsoft huge success in Asia if they can grab talented Asian developers.

StormLegend1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

I wanna see how long MS can keep this going because spending $1 to play $60 games mean someone isn't making money. I don't care who's loosing it but I do know they can't keep it up all next generation. If so I'll be surprised.

Wikkid6661660d ago

It's about the long game. For them them it's like a gateway drug at cheap price. 3 things will happen:
1. You love it and them keep paying at full price
2. Forget to cancel it and then you are paying full price
3. Hate it and cancel it. The promo price is a one time deal. So months or years down the road you want it or try it again. You pay full price.

alb18991660d ago

It is just an offer so you can try it and they are confident that then you will be happy paying the real value.
If you get the offer the right way then you got one to three years of gamepass And gold so when the next generation arrives whatever what will you buy first? The console that you have all the games alrady for one to three years or the one that you have to pay 60 for every game plus the PSN?
It is simple.

sprinterboy1660d ago

Yeah it's great for the gamer but I don't see how it's being profitable all round especially with the £1 offers which I'm sure since gamepass launched is like 99% of gamers (don't think they'll have too many full priced subs)
I guess ms is hoping for 100m or 500m gamers to try gamepass for at least a year (on and off) in total across a 6 year gen period?
Some people just forget to cancel? My friend had BT sport and amazon prime for 2 years and didn't even know he had it pmsl.
At the end of the day you can't beat options, but like you said it's hard to see how ms are profiting and yes of course they are dangling the carrot and yes pricing will become more concrete nxt gen.
What will become apparent is gamers don't like £14.99 for a gamepass or psnow so it's gonna have to stay at ££8.99 cause gamers won't pay more than that.
Tbh though I used ea access last month £3.99 and got anthem, battlefront 2 single player, fe, battlefield 5 and replayed burnout remastered (bargain) then psnow this month £8.99 replaying gow, uc4, steep, farm sim, mudrunner, Agatha Christie, prey, mkx etc (again bargain).
I have to say though 80% of the games are shite, so glad I didn't buy steep, fe, mudrunner, farm sim, Agatha Christie, SoT, prey, gears 4, Sod etc.
These services have saved me a fortune and in all honesty kinda shows how bang average a shit load of games are.
I find the AAA 1st party to be excellent, with a handful (yes a handful) of 3rd party and Indies thrown in across the gen.

battlegrog1660d ago

it took netflix years to prove the model and music did the same thing andnow you have many other streaming choices. Xbox it will be no different,It will work but it will take some time. Will do well

rainslacker1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

Consider people that signed up for 2-3 years at $1 each. Those people are now more likely to buy an Xbox next gen because they are invested in a service, which will provide them more meaningful content than old games on their account, which they can play on their existing hardware, friends lists, and achievement lists. All of which MS found people weren't willing to stick around for this gen.

It's a long game for MS, and right now they want people invested in the service, so hopefully they'll remain invested in it for the long run. MS isn't opposed to taking a large hit on revenue for long term gain, and MS wants to keep it's place within the gaming market, in particular, with DX12 being a primary API to make games...something that both PC and console devs are pushing them back on market share. That API works really well with their development software, which they make a lot of money on.

ElementX1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

I think a lot of, or all of Live fees are profit, not necessarily keeping the servers running. MS cloud services are raking in huge amounts of money and can more than support the cost of running Xbox Live. Even with the $1 upgrade you're paying for the years of Live, so you're actually paying say, $121 for 2 years of Ultimate as opposed to just the $1 people keep saying. $121 times 3M subscribers (just an example) is $363M in Microsoft's pocket right now, collecting interest and being invested to gain even more profits.

In addition, you have say 2M people paying $10/month for game pass, that's $20M more per month in income. If they continue for 2 years, that is a total of an additional $480M income. $363M+$480M=$843M for 2 years worth of services and more than enough to fund some games and pay other developers for free Live games and Game Pass. That $843M is only taking into consideration 5M customers across upgrades and monthly game pass. There could be significantly more subscribers, making even more money. There are millions of people who pay $60 for Live and don't use Game Pass, that $843M doesn't even include those people.

Some people do the trial and cancel, or people pay $10 when a good game comes out and cancel, that's still income they might not be getting otherwise. I think a majority of people will continue to keep Game Pass if the good games are there.

I prefer buying games, but to each their own.

sprinterboy1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

Same buddy, I prefer buying physical or digital this gen but have recently tried ea access and psnow which all gave me great value in trying games I was on the fence about mudrunner, farm sim etc.
But agree also on the revenue these services can possibly generate.
Its so much easier as a example for mum and dad to just buy the child/teenager a subscription package for the year every Xmas holidays or there birthday etc.
Imagine growing up and having a library of games all for £50 for the year? I would have loved that 30 years ago as a kid.
Its where its heading for sure and personally I don't mind change aslong as nobody messes with my AAA 1st party single player games.
If all this means gaas model games or battle royal or always online or these games are best played with friends and mic etc then sadly gaming will no longer be a hobby for me as I don't like just those games/experiences. (certainly not everyday anyway)
All gaming is now is kids and adults all wetting themselves with excitement waiting to get home to chat on the headset and play fortnite, destiny, division2 etc style games.
If your a hate the mic kinda person then gaming sadly is gonna drift away for me and others as everything game wise requires chatting to fully experience the game? I don't mind the chat but not every day.

timotim1660d ago

How can you say that without even understanding what their business model is? Without any knowledge, all you're doing is speculating.

ThinkThink1660d ago

At the $1 deal, MS is losing, I believe that's why it's only for 2 months. When they introduced Gamepass Phil Spencer mentioned using the funds from gamepass to fund future games. So hypothetically if 5 million people subscribe to game pass for a year at 10 dollars a month, that's 50 million dollars a month that Microsoft can feed into the development of its own games as well as procuring 3rd party games for the service. If the users hit 10 million, that's 1.2 billion dollars a year that MS has to play with. As long as they keep the value up, that's plenty of $$ to go around.

rainslacker1660d ago

If you look at the numbers of what they're making on Game Pass, even if you look at normal priced subs the numbers look good, but put it in perspective.

Lets take Gears 5.

Lets say it sells 5 million at around $60. This means the net revenue for the game coming into MS as the publisher would be right around 200 million. To make that much from the subs, you would need 1.25 million subs for four months. The actual profit though is diluted because the money from Game Pass is used to fund additional content from 3rd party, so, not only is MS funding 50-100 million dollar developments, but paying publishers for additional content, so in effect, that raises the operating costs to the point where they aren't making as much.

Overall, they aren't likely to lose money, but releasing their games day one means losing sales on the game. Obviously it'll still sell, so if a game sells half as much, the numbers change, but I wanted to keep it simple.

The model looks less profitable the more high production games they end up releasing. MS is promising all these games, which some are assuming to eventually make them on par with Sony's outings. If they achieve that, then they will need a huge number of subscribers to really make it work for the long term. High quality content can make this happen, but it seems that the actual model is less profitable overall.

On the other hand, and probably more important to investors, is that it provides a relatively steady revenue stream where individual quarters or years aren't as affected by things like slower software output, or failures of games, because once people are locked in, they're likely to not just drop a service like this due to a drought.

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At the time of this comment, I am not seeing Odyssey on Xbox or PC yet.


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ocelot07833d ago

Unfortunately I think so. Not anytime soon. But in a few years time. They want that on everything.

833d ago
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Won't happen, software is where all the money is made. These companies take losses on these consoles and then make up for it with software sales.


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